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  • External Package

  • Required Python libs (install using easy_install or pip)

    • certifi==0.0.8
    • chardet==1.0.1
    • distribute==0.6.24
    • oauthlib==0.1.3
    • pyasn1==0.1.3
    • requests==0.13.0
    • rsa==3.0.1
    • pyyaml==3.10
    • httplib2==0.7.1
    • oauth2==1.5.167
    • pymongo==2.3
    • django==1.4.1
    • django_piston==0.2.2
  • Ports that need to be open

Google Doc for API

The original design documentation for the authorization service is here:

The documentation for the actual implementation is here:

Going to http://{}/Roles?about will being up a JSON document that gives a description of the service. The file authorization_service/authorization_service/ implements the REST service, and had a largish comment at the top explaining how it works. Unittests for the authz service have been implemented using the Django unittest framework, they are available in the Makefile target "test", so they can be run by "make test" or you can go to the django site root and run it directly using " test authorization_server"

Setup using the kbase VMs

======= 0. Start the VM and clone the git repo. nova boot .... (options will change over time) ssh ubuntu@

  1. Following an updated version of the directions from: sudo bash cd /kb git clone cd dev_container/modules git clone cd .. ./bootstrap /kb/runtime .

  2. To configure the mongodb instance used to back the authorization service, create a file named in /kb/dev_container/modules/auth_service/authorization_server/authorization_server If there is no local_settings file the service will default to the instance on, However you will also need to set a salt value for the KBase session service, used to calculate a unique hash value for the session ID. There is also a PROXY_BASEURL setting that defines the entry URL that used to access this django service. This is necessary to generate self-referring URL's when the front end NGINX proxy is in operation - it needs to be disabled for local testing/development

    Here are recommended settings to put in the file: KBASE_SESSION_SALT = "(African || European)?" PROXY_BASEURL = None

    If you want to use your own mongodb service running on localhost, you would add an extra setting: MONGODB_CONN = ['']

  3. The make target deploy-services will install and configure the authorization service with an FCGI listener on port 7039 ( for production deployment ) cd modules/auth_service make deploy-services

    The make target deploy-test-services will install and configure the service with an nginx http listener on port 7039 so that you can directly query the service for testing cd modules/auth_service make deploy-test-services

  4. Run the internal unit tests make test

  5. If necessary, you can load the base/bootstrap authorization roles by using the "load-mongodb" target to initialize the mongodb service with a bare minimum set of roles. This is not necessary when working with the service. make load-mongodb

  6. The django server is started/stopped by using the start_service and stop_service scripts in /kb/deployment/services/authorization. Once you start the service, there will be an FCGI listener at hostname:7039 with the authorization service responding under the /Roles/ url. Use the deploy-test-services make target to get an http listener on that port instance (assumed for the examples that follow). You will need to access it with a KBase token to get any real data back:

root@sychan-temp2:/kb/deployment/services/authorization_server# ./start_service root@sychan-temp2:/kb/deployment/services/authorization_server# curl http://localhost:7039/Roles Forbidden request not from a member of kbase_users

See the file README_authenticated_requests.txt for an example of querying the service from the command line using a test account