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LazyCat! A cat with laser eyes hunts down some lasermice.

Build LazyCat

All builds require Haxe 4.x to be installed.


Run the following:

make export/js

This will produce a JS file, a HTML file, and a zip file containing the former and license files.

Run make test-js to start a simple HTTP server that your browesr can connect to.


Install Hashlink and then run:

make export/hl

Run make test-hl to start the game.

Native binary

Hashlink's requirements and then run:

make export/native

Run make test-native to start the game.

Cross-compiling is not supported.

Build everything

If you have all requirements installed and ready you can run:


This will build all targets. You can also run:

make release

This will also build a source archive.


Run make clean to remove all builds. Run git clean -dfx to completely reset the repo.


To lint code, run:

make lint