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A simple Django app for going over head rules as part of a treebanking project, trying to make better head rules for conversion from a Penn Treebank constituency parse to a dependency parse.

User Guide


Before beginning, be sure that you have Django and Django-South install on your system.

Using the app to annotate

TODO: write this section

Dump current annotations from the app into text files

From the head_labeling directory, run the following command:

python scripts/

This should update the annotations file in the annotations directory.

Test current head rules against current annotations

From the head_rule_testing directory, run the following command:

./ [NP] [WHNP] [PP] [etc.]

As shown, you can list any phrase symbol or set of symbols to test only a subset of the test suites. If no symbols are given, all of them are tested. The results appear in the head_rule_testing/results directory, with results.tsv containing overall statistics, and correct_*.tsv and errors_*.tsv giving specific annotations that pass or fail for each symbol.

results.tsv has 11 columns. Those columns are:

  1. The non-terminal symbol that was tested (e.g., ADJP or QP)
  2. The number of expansion patterns seen for the non-terminal symbol (e.g., (NP JJ NN))
  3. The number of expansion patterns that have an annotation (as found in the annotations/ directory)
  4. The percent of patterns that have been annotated (i.e., (3) / (2))
  5. The number of patterns that the head rules got correct, according to the annotations.
  6. The percent of annotated patterns that were correct (i.e., (5) / (3))
  7. The number of times the non-terminal in seen in the treebank (hereafter "tokens")
  8. Number of tokens whose expansion pattern has an annotation
  9. Percent of tokens that have been annotated (i.e., (8) / (7))
  10. Number of tokens whose expansion was marked as correct
  11. Percent of tokens marked correct (i.e., (10) / (8))

Finding good trees in the Penn Treebank

It is important that you run above before continuing to this step, as this step uses the correct_*.tsv files produced by You also need to have the Penn Treebank file that you wish to scour for good trees available; the PTB is not distributed with this app for copyright reasons.

If you run

python [PennTreebank_file]

you will get output containing statistics of how many trees were found that consisted only of patterns marked as correct, and which patterns caused the most trees to be marked as bad. If you do not pass a parameter to the script, the path to the PTB file will default to ../PTB.MRG.

This command will also produce a file called good_trees.mrg. This file consists of the trees that were found to be completely correct, as they were in the original file (though perhaps with some reformatting). This file is fit to be used to produce SUPA output, as shown in the next section.

Producing SUPA for good trees

From the parser_testing/ directory, simply run the following command to create two separate dependency files:


This will create good_trees.supa and good_trees.collins, using the current head rules (the .supa file is created using supa_docs/opfiles/markHeads.op, while the .collins file is created using supa_docs/opfiles/markHeads_Hwa.op).

Running MaltParser Experiments

To run the MaltParser experiments, be sure that you first have downloaded and extracted MaltParser from The code expects there to be a directory called maltparser-1.7.2/ in the base directory of the repository. Once the the parser has been downloaded, you can run comparison experiments between SUPA head rules and Collins head rules with the following command, from the parser_testing/ directory:


This will split the data into training and test splits, train MaltParser on the training data and test it on the testing data, separately for the Collins rules and the SUPA rules (using the same trees for each split, just with different rules applied). It then runs the CoNLL evaluation script ( to compute an accuracy for each split and reports a mean for each configuration and a p-value for statistical significance (using a paired permutation test).

Training and testing MaltParser separately

If you wish to run MaltParser with something other than the script, you can follow the instructions on the User Guide, which are repeated here for convenience.

To train the parser using good_trees.supa, from the head_rule_testing/ directory:

java -jar /path/to/maltparser/maltparser-1.7.2.jar -c test -i good_trees.supa -m learn

This will create a MaltConfiguration file (which contains a learned model) called test.mco. If you change the parameter after -c in the command above, you can change the name of this output file.

To run the parser on good_trees.supa, you run the following command:

java -jar /path/to/maltparser/maltparser-1.7.2.jar -c test -i good_trees.supa -o parsed.conll -m parse

where the output will be stored in parsed.conll. The parameter value for -c must match that given during the training step.


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