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Data Hub Leeloo

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Leeloo provides an API into Data Hub for Data Hub clients. Using Leeloo you can search for entities and manage companies, contacts and interactions.

More guides can be found in the docs folder.

Installation with Docker

Leeloo uses Docker compose to setup and run all the necessary components. The docker-compose.yml file provided is meant to be used for running tests and development.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd data-hub-leeloo
  2. Create a .env file from sample.env

    cp sample.env .env
  3. Build and run the necessary containers for the required environment:

    docker-compose build
  4. Populate the database and initialise Elasticsearch:

    docker-compose run leeloo ./ migrate
    docker-compose run leeloo ./ init_es
    docker-compose run leeloo ./ loadinitialmetadata
    docker-compose run leeloo ./ createinitialrevisions
    • NOTE: If you are using a linux system, these commands may hang on waiting for the elasticsearch container to come up (data-hub-leeloo_es_1) - it might be perpetually restarting. If the logs for that container mention something like max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144], you will need to run the following on your host machine:

      sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

      and append/modify the vm.max_map_count setting in /etc/sysctl.conf (so that this setting persists after restart):


      For more information, see the elasticsearch docs on vm.max_map_count.

  5. Optionally, you can load some test data and update elasticsearch:

    docker-compose run leeloo ./ loaddata /app/fixtures/test_data.yaml
    docker-compose run leeloo ./ sync_es
  6. Create a superuser:

    docker-compose run leeloo ./ createsuperuser
  7. Run the services:

    docker-compose up
  8. Optionally, you may want to run a local copy of the data hub frontend. By default, you can run both leeloo and the frontend under one docker-compose project. See the instructions in the frontend readme to set it up.

Native installation (without Docker)


  • Python 3.7.x
  • PostgreSQL 10 (note: PostgreSQL 9.6 is used for the MI database)
  • redis 3.2
  • Elasticsearch 6.4
  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd data-hub-leeloo
  2. Install Python 3.7.

    See this guide for detailed instructions for different platforms.

  3. Install system dependencies:

    On Ubuntu:

    sudo apt install build-essential libpq-dev python3.7-dev python3.7-venv

    On macOS:

    brew install libpq
  4. Create and activate the virtualenv:

    python3.7 -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
    pip install -U pip
  5. Install the dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Create an .env settings file (it’s gitignored by default):

    cp config/settings/sample.env config/settings/.env
  7. Set DOCKER_DEV=False in .env

  8. Create the db. By default, the dev version uses postgres:

    psql -p5432
    create database datahub;
  9. Make sure you have Elasticsearch running locally. If you don't, you can run one in Docker:

    docker run -p 9200:9200 -e "" -e ""
  10. Make sure you have redis running locally and that the REDIS_BASE_URL in your .env is up-to-date.

  11. Populate the database and initialise Elasticsearch:

    ./ migrate
    ./ init_es
    ./ loadinitialmetadata
    ./ createinitialrevisions
  12. Optionally, you can load some test data and update Elasticsearch:

    ./ loaddata fixtures/test_data.yaml
    ./ sync_es
  13. Create a superuser:

    ./ createsuperuser
  14. Start the server:

    ./ runserver
  15. Start celery:

    celery worker -A config -l info -Q celery,long-running -B

    Note that in production the long-running queue is run in a separate worker with the -O fair --prefetch-multiplier 1 arguments for better fairness when long-running tasks are running or pending execution.

Local development

If using Docker, prefix these commands with docker-compose run leeloo.

To run the tests:


To run the tests in parallel, pass -n <number of processes> to ./ For example, for four processes:

./ -n 4

To run the linter:


Granting access to the front end

The internal front end uses single sign-on. You should configure Leeloo as follows to use with the front end:

  • RESOURCE_SERVER_INTROSPECTION_URL: URL of the RFC 7662 introspection endpoint (should be the same server the front end is using). This is provided by a Staff SSO instance.
  • RESOURCE_SERVER_AUTH_TOKEN: Access token for the introspection server.

The token should have the data-hub:internal-front-end scope. django-oauth-toolkit will create a user corresponding to the token if one does not already exist.

Granting access to machine-to-machine clients

To give access to a machine-to-machine client that doesn't require user authentication:

  1. Log into the Django admin applications page and add a new OAuth application with these details:

    • Client type: Confidential
    • Authorization grant type: Client credentials
  2. Define the required scopes for the app by adding a new record in the OAuth application scopes page with these details:

    • Application: The application just created
    • Scope: The required scopes

The currently defined scopes can be found in datahub/oauth/

Further information about the available grant types can be found in the OAuthLib docs.


Leeloo can run on any Heroku-style platform. Configuration is performed via the following environment variables:

Variable name Required Description
ACTIVITY_STREAM_ACCESS_KEY_ID No A non-secret access key ID, corresponding to ACTIVITY_STREAM_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. The holder of the secret key can access the activity stream endpoint by Hawk authentication.
ACTIVITY_STREAM_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY If ACTIVITY_STREAM_ACCESS_KEY_ID is set A secret key, corresponding to ACTIVITY_STREAM_ACCESS_KEY_ID. The holder of this key can access the activity stream endpoint by Hawk authentication.
ALLOWED_ADMIN_IPS No IP addresses (comma-separated) that can access the admin site when RESTRICT_ADMIN is True.
ALLOWED_ADMIN_IP_RANGES No IP address ranges (comma-separated) that can access the admin site when RESTRICT_ADMIN is True.
AV_V2_SERVICE_URL Yes URL for ClamAV V2 service. If not configured, virus scanning will fail.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID No Used as part of boto3 auto-configuration.
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION No Default region used by boto3.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY No Used as part of boto3 auto-configuration.
BULK_INSERT_BATCH_SIZE No Used when loading Companies House records (default=5000).
CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER No Can be set to True when running the app locally to run Celery tasks started from the web process synchronously. Not for use in production.
DATA_SCIENCE_COMPANY_API_URL No URL for the DT07 reporting service.
DATA_SCIENCE_COMPANY_API_ID No API ID for the DT07 reporting service.
DATA_SCIENCE_COMPANY_API_KEY No API key for the DT07 reporting service.
DATA_SCIENCE_COMPANY_API_VERIFY_RESPONSES No Whether to verify DT07 reporting service response signatures (default=True).
DATABASE_CONN_MAX_AGE No Maximum database connection age (in seconds).
DATABASE_URL Yes PostgreSQL server URL (with embedded credentials).
DEBUG Yes Whether Django's debug mode should be enabled.
DEFAULT_BUCKET Yes S3 bucket for object storage.
ENABLE_DAILY_ES_SYNC No Whether to enable the daily ES sync (default=False).
ENABLE_SPI_REPORT_GENERATION No Whether to enable daily SPI report (default=False).
ES_INDEX_PREFIX Yes Prefix to use for indices and aliases
ES_SEARCH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT No Timeout (in seconds) for searches (default=20).
ES_SEARCH_REQUEST_WARNING_THRESHOLD No Threshold (in seconds) for emitting warnings about slow searches (default=10).
ES5_URL Required if not using GOV.UK PaaS-supplied Elasticsearch.
GUNICORN_ACCESSLOG No File to direct Gunicorn logs to (default=stdout).
GUNICORN_ENABLE_ASYNC_PSYCOPG2 No Whether to enable asynchronous psycopg2 when the worker class is 'gevent' (default=True).
GUNICORN_WORKER_CLASS No Type of Gunicorn worker. Uses async workers via gevent by default.
GUNICORN_WORKER_CONNECTIONS No Maximum no. of connections for async workers (default=10).
HAWK_RECEIVER_IP_WHITELIST No IP addresses (comma-separated) that can access the Hawk-authenticated endpoints.
INTERACTION_ADMIN_CSV_IMPORT_MAX_SIZE No Maximum file size in bytes for interaction admin CSV uploads (default=2MB).
INVESTMENT_DOCUMENT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID No Same use as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, but for investment project documents.
INVESTMENT_DOCUMENT_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY No Same use as AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, but for investment project documents.
INVESTMENT_DOCUMENT_AWS_REGION No Same use as AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, but for investment project documents.
INVESTMENT_DOCUMENT_BUCKET No S3 bucket for investment project documents storage.
ENABLE_MI_DASHBOARD_FEED No Whether to enable daily MI dashboard feed (default=False).
MARKET_ACCESS_ACCESS_KEY_ID No A non-secret access key ID used by the Market Access service to access Hawk-authenticated public company endpoints.
MARKET_ACCESS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY If MARKET_ACCESS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is set A secret key used by the Market Access service to access Hawk-authenticated public company endpoints.
MI_DATABASE_URL Yes PostgreSQL server URL (with embedded credentials) for MI dashboard.
MI_DATABASE_SSLROOTCERT No base64 encoded root certificate for MI database connection.
MI_DATABASE_SSLCERT No base64 encoded client certificate for MI database connection.
MI_DATABASE_SSLKEY No base64 encoded client private key for MI database connection.
MI_FDI_DASHBOARD_TASK_DURATION_WARNING_THRESHOLD No Threshold (in seconds) for emitting warnings about long transfer duration (default=600).
REDIS_BASE_URL No redis base URL without the db
REDIS_CACHE_DB No redis db for django cache (default 0)
REDIS_CELERY_DB No redis db for celery (default 1)
REPORT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID No Same use as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, but for reports.
REPORT_AWS_REGION No Same use as AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, but for reports.
REPORT_BUCKET No S3 bucket for report storage.
RESOURCE_SERVER_INTROSPECTION_URL If SSO enabled RFC 7662 token introspection URL used for signle sign-on
RESOURCE_SERVER_AUTH_TOKEN If SSO enabled Access token for RFC 7662 token introspection server
RESTRICT_ADMIN No Whether to restrict access to the admin site by IP address.
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT Yes Value for the environment tag in Sentry.
SSO_ENABLED Yes Whether single sign-on via RFC 7662 token introspection is enabled
VCAP_SERVICES No Set by GOV.UK PaaS when using their backing services. Contains connection details for Elasticsearch and Redis.
WEB_CONCURRENCY No Number of Gunicorn workers (set automatically by Heroku, otherwise defaults to 1).

Management commands

If using Docker, remember to run these commands inside your container by prefixing them with docker-compose run leeloo.


Apply migrations

./ migrate

Create django-reversion initial revisions

If the database is freshly built or a new versioned model is added run:

./ createinitialrevisions

Load initial metadata

These commands are generally only intended to be used on a blank database.

./ loadinitialmetadata


Create the Elasticsearch index (if it doesn't exist) and update the mapping:

./ init_es

Resync all Elasticsearch records:

./ sync_es

You can resync only specific models by using the --model= argument.

./ sync_es --model=company --model=contact

For more details including all the available choices:

./ sync_es --help

Migrate modified mappings:

./ migrate_es

Elasticsearch mapping migrations are fairly complex – see docs/Elasticsearch for more detail.

Companies House

Update Companies House records:

./ sync_ch

This downloads the latest data from Companies House, updates the Companies House table and triggers an Elasticsearch sync.

(Note that this does not remove any records from the Companies House table.)


See Managing dependencies for information about installing, adding and upgrading dependencies.

Activity Stream

The /v3/activity-stream/ endpoint is protected by two mechanisms:

  • IP address whitelisting via the X-Forwarded-For header, with a comma separated list of whitelisted IPs in the environment variable ACTIVITY_STREAM_IP_WHITELIST.

  • Hawk authentication via the Authorization header, with the credentials in the environment variables ACTIVITY_STREAM_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ACTIVITY_STREAM_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

IP address whitelisting

The authentication blocks requests that do not have a whitelisted IP in the second-from-the-end IP in X-Forwarded-For header. In general, this cannot be trusted. However, in PaaS, this can be, and this is the only production environment. Ideally, this would be done at a lower level than HTTP, but this is not possible with the current architecture.

If making requests to this endpoint locally, you must manually add this header.

Hawk authentication

In general, Hawk authentication hashing the HTTP payload and Content-Type header, and using a nonce, are both optional. Here, as with the Activity Stream endpoints in other DIT projects, both are required. Content-Type may be the empty string, and if there is no payload, then it should be treated as the empty string.


Django API for Data Hub frontend






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  • Python 99.4%
  • Other 0.6%