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Formula generation, how to

  1. Build the formula generator mcc using the script
  2. Put all the directories (or .tgz archives) containing the models in a folder models
  3. Modify the script, setting the value of the ROOT variable as the path to your models folder
  4. Use, which will generate the formulas
  5. The file output-1000states.txt contains information on what happened during the generation, check it


  • Php for the mcc tool
  • Python with the argparse and networkx packages for the smc tool used for filtering out formulas

Formula generation, hold reminders -----------------------------

  • First, execute the model:fix command to normalize the internal references (ids) of the PNML files contining the P/T model of every colored model. The formula generation process needs to establish the correspondance between colored transitions and the corresponding ones in the unfolded P/T model. Hence the need of this step. Check if everything is ok using the model:check-unfolding command.
  • Then, the formula::generate randomly generate the formula for any colored model and for any P/T model which has not been generated by un unfolding of an associated colored model.
  • Finally, the formula::unfold searches any P/T model that has been generated by an unfolding process out of a colored model. For each one of them, unfolds the formulae generated (or hand written) for the colored model, producing a set of formulae for the P/T model. Such formulae are equivalent to the original ones, in the sense that the colored formula is satsifiable in the colored model iff the unfolded formula is satisfiable in the unfolded P/T model

    This process will only update the is-firable() propositions, substituting the colored transition for the equivalent unfolded ones, and analogously for the token-count() and place-bound() operators.


  • formal semantics of the property language, in particular with regard to token-count() and color nets, and strict/unstrict bounds for place-bound()