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Collector is an application that runs under Apache using mod-python. Its task is accepting crash reports from remote clients and saving them in a place and format usable by further applications.

Raw crashes are accepted via HTTP POST. The form data from the POST is then arranged into a JSON and saved into the local file system. The collector is responsible for assigning an ooid? (Our Own ID) to the crash. It also assigns a Throttle? value which determines if the crash is eventually to go into the relational database.

Should the saving to a local file system fail, there is a fallback storage mechanism. A second file system can be configured to take the failed saves. This file system would likely be an NFS mounted file system.

installing dependencies

Using virtualenvwrapper and pip:

mkvirtualenv collector
# use peep for production
pip install -r requirements.txt
# use "python install" for production
python develop


Collector requires the ProductName and Version fields to be set. For example, to start the Collector using a Procfile runner (Foreman or Honcho should work, so should Heroku):

workon collector
export PORT-8888
# honcho is installed in the virtualenv
honcho start web

Alternatively, you can run Collector using a standalone built-in webserver (CherryPy):

workon collector
export web_server__port='8888'
socorro collector

production web service

For production, Collector should be run as a WSGI app behind an HTTP proxy (Gunicorn strongly advises Nginx):


Collector supports a number of configuration formats.

Environment variables are recommended.

To see a list of all keys:

socorro collector --admin.print_conf-env

You can set these in the environment or put then in a .env file.

For instance to store crashes in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 service, you could use the following:

# Store the crash in S3

To generate an INI-style configuration file (with commented-out documentation):

socorro collector --admin.print_conf-ini

If you want to read a configuration file instead of using environment variables:

socorro collector --admin.conf-ini

submitting crashes

The minimum permissible crash report contains the ProductName and Version fields:

curl -F 'ProductName-Blah' -F 'Version-1.0' 'http://localhost:8888/submit'

You can specify any other form fields you like. A "CrashID" should be returned, and you can find your data in the ./crashes/ directory.

running tests

pip install -r requirements

# all them tests
nosetests collector

# with coverage
nosetests collector --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-package=collector

# to run a specific test
nostests collector.unittests.test_submitter_app:TestCase.TestSubmitterApp

making a release

todo: travis automation to make a release


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