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Note: this project is not supported anymore. It was experiment with design models (but used in some production envoironments also).

Tackle is business oriented content management system written on top of Python and BlueBream.

Tackle software features:

1. Our deployment policy is to build rich and powerful virtual environment from start, downloading as much as possible Python/ZTK packages and allow users to develop plugins ("tacklets") with them. We do not speculate about a minimalism when it comes to software dependencies. All dependencies are in your virtual environment from start. Use them.

  1. Taclke is not CMS for building piblic web sites.

3. We provide 2 packages: Tackle and Tacklets. First is CMS. It provides common functionality to build web applications. Customizable user profiles, security settings, skin and etc. But it does not provide any end-user useful functionality, related to any content management. In other words, Tackle package provides empty, bare, very special CMS.

4. Second package contains some useful open source plugins ("tacklets"). The package "Tacklets" is just convenient way to start use tackle. Thus you do not need Tacklets package to work with Tackle, generally.

Install Tackle: common way

Install Tackle in 3 steps: install system dependencies, create virtual environment, install python packages.

NOTE: you don't need to download package "Tackle", because pip utility is downloading it from internet.

1. Install system dependencies

Install required packages. In Ubuntu, it is:

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev build-essential libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

In Slackware just make sure D software series is installed.

2. Create virtual environment

It is strong recommended to use virtualenv, because we going to downloading and install number of ZTK packages.

For this, we provide requirements file. This file is allowing you to build good virtual environment with all the required packages. Create the sandbox with this virtual environment using virtualenv. We're assuming, for example, the filesystem path for the environment will be `~/sandbox`:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute ~/sandbox

3. Install packages

Install Tackle software within the sandbox:

$ wget
$ ~/sandbox/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

This will download and install all the required packages into the sandbox, including "Tackle" and "Tacklets" packages.

That's it. Create application instances, see section "Tackle instance".

Install Tackle: development mode

Follow 1 and 2 steps from previous section (install system dependencies and create virtual environment). Then get repositories:

$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://

Download and install all ZTK packages. For this, use requirements file from "Tackle" package:

$ ~/sandbox/bin/pip install -r tackle/maintain/requirements.txt

Install "Tackle" and "Tacklets" packages in development mode:

$ cd tackle
$ ~/sandbox/bin/pip install -e .

$ cd ../tacklets
$ ~/sandbox/bin/pip install -e .

Of course, "Tacklets" package is optional - you do not need it to run Tackle at all.

Tackle instance

Create Tackle instance "sample":

$ ~/sandbox/bin/tackle create sample

and run server:

$ ~/sandbox/bin/tackle daemon sample

Get quick help:

$ ~/sandbox/bin/tackle help

Take a look sample/etc/site.zcml, edit it if necessary, then restart server.


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