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vDBAHelper is a toolkit for Vertica DBA, built on dynamic language Python and other open source projects, such as SQLite wrap APSW for query engine, lightweight distributed process framework execnet for remote access.



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When managing or trouble shooting on Vertica cluster, sometimes you may meet following pain points:

  • when Vertica database is very busy or can not startup immediately, you know nothing about it except reading log files.
  • exploring vertica.log/dbLog/message.log on all Vertica cluster nodes is very boring.
  • ...

We need tools to make life of Vertica DBA easier, then vDBAHelper come.

vDBAHelper is a toolkit for Vertica DBA, built on dynamic language Python and other open source projects, such as SQLite wrap APSW for query engine, lightweight distributed process framework execnet for distrubted process, lightweight micro web-framework Bottle for user interface, text mode web browser ELinks as client, and DSTAT as monitoring framework.

vDBAHelper consolidates Vertica log files on all nodes with timeline or session/transaction, including datacollectors, vertica.log, dbLog, message.log etc, provides SQL and TUI interface to show recent issues, guide DBA navigating performance or function issues info, and related suggestions.

vDBAHelper keeps independent with Vertica and guarantee to be accessible, no matter the status of Vertica database.


  1. Text Mode Browser
    • provide lightweight & easy-to-use interface for terminal user
    • but serviced by web
  2. Web Framework
    • knowledge blend in web flow
    • translate actions to SQL
  3. Light SQL engine
    • provide SQL analytic interface
  4. Distributed Process Framework
    • send python code to each Vertica ndoe
    • fetch and filter data on “time” or “node_name”



vDBAHelper has no dependence on Vertica database and clients, it send dynamic code on each Vertica node to parse log files.

APSW/SQLite extensions:

  1. SQL standard support by APSW/SQLite, with query shell and Python API.
  2. virtual tables(external table) for Vertica datacollector files on all Vertica cluster nodes.
    • push predicates on "time" and/or "node_name" columns to scan for better performance
    • sync datacollector data to SQLite native table for better performance when not busy, and query offline.
  3. virtual table vertica_log for file vertica.log on all Vertica cluster nodes.
  4. virtual table dblog for file dbLog on all Vertica cluster nodes.
  5. virtual table messages for /var/messages.log on all Vertica cluster nodes.
    • Note: You should give access right of /var/log/messages.log on all Vertica nodes to user dbadmin first.
  6. automatically execute new configuration table scripts in ./etc/${tablename}.sql .

User interfaces through Elinks/Bottle:

  1. Monitoring: monitoring select nodes in cluster.
  2. Errors Navigation: navigate issues according to rules.
    • identify issue according to rules in configuration tables log_message_level, issue_category, issue_reason.
    • recommendaton actions for issue.
  3. TODO: Recommendations: analysis workload, resource usage etc., give tuning recommendations.


  1. Cluster monitoring tool bin/


Python: 2.7+

  • Note: /opt/vertica/oss/python/bin/python is default used if it exists.
  1. Python 2.7.10 on RHEL6.5/RHEL7.1 tested
  2. Python 2.7.12 on macOS Sierra 10.12.2 tested
  3. Python 2.7.10 on SLES 11Sp3 tested


How to use it?

vDBAHelper is automatic bootstrapping, no manual remote installation required. Just clone or download this project to one of your Vertica nodes, and run following tools immediately:

  • bin/ : terminal user interface

    MacBookProOfDQ:vDBAHelper liudq$ bin/ --help
    Usage: [options]
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -d VDBNAME, --database=VDBNAME
    Vertica database name, default is the first database
    in meta file(/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf)
    Vertica database meta file, default is
    Vertica Administrator OS username, default is dbadmin

    MacBookProOfDQ:vDBAHelper liudq$ bin/


  • bin/ : monitoring select nodes in cluster

    MacBookProOfDQ:vDBAHelper liudq$ bin/
    ----system---- ------node------ --total-cpu-usage-- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---paging-- ---system--
    .    time     |      name      |usr sys idl wai stl| read  writ| recv  send|  in   out | int   csw
    23-07 21:10:42|v_vmart_node0001| 33  17  50   0   0|   0     0 | 326B  352B|   0     0 |  62    54
    23-07 21:10:42|v_vmart_node0002| 33   0  67   0   0|   0     0 | 326B  360B|   0     0 |  45    44
    23-07 21:10:42|v_vmart_node0003|  0   0   0   0   0|   0     0 | 334B  360B|   0     0 |  20    21
    MacBookProOfDQ:vDBAHelper liudq$ bin/ --help
    Usage: bin/ [OPTIONS]
    Vertica OPTIONS:
    --database VerticaDBName   Vertica database name, default is the first database in meta file(/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf)
    --file verticaMetaFile     Vertica database meta file, default is (/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf)
    --user verticaAdminOSUser  Vertica Administrator OS username, default is dbadmin
    --nodes verticaNodeNamePattern Regular expression for select Vertica nodes,  default is .* for all nodes
    -h | --help                show usage
    Notes: you should confirm ssh password-less accessible those nodes IPs in Vertica database meta file with verticaAdminOSUser
    Usage: dstat [-afv] [options..] [delay [count]]
    Versatile tool for generating system resource statistics

    Dstat options: ...

  • bin/ : SQLite query shell

    MacBookProOfDQ:vDBAHelper liudq$ bin/ --help
    Usage: program [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL|CMD] [SQL|CMD]...
    FILENAME is the name of a SQLite database. A new database is
    created if the file does not exist.
    OPTIONS include:
    -init filename       read/process named file
    -echo                print commands before execution
    -[no]header          turn headers on or off
    -bail                stop after hitting an error
    -interactive         force interactive I/O
    -batch               force batch I/O
    -column              set output mode to 'column'
    -csv                 set output mode to 'csv'
    -html                set output mode to 'html'
    -line                set output mode to 'line'
    -list                set output mode to 'list'
    -python              set output mode to 'python'
    -separator 'x'       set output field separator (|)
    -nullvalue 'text'    set text string for NULL values
    -version             show SQLite version
    -encoding 'name'     the encoding to use for files
    opened via .import, .read & .output
    -nocolour            disables colour output to screen
    Vertica OPTIONS:
    -d | --database verticaDBName   Vertica database name, default is the first database in meta file(/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf)
    -f | --file verticaMetaFile     Vertica database meta file, default is (/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf)
    -u | --user verticaAdminOSUser  Vertica Administrator OS username, default is dbadmin
    -h | --help                     show usage
    Notes: you should confirm ssh password-less accessible those nodes IPs in Vertica database meta file with verticaAdminOSUser
    MacBookProOfDQ:vDBAHelper liudq$ bin/ --header
    Welcome to vDBAHelper!
    Powered by SQLite version 3.16.2 (APSW 3.16.2-r1)
    Enter ".help" for instructions
    Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
    sqlite> .tables
    sqlite> select name from v_internal.sqlite_master order by 1;
    sqlite> select * from dc_requests_issued order by time desc limit 1;
    2017-02-01 14:16:57.685396|v_vmart_node0002|v_vmart_node0002-1564:0xac4d|45035996273704962|dbadmin|49539595901079320|1|1|QUERY|||"$user", public, v_catalog, v_monitor, v_internal|1427|select * from dc_requests_issued;|0
    sqlite> .mode line
    sqlite> select * from dc_requests_issued order by time desc limit 1;
    time = 2017-02-01 14:16:57.685396
    node_name = v_vmart_node0002
    session_id = v_vmart_node0002-1564:0xac4d
    user_id = 45035996273704962
    user_name = dbadmin
    transaction_id = 49539595901079320
    statement_id = 1
    request_id = 1
    request_type = QUERY
    label =
    client_label =
    search_path = "$user", public, v_catalog, v_monitor, v_internal
    query_start_epoch = 1427
    request = select * from dc_requests_issued;
    is_retry = 0
    sqlite> select user_name, count(1), min(time), max(time) from dc_requests_issued group by 1;
    dbadmin|104|2016-11-27 17:36:32.291440|2017-02-01 14:16:57.685396 

Note: if you want run vDBAHelper out of Vertica cluster nodes, such as on Mac or other linux box, you'd have a Vertica database meta file copy, replace IP of each nodes with accessible addresse, and put it in [/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf] or attach its location to [-f | --file ] option of upper toos.

Why hotkey can not work on macOS terminal?

vDBAHelper uses Elinks as HTML user interface. Elinks need Alt-Key to trigger accesskey in HTML.

But terminal of macOS will generate special character for Alt-Key by default. To let it work for Elinks, you can navigate to "Terminal > Preferences > Settings > Keyboard", and check ‘Use option as meta key’ at the bottom.

Xterm has similar issue. You can run "echo 'XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true' >> ~/.Xresources" and restart your xterm to fix this issue.

Note, hotkey/accesskey in Elinks is case sensitive, eg. you should press "ALt-Shift-A" for accesskey='A'.

How to enable arrow keys, Ctrl-A/Ctrl-E/Esc-B/Esc-F and other shortcuts to explore history commands or edit in bin/ cli?

Python/APSW shell uses python readline module to process key press events. You can use "pip show readline" to confirm whether this module has been installed in your python environment.

Sometimes you need run "pip3 uinstall readline" and run "easy_install readline" to fix this wired issue.

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory?

As [eggs/] was built on Python 2.6, it need dynamically link with . This message means vDBAHelper can not find [libpython*.so.1.0] under [/usr/lib*/] . Maybe you'd check where file [libpython*.so.1.0] locate, then run "ln -s ${PYTHONLIBPATH}/libpython*.so.1.0 ./lib/" under $vDBAHelper path to link it.

Another approach is rebuilt APSW in your system, install it or copy your new .so to [eggs/]:

# download apsw source code from ""
cd apsw-3.16.2-r1
python fetch --all build --enable-all-extensions 

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/log/messages'

If you get this error when query on messages table, the most possible reason is user dbadmin do not have access right for file /var/log/messages.log on some nodes. Please run following command on each Vertica node:

sudo chmod a+r /var/log/messages 

How to improve query performance on virtual tables for Vertica?

As data files of virtual tables for Vertica are text based log files on all Vertica cluster nodes, most of time will be spent on parsing text when query. SQLite will filter multiple times on virtual table if there are "in/or" predicates.

The best practice is creating a temp/stage table and querying on it.

Actually in this project, if you provide SQLite db file parameter for upper tools, you are recommended to access [main.]dc_* tables, they are real SQLite table, data of them are syncronized from v_internal.dc_* virtual tables for Vertica when SQLite is not busy.

About "time" column format in datacollectors

Type of "time" column in Vertica datacollector tables is TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. SQLite support it but do not have native TIME ZONE type storage, it alway use UTC. But "time" value of datacollector tables in SQLite show the same number as Vertia's. So you need NOT use "datetime(time, 'localtime')" function get correct format at your time zone.


vDBAHelper is a toolkit for Vertica DBA, built on dynamic language Python and other open source projects, such as SQLite wrap APSW for query engine, lightweight distributed process framework execnet for remote access.






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  • Python 97.0%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Other 1.8%