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SNS push service

This service provides a simple API for registering devices to SNS.

What this is and what this is not?

  • There is a simple API for basic operations
  • There is a simple token authentication with two tokens (admin/user)
  • This is not full management service for SNS
  • There is no functionality for managing platform applications or permissions. Do these through SNS console.
  • There is no support for email/SMS/SQS/HTTP/... subscriptions. This service is designed for mobile apps, and not to be a generic all-purpose push service.
  • There is no configurable authorization logic, or multiple authentication schemes. There is only admin token for all operations and restricted consumer token.
  • There is no state on the server side, i.e., all client information, subscriptions and so on are stored in SNS, not on this service. This means client devices (mobile apps) must keep their device IDs and subscription IDs stored somewhere.

Push requests for functionality listed with "no" will probably be rejected - even though those features would be useful for some people, not everything is worth added complexity.


  1. Sign up to AWS
  2. Configure SNS (create topics and platform applications).
  3. Configure IAM for SNS access. IAM configuration explained. Add your topics and platform applications to Resource array.
  4. Set up SNS credentials and other settings as environment variables (config variables in Heroku).
  5. In local environment, create and activate new python virtual environment (pyvenv push-service-env; source push-service-env/bin/activate) and install dependencies (pip install -r requirements.txt). For Heroku, push to heroku remote (git push heroku master).


  • ADMIN_AUTH_TOKEN - authentication token for admin access (publishing, deleting topics etc.). Optional, but if missing, admin access is disabled.
  • AUTH_TOKEN - authentication token. Optional, but if missing, random one will be generated on each start.
  • DEBUG - if set to "true", Flask debug and debug logging will be enabled. Optional.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY - access key from Amazon. Avoid using your full-access credentials here - configure restricted account with IAM. Mandatory.
  • AWS_SECRET_KEY - secret access key. Mandatory.
  • AWS_REGION - AWS region name for configured SNS (i.e., eu-west-1). Mandatory.
  • AUTOSUBSCRIBE_TOPICS - optional. Comma-separated list of topics each device will be subscribed automatically during registration.
  • PATH_PREFIX - optional. A prefix added to the URL path (without the leading /). eg. with a value of push-service the topics endpoint would be under /push-service/topics

Configuring platform applications: create platform applications in SNS first. In this service, you need to invent aliases for each platform application. For example, if you have platform application with identifier arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:133752156591:app/WNS/your-app-name-here, you can add environment variable


This way, your Windows Phone (WNS) application will use "platform": "app_name" in registration requests.

If you have only a single application per upstream platform (one for GCM, one for APNS and so on), it is recommended to use


and so on, so that Android mobile application can then use "platform": "gcm", and iOS applications will use "platform": "apns"

For example,


With this configuration, all new endpoints will be subscribed to "all-items-topic". Apps can use gcm, gcm_mobile and gcm_tablet as platform identifier. Each identifier will be registered to a different SNS platform application.


Send authentication token (configured with AUTH_TOKEN environment variable. If not configured, see startup logs for random token) as Auth-Token (case-insensitive) HTTP header. I.e.,

GET /topics

See your HTTP client's documentation for API to send custom headers.

Admin token (configured with ADMIN_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable) uses the same header. Admin token is required for all admin endpoints. Do not include admin token in any public client applications, as it allows sending push notifications and deleting topics.


POST /device
DELETE /device/<endpoint_id>  # base64 encoded endpoint_id
GET /status
GET /topics
GET /topic/<topic_id>  # base64 encoded topic_id
POST /subscription/topic/<topic_id>/target/<endpoint_id>  # base64 encoded topic_id and endpoint_id.
DELETE /subscription/topic/<topic_id>/target/<subscription_id>  # base64 encoded topic_id and subscription_id.

Admin endpoints:

POST /topics
DELETE /topic/<topic_id>  # base64 encoded topic_id
POST /publish/endpoint/<endpoint_id>  # base64 encoded endpoint_id
POST /publish/topic/<topic_id>  # base64 encoded topic_id

Registering an endpoint

POST /device

JSON body:

  "platform": "ios",
  "endpoint_id": "optional, must be added if this device has been registered earlier",
  "notification_token": "token from apns/gcm/...",
  "auto_subscribe": true

auto_subscribe is true by default. Optional field. If set to false, device is not automatically subscribed to AUTOSUBSCRIBE_TOPICS. There is no separate endpoint for just subscribing to default topics. If you want to do that, send a new registration request without auto_subscribe: false, and the server will handle subscriptions.

  1. Send POST request to /device. If there is endpoint_id stored on the device, include it.
  2. Check that the return code is 200 OK.
  3. Store endpoint_id from the response. This is needed for other requests.

endpoint_id in POST request is not encoded.

If client loses endpoint_id, it can just re-register. If the notification token did not change, SNS will return the same endpoint_id. If the notification token changed, new endpoint_id will be assigned. In this case SNS will keep the old endpoint registration, but it will be disabled when the token expires from APNS/GCM/... Unfortunately, there may be timeframe when both tokens are valid, and user will receive duplicate push notifications. This can be avoided by always including endpoint_id when registering the device.

Deregistering a device

DELETE /device/<endpoint_id>

endpoint_id must be base64 encoded. For example, deleting endpoint with device_id arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:1234567890123:endpoint/GCM/your-application-identifier/1b386cbc-7390-303a-8507-174309a94f4b would become DELETE /device/YXJuOmF3czpzbnM6ZXUtd2VzdC0xOjEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM6ZW5kcG9pbnQvR0NNL3lvdXItYXBwbGljYXRpb24taWRlbnRpZmllci8xYjM4NmNiYy03MzkwLTMwM2EtODUwNy0xNzQzMDlhOTRmNGI=. Padding (trailing = characters) must be included.

Publishing to endpoint/topic

POST /publish/endpoint/<endpoint_arn>  # base64 encoded endpoint_arn
POST /publish/topic/<topic_id>  # base64 encoded topic_id

JSON body:

  "default": "Default message",
  "APNS": {
    "aps": {
      "alert": "Push notification message",
      "url": ""
  "GCM": {
    "data": {
      "custom-message": "Push notification message",
      "your-custom-data": "Data for your application"
    "time_to_live": 3600,
    "collapse_key": "promotions"
  "WNS": {

Main-level attributes are optional, except default, which must be included. In other words, if you don't have any Windows Phone devices, there's no reason to include WNS dictionary.

See upstream provider's reference for field names and descriptions. GCM, APNS

Creating a new topic

POST /topics

JSON body:

  "name": "topic-name-including_numbers_123"

"name" must conform to [A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,256}

Returns {"topic_id": "<id_from_amazon>"}

Subscribing and unsubscribing to/from topics

POST /subscription/topic/<topic_id>/target/<endpoint_id>  # base64 encoded topic_id and endpoint_id.

Empty body. Returns

  "subscription_id": "<subscription_id_string>"

Client needs to store subscription_id if it ever wants to unsubscribe from the topic. Deregistering the device (DELETE /device/<device_id>) will remove all subscriptions.

Unsubscribing from topic is not possible without subscription ID:

DELETE /subscription/topic/<topic_id>/target/<subscription_id>  # base64 encoded topic_id and subscription_id.


BSD 3-clause. See LICENSE.txt for full license text.


Simple proxy server for abstracting and simplifying SNS API







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