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Python3 Virtual Env

  • mkdir ~/Envs/sds_vrfy
  • pyvenv ~/Envs/sds_vrfy
  • and once you're in the directory where this project is, activate the virtual environment with: source ~/Envs/sds_vrfy/bin/activate

Start the Database / Create a Table

  • pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/var/postgres
  • psql -l //lists databases
  • createuser <username>
  • createdb -O <username> <dbname>

Start Redis (Used as a message broker with Celery)

  • redis-server
  • Test to see if it's up & accepting connections with redis-cli ping


  • in a new tab, start celery to monitor tasks with: celery --app=vrfy.celery:app worker --loglevel=DEBUG
  • in another tab, run celery -A vrfy flower, which starts a simple webserver so you can monitor the workers and tasks

Use these names in the settings file

(meeting with adam 6.4.15)

output from the likely include a tools or file for to use some message to the student data.csv or json object that gives tango info like number of attempts and date submitted data dump to the host server

return something like results.txt with fields like score, feedback to do: give adam and jim and eric a detailed desription of what needs to be in data.csv and results.txt

Running locally:

  • (if you don't have python3 installed, brew install python3. if you don't have homwebrew installed, do that.)

  • start postgres database should be something like pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/var/postgres, where /usr/local/var/postgres is the location of the database.

  • In another tab/window cd <vrfy-dir> and start the virtual environment

  • pip install -r requirements.txt this command installs the python libs for this project

    • a note about this: the version of django-grappelli that were's using is not what's currently distributed with pip install django-grapelli. Running that will give you the latest stable release compatible with Django 1.7. Since we're using Django 1.8 and there's a stable grappelli branch available, we're grabbing v.2.7.x right from github with: pip install git+
  • npm install this command installs the node modules required for this project (if you don't have node installed brew install node)

  • bower install this command installs the bower components required for this project (if you don't have bower installed npm install -g bower)

  • python3 collectstatic this collects static files from the static folders and the bower_components directories (as per vrfy/

  • if you're running this for the first time or have changed the models at all, make migrations (see below)

  • grunt this command creates the files & folder necessary (e.g course/static/course)

  • python3 customdashboard vrfy/ creates a dashboard for grappelli.dashboard to use

  • python3 gruntserver this is a custom command that integrates the task runner grunt with the traditional runserver command provided by django (see [] if you're curious). Grunt compiles all .scss files into .css, concatenates all .js files and puts them into the /static/ subdirectory of the course app. Whenever a change is made to a .js file in course/js (and respectively, a .scss file in course/sass) grunt recompiles everything and the changes are reflected in the browser (at localhost:8000). Of course, you can always use python3 runserver, which runs the server using localhost at port 8000.

  • (Add /admin to see the admin interface (which is all there really is to see right now, since the authentication is hardcoded in for this development environment) if you add some problems & problem sets and go back to the home page you'll be able to see the problem sets and problems on the main page)

If there are migrations to make:

  • python3 makemigrations <app_name>
  • python3 migrate

Testing via the admin interface

  • log in (create a superuser if you didn'd do that already)
  • any problems (and associated solution files) that are created will be added to the problem_assets folder (for more on the directory structure surrounding that, see solution_file_upload_path() and student_file_upload_path() in course/

Create a user for the admin interface:

  • python3 createsuperuser

###Getting Tango to work

  • clone Tango to your machine (the dist_docker branch, commit eb18878d49c0ca718fc994919ed08b92aa00a77b, see how to clone old commit)
  • Follow their instructions for getting Tango running with docker
  • In vrfy/ change TANGO_ADDRESS to the Tango server's address, TANGO_KEY to one of the keys for the server and TANGO_COURSELAB_DIR to the directory where Tango will store its courselabs
  • When you start the server you may want to use sudo, ie: sudo python restful-tango/ to make sure it has permission to edit the courselabs

To get tango to work (if you don't have a linux machine):

Docker examples Starts an niginx webserver, keeps the process running, publishes the ports, uses the files at the given path, and calls it mysite docker run -d -P -v $HOME/site:/usr/share/nginx/html --name mysite nginx docker ps //lists processes boot2docker ip //boot2docker's ip docker pull ubuntu //grab a linux distro

###Goals make sure there's markdown support for the problem statements


the (bare bones) beginnings of the cs hw project for the sds






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