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COMP 598:
Linear Regression Mini Project 1

by Casper Liu, Eric Quinn, Howard Huang

Detailed project report can be found here:


In our code, we used several libraries, including numpy, praw, indicoio, nltk and progress. To install, run

pip install numpy
pip install praw
pip install indicoio

Running the code

In the python interpretor, run


to load all the necessary code for the regression analysis

First, we must load the data set:

(X,Y) = (X,Y) = read_csv_into_matrices('data/OnlineNewsPopularity.csv', 2, 60)
# or 
(X,Y) = read_csv_into_matrices('reddit_full_data_76.csv', 0, 76)

To reproduce the data in the report, we normalize the data:


Now that we have the X and Y variable, we can run the closed form linear regression:

# 0.01 is the lambda parameter for ridge regression
w_optimal = closed_form_regression(X, Y, 0.01)

To run the gradient descent algorithm, do:

# 0.01 is the learning rate, or alpha
# 10 is the lambda parameter
w_gradient = gradient_descent(X, Y, 1000, 0.01, 10)

To tune the hyperparameters, we can use the k-cross-validation algorithm:

# total_error = k_cross_validation(X, Y, k, iter, alpha, lambda)
total_error = k_cross_validation(X, Y, 5, 1000, 0.1, 10)

This reports the total error of this particular set of hyperparameters as a result of k fold cross validation. To tune the hyperparameter, iterate through the cross validation step with different parameters and choose the one with lowest error.

To calculate the error using the w we optimized:

computeSSE(X, Y, w_optimal) # computes sum squared error
computePError(X, Y, w_optimal) # computes mean squared percentage error 
computeMSE(X, Y, w_optimal) # computes the MSE

To output the predicted Y vs. actual Y:

write_output("output.csv", X, Y, w_optimal)

which creates a csv file output.csv with one column of predicted Y and another of actual Y in matching rows for data plotting.

Web Crawler

We used BeautifulSoup library combined with PRAW reddit API wrapper to gather the data. To run the crawler, place the first reddit page to crawl at 'data/reddit.html' and execute:


It first uses BeautifulSoup library to crawl all the page links starting from the page of reddit.html, and follows the next page link until the end. After saving the links to a file, we extract each unique post ID from the links, and use PRAW to visit each page. At the end, each submission will be stored to a list and pickled to a file 'reddit_submissions'

Feature Extraction

To extract the features from reddit posts, load the previously pickled file and convert to csv.

all_submissions = pickle.load(open('reddit_submissions'))
posts_to_csv("reddit_data.csv", all_submissions)

README file by Casper


Linear regression project to predict mashable article scores






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