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Wild E-Commerce Website

This project is an e-commerce website based on my local fishing tackle shop. The main aim behind the project is to show the use of Python, Django and a combination of SQLite and Heroku Postgres. It also includes the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript along with some Django templating. It also has Stripe payments, Authentication and Security functionality.

Built With


I use [Git] and github for versioning. For the versions available, please see summer_olympic_games.


  • My main test tool was using inspector in Google Chrome web browser.

Technology Used

  • Python - Programming language.
  • Django - Django is a High-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development.
  • Postgres -Postgres is the SQL database service run by Heroku.
  • AWS - Amazon web services
  • Bootstrap - For responsive design and layout.
  • - To generate code for favicon.

Color Palette

The color palette is based on the Monochromatic Colors of #007500 and the Triadic Colors of #007500. This green #007500 is in the Wild Total Outdoors Logo which was provided to me by the owner of wild total outdoors.


  • I would like to thank the following for use of some of their code
  • My inspiration comes from the combination of my love for fishing and some e-commerce background. Also, Wild Total Outdoors is my local fishing tackle shop.
  • I would like to thank my family and friend's especially my wife for unlimited support for my quest to learn to code.


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