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RESTIT.. a REST framework for DJANGO

Quick Steps

  1. Install framework

  2. Add "restit" to DJANGO apps.

  3. Add "middleware"

    'rest.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'rest.middleware.GlobalRequestMiddleware', 'rest.middleware.CorsMiddleware',

  4. add url(r'^rpc/', include('rest.urls')) to your urlpatterns in

Quick Overview

This framework makes it easy to build a rest framework to use with any web or applicaiton development.

You can take any model and turn them into a REST Model by inheriting from RestModel.

class ExampleTODO(models.Model, RestModel):
	your standard django fields

Next in your DJANGO app create a "" file.

# decorator that defines your routes, note the app_name is assumed
def on_rest_todo(request, pk=None):
	return ExampleTODO.on_rest_request(request, pk)

This will give you a full rest interface into your Django model.

But wait there's more...

This framework is pretty powerful and allow you to define how you want to return your model objects, and how deep!

class ExampleTODO(models.Model, RestModel):
	class RestMeta:
		GRAPHS = {
			"default": {
			"list": {
        "fields":["id", "name", "priority"]
	user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="+")
  name = models.CharField(max_length=80)
  description = models.TextField(max_length=80)
  priority = models.IntegerField(default=0)

Above you can we we can define "graphs" that let us control what is returned.

So if we go to http://localhost:8000/rpc/rest_example/todo it will default to the "list" graph and return something that looks like...

	"status": true,
	"size": 25,
	"count": 2,
	"data": [
			"id": 1,
			"name": "test 1",
			"priority": 1,
      "user": 21
			"id": 2,
			"name": "test 2",
			"priority": 1,
      "user": 21

So if we go to http://localhost:8000/rpc/rest_example/todo?graph=default

	"status": true,
	"size": 25,
	"count": 2,
	"data": [
			"id": 1,
			"name": "test 1",
			"description": "this is test 1",
      "user": {
        "id": 21,
        "username": "jsmith",
        "display_name": "TEST USER 5",
        "avatar": "http://localhost:8000/media/ax1fg.png"
			"id": 2,
			"name": "test 2",
			"description": "this is test 2",
      "user": {
        "id": 21,
        "username": "jsmith",
        "display_name": "TEST USER 5",
        "avatar": "http://localhost:8000/media/ax1fg.png"

More details...


The RestModel Class is a helper class that helps existing models adapt to the REST framework. It is not required but highly recommended.

API helpers

Key methods you can override

	def on_rest_get(self, request):
		# override the get method
		return self.restGet(request, graph)

	def on_rest_post(self, request):
		# override the post method
		return self.restGet(request, graph) 
	def on_rest_pre_save(self, request):
		# called before instance saved via rest, no return
	def on_rest_created(self, request):
		# called after new instance created via rest, no return

	def on_rest_saved(self, request):
		# called after old instance saved via rest, no return

	def on_rest_delete(self, request):
		can_delete = getattr(self.RestMeta, "CAN_DELETE", False)
		if not can_delete:
			return self.restStatus(request, False, error="deletion not allowed via rest for this model.")
		return GRAPH_HELPERS.restStatus(request, True)

	def onRestCanSave(cls, request):
		# override to validate permissions or anything if this can create or save this instance
		return True
	def on_rest_list_filter(cls, request, qset):
		# override on do any pre filters, returns new qset
		# qset = qset.filter(id__gt=50)
		return qset
	def on_rest_list(cls, request, qset=None):
		# normally you would override on_rest_list_filter, but you could override this
		return cls.restList(request, qset)
	def on_rest_create(cls, request, pk=None):
		obj = cls.createFromRequest(request)
		return obj.restGet(request)

Creating and Saving

createFromRequest(request, **kwargs) - this allows you to pass a request object (normally a post) and create a new model from that request. You can also pass in any override fields after the request.

	MyModel.createFromRequest(request, owner=request.user)

saveFromRequest(request, **kwargs) - this allows you to pass a request object (normally a post) and save data to the model from that request. You can also pass in any override fields after the request.

	mode_instance.saveFromRequest(request, modified_by=request.user)

Other Helper Methods

getFromRequest(cls, model_name) - @classmethod - attempts to get the model from a request, check for the classname and classname+ "_id" in the REQUEST params.

restGetModel(app_name, model_name) - @staticmethod - grab Model class by app and model name.

restGetGenericModel(self, fieldname) - grab Model class by app and model name.

restGetGenericRelation(self, fieldname) - grab Model class by app and model name.

Returning JSON Graph

Graphs can easily be built automatically from your models by setting the appropriate RestMeta properties.

getGraph(name) - @classmethod - Specify the name of the graph you want to return.


This is a Property class you add to your models to define your graphs.

By default a graph will return just the fields with no recurse into of Foreign models.


A DJANGO Rest Framework







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