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Making the search engine useable. Admin/form stuff should be broken.




The search engine converts input to forms and querysets.

It can parse the following types of input:

  • get,
  • post.

It can generate:

  • forms,
  • querysets.

It starts being useful ootb when provided the following elements:

  • a base queryset,
  • filters.

Some basic view helpers are also provided.

Filter class

parse_request( name, request )
Tryes to find a relevant filter value in a request object, using name.
filter_url( name, url = '/' )
Adds it name and value to url, in a form that it can parse, then return the resulting url.
filter_form( name, form = django.forms.Form )
Adds its form field to form with name.
filter_queryset( name, queryset )
Adds its filter to queryset using field name.

FilterWrapper class

The FilterWrapper extends the built-in dict type, and is intended to wrap around a set of named filters:

# Step 0: defining the wrapper
filter_wrapper = jsearch.FilterWrapper(
    queryset = Users.objects.all(), # optionnal (default: none)
    url = '/',                      # default
    form = django.forms.Form,       # default

# Adding fields ...
filter_wrapper['last_name'] = jsearch.ValueFilter()

# Step 1: parsing a request
filter_wrapper.parse_request( request )

# Create a form, search permalink (url) and resulting queryset
form      = filter_wrapper.filter_form()
queryset  = filter_wrapper.filter_queryset()
permalink = filter_wrapper.filter_url()

Example view

This example shows how to create a basic user search engine:

from django.contrib.auth import models as authmodels
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template.context import RequestContext

import jsearch

def search(self, request):
    # Defining the wrapper as the 'engine'
    engine = jsearch.FilterWrapper(
        queryset = authmodels.objects.all(),
        url      = '/user/search/',

    engine['first_name'] = jsearch.ValueFilter()
    engine['group']      = jsearch.QuerySetChoicesFilter(

    # Parsing input, to set values to submitted filters

    # In general, the same template should be usable all the time
    return render_to_response(
        { 'jsearch_engine': engine },
        context_instance = RequestContext( request )

This template should support the above view:

<form action="{{ jsearch_engine.url }}" method="post">
    {{ jsearch_engine.filter_form }}
    <input type="submit" />

<p><a href="{{ jsearch_engine.filter_url }}">Research permalink</a></p>

{% for result in jsearch_engine.filter_queryset %}
    <li>{{ result }}</li>
{% endfor %}



Yet another app that allows making usable forms.

Basically, it is providing convenient widgets and adding abstraction layers to using them.

ModelChoiceWidget class

Extends django.forms.HiddenInput.

Critical attributes:

  • either rel or model,
  • search_field,
rel attribute

ForeignKey or ManyToMany case:

# Get the django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToOneRel object

# Get the django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyRel object
model attribute

If rel is not set, then model should be set to the model class.

search_fields attribute

A list of fields in any of the following forms:

  • '^field_name': lookup with istartwith,
  • '=field_name': lookup with iexact,
  • '@field_name': lookup with search,
  • 'field_name' : lookup with icontains.


Differences with ModelChoiceField:

  • allows the user to select a list of models,
  • extends django.forms.SelectMultiple.

Form class

Extends django.forms.Form and provides an autocomplete_factory class method, which returns a field using a jforms.Model(Multiple)ChoiceField.

ModelForm class

  • Extends django.forms.Form.
  • Sets the form class-attribute to jforms.Form.
  • Overloads the formfield_for_dbfield method to automatically use jforms.autocomplete_factory with the jsearch_fields class attribute.



It extends django.contrib.admin making it more useable for very large projects.

jadmin.AdminSite allows making a tree-ish navigation menu to replace breadcrumbs.

Provides a subclass of django.contrib.admin.options.ModelAdmin, making FK and M2M fields using jforms widget.

jadmin.ModelAdmin embeds jsearch into changelist_view, to provide a more usable search engine.

There is also a hack to get django to support field-level constraints, which is also maintained, but lets you on your own - sorry about that.


Add jadmin to INSTALLED_APPS or /path/to/jadmin/templates to TEMPLATE_DIRECTORIES.

Symlink django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/ to /path/to/jadmin/templates/contrib/admin.

Search engine usage

Get jQuery autocomplete for FK and M2M fields in the admin:

import jadmin

class FooAdmin(jadmin.ModelAdmin):
    # For the ajax autocomplete widget
    jrelation_search_fields = {
        SomeRelatedModel: 'some_related_model_field',
        OtherRelatedModel: ('foofield', 'barfield'),
    # For the changelist_view jsearch engine
    jsearch_fields = ('fk_field_name', 'm2m_field_name', 'other_field'), FooAdmin)

The search block of template admin/change_list.html should be overloaded to use the context variable jsearch:

{% extends 'admin/change_list.html' %}

{% block extrahead %}
{{ media }}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}

{% block search %}
<!-- Super the block to get the basic search field provided by django -->
{{ block.super }}

<form action="" method="post">
{{ jsearch.filter_form }}

<input type="submit" />
{% endblock %}

Navigation menu usage

Example yourapp/sites/, it isn't supposed to be used as-is but prooves the concept:

# vim: set fileencoding=utf8 :
import jadmin

class AdminSite(jadmin.AdminSite):
    def get_menu_structure(self):
        return {
            u"root level 0": {
                u"submenu 00": '/admin/foo',
                u"submenu 01": '/admin/bar',
            u"root level 1: '/admin/other',

admin = AdminSite()

# Hack to register all installed apps ModelAdmin
from django.contrib import admin as django_admin = admin
# This should not be done in when dealing
# with multiple AdminSite

# Register our models, we just need to load it
import sites.admin as immo_admin_config

Example yourapp/sites/

# vim: set fileencoding=utf8 :
from sites import admin as site
import jadmin
import models



from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

from yourproject.yourapp import sites

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    r'^admin/', include(sites.admin.urls)),


  • 0_alpha0: custom search engine, custom relations widgets.
  • 0_alpha1: replace breadcrumbs with a tree-ish jquery (overridable) navigation.
  • 0_alpha2: "public" site, not allowing changes, not requiring request.user.is_staff.
  • 0_alpha3: jhtml tabular layout renderer for public site change_view.
  • 0_beta0: works for me.


the other half of django, superseeded by Pinax.






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