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A Cloudify Plugin that provisions services in Lumina Flow Manager


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Cloudify Lumina Flow Manager Plugin


The Cloudify Lumina PCE Plugin integrates the Lumina SDN Controller to Cloudify as an orchestration and service automation deployment platform.

The plugin currently has limited functionality for ELine and Path services.

Cloudify receives blueprints and execution instructions and using the plugin sends it to the Lumina Flowmanager Controller API using the Python Flowmanager Client.


SDN Configuration

The sdn_config is defined in the Blueprints which gets pulled from the Cloudify secrets so that the service can be deployed to any environment. These are the properties:

  • lsc_ipaddress
  • lsc_user
  • lsc_password
  • lsc_protocol
  • lsc_port
  • lsc_verify

To set the values, use the Cloudify CLI. e.g

cfy secrets create lsc_user -s admin

If the sdn_config is consistent across all Blueprints you can use the sdn_config.json which by default will be placed in the user home folder ~/.lumina/sdn_config.json. To set it to a different folder use the environment variable SDN_CONFIG_PATH.


To get the list of commands use the Make file by typing make.

It's recommended to use a python 2.7 virtualenv to keep the environment isolated.

To create an environment:

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

you can then install all the plugin requirements using the make dev which will run the following:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
python develop

To package and upload the plugin if the package is on the Cloudify server use make replace, which will package, delete existing plugin and upload the new one.

Keep in mind if you package it elsewhere, the OS needs to be similar see the wagon file extended name none-linux_x86_64.

To package and upload manually:

wagon create -r dev-requirements.txt -f .
cfy plugin upload -y plugin.yaml cloudify_lfm_plugin-0.1.0-py27-none-linux_x86_64.wgn

you can have multiple instances of the plugin with different versions, but not the same version and name. To delete an old plugin which commands are included in the Makefile. List the plugins and get the plugin id to delete with.

cfy plugin list
cfy plugin delete <plugin_id>


For a sample blueprint check the examples folder:

  • examples/blueprint/eline-ethernet-test.yaml
  • examples/blueprint/eline-vlan-test.yaml

For testing on mininet, use ethernet.

The ethernet blueprint creates 2 elines for IP and ARP and 1 path. Both are created using the connection points / end points, which include the information that creates the services.

You can upload it through the UI in the Local blueprints section /stage/page/local_blueprints.
e.g Click the Upload button, select attachment, set a name, and under blueprint file choose the blueprint you want to use.

Blueprints need to be a folder packaged into a zip file. e.g

  • blueprint/eline.yaml

To upload through CLI: cfy blueprints upload -b blueprint-id blueprintfile e.g cfy blueprints upload -b my-eline examples/blueprint/eline-ethernet-test.yaml

Then create a new deployment through the UI click on the Create new deployment button, set a deployment name, choose a blueprint from the list for the blueprint you created above and then set the values. To quickly prefill the values, use the input file provided in the examples inputs folder: examples/inputs/eline-ethernet-test.yaml.

e.g eline_name: "eline_test" path_name: "path_test"

ep1_switch_id: "openflow:101"
ep1_switch_port: "1"
ep1_network_type: "vlan"
ep1_segmentation_id: "100"

ep2_switch_id: "openflow:303"
ep2_switch_port: "1"
ep2_network_type: "vlan"
ep2_segmentation_id: "100"

path_waypoints: "openflow:102,openflow:103"

When using mininet, start with port 1.

After the deployment is created, to execute it click on the hamburger icon dropdown and then install.

For creating an execution manually through CLI, use

cfy deployments create -b <blueprint_id> -i <inputs> <deployment_id>
cfy executions start -d <deployment_id> install


cfy deployments create -b my-eline -i examples/inputs/eline-ethernet-test.yaml my-eline-test1
cfy executions start -d my-eline-test1 install

Validating the ELine and Path had been created

Controller UI

See paths and services tabs on the controller page:


Set your Local Dev environment with the following variables or manually set the URLs bellow with the values:

Variable    Initial Value   Current Value
lsc_protocol    http    http
lsc_port    8181    8181

Set the following headers:

Key     Value
Accept  application/json
Content-Type  application/json

Under Authorization tab:

Type:   Basic Auth
Username:   admin
Password:   admin

Get Paths: {{lsc_protocol}}://{{lsc}}:{{lsc_port}}/restconf/operational/lumina-flowmanager-path:paths

Get ELines: {{lsc_protocol}}://{{lsc}}:{{lsc_port}}/restconf/operational/lumina-flowmanager-eline:elines

Extending the plugin


Cloudify writing plugin information:

PEP 8 style guide

Cloudify API:

OpenDayLight Wiki:

IDE Configuration

Setup Python Virtual Environment and install requirements:

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
python develop

Point Pycharm to use the virtual environment you created as the intrepeter. PyCharm > Preferences > Project > Project Interpreter > Project intrepeter set to the .venv path you're using and apply with OK.


Makefiles are generally very sensitive and only tabs are allowed. Python and PyCharm by default use 4 spaces as tabs.

I use Sublime or Vim to edit the file. To show whitespaces to your Sublime Text Editor: Sublime > Preferences > Settings and add "draw_white_space": "all".

e.g Looks like this:

	"draw_white_space": "all"

To fix the file in case it gives a missing seperator error, use the shell command: cat -e -t -v Makefile which will help distinguish between 4 spaces and tabs.

To get a list of options, run the make command in the folder and it will list the options.


Log and debugging messages should show in the Cloudify UI within the execution details page.
If you're looking for the logs, you can find them in the /var/log/cloudify/mgmtworker/logs/ folder with the execution ID. e.g sudo tail -f /var/log/cloudify/mgmtworker/logs/my-eline-test1.log.

Tox automation validation

To trigger all validation rules use tox.

Validate specific parts, e.g tox -e validate


Unit tests are provided within the plugin package which are triggered through tox or can be triggered through CLI / IDE.

The unit tests mockup the API responses and doesn't actually hit the controller.

To actually make the calls during development, change the mock patches to the wrong patch, which means that the calls won't be patched and the unit test will actually call the API.

e.g from:






Using the mininet topology example, provided in the examples folder, sending data between h101 to h303.

Uses topology project:

Start the topology on the mininet vagrant machine:

sudo topology-yaml mininet start topo.yml

The test packets can be sent through the vagrant mininet shell or through mininet.

Put the from the examples/mininet/ at /usr/local/bin/ with execute permission.

Then you can run the commands below that start with host or switch with a prefix: sudo /usr/local/bin/mininet-command.

e.g h101 arp -a > sudo /usr/local/bin/mininet-command h101 arp -a.

terminal 1: (vagrant mininet ssh terminal)

this will now capture packets and dump them on screen.

sudo tcpdump -i s303-eth1

terminal 2: (vagrant mininet ssh terminal)

send packets using ping or arp.

h101 arp -a
h101 ping s303

Sending limited number of packets

** terminal 1:** (mininet)

receive 10 packets.

h303 scapyrecv icmp -i h303-eth0 -c 10 -p 10

** terminal 2:** (mininet)

send 5 packets. run twice.

h101 scapysend 'Ether() / IP() / ICMP()' -c 5 --iface h101-eth0

Other mininet commands and notes

Some other useful commands to test with:

mininet> dump-all
mininet> nodes list
mininet> s101 ping s303
mininet> h101 ping h303
mininet> pingall
h101 scapysend 'Ether() / IP() / ICMP()' -c 5 --if

mininet default credentials: mininet / mininet


A Cloudify Plugin that provisions services in Lumina Flow Manager







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