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TopSideMonitor: fish behavior recording and tracking

TopSideMonitor is a python program for recording and analyzing adult zebrafish behavior developed for our study "Rapid olfactory discrimination learning in adult zebrafish" Namekawa et al (2018) Experimental Brain Research. TopSideMonitor uses two orthogonal webcams (Top and Side views) to track fish in 3D and extract various parameters (xyz trajectory, swimming speed, water surface sampling, distance to a point of interest etc) useful to characterize fish behaviors.

Tracking stacks top and side views in one video and can track multiple fish in one video.


For Windows 7 users, binary files are available from the release tab at github. For Window 10, follow the instructions below.

Install dependencies: numpy (v1.9.2), scipy (v0.15.1), wxpython (v2.8.12), opencv (v2.4.12), matplotlib (v1.4.3), xlrd, xlwt. These specific library versions are all important.

The most libraries can be installed by miniconda commands below:

conda create -n topside27 python=2.7.10

conda activate topside27

conda install numpy=1.9.2 scipy=0.15.1 matplotlib=1.4.3

conda install -c krisvanneste wxpython

conda install xlrd xlwt

For opencv, download the official binary from

Extract and copy cv2.pyd in opencv\build\python\2.7\x64 to site-packages of your conda environment (e.g. C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\envs\topside27\Lib\site-packages).

Copy everything (all starting with opencv_) in opencv\build\x64\vc12 folder to the site-packages.

Copy opencv_ffmpeg2412_64.dll in opencv\build\x64\vc12 next to your conda python.exe (i.e., miniconda3\envs\topside27 folder, two levels above site-packages).

(Optional) When using a FireWire camera, install motmot.cam_iface from

How to use

Once installed, activate the conda environment by conda activate topside27 from Anaconda prompt and then start the script by python for recording and by python for analysis.

Recording FrontEnd

  • This is the GUI frontend for recording fish behavior. Run this script to set the recording parameters in GUI and press Launch button to open two camera frame viewers.

  • With one of two frame viewers clicked, use keyboard shortcuts to control video acquisition. First, press T to preview foreground image to optimize the webcam setting (exposure, contrast, etc) and lighting. Once nice & stable fish foreground is obtained, press T again to come back to raw frame view. Now, press R to start the recording and R again to stop. You can set a fix amount of time or frames to record in the GUI as well. ECS will close and exit from the viewer.

Tracking tool

This is for analysing the video generated with It tracks fish with a simple background subtraction method (opencv MOG) and extracts from 3D fish trajectory various parameters to characterize feeding behavior.


  1. Open a video file from Menu File -> Open or just drag and drop it.
  2. Register a fish name (eg. Fish01) and press Register fish/Save button and choose this fish from the pull down menu on right. You can use Remove button to remove the wrong entry.
  3. Set ROI for TopView by adjusting parameters starting with TV (Topleft x1,y1; Bottomright x2,y2).
  4. Set 6 parameters for Side View starting with SV (Topleft x1,y1; Bottomright x2,y2; outside corner of the other wall x3,y3).
  5. Set TV/SV noise blob size in pixels. Anything below this size will be discarded as noise blobs.
  6. Click on InflowTubes and click a point inside Top View ROI and a point inside Side View ROI. This defines a point of interest to measure distance from fish.
  7. Click on TopView ring or SideView ring and draw a polygon around the feeding circle (8 points).
  8. (Optional) TV ROI Head can rotate the Top View ROI if needed.
  9. If more than one fish is in the video, you can repeat 2 and 8 to regisrer more.
  10. Set MOG parameters: history, nmixtures, backgroundRatio, noiseSigma, learningRate (c.f. opencv doc)
  11. Press Play/Track to start tracking. To speed up the tracking, you can close opencv window by Close OpenCV button.
  12. Press Register fish/Save when tracking is done.
  13. You can review and correct the tracking result in replay mode available from pull-down memu above Play button.

Analyzing olfactory conditioning behavior

After the tracking is done for the portion of video that you are interested in, you can register events and obtain various behavior parameters around events.

  1. Register events by preparing an excel sheet (or you can do it from the GUI as well). First collumn is fish name, 2nd is event label, 3rd is the event frame number (check example_event_sheet.xlsx). Dropping the excel file on GUI will overwrite the events.
  2. Menu Analysis -> Create PDF report to get a PDF summary of this analysis and npz/mat file containing tracking data and analysis results.


TopSideMonitor is licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see the LICENSE.txt file.