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This is the API of the DBpedia Ontology

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v0.0.1
  • Package version: 0.0.2
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import dbpedia


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import dbpedia

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function

import time
import dbpedia
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = dbpedia.Configuration(
    host = ""

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with dbpedia.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = dbpedia.AbbeyApi(api_client)
    label = 'label_example' # str | Filter by label (optional)
page = 1 # int | Page number (optional) (default to 1)
per_page = 100 # int | Items per page (optional) (default to 100)

        # List all instances of Abbey
        api_response = api_instance.abbeys_get(label=label, page=page, per_page=per_page)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AbbeyApi->abbeys_get: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AbbeyApi abbeys_get GET /abbeys List all instances of Abbey
AbbeyApi abbeys_id_get GET /abbeys/{id} Get a single Abbey by its id
AcademicJournalApi academicjournals_get GET /academicjournals List all instances of AcademicJournal
AcademicJournalApi academicjournals_id_get GET /academicjournals/{id} Get a single AcademicJournal by its id
ActivityApi activitys_get GET /activitys List all instances of Activity
ActivityApi activitys_id_get GET /activitys/{id} Get a single Activity by its id
ActorApi actors_get GET /actors List all instances of Actor
ActorApi actors_id_get GET /actors/{id} Get a single Actor by its id
AdministrativeRegionApi administrativeregions_get GET /administrativeregions List all instances of AdministrativeRegion
AdministrativeRegionApi administrativeregions_id_get GET /administrativeregions/{id} Get a single AdministrativeRegion by its id
AdultActorApi adultactors_get GET /adultactors List all instances of AdultActor
AdultActorApi adultactors_id_get GET /adultactors/{id} Get a single AdultActor by its id
AgentApi agents_get GET /agents List all instances of Agent
AgentApi agents_id_get GET /agents/{id} Get a single Agent by its id
AgglomerationApi agglomerations_get GET /agglomerations List all instances of Agglomeration
AgglomerationApi agglomerations_id_get GET /agglomerations/{id} Get a single Agglomeration by its id
AircraftApi aircrafts_get GET /aircrafts List all instances of Aircraft
AircraftApi aircrafts_id_get GET /aircrafts/{id} Get a single Aircraft by its id
AirlineApi airlines_get GET /airlines List all instances of Airline
AirlineApi airlines_id_get GET /airlines/{id} Get a single Airline by its id
AirportApi airports_get GET /airports List all instances of Airport
AirportApi airports_id_get GET /airports/{id} Get a single Airport by its id
AlbumApi albums_get GET /albums List all instances of Album
AlbumApi albums_id_get GET /albums/{id} Get a single Album by its id
AlgerianSettlementApi algeriansettlements_get GET /algeriansettlements List all instances of AlgerianSettlement
AlgerianSettlementApi algeriansettlements_id_get GET /algeriansettlements/{id} Get a single AlgerianSettlement by its id
AltitudeApi altitudes_get GET /altitudes List all instances of Altitude
AltitudeApi altitudes_id_get GET /altitudes/{id} Get a single Altitude by its id
AmateurBoxerApi amateurboxers_get GET /amateurboxers List all instances of AmateurBoxer
AmateurBoxerApi amateurboxers_id_get GET /amateurboxers/{id} Get a single AmateurBoxer by its id
AmbassadorApi ambassadors_get GET /ambassadors List all instances of Ambassador
AmbassadorApi ambassadors_id_get GET /ambassadors/{id} Get a single Ambassador by its id
AmericanFootballCoachApi americanfootballcoachs_get GET /americanfootballcoachs List all instances of AmericanFootballCoach
AmericanFootballCoachApi americanfootballcoachs_id_get GET /americanfootballcoachs/{id} Get a single AmericanFootballCoach by its id
AmericanFootballLeagueApi americanfootballleagues_get GET /americanfootballleagues List all instances of AmericanFootballLeague
AmericanFootballLeagueApi americanfootballleagues_id_get GET /americanfootballleagues/{id} Get a single AmericanFootballLeague by its id
AmericanFootballPlayerApi americanfootballplayers_get GET /americanfootballplayers List all instances of AmericanFootballPlayer
AmericanFootballPlayerApi americanfootballplayers_id_get GET /americanfootballplayers/{id} Get a single AmericanFootballPlayer by its id
AmericanFootballTeamApi americanfootballteams_get GET /americanfootballteams List all instances of AmericanFootballTeam
AmericanFootballTeamApi americanfootballteams_id_get GET /americanfootballteams/{id} Get a single AmericanFootballTeam by its id
AmphibianApi amphibians_get GET /amphibians List all instances of Amphibian
AmphibianApi amphibians_id_get GET /amphibians/{id} Get a single Amphibian by its id
AmusementParkAttractionApi amusementparkattractions_get GET /amusementparkattractions List all instances of AmusementParkAttraction
AmusementParkAttractionApi amusementparkattractions_id_get GET /amusementparkattractions/{id} Get a single AmusementParkAttraction by its id
AnatomicalStructureApi anatomicalstructures_get GET /anatomicalstructures List all instances of AnatomicalStructure
AnatomicalStructureApi anatomicalstructures_id_get GET /anatomicalstructures/{id} Get a single AnatomicalStructure by its id
AnimalApi animals_get GET /animals List all instances of Animal
AnimalApi animals_id_get GET /animals/{id} Get a single Animal by its id
AnimangaCharacterApi animangacharacters_get GET /animangacharacters List all instances of AnimangaCharacter
AnimangaCharacterApi animangacharacters_id_get GET /animangacharacters/{id} Get a single AnimangaCharacter by its id
AnimeApi animes_get GET /animes List all instances of Anime
AnimeApi animes_id_get GET /animes/{id} Get a single Anime by its id
AnnotationApi annotations_get GET /annotations List all instances of Annotation
AnnotationApi annotations_id_get GET /annotations/{id} Get a single Annotation by its id
ArachnidApi arachnids_get GET /arachnids List all instances of Arachnid
ArachnidApi arachnids_id_get GET /arachnids/{id} Get a single Arachnid by its id
ArchaeaApi archaeas_get GET /archaeas List all instances of Archaea
ArchaeaApi archaeas_id_get GET /archaeas/{id} Get a single Archaea by its id
ArcheologistApi archeologists_get GET /archeologists List all instances of Archeologist
ArcheologistApi archeologists_id_get GET /archeologists/{id} Get a single Archeologist by its id
ArchipelagoApi archipelagos_get GET /archipelagos List all instances of Archipelago
ArchipelagoApi archipelagos_id_get GET /archipelagos/{id} Get a single Archipelago by its id
ArchitectApi architects_get GET /architects List all instances of Architect
ArchitectApi architects_id_get GET /architects/{id} Get a single Architect by its id
ArchitecturalStructureApi architecturalstructures_get GET /architecturalstructures List all instances of ArchitecturalStructure
ArchitecturalStructureApi architecturalstructures_id_get GET /architecturalstructures/{id} Get a single ArchitecturalStructure by its id
ArchiveApi archives_get GET /archives List all instances of Archive
ArchiveApi archives_id_get GET /archives/{id} Get a single Archive by its id
AreaApi areas_get GET /areas List all instances of Area
AreaApi areas_id_get GET /areas/{id} Get a single Area by its id
ArenaApi arenas_get GET /arenas List all instances of Arena
ArenaApi arenas_id_get GET /arenas/{id} Get a single Arena by its id
AristocratApi aristocrats_get GET /aristocrats List all instances of Aristocrat
AristocratApi aristocrats_id_get GET /aristocrats/{id} Get a single Aristocrat by its id
ArteryApi arterys_get GET /arterys List all instances of Artery
ArteryApi arterys_id_get GET /arterys/{id} Get a single Artery by its id
ArtificialSatelliteApi artificialsatellites_get GET /artificialsatellites List all instances of ArtificialSatellite
ArtificialSatelliteApi artificialsatellites_id_get GET /artificialsatellites/{id} Get a single ArtificialSatellite by its id
ArtistApi artists_get GET /artists List all instances of Artist
ArtistApi artists_id_get GET /artists/{id} Get a single Artist by its id
ArtistDiscographyApi artistdiscographys_get GET /artistdiscographys List all instances of ArtistDiscography
ArtistDiscographyApi artistdiscographys_id_get GET /artistdiscographys/{id} Get a single ArtistDiscography by its id
ArtworkApi artworks_get GET /artworks List all instances of Artwork
ArtworkApi artworks_id_get GET /artworks/{id} Get a single Artwork by its id
AsteroidApi asteroids_get GET /asteroids List all instances of Asteroid
AsteroidApi asteroids_id_get GET /asteroids/{id} Get a single Asteroid by its id
AstronautApi astronauts_get GET /astronauts List all instances of Astronaut
AstronautApi astronauts_id_get GET /astronauts/{id} Get a single Astronaut by its id
AthleteApi athletes_get GET /athletes List all instances of Athlete
AthleteApi athletes_id_get GET /athletes/{id} Get a single Athlete by its id
AthleticsApi athleticss_get GET /athleticss List all instances of Athletics
AthleticsApi athleticss_id_get GET /athleticss/{id} Get a single Athletics by its id
AthleticsPlayerApi athleticsplayers_get GET /athleticsplayers List all instances of AthleticsPlayer
AthleticsPlayerApi athleticsplayers_id_get GET /athleticsplayers/{id} Get a single AthleticsPlayer by its id
AtollApi atolls_get GET /atolls List all instances of Atoll
AtollApi atolls_id_get GET /atolls/{id} Get a single Atoll by its id
AustralianFootballLeagueApi australianfootballleagues_get GET /australianfootballleagues List all instances of AustralianFootballLeague
AustralianFootballLeagueApi australianfootballleagues_id_get GET /australianfootballleagues/{id} Get a single AustralianFootballLeague by its id
AustralianFootballTeamApi australianfootballteams_get GET /australianfootballteams List all instances of AustralianFootballTeam
AustralianFootballTeamApi australianfootballteams_id_get GET /australianfootballteams/{id} Get a single AustralianFootballTeam by its id
AustralianRulesFootballPlayerApi australianrulesfootballplayers_get GET /australianrulesfootballplayers List all instances of AustralianRulesFootballPlayer
AustralianRulesFootballPlayerApi australianrulesfootballplayers_id_get GET /australianrulesfootballplayers/{id} Get a single AustralianRulesFootballPlayer by its id
AustrianAdministrativeRegionApi austrianadministrativeregions_get GET /austrianadministrativeregions List all instances of AustrianAdministrativeRegion
AustrianAdministrativeRegionApi austrianadministrativeregions_id_get GET /austrianadministrativeregions/{id} Get a single AustrianAdministrativeRegion by its id
AustrianSettlementApi austriansettlements_get GET /austriansettlements List all instances of AustrianSettlement
AustrianSettlementApi austriansettlements_id_get GET /austriansettlements/{id} Get a single AustrianSettlement by its id
AutoRacingLeagueApi autoracingleagues_get GET /autoracingleagues List all instances of AutoRacingLeague
AutoRacingLeagueApi autoracingleagues_id_get GET /autoracingleagues/{id} Get a single AutoRacingLeague by its id
AutomobileApi automobiles_get GET /automobiles List all instances of Automobile
AutomobileApi automobiles_id_get GET /automobiles/{id} Get a single Automobile by its id
AutomobileEngineApi automobileengines_get GET /automobileengines List all instances of AutomobileEngine
AutomobileEngineApi automobileengines_id_get GET /automobileengines/{id} Get a single AutomobileEngine by its id
AwardApi awards_get GET /awards List all instances of Award
AwardApi awards_id_get GET /awards/{id} Get a single Award by its id
BackSceneApi backscenes_get GET /backscenes List all instances of BackScene
BackSceneApi backscenes_id_get GET /backscenes/{id} Get a single BackScene by its id
BacteriaApi bacterias_get GET /bacterias List all instances of Bacteria
BacteriaApi bacterias_id_get GET /bacterias/{id} Get a single Bacteria by its id
BadmintonPlayerApi badmintonplayers_get GET /badmintonplayers List all instances of BadmintonPlayer
BadmintonPlayerApi badmintonplayers_id_get GET /badmintonplayers/{id} Get a single BadmintonPlayer by its id
BandApi bands_get GET /bands List all instances of Band
BandApi bands_id_get GET /bands/{id} Get a single Band by its id
BaronetApi baronets_get GET /baronets List all instances of Baronet
BaronetApi baronets_id_get GET /baronets/{id} Get a single Baronet by its id
BaseballLeagueApi baseballleagues_get GET /baseballleagues List all instances of BaseballLeague
BaseballLeagueApi baseballleagues_id_get GET /baseballleagues/{id} Get a single BaseballLeague by its id
BaseballPlayerApi baseballplayers_get GET /baseballplayers List all instances of BaseballPlayer
BaseballPlayerApi baseballplayers_id_get GET /baseballplayers/{id} Get a single BaseballPlayer by its id
BaseballSeasonApi baseballseasons_get GET /baseballseasons List all instances of BaseballSeason
BaseballSeasonApi baseballseasons_id_get GET /baseballseasons/{id} Get a single BaseballSeason by its id
BaseballTeamApi baseballteams_get GET /baseballteams List all instances of BaseballTeam
BaseballTeamApi baseballteams_id_get GET /baseballteams/{id} Get a single BaseballTeam by its id
BasketballLeagueApi basketballleagues_get GET /basketballleagues List all instances of BasketballLeague
BasketballLeagueApi basketballleagues_id_get GET /basketballleagues/{id} Get a single BasketballLeague by its id
BasketballPlayerApi basketballplayers_get GET /basketballplayers List all instances of BasketballPlayer
BasketballPlayerApi basketballplayers_id_get GET /basketballplayers/{id} Get a single BasketballPlayer by its id
BasketballTeamApi basketballteams_get GET /basketballteams List all instances of BasketballTeam
BasketballTeamApi basketballteams_id_get GET /basketballteams/{id} Get a single BasketballTeam by its id
BeachVolleyballPlayerApi beachvolleyballplayers_get GET /beachvolleyballplayers List all instances of BeachVolleyballPlayer
BeachVolleyballPlayerApi beachvolleyballplayers_id_get GET /beachvolleyballplayers/{id} Get a single BeachVolleyballPlayer by its id
BeautyQueenApi beautyqueens_get GET /beautyqueens List all instances of BeautyQueen
BeautyQueenApi beautyqueens_id_get GET /beautyqueens/{id} Get a single BeautyQueen by its id
BeerApi beers_get GET /beers List all instances of Beer
BeerApi beers_id_get GET /beers/{id} Get a single Beer by its id
BelgiumSettlementApi belgiumsettlements_get GET /belgiumsettlements List all instances of BelgiumSettlement
BelgiumSettlementApi belgiumsettlements_id_get GET /belgiumsettlements/{id} Get a single BelgiumSettlement by its id
BeverageApi beverages_get GET /beverages List all instances of Beverage
BeverageApi beverages_id_get GET /beverages/{id} Get a single Beverage by its id
BiologicalDatabaseApi biologicaldatabases_get GET /biologicaldatabases List all instances of BiologicalDatabase
BiologicalDatabaseApi biologicaldatabases_id_get GET /biologicaldatabases/{id} Get a single BiologicalDatabase by its id
BiomoleculeApi biomolecules_get GET /biomolecules List all instances of Biomolecule
BiomoleculeApi biomolecules_id_get GET /biomolecules/{id} Get a single Biomolecule by its id
BirdApi birds_get GET /birds List all instances of Bird
BirdApi birds_id_get GET /birds/{id} Get a single Bird by its id
BirthApi births_get GET /births List all instances of Birth
BirthApi births_id_get GET /births/{id} Get a single Birth by its id
BlazonApi blazons_get GET /blazons List all instances of Blazon
BlazonApi blazons_id_get GET /blazons/{id} Get a single Blazon by its id
BoardGameApi boardgames_get GET /boardgames List all instances of BoardGame
BoardGameApi boardgames_id_get GET /boardgames/{id} Get a single BoardGame by its id
BodyOfWaterApi bodyofwaters_get GET /bodyofwaters List all instances of BodyOfWater
BodyOfWaterApi bodyofwaters_id_get GET /bodyofwaters/{id} Get a single BodyOfWater by its id
BodybuilderApi bodybuilders_get GET /bodybuilders List all instances of Bodybuilder
BodybuilderApi bodybuilders_id_get GET /bodybuilders/{id} Get a single Bodybuilder by its id
BoneApi bones_get GET /bones List all instances of Bone
BoneApi bones_id_get GET /bones/{id} Get a single Bone by its id
BookApi books_get GET /books List all instances of Book
BookApi books_id_get GET /books/{id} Get a single Book by its id
BowlingLeagueApi bowlingleagues_get GET /bowlingleagues List all instances of BowlingLeague
BowlingLeagueApi bowlingleagues_id_get GET /bowlingleagues/{id} Get a single BowlingLeague by its id
BoxerApi boxers_get GET /boxers List all instances of Boxer
BoxerApi boxers_id_get GET /boxers/{id} Get a single Boxer by its id
BoxingApi boxings_get GET /boxings List all instances of Boxing
BoxingApi boxings_id_get GET /boxings/{id} Get a single Boxing by its id
BoxingCategoryApi boxingcategorys_get GET /boxingcategorys List all instances of BoxingCategory
BoxingCategoryApi boxingcategorys_id_get GET /boxingcategorys/{id} Get a single BoxingCategory by its id
BoxingLeagueApi boxingleagues_get GET /boxingleagues List all instances of BoxingLeague
BoxingLeagueApi boxingleagues_id_get GET /boxingleagues/{id} Get a single BoxingLeague by its id
BoxingStyleApi boxingstyles_get GET /boxingstyles List all instances of BoxingStyle
BoxingStyleApi boxingstyles_id_get GET /boxingstyles/{id} Get a single BoxingStyle by its id
BrainApi brains_get GET /brains List all instances of Brain
BrainApi brains_id_get GET /brains/{id} Get a single Brain by its id
BreweryApi brewerys_get GET /brewerys List all instances of Brewery
BreweryApi brewerys_id_get GET /brewerys/{id} Get a single Brewery by its id
BridgeApi bridges_get GET /bridges List all instances of Bridge
BridgeApi bridges_id_get GET /bridges/{id} Get a single Bridge by its id
BritishRoyaltyApi britishroyaltys_get GET /britishroyaltys List all instances of BritishRoyalty
BritishRoyaltyApi britishroyaltys_id_get GET /britishroyaltys/{id} Get a single BritishRoyalty by its id
BroadcastNetworkApi broadcastnetworks_get GET /broadcastnetworks List all instances of BroadcastNetwork
BroadcastNetworkApi broadcastnetworks_id_get GET /broadcastnetworks/{id} Get a single BroadcastNetwork by its id
BroadcasterApi broadcasters_get GET /broadcasters List all instances of Broadcaster
BroadcasterApi broadcasters_id_get GET /broadcasters/{id} Get a single Broadcaster by its id
BrownDwarfApi browndwarfs_get GET /browndwarfs List all instances of BrownDwarf
BrownDwarfApi browndwarfs_id_get GET /browndwarfs/{id} Get a single BrownDwarf by its id
BuildingApi buildings_get GET /buildings List all instances of Building
BuildingApi buildings_id_get GET /buildings/{id} Get a single Building by its id
BullfighterApi bullfighters_get GET /bullfighters List all instances of Bullfighter
BullfighterApi bullfighters_id_get GET /bullfighters/{id} Get a single Bullfighter by its id
BusCompanyApi buscompanys_get GET /buscompanys List all instances of BusCompany
BusCompanyApi buscompanys_id_get GET /buscompanys/{id} Get a single BusCompany by its id
BusinessPersonApi businesspersons_get GET /businesspersons List all instances of BusinessPerson
BusinessPersonApi businesspersons_id_get GET /businesspersons/{id} Get a single BusinessPerson by its id
CameraApi cameras_get GET /cameras List all instances of Camera
CameraApi cameras_id_get GET /cameras/{id} Get a single Camera by its id
CanadianFootballLeagueApi canadianfootballleagues_get GET /canadianfootballleagues List all instances of CanadianFootballLeague
CanadianFootballLeagueApi canadianfootballleagues_id_get GET /canadianfootballleagues/{id} Get a single CanadianFootballLeague by its id
CanadianFootballPlayerApi canadianfootballplayers_get GET /canadianfootballplayers List all instances of CanadianFootballPlayer
CanadianFootballPlayerApi canadianfootballplayers_id_get GET /canadianfootballplayers/{id} Get a single CanadianFootballPlayer by its id
CanadianFootballTeamApi canadianfootballteams_get GET /canadianfootballteams List all instances of CanadianFootballTeam
CanadianFootballTeamApi canadianfootballteams_id_get GET /canadianfootballteams/{id} Get a single CanadianFootballTeam by its id
CanalApi canals_get GET /canals List all instances of Canal
CanalApi canals_id_get GET /canals/{id} Get a single Canal by its id
CanoeistApi canoeists_get GET /canoeists List all instances of Canoeist
CanoeistApi canoeists_id_get GET /canoeists/{id} Get a single Canoeist by its id
CapitalApi capitals_get GET /capitals List all instances of Capital
CapitalApi capitals_id_get GET /capitals/{id} Get a single Capital by its id
CapitalOfRegionApi capitalofregions_get GET /capitalofregions List all instances of CapitalOfRegion
CapitalOfRegionApi capitalofregions_id_get GET /capitalofregions/{id} Get a single CapitalOfRegion by its id
CardinalApi cardinals_get GET /cardinals List all instances of Cardinal
CardinalApi cardinals_id_get GET /cardinals/{id} Get a single Cardinal by its id
CareerStationApi careerstations_get GET /careerstations List all instances of CareerStation
CareerStationApi careerstations_id_get GET /careerstations/{id} Get a single CareerStation by its id
CartoonApi cartoons_get GET /cartoons List all instances of Cartoon
CartoonApi cartoons_id_get GET /cartoons/{id} Get a single Cartoon by its id
CaseApi cases_get GET /cases List all instances of Case
CaseApi cases_id_get GET /cases/{id} Get a single Case by its id
CasinoApi casinos_get GET /casinos List all instances of Casino
CasinoApi casinos_id_get GET /casinos/{id} Get a single Casino by its id
CastleApi castles_get GET /castles List all instances of Castle
CastleApi castles_id_get GET /castles/{id} Get a single Castle by its id
CaveApi caves_get GET /caves List all instances of Cave
CaveApi caves_id_get GET /caves/{id} Get a single Cave by its id
CelebrityApi celebritys_get GET /celebritys List all instances of Celebrity
CelebrityApi celebritys_id_get GET /celebritys/{id} Get a single Celebrity by its id
CelestialBodyApi celestialbodys_get GET /celestialbodys List all instances of CelestialBody
CelestialBodyApi celestialbodys_id_get GET /celestialbodys/{id} Get a single CelestialBody by its id
CemeteryApi cemeterys_get GET /cemeterys List all instances of Cemetery
CemeteryApi cemeterys_id_get GET /cemeterys/{id} Get a single Cemetery by its id
ChancellorApi chancellors_get GET /chancellors List all instances of Chancellor
ChancellorApi chancellors_id_get GET /chancellors/{id} Get a single Chancellor by its id
ChartsPlacementsApi chartsplacementss_get GET /chartsplacementss List all instances of ChartsPlacements
ChartsPlacementsApi chartsplacementss_id_get GET /chartsplacementss/{id} Get a single ChartsPlacements by its id
CheeseApi cheeses_get GET /cheeses List all instances of Cheese
CheeseApi cheeses_id_get GET /cheeses/{id} Get a single Cheese by its id
ChefApi chefs_get GET /chefs List all instances of Chef
ChefApi chefs_id_get GET /chefs/{id} Get a single Chef by its id
ChemicalCompoundApi chemicalcompounds_get GET /chemicalcompounds List all instances of ChemicalCompound
ChemicalCompoundApi chemicalcompounds_id_get GET /chemicalcompounds/{id} Get a single ChemicalCompound by its id
ChemicalElementApi chemicalelements_get GET /chemicalelements List all instances of ChemicalElement
ChemicalElementApi chemicalelements_id_get GET /chemicalelements/{id} Get a single ChemicalElement by its id
ChemicalSubstanceApi chemicalsubstances_get GET /chemicalsubstances List all instances of ChemicalSubstance
ChemicalSubstanceApi chemicalsubstances_id_get GET /chemicalsubstances/{id} Get a single ChemicalSubstance by its id
ChessPlayerApi chessplayers_get GET /chessplayers List all instances of ChessPlayer
ChessPlayerApi chessplayers_id_get GET /chessplayers/{id} Get a single ChessPlayer by its id
ChristianBishopApi christianbishops_get GET /christianbishops List all instances of ChristianBishop
ChristianBishopApi christianbishops_id_get GET /christianbishops/{id} Get a single ChristianBishop by its id
ChristianDoctrineApi christiandoctrines_get GET /christiandoctrines List all instances of ChristianDoctrine
ChristianDoctrineApi christiandoctrines_id_get GET /christiandoctrines/{id} Get a single ChristianDoctrine by its id
ChristianPatriarchApi christianpatriarchs_get GET /christianpatriarchs List all instances of ChristianPatriarch
ChristianPatriarchApi christianpatriarchs_id_get GET /christianpatriarchs/{id} Get a single ChristianPatriarch by its id
ChurchApi churchs_get GET /churchs List all instances of Church
ChurchApi churchs_id_get GET /churchs/{id} Get a single Church by its id
CityApi citys_get GET /citys List all instances of City
CityApi citys_id_get GET /citys/{id} Get a single City by its id
CityDistrictApi citydistricts_get GET /citydistricts List all instances of CityDistrict
CityDistrictApi citydistricts_id_get GET /citydistricts/{id} Get a single CityDistrict by its id
ClassicalMusicArtistApi classicalmusicartists_get GET /classicalmusicartists List all instances of ClassicalMusicArtist
ClassicalMusicArtistApi classicalmusicartists_id_get GET /classicalmusicartists/{id} Get a single ClassicalMusicArtist by its id
ClassicalMusicCompositionApi classicalmusiccompositions_get GET /classicalmusiccompositions List all instances of ClassicalMusicComposition
ClassicalMusicCompositionApi classicalmusiccompositions_id_get GET /classicalmusiccompositions/{id} Get a single ClassicalMusicComposition by its id
ClericApi clerics_get GET /clerics List all instances of Cleric
ClericApi clerics_id_get GET /clerics/{id} Get a single Cleric by its id
ClericalAdministrativeRegionApi clericaladministrativeregions_get GET /clericaladministrativeregions List all instances of ClericalAdministrativeRegion
ClericalAdministrativeRegionApi clericaladministrativeregions_id_get GET /clericaladministrativeregions/{id} Get a single ClericalAdministrativeRegion by its id
ClericalOrderApi clericalorders_get GET /clericalorders List all instances of ClericalOrder
ClericalOrderApi clericalorders_id_get GET /clericalorders/{id} Get a single ClericalOrder by its id
ClubMossApi clubmosss_get GET /clubmosss List all instances of ClubMoss
ClubMossApi clubmosss_id_get GET /clubmosss/{id} Get a single ClubMoss by its id
CoachApi coachs_get GET /coachs List all instances of Coach
CoachApi coachs_id_get GET /coachs/{id} Get a single Coach by its id
CollectionOfValuablesApi collectionofvaluabless_get GET /collectionofvaluabless List all instances of CollectionOfValuables
CollectionOfValuablesApi collectionofvaluabless_id_get GET /collectionofvaluabless/{id} Get a single CollectionOfValuables by its id
CollegeApi colleges_get GET /colleges List all instances of College
CollegeApi colleges_id_get GET /colleges/{id} Get a single College by its id
CollegeCoachApi collegecoachs_get GET /collegecoachs List all instances of CollegeCoach
CollegeCoachApi collegecoachs_id_get GET /collegecoachs/{id} Get a single CollegeCoach by its id
ColourApi colours_get GET /colours List all instances of Colour
ColourApi colours_id_get GET /colours/{id} Get a single Colour by its id
ComedianApi comedians_get GET /comedians List all instances of Comedian
ComedianApi comedians_id_get GET /comedians/{id} Get a single Comedian by its id
ComedyGroupApi comedygroups_get GET /comedygroups List all instances of ComedyGroup
ComedyGroupApi comedygroups_id_get GET /comedygroups/{id} Get a single ComedyGroup by its id
ComicApi comics_get GET /comics List all instances of Comic
ComicApi comics_id_get GET /comics/{id} Get a single Comic by its id
ComicStripApi comicstrips_get GET /comicstrips List all instances of ComicStrip
ComicStripApi comicstrips_id_get GET /comicstrips/{id} Get a single ComicStrip by its id
ComicsApi comicss_get GET /comicss List all instances of Comics
ComicsApi comicss_id_get GET /comicss/{id} Get a single Comics by its id
ComicsCharacterApi comicscharacters_get GET /comicscharacters List all instances of ComicsCharacter
ComicsCharacterApi comicscharacters_id_get GET /comicscharacters/{id} Get a single ComicsCharacter by its id
ComicsCreatorApi comicscreators_get GET /comicscreators List all instances of ComicsCreator
ComicsCreatorApi comicscreators_id_get GET /comicscreators/{id} Get a single ComicsCreator by its id
CommunityApi communitys_get GET /communitys List all instances of Community
CommunityApi communitys_id_get GET /communitys/{id} Get a single Community by its id
CompanyApi companys_get GET /companys List all instances of Company
CompanyApi companys_id_get GET /companys/{id} Get a single Company by its id
CompetitionApi competitions_get GET /competitions List all instances of Competition
CompetitionApi competitions_id_get GET /competitions/{id} Get a single Competition by its id
CongressmanApi congressmans_get GET /congressmans List all instances of Congressman
CongressmanApi congressmans_id_get GET /congressmans/{id} Get a single Congressman by its id
ConiferApi conifers_get GET /conifers List all instances of Conifer
ConiferApi conifers_id_get GET /conifers/{id} Get a single Conifer by its id
ConstellationApi constellations_get GET /constellations List all instances of Constellation
ConstellationApi constellations_id_get GET /constellations/{id} Get a single Constellation by its id
ContestApi contests_get GET /contests List all instances of Contest
ContestApi contests_id_get GET /contests/{id} Get a single Contest by its id
ContinentApi continents_get GET /continents List all instances of Continent
ContinentApi continents_id_get GET /continents/{id} Get a single Continent by its id
ControlledDesignationOfOriginWineApi controlleddesignationoforiginwines_get GET /controlleddesignationoforiginwines List all instances of ControlledDesignationOfOriginWine
ControlledDesignationOfOriginWineApi controlleddesignationoforiginwines_id_get GET /controlleddesignationoforiginwines/{id} Get a single ControlledDesignationOfOriginWine by its id
ConventionApi conventions_get GET /conventions List all instances of Convention
ConventionApi conventions_id_get GET /conventions/{id} Get a single Convention by its id
CountryApi countrys_get GET /countrys List all instances of Country
CountryApi countrys_id_get GET /countrys/{id} Get a single Country by its id
CountrySeatApi countryseats_get GET /countryseats List all instances of CountrySeat
CountrySeatApi countryseats_id_get GET /countryseats/{id} Get a single CountrySeat by its id
CraterApi craters_get GET /craters List all instances of Crater
CraterApi craters_id_get GET /craters/{id} Get a single Crater by its id
CricketGroundApi cricketgrounds_get GET /cricketgrounds List all instances of CricketGround
CricketGroundApi cricketgrounds_id_get GET /cricketgrounds/{id} Get a single CricketGround by its id
CricketLeagueApi cricketleagues_get GET /cricketleagues List all instances of CricketLeague
CricketLeagueApi cricketleagues_id_get GET /cricketleagues/{id} Get a single CricketLeague by its id
CricketTeamApi cricketteams_get GET /cricketteams List all instances of CricketTeam
CricketTeamApi cricketteams_id_get GET /cricketteams/{id} Get a single CricketTeam by its id
CricketerApi cricketers_get GET /cricketers List all instances of Cricketer
CricketerApi cricketers_id_get GET /cricketers/{id} Get a single Cricketer by its id
CriminalApi criminals_get GET /criminals List all instances of Criminal
CriminalApi criminals_id_get GET /criminals/{id} Get a single Criminal by its id
CrustaceanApi crustaceans_get GET /crustaceans List all instances of Crustacean
CrustaceanApi crustaceans_id_get GET /crustaceans/{id} Get a single Crustacean by its id
CultivatedVarietyApi cultivatedvarietys_get GET /cultivatedvarietys List all instances of CultivatedVariety
CultivatedVarietyApi cultivatedvarietys_id_get GET /cultivatedvarietys/{id} Get a single CultivatedVariety by its id
CurlerApi curlers_get GET /curlers List all instances of Curler
CurlerApi curlers_id_get GET /curlers/{id} Get a single Curler by its id
CurlingLeagueApi curlingleagues_get GET /curlingleagues List all instances of CurlingLeague
CurlingLeagueApi curlingleagues_id_get GET /curlingleagues/{id} Get a single CurlingLeague by its id
CurrencyApi currencys_get GET /currencys List all instances of Currency
CurrencyApi currencys_id_get GET /currencys/{id} Get a single Currency by its id
CycadApi cycads_get GET /cycads List all instances of Cycad
CycadApi cycads_id_get GET /cycads/{id} Get a single Cycad by its id
CyclingCompetitionApi cyclingcompetitions_get GET /cyclingcompetitions List all instances of CyclingCompetition
CyclingCompetitionApi cyclingcompetitions_id_get GET /cyclingcompetitions/{id} Get a single CyclingCompetition by its id
CyclingLeagueApi cyclingleagues_get GET /cyclingleagues List all instances of CyclingLeague
CyclingLeagueApi cyclingleagues_id_get GET /cyclingleagues/{id} Get a single CyclingLeague by its id
CyclingRaceApi cyclingraces_get GET /cyclingraces List all instances of CyclingRace
CyclingRaceApi cyclingraces_id_get GET /cyclingraces/{id} Get a single CyclingRace by its id
CyclingTeamApi cyclingteams_get GET /cyclingteams List all instances of CyclingTeam
CyclingTeamApi cyclingteams_id_get GET /cyclingteams/{id} Get a single CyclingTeam by its id
CyclistApi cyclists_get GET /cyclists List all instances of Cyclist
CyclistApi cyclists_id_get GET /cyclists/{id} Get a single Cyclist by its id
DamApi dams_get GET /dams List all instances of Dam
DamApi dams_id_get GET /dams/{id} Get a single Dam by its id
DancerApi dancers_get GET /dancers List all instances of Dancer
DancerApi dancers_id_get GET /dancers/{id} Get a single Dancer by its id
DartsPlayerApi dartsplayers_get GET /dartsplayers List all instances of DartsPlayer
DartsPlayerApi dartsplayers_id_get GET /dartsplayers/{id} Get a single DartsPlayer by its id
DatabaseApi databases_get GET /databases List all instances of Database
DatabaseApi databases_id_get GET /databases/{id} Get a single Database by its id
DeaneryApi deanerys_get GET /deanerys List all instances of Deanery
DeaneryApi deanerys_id_get GET /deanerys/{id} Get a single Deanery by its id
DeathApi deaths_get GET /deaths List all instances of Death
DeathApi deaths_id_get GET /deaths/{id} Get a single Death by its id
DecorationApi decorations_get GET /decorations List all instances of Decoration
DecorationApi decorations_id_get GET /decorations/{id} Get a single Decoration by its id
DeityApi deitys_get GET /deitys List all instances of Deity
DeityApi deitys_id_get GET /deitys/{id} Get a single Deity by its id
DemographicsApi demographicss_get GET /demographicss List all instances of Demographics
DemographicsApi demographicss_id_get GET /demographicss/{id} Get a single Demographics by its id
DepartmentApi departments_get GET /departments List all instances of Department
DepartmentApi departments_id_get GET /departments/{id} Get a single Department by its id
DepthApi depths_get GET /depths List all instances of Depth
DepthApi depths_id_get GET /depths/{id} Get a single Depth by its id
DeputyApi deputys_get GET /deputys List all instances of Deputy
DeputyApi deputys_id_get GET /deputys/{id} Get a single Deputy by its id
DesertApi deserts_get GET /deserts List all instances of Desert
DesertApi deserts_id_get GET /deserts/{id} Get a single Desert by its id
DeviceApi devices_get GET /devices List all instances of Device
DeviceApi devices_id_get GET /devices/{id} Get a single Device by its id
DigitalCameraApi digitalcameras_get GET /digitalcameras List all instances of DigitalCamera
DigitalCameraApi digitalcameras_id_get GET /digitalcameras/{id} Get a single DigitalCamera by its id
DioceseApi dioceses_get GET /dioceses List all instances of Diocese
DioceseApi dioceses_id_get GET /dioceses/{id} Get a single Diocese by its id
DiplomaApi diplomas_get GET /diplomas List all instances of Diploma
DiplomaApi diplomas_id_get GET /diplomas/{id} Get a single Diploma by its id
DiseaseApi diseases_get GET /diseases List all instances of Disease
DiseaseApi diseases_id_get GET /diseases/{id} Get a single Disease by its id
DisneyCharacterApi disneycharacters_get GET /disneycharacters List all instances of DisneyCharacter
DisneyCharacterApi disneycharacters_id_get GET /disneycharacters/{id} Get a single DisneyCharacter by its id
DistrictApi districts_get GET /districts List all instances of District
DistrictApi districts_id_get GET /districts/{id} Get a single District by its id
DistrictWaterBoardApi districtwaterboards_get GET /districtwaterboards List all instances of DistrictWaterBoard
DistrictWaterBoardApi districtwaterboards_id_get GET /districtwaterboards/{id} Get a single DistrictWaterBoard by its id
DivorceApi divorces_get GET /divorces List all instances of Divorce
DivorceApi divorces_id_get GET /divorces/{id} Get a single Divorce by its id
DocumentApi documents_get GET /documents List all instances of Document
DocumentApi documents_id_get GET /documents/{id} Get a single Document by its id
DocumentTypeApi documenttypes_get GET /documenttypes List all instances of DocumentType
DocumentTypeApi documenttypes_id_get GET /documenttypes/{id} Get a single DocumentType by its id
DogApi dogs_get GET /dogs List all instances of Dog
DogApi dogs_id_get GET /dogs/{id} Get a single Dog by its id
DramaApi dramas_get GET /dramas List all instances of Drama
DramaApi dramas_id_get GET /dramas/{id} Get a single Drama by its id
DrugApi drugs_get GET /drugs List all instances of Drug
DrugApi drugs_id_get GET /drugs/{id} Get a single Drug by its id
EconomistApi economists_get GET /economists List all instances of Economist
EconomistApi economists_id_get GET /economists/{id} Get a single Economist by its id
EducationalInstitutionApi educationalinstitutions_get GET /educationalinstitutions List all instances of EducationalInstitution
EducationalInstitutionApi educationalinstitutions_id_get GET /educationalinstitutions/{id} Get a single EducationalInstitution by its id
EgyptologistApi egyptologists_get GET /egyptologists List all instances of Egyptologist
EgyptologistApi egyptologists_id_get GET /egyptologists/{id} Get a single Egyptologist by its id
ElectionApi elections_get GET /elections List all instances of Election
ElectionApi elections_id_get GET /elections/{id} Get a single Election by its id
ElectionDiagramApi electiondiagrams_get GET /electiondiagrams List all instances of ElectionDiagram
ElectionDiagramApi electiondiagrams_id_get GET /electiondiagrams/{id} Get a single ElectionDiagram by its id
EmbryologyApi embryologys_get GET /embryologys List all instances of Embryology
EmbryologyApi embryologys_id_get GET /embryologys/{id} Get a single Embryology by its id
EmployerApi employers_get GET /employers List all instances of Employer
EmployerApi employers_id_get GET /employers/{id} Get a single Employer by its id
EngineerApi engineers_get GET /engineers List all instances of Engineer
EngineerApi engineers_id_get GET /engineers/{id} Get a single Engineer by its id
EntomologistApi entomologists_get GET /entomologists List all instances of Entomologist
EntomologistApi entomologists_id_get GET /entomologists/{id} Get a single Entomologist by its id
EnzymeApi enzymes_get GET /enzymes List all instances of Enzyme
EnzymeApi enzymes_id_get GET /enzymes/{id} Get a single Enzyme by its id
EthnicGroupApi ethnicgroups_get GET /ethnicgroups List all instances of EthnicGroup
EthnicGroupApi ethnicgroups_id_get GET /ethnicgroups/{id} Get a single EthnicGroup by its id
EukaryoteApi eukaryotes_get GET /eukaryotes List all instances of Eukaryote
EukaryoteApi eukaryotes_id_get GET /eukaryotes/{id} Get a single Eukaryote by its id
EurovisionSongContestEntryApi eurovisionsongcontestentrys_get GET /eurovisionsongcontestentrys List all instances of EurovisionSongContestEntry
EurovisionSongContestEntryApi eurovisionsongcontestentrys_id_get GET /eurovisionsongcontestentrys/{id} Get a single EurovisionSongContestEntry by its id
EventApi events_get GET /events List all instances of Event
EventApi events_id_get GET /events/{id} Get a single Event by its id
FactoryApi factorys_get GET /factorys List all instances of Factory
FactoryApi factorys_id_get GET /factorys/{id} Get a single Factory by its id
FamilyApi familys_get GET /familys List all instances of Family
FamilyApi familys_id_get GET /familys/{id} Get a single Family by its id
FarmerApi farmers_get GET /farmers List all instances of Farmer
FarmerApi farmers_id_get GET /farmers/{id} Get a single Farmer by its id
FashionApi fashions_get GET /fashions List all instances of Fashion
FashionApi fashions_id_get GET /fashions/{id} Get a single Fashion by its id
FashionDesignerApi fashiondesigners_get GET /fashiondesigners List all instances of FashionDesigner
FashionDesignerApi fashiondesigners_id_get GET /fashiondesigners/{id} Get a single FashionDesigner by its id
FencerApi fencers_get GET /fencers List all instances of Fencer
FencerApi fencers_id_get GET /fencers/{id} Get a single Fencer by its id
FernApi ferns_get GET /ferns List all instances of Fern
FernApi ferns_id_get GET /ferns/{id} Get a single Fern by its id
FictionalCharacterApi fictionalcharacters_get GET /fictionalcharacters List all instances of FictionalCharacter
FictionalCharacterApi fictionalcharacters_id_get GET /fictionalcharacters/{id} Get a single FictionalCharacter by its id
FieldHockeyLeagueApi fieldhockeyleagues_get GET /fieldhockeyleagues List all instances of FieldHockeyLeague
FieldHockeyLeagueApi fieldhockeyleagues_id_get GET /fieldhockeyleagues/{id} Get a single FieldHockeyLeague by its id
FigureSkaterApi figureskaters_get GET /figureskaters List all instances of FigureSkater
FigureSkaterApi figureskaters_id_get GET /figureskaters/{id} Get a single FigureSkater by its id
FilmApi films_get GET /films List all instances of Film
FilmApi films_id_get GET /films/{id} Get a single Film by its id
FilmFestivalApi filmfestivals_get GET /filmfestivals List all instances of FilmFestival
FilmFestivalApi filmfestivals_id_get GET /filmfestivals/{id} Get a single FilmFestival by its id
FishApi fishs_get GET /fishs List all instances of Fish
FishApi fishs_id_get GET /fishs/{id} Get a single Fish by its id
FlagApi flags_get GET /flags List all instances of Flag
FlagApi flags_id_get GET /flags/{id} Get a single Flag by its id
FloweringPlantApi floweringplants_get GET /floweringplants List all instances of FloweringPlant
FloweringPlantApi floweringplants_id_get GET /floweringplants/{id} Get a single FloweringPlant by its id
FoodApi foods_get GET /foods List all instances of Food
FoodApi foods_id_get GET /foods/{id} Get a single Food by its id
FootballLeagueSeasonApi footballleagueseasons_get GET /footballleagueseasons List all instances of FootballLeagueSeason
FootballLeagueSeasonApi footballleagueseasons_id_get GET /footballleagueseasons/{id} Get a single FootballLeagueSeason by its id
FootballMatchApi footballmatchs_get GET /footballmatchs List all instances of FootballMatch
FootballMatchApi footballmatchs_id_get GET /footballmatchs/{id} Get a single FootballMatch by its id
FormerMunicipalityApi formermunicipalitys_get GET /formermunicipalitys List all instances of FormerMunicipality
FormerMunicipalityApi formermunicipalitys_id_get GET /formermunicipalitys/{id} Get a single FormerMunicipality by its id
FormulaOneRacerApi formulaoneracers_get GET /formulaoneracers List all instances of FormulaOneRacer
FormulaOneRacerApi formulaoneracers_id_get GET /formulaoneracers/{id} Get a single FormulaOneRacer by its id
FormulaOneRacingApi formulaoneracings_get GET /formulaoneracings List all instances of FormulaOneRacing
FormulaOneRacingApi formulaoneracings_id_get GET /formulaoneracings/{id} Get a single FormulaOneRacing by its id
FormulaOneTeamApi formulaoneteams_get GET /formulaoneteams List all instances of FormulaOneTeam
FormulaOneTeamApi formulaoneteams_id_get GET /formulaoneteams/{id} Get a single FormulaOneTeam by its id
FungusApi funguss_get GET /funguss List all instances of Fungus
FungusApi funguss_id_get GET /funguss/{id} Get a single Fungus by its id
GaelicGamesPlayerApi gaelicgamesplayers_get GET /gaelicgamesplayers List all instances of GaelicGamesPlayer
GaelicGamesPlayerApi gaelicgamesplayers_id_get GET /gaelicgamesplayers/{id} Get a single GaelicGamesPlayer by its id
GalaxyApi galaxys_get GET /galaxys List all instances of Galaxy
GalaxyApi galaxys_id_get GET /galaxys/{id} Get a single Galaxy by its id
GameApi games_get GET /games List all instances of Game
GameApi games_id_get GET /games/{id} Get a single Game by its id
GardenApi gardens_get GET /gardens List all instances of Garden
GardenApi gardens_id_get GET /gardens/{id} Get a single Garden by its id
GateApi gates_get GET /gates List all instances of Gate
GateApi gates_id_get GET /gates/{id} Get a single Gate by its id
GatedCommunityApi gatedcommunitys_get GET /gatedcommunitys List all instances of GatedCommunity
GatedCommunityApi gatedcommunitys_id_get GET /gatedcommunitys/{id} Get a single GatedCommunity by its id
GeneApi genes_get GET /genes List all instances of Gene
GeneApi genes_id_get GET /genes/{id} Get a single Gene by its id
GeneLocationApi genelocations_get GET /genelocations List all instances of GeneLocation
GeneLocationApi genelocations_id_get GET /genelocations/{id} Get a single GeneLocation by its id
GenreApi genres_get GET /genres List all instances of Genre
GenreApi genres_id_get GET /genres/{id} Get a single Genre by its id
GeologicalPeriodApi geologicalperiods_get GET /geologicalperiods List all instances of GeologicalPeriod
GeologicalPeriodApi geologicalperiods_id_get GET /geologicalperiods/{id} Get a single GeologicalPeriod by its id
GeopoliticalOrganisationApi geopoliticalorganisations_get GET /geopoliticalorganisations List all instances of GeopoliticalOrganisation
GeopoliticalOrganisationApi geopoliticalorganisations_id_get GET /geopoliticalorganisations/{id} Get a single GeopoliticalOrganisation by its id
GermanSettlementApi germansettlements_get GET /germansettlements List all instances of GermanSettlement
GermanSettlementApi germansettlements_id_get GET /germansettlements/{id} Get a single GermanSettlement by its id
GinkgoApi ginkgos_get GET /ginkgos List all instances of Ginkgo
GinkgoApi ginkgos_id_get GET /ginkgos/{id} Get a single Ginkgo by its id
GivenNameApi givennames_get GET /givennames List all instances of GivenName
GivenNameApi givennames_id_get GET /givennames/{id} Get a single GivenName by its id
GlacierApi glaciers_get GET /glaciers List all instances of Glacier
GlacierApi glaciers_id_get GET /glaciers/{id} Get a single Glacier by its id
GlobularswarmApi globularswarms_get GET /globularswarms List all instances of Globularswarm
GlobularswarmApi globularswarms_id_get GET /globularswarms/{id} Get a single Globularswarm by its id
GnetophytesApi gnetophytess_get GET /gnetophytess List all instances of Gnetophytes
GnetophytesApi gnetophytess_id_get GET /gnetophytess/{id} Get a single Gnetophytes by its id
GolfCourseApi golfcourses_get GET /golfcourses List all instances of GolfCourse
GolfCourseApi golfcourses_id_get GET /golfcourses/{id} Get a single GolfCourse by its id
GolfLeagueApi golfleagues_get GET /golfleagues List all instances of GolfLeague
GolfLeagueApi golfleagues_id_get GET /golfleagues/{id} Get a single GolfLeague by its id
GolfPlayerApi golfplayers_get GET /golfplayers List all instances of GolfPlayer
GolfPlayerApi golfplayers_id_get GET /golfplayers/{id} Get a single GolfPlayer by its id
GolfTournamentApi golftournaments_get GET /golftournaments List all instances of GolfTournament
GolfTournamentApi golftournaments_id_get GET /golftournaments/{id} Get a single GolfTournament by its id
GovernmentAgencyApi governmentagencys_get GET /governmentagencys List all instances of GovernmentAgency
GovernmentAgencyApi governmentagencys_id_get GET /governmentagencys/{id} Get a single GovernmentAgency by its id
GovernmentTypeApi governmenttypes_get GET /governmenttypes List all instances of GovernmentType
GovernmentTypeApi governmenttypes_id_get GET /governmenttypes/{id} Get a single GovernmentType by its id
GovernmentalAdministrativeRegionApi governmentaladministrativeregions_get GET /governmentaladministrativeregions List all instances of GovernmentalAdministrativeRegion
GovernmentalAdministrativeRegionApi governmentaladministrativeregions_id_get GET /governmentaladministrativeregions/{id} Get a single GovernmentalAdministrativeRegion by its id
GovernorApi governors_get GET /governors List all instances of Governor
GovernorApi governors_id_get GET /governors/{id} Get a single Governor by its id
GrandPrixApi grandprixs_get GET /grandprixs List all instances of GrandPrix
GrandPrixApi grandprixs_id_get GET /grandprixs/{id} Get a single GrandPrix by its id
GrapeApi grapes_get GET /grapes List all instances of Grape
GrapeApi grapes_id_get GET /grapes/{id} Get a single Grape by its id
GraveMonumentApi gravemonuments_get GET /gravemonuments List all instances of GraveMonument
GraveMonumentApi gravemonuments_id_get GET /gravemonuments/{id} Get a single GraveMonument by its id
GreenAlgaApi greenalgas_get GET /greenalgas List all instances of GreenAlga
GreenAlgaApi greenalgas_id_get GET /greenalgas/{id} Get a single GreenAlga by its id
GridironFootballPlayerApi gridironfootballplayers_get GET /gridironfootballplayers List all instances of GridironFootballPlayer
GridironFootballPlayerApi gridironfootballplayers_id_get GET /gridironfootballplayers/{id} Get a single GridironFootballPlayer by its id
GrossDomesticProductApi grossdomesticproducts_get GET /grossdomesticproducts List all instances of GrossDomesticProduct
GrossDomesticProductApi grossdomesticproducts_id_get GET /grossdomesticproducts/{id} Get a single GrossDomesticProduct by its id
GrossDomesticProductPerCapitaApi grossdomesticproductpercapitas_get GET /grossdomesticproductpercapitas List all instances of GrossDomesticProductPerCapita
GrossDomesticProductPerCapitaApi grossdomesticproductpercapitas_id_get GET /grossdomesticproductpercapitas/{id} Get a single GrossDomesticProductPerCapita by its id
GroupApi groups_get GET /groups List all instances of Group
GroupApi groups_id_get GET /groups/{id} Get a single Group by its id
GuitarApi guitars_get GET /guitars List all instances of Guitar
GuitarApi guitars_id_get GET /guitars/{id} Get a single Guitar by its id
GuitaristApi guitarists_get GET /guitarists List all instances of Guitarist
GuitaristApi guitarists_id_get GET /guitarists/{id} Get a single Guitarist by its id
GymnastApi gymnasts_get GET /gymnasts List all instances of Gymnast
GymnastApi gymnasts_id_get GET /gymnasts/{id} Get a single Gymnast by its id
HandballLeagueApi handballleagues_get GET /handballleagues List all instances of HandballLeague
HandballLeagueApi handballleagues_id_get GET /handballleagues/{id} Get a single HandballLeague by its id
HandballPlayerApi handballplayers_get GET /handballplayers List all instances of HandballPlayer
HandballPlayerApi handballplayers_id_get GET /handballplayers/{id} Get a single HandballPlayer by its id
HandballTeamApi handballteams_get GET /handballteams List all instances of HandballTeam
HandballTeamApi handballteams_id_get GET /handballteams/{id} Get a single HandballTeam by its id
HistorianApi historians_get GET /historians List all instances of Historian
HistorianApi historians_id_get GET /historians/{id} Get a single Historian by its id
HistoricBuildingApi historicbuildings_get GET /historicbuildings List all instances of HistoricBuilding
HistoricBuildingApi historicbuildings_id_get GET /historicbuildings/{id} Get a single HistoricBuilding by its id
HistoricPlaceApi historicplaces_get GET /historicplaces List all instances of HistoricPlace
HistoricPlaceApi historicplaces_id_get GET /historicplaces/{id} Get a single HistoricPlace by its id
HistoricalCountryApi historicalcountrys_get GET /historicalcountrys List all instances of HistoricalCountry
HistoricalCountryApi historicalcountrys_id_get GET /historicalcountrys/{id} Get a single HistoricalCountry by its id
HistoricalDistrictApi historicaldistricts_get GET /historicaldistricts List all instances of HistoricalDistrict
HistoricalDistrictApi historicaldistricts_id_get GET /historicaldistricts/{id} Get a single HistoricalDistrict by its id
HistoricalPeriodApi historicalperiods_get GET /historicalperiods List all instances of HistoricalPeriod
HistoricalPeriodApi historicalperiods_id_get GET /historicalperiods/{id} Get a single HistoricalPeriod by its id
HistoricalProvinceApi historicalprovinces_get GET /historicalprovinces List all instances of HistoricalProvince
HistoricalProvinceApi historicalprovinces_id_get GET /historicalprovinces/{id} Get a single HistoricalProvince by its id
HistoricalRegionApi historicalregions_get GET /historicalregions List all instances of HistoricalRegion
HistoricalRegionApi historicalregions_id_get GET /historicalregions/{id} Get a single HistoricalRegion by its id
HistoricalSettlementApi historicalsettlements_get GET /historicalsettlements List all instances of HistoricalSettlement
HistoricalSettlementApi historicalsettlements_id_get GET /historicalsettlements/{id} Get a single HistoricalSettlement by its id
HockeyTeamApi hockeyteams_get GET /hockeyteams List all instances of HockeyTeam
HockeyTeamApi hockeyteams_id_get GET /hockeyteams/{id} Get a single HockeyTeam by its id
HolidayApi holidays_get GET /holidays List all instances of Holiday
HolidayApi holidays_id_get GET /holidays/{id} Get a single Holiday by its id
HollywoodCartoonApi hollywoodcartoons_get GET /hollywoodcartoons List all instances of HollywoodCartoon
HollywoodCartoonApi hollywoodcartoons_id_get GET /hollywoodcartoons/{id} Get a single HollywoodCartoon by its id
HorseRaceApi horseraces_get GET /horseraces List all instances of HorseRace
HorseRaceApi horseraces_id_get GET /horseraces/{id} Get a single HorseRace by its id
HorseRiderApi horseriders_get GET /horseriders List all instances of HorseRider
HorseRiderApi horseriders_id_get GET /horseriders/{id} Get a single HorseRider by its id
HorseRidingApi horseridings_get GET /horseridings List all instances of HorseRiding
HorseRidingApi horseridings_id_get GET /horseridings/{id} Get a single HorseRiding by its id
HorseTrainerApi horsetrainers_get GET /horsetrainers List all instances of HorseTrainer
HorseTrainerApi horsetrainers_id_get GET /horsetrainers/{id} Get a single HorseTrainer by its id
HospitalApi hospitals_get GET /hospitals List all instances of Hospital
HospitalApi hospitals_id_get GET /hospitals/{id} Get a single Hospital by its id
HostApi hosts_get GET /hosts List all instances of Host
HostApi hosts_id_get GET /hosts/{id} Get a single Host by its id
HotSpringApi hotsprings_get GET /hotsprings List all instances of HotSpring
HotSpringApi hotsprings_id_get GET /hotsprings/{id} Get a single HotSpring by its id
HotelApi hotels_get GET /hotels List all instances of Hotel
HotelApi hotels_id_get GET /hotels/{id} Get a single Hotel by its id
HumanDevelopmentIndexApi humandevelopmentindexs_get GET /humandevelopmentindexs List all instances of HumanDevelopmentIndex
HumanDevelopmentIndexApi humandevelopmentindexs_id_get GET /humandevelopmentindexs/{id} Get a single HumanDevelopmentIndex by its id
HumanGeneApi humangenes_get GET /humangenes List all instances of HumanGene
HumanGeneApi humangenes_id_get GET /humangenes/{id} Get a single HumanGene by its id
HumanGeneLocationApi humangenelocations_get GET /humangenelocations List all instances of HumanGeneLocation
HumanGeneLocationApi humangenelocations_id_get GET /humangenelocations/{id} Get a single HumanGeneLocation by its id
HumoristApi humorists_get GET /humorists List all instances of Humorist
HumoristApi humorists_id_get GET /humorists/{id} Get a single Humorist by its id
HungarySettlementApi hungarysettlements_get GET /hungarysettlements List all instances of HungarySettlement
HungarySettlementApi hungarysettlements_id_get GET /hungarysettlements/{id} Get a single HungarySettlement by its id
IceHockeyLeagueApi icehockeyleagues_get GET /icehockeyleagues List all instances of IceHockeyLeague
IceHockeyLeagueApi icehockeyleagues_id_get GET /icehockeyleagues/{id} Get a single IceHockeyLeague by its id
IceHockeyPlayerApi icehockeyplayers_get GET /icehockeyplayers List all instances of IceHockeyPlayer
IceHockeyPlayerApi icehockeyplayers_id_get GET /icehockeyplayers/{id} Get a single IceHockeyPlayer by its id
IdeologyApi ideologys_get GET /ideologys List all instances of Ideology
IdeologyApi ideologys_id_get GET /ideologys/{id} Get a single Ideology by its id
ImageApi images_get GET /images List all instances of Image
ImageApi images_id_get GET /images/{id} Get a single Image by its id
ImdbApi imdbs_get GET /imdbs List all instances of Imdb
ImdbApi imdbs_id_get GET /imdbs/{id} Get a single Imdb by its id
InformationApplianceApi informationappliances_get GET /informationappliances List all instances of InformationAppliance
InformationApplianceApi informationappliances_id_get GET /informationappliances/{id} Get a single InformationAppliance by its id
InfrastructureApi infrastructures_get GET /infrastructures List all instances of Infrastructure
InfrastructureApi infrastructures_id_get GET /infrastructures/{id} Get a single Infrastructure by its id
InlineHockeyLeagueApi inlinehockeyleagues_get GET /inlinehockeyleagues List all instances of InlineHockeyLeague
InlineHockeyLeagueApi inlinehockeyleagues_id_get GET /inlinehockeyleagues/{id} Get a single InlineHockeyLeague by its id
InsectApi insects_get GET /insects List all instances of Insect
InsectApi insects_id_get GET /insects/{id} Get a single Insect by its id
InstallmentApi installments_get GET /installments List all instances of Installment
InstallmentApi installments_id_get GET /installments/{id} Get a single Installment by its id
InstrumentApi instruments_get GET /instruments List all instances of Instrument
InstrumentApi instruments_id_get GET /instruments/{id} Get a single Instrument by its id
InstrumentalistApi instrumentalists_get GET /instrumentalists List all instances of Instrumentalist
InstrumentalistApi instrumentalists_id_get GET /instrumentalists/{id} Get a single Instrumentalist by its id
IntercommunalityApi intercommunalitys_get GET /intercommunalitys List all instances of Intercommunality
IntercommunalityApi intercommunalitys_id_get GET /intercommunalitys/{id} Get a single Intercommunality by its id
IslandApi islands_get GET /islands List all instances of Island
IslandApi islands_id_get GET /islands/{id} Get a single Island by its id
JockeyApi jockeys_get GET /jockeys List all instances of Jockey
JockeyApi jockeys_id_get GET /jockeys/{id} Get a single Jockey by its id
JournalistApi journalists_get GET /journalists List all instances of Journalist
JournalistApi journalists_id_get GET /journalists/{id} Get a single Journalist by its id
JudgeApi judges_get GET /judges List all instances of Judge
JudgeApi judges_id_get GET /judges/{id} Get a single Judge by its id
LacrosseLeagueApi lacrosseleagues_get GET /lacrosseleagues List all instances of LacrosseLeague
LacrosseLeagueApi lacrosseleagues_id_get GET /lacrosseleagues/{id} Get a single LacrosseLeague by its id
LacrossePlayerApi lacrosseplayers_get GET /lacrosseplayers List all instances of LacrossePlayer
LacrossePlayerApi lacrosseplayers_id_get GET /lacrosseplayers/{id} Get a single LacrossePlayer by its id
LakeApi lakes_get GET /lakes List all instances of Lake
LakeApi lakes_id_get GET /lakes/{id} Get a single Lake by its id
LanguageApi languages_get GET /languages List all instances of Language
LanguageApi languages_id_get GET /languages/{id} Get a single Language by its id
LaunchPadApi launchpads_get GET /launchpads List all instances of LaunchPad
LaunchPadApi launchpads_id_get GET /launchpads/{id} Get a single LaunchPad by its id
LawFirmApi lawfirms_get GET /lawfirms List all instances of LawFirm
LawFirmApi lawfirms_id_get GET /lawfirms/{id} Get a single LawFirm by its id
LawyerApi lawyers_get GET /lawyers List all instances of Lawyer
LawyerApi lawyers_id_get GET /lawyers/{id} Get a single Lawyer by its id
LebanonSettlementApi lebanonsettlements_get GET /lebanonsettlements List all instances of LebanonSettlement
LebanonSettlementApi lebanonsettlements_id_get GET /lebanonsettlements/{id} Get a single LebanonSettlement by its id
LegalCaseApi legalcases_get GET /legalcases List all instances of LegalCase
LegalCaseApi legalcases_id_get GET /legalcases/{id} Get a single LegalCase by its id
LegislatureApi legislatures_get GET /legislatures List all instances of Legislature
LegislatureApi legislatures_id_get GET /legislatures/{id} Get a single Legislature by its id
LetterApi letters_get GET /letters List all instances of Letter
LetterApi letters_id_get GET /letters/{id} Get a single Letter by its id
LibraryApi librarys_get GET /librarys List all instances of Library
LibraryApi librarys_id_get GET /librarys/{id} Get a single Library by its id
LiechtensteinSettlementApi liechtensteinsettlements_get GET /liechtensteinsettlements List all instances of LiechtensteinSettlement
LiechtensteinSettlementApi liechtensteinsettlements_id_get GET /liechtensteinsettlements/{id} Get a single LiechtensteinSettlement by its id
LieutenantApi lieutenants_get GET /lieutenants List all instances of Lieutenant
LieutenantApi lieutenants_id_get GET /lieutenants/{id} Get a single Lieutenant by its id
LifeCycleEventApi lifecycleevents_get GET /lifecycleevents List all instances of LifeCycleEvent
LifeCycleEventApi lifecycleevents_id_get GET /lifecycleevents/{id} Get a single LifeCycleEvent by its id
LigamentApi ligaments_get GET /ligaments List all instances of Ligament
LigamentApi ligaments_id_get GET /ligaments/{id} Get a single Ligament by its id
LightNovelApi lightnovels_get GET /lightnovels List all instances of LightNovel
LightNovelApi lightnovels_id_get GET /lightnovels/{id} Get a single LightNovel by its id
LighthouseApi lighthouses_get GET /lighthouses List all instances of Lighthouse
LighthouseApi lighthouses_id_get GET /lighthouses/{id} Get a single Lighthouse by its id
LineOfFashionApi lineoffashions_get GET /lineoffashions List all instances of LineOfFashion
LineOfFashionApi lineoffashions_id_get GET /lineoffashions/{id} Get a single LineOfFashion by its id
LinguistApi linguists_get GET /linguists List all instances of Linguist
LinguistApi linguists_id_get GET /linguists/{id} Get a single Linguist by its id
ListApi lists_get GET /lists List all instances of List
ListApi lists_id_get GET /lists/{id} Get a single List by its id
ListenApi listens_get GET /listens List all instances of Listen
ListenApi listens_id_get GET /listens/{id} Get a single Listen by its id
LocalityApi localitys_get GET /localitys List all instances of Locality
LocalityApi localitys_id_get GET /localitys/{id} Get a single Locality by its id
LockApi locks_get GET /locks List all instances of Lock
LockApi locks_id_get GET /locks/{id} Get a single Lock by its id
LocomotiveApi locomotives_get GET /locomotives List all instances of Locomotive
LocomotiveApi locomotives_id_get GET /locomotives/{id} Get a single Locomotive by its id
LunarCraterApi lunarcraters_get GET /lunarcraters List all instances of LunarCrater
LunarCraterApi lunarcraters_id_get GET /lunarcraters/{id} Get a single LunarCrater by its id
LymphApi lymphs_get GET /lymphs List all instances of Lymph
LymphApi lymphs_id_get GET /lymphs/{id} Get a single Lymph by its id
MagazineApi magazines_get GET /magazines List all instances of Magazine
MagazineApi magazines_id_get GET /magazines/{id} Get a single Magazine by its id
MammalApi mammals_get GET /mammals List all instances of Mammal
MammalApi mammals_id_get GET /mammals/{id} Get a single Mammal by its id
MangaApi mangas_get GET /mangas List all instances of Manga
MangaApi mangas_id_get GET /mangas/{id} Get a single Manga by its id
ManhuaApi manhuas_get GET /manhuas List all instances of Manhua
ManhuaApi manhuas_id_get GET /manhuas/{id} Get a single Manhua by its id
ManhwaApi manhwas_get GET /manhwas List all instances of Manhwa
ManhwaApi manhwas_id_get GET /manhwas/{id} Get a single Manhwa by its id
MarriageApi marriages_get GET /marriages List all instances of Marriage
MarriageApi marriages_id_get GET /marriages/{id} Get a single Marriage by its id
MartialArtistApi martialartists_get GET /martialartists List all instances of MartialArtist
MartialArtistApi martialartists_id_get GET /martialartists/{id} Get a single MartialArtist by its id
MayorApi mayors_get GET /mayors List all instances of Mayor
MayorApi mayors_id_get GET /mayors/{id} Get a single Mayor by its id
MeanOfTransportationApi meanoftransportations_get GET /meanoftransportations List all instances of MeanOfTransportation
MeanOfTransportationApi meanoftransportations_id_get GET /meanoftransportations/{id} Get a single MeanOfTransportation by its id
MediaApi medias_get GET /medias List all instances of Media
MediaApi medias_id_get GET /medias/{id} Get a single Media by its id
MedicianApi medicians_get GET /medicians List all instances of Medician
MedicianApi medicians_id_get GET /medicians/{id} Get a single Medician by its id
MeetingApi meetings_get GET /meetings List all instances of Meeting
MeetingApi meetings_id_get GET /meetings/{id} Get a single Meeting by its id
MemberOfParliamentApi memberofparliaments_get GET /memberofparliaments List all instances of MemberOfParliament
MemberOfParliamentApi memberofparliaments_id_get GET /memberofparliaments/{id} Get a single MemberOfParliament by its id
MemorialApi memorials_get GET /memorials List all instances of Memorial
MemorialApi memorials_id_get GET /memorials/{id} Get a single Memorial by its id
MetroStationApi metrostations_get GET /metrostations List all instances of MetroStation
MetroStationApi metrostations_id_get GET /metrostations/{id} Get a single MetroStation by its id
MicroRegionApi microregions_get GET /microregions List all instances of MicroRegion
MicroRegionApi microregions_id_get GET /microregions/{id} Get a single MicroRegion by its id
MilitaryConflictApi militaryconflicts_get GET /militaryconflicts List all instances of MilitaryConflict
MilitaryConflictApi militaryconflicts_id_get GET /militaryconflicts/{id} Get a single MilitaryConflict by its id
MilitaryPersonApi militarypersons_get GET /militarypersons List all instances of MilitaryPerson
MilitaryPersonApi militarypersons_id_get GET /militarypersons/{id} Get a single MilitaryPerson by its id
MilitaryStructureApi militarystructures_get GET /militarystructures List all instances of MilitaryStructure
MilitaryStructureApi militarystructures_id_get GET /militarystructures/{id} Get a single MilitaryStructure by its id
MilitaryUnitApi militaryunits_get GET /militaryunits List all instances of MilitaryUnit
MilitaryUnitApi militaryunits_id_get GET /militaryunits/{id} Get a single MilitaryUnit by its id
MillApi mills_get GET /mills List all instances of Mill
MillApi mills_id_get GET /mills/{id} Get a single Mill by its id
MineralApi minerals_get GET /minerals List all instances of Mineral
MineralApi minerals_id_get GET /minerals/{id} Get a single Mineral by its id
MixedMartialArtsEventApi mixedmartialartsevents_get GET /mixedmartialartsevents List all instances of MixedMartialArtsEvent
MixedMartialArtsEventApi mixedmartialartsevents_id_get GET /mixedmartialartsevents/{id} Get a single MixedMartialArtsEvent by its id
MixedMartialArtsLeagueApi mixedmartialartsleagues_get GET /mixedmartialartsleagues List all instances of MixedMartialArtsLeague
MixedMartialArtsLeagueApi mixedmartialartsleagues_id_get GET /mixedmartialartsleagues/{id} Get a single MixedMartialArtsLeague by its id
ModelApi models_get GET /models List all instances of Model
ModelApi models_id_get GET /models/{id} Get a single Model by its id
MolluscaApi molluscas_get GET /molluscas List all instances of Mollusca
MolluscaApi molluscas_id_get GET /molluscas/{id} Get a single Mollusca by its id
MonarchApi monarchs_get GET /monarchs List all instances of Monarch
MonarchApi monarchs_id_get GET /monarchs/{id} Get a single Monarch by its id
MonasteryApi monasterys_get GET /monasterys List all instances of Monastery
MonasteryApi monasterys_id_get GET /monasterys/{id} Get a single Monastery by its id
MonastryApi monastrys_get GET /monastrys List all instances of Monastry
MonastryApi monastrys_id_get GET /monastrys/{id} Get a single Monastry by its id
MonumentApi monuments_get GET /monuments List all instances of Monument
MonumentApi monuments_id_get GET /monuments/{id} Get a single Monument by its id
MosqueApi mosques_get GET /mosques List all instances of Mosque
MosqueApi mosques_id_get GET /mosques/{id} Get a single Mosque by its id
MossApi mosss_get GET /mosss List all instances of Moss
MossApi mosss_id_get GET /mosss/{id} Get a single Moss by its id
MotocycleRacerApi motocycleracers_get GET /motocycleracers List all instances of MotocycleRacer
MotocycleRacerApi motocycleracers_id_get GET /motocycleracers/{id} Get a single MotocycleRacer by its id
MotorcycleApi motorcycles_get GET /motorcycles List all instances of Motorcycle
MotorcycleApi motorcycles_id_get GET /motorcycles/{id} Get a single Motorcycle by its id
MotorcycleRacingLeagueApi motorcycleracingleagues_get GET /motorcycleracingleagues List all instances of MotorcycleRacingLeague
MotorcycleRacingLeagueApi motorcycleracingleagues_id_get GET /motorcycleracingleagues/{id} Get a single MotorcycleRacingLeague by its id
MotorcycleRiderApi motorcycleriders_get GET /motorcycleriders List all instances of MotorcycleRider
MotorcycleRiderApi motorcycleriders_id_get GET /motorcycleriders/{id} Get a single MotorcycleRider by its id
MotorsportRacerApi motorsportracers_get GET /motorsportracers List all instances of MotorsportRacer
MotorsportRacerApi motorsportracers_id_get GET /motorsportracers/{id} Get a single MotorsportRacer by its id
MotorsportSeasonApi motorsportseasons_get GET /motorsportseasons List all instances of MotorsportSeason
MotorsportSeasonApi motorsportseasons_id_get GET /motorsportseasons/{id} Get a single MotorsportSeason by its id
MountainApi mountains_get GET /mountains List all instances of Mountain
MountainApi mountains_id_get GET /mountains/{id} Get a single Mountain by its id
MountainPassApi mountainpasss_get GET /mountainpasss List all instances of MountainPass
MountainPassApi mountainpasss_id_get GET /mountainpasss/{id} Get a single MountainPass by its id
MountainRangeApi mountainranges_get GET /mountainranges List all instances of MountainRange
MountainRangeApi mountainranges_id_get GET /mountainranges/{id} Get a single MountainRange by its id
MouseGeneApi mousegenes_get GET /mousegenes List all instances of MouseGene
MouseGeneApi mousegenes_id_get GET /mousegenes/{id} Get a single MouseGene by its id
MouseGeneLocationApi mousegenelocations_get GET /mousegenelocations List all instances of MouseGeneLocation
MouseGeneLocationApi mousegenelocations_id_get GET /mousegenelocations/{id} Get a single MouseGeneLocation by its id
MovieDirectorApi moviedirectors_get GET /moviedirectors List all instances of MovieDirector
MovieDirectorApi moviedirectors_id_get GET /moviedirectors/{id} Get a single MovieDirector by its id
MovieGenreApi moviegenres_get GET /moviegenres List all instances of MovieGenre
MovieGenreApi moviegenres_id_get GET /moviegenres/{id} Get a single MovieGenre by its id
MovingImageApi movingimages_get GET /movingimages List all instances of MovingImage
MovingImageApi movingimages_id_get GET /movingimages/{id} Get a single MovingImage by its id
MultiVolumePublicationApi multivolumepublications_get GET /multivolumepublications List all instances of MultiVolumePublication
MultiVolumePublicationApi multivolumepublications_id_get GET /multivolumepublications/{id} Get a single MultiVolumePublication by its id
MunicipalityApi municipalitys_get GET /municipalitys List all instances of Municipality
MunicipalityApi municipalitys_id_get GET /municipalitys/{id} Get a single Municipality by its id
MurdererApi murderers_get GET /murderers List all instances of Murderer
MurdererApi murderers_id_get GET /murderers/{id} Get a single Murderer by its id
MuscleApi muscles_get GET /muscles List all instances of Muscle
MuscleApi muscles_id_get GET /muscles/{id} Get a single Muscle by its id
MuseumApi museums_get GET /museums List all instances of Museum
MuseumApi museums_id_get GET /museums/{id} Get a single Museum by its id
MusicComposerApi musiccomposers_get GET /musiccomposers List all instances of MusicComposer
MusicComposerApi musiccomposers_id_get GET /musiccomposers/{id} Get a single MusicComposer by its id
MusicDirectorApi musicdirectors_get GET /musicdirectors List all instances of MusicDirector
MusicDirectorApi musicdirectors_id_get GET /musicdirectors/{id} Get a single MusicDirector by its id
MusicFestivalApi musicfestivals_get GET /musicfestivals List all instances of MusicFestival
MusicFestivalApi musicfestivals_id_get GET /musicfestivals/{id} Get a single MusicFestival by its id
MusicGenreApi musicgenres_get GET /musicgenres List all instances of MusicGenre
MusicGenreApi musicgenres_id_get GET /musicgenres/{id} Get a single MusicGenre by its id
MusicalApi musicals_get GET /musicals List all instances of Musical
MusicalApi musicals_id_get GET /musicals/{id} Get a single Musical by its id
MusicalArtistApi musicalartists_get GET /musicalartists List all instances of MusicalArtist
MusicalArtistApi musicalartists_id_get GET /musicalartists/{id} Get a single MusicalArtist by its id
MusicalWorkApi musicalworks_get GET /musicalworks List all instances of MusicalWork
MusicalWorkApi musicalworks_id_get GET /musicalworks/{id} Get a single MusicalWork by its id
MythologicalFigureApi mythologicalfigures_get GET /mythologicalfigures List all instances of MythologicalFigure
MythologicalFigureApi mythologicalfigures_id_get GET /mythologicalfigures/{id} Get a single MythologicalFigure by its id
NCAATeamSeasonApi ncaateamseasons_get GET /ncaateamseasons List all instances of NCAATeamSeason
NCAATeamSeasonApi ncaateamseasons_id_get GET /ncaateamseasons/{id} Get a single NCAATeamSeason by its id
NameApi names_get GET /names List all instances of Name
NameApi names_id_get GET /names/{id} Get a single Name by its id
NarutoCharacterApi narutocharacters_get GET /narutocharacters List all instances of NarutoCharacter
NarutoCharacterApi narutocharacters_id_get GET /narutocharacters/{id} Get a single NarutoCharacter by its id
NascarDriverApi nascardrivers_get GET /nascardrivers List all instances of NascarDriver
NascarDriverApi nascardrivers_id_get GET /nascardrivers/{id} Get a single NascarDriver by its id
NationalAnthemApi nationalanthems_get GET /nationalanthems List all instances of NationalAnthem
NationalAnthemApi nationalanthems_id_get GET /nationalanthems/{id} Get a single NationalAnthem by its id
NationalCollegiateAthleticAssociationAthleteApi nationalcollegiateathleticassociationathletes_get GET /nationalcollegiateathleticassociationathletes List all instances of NationalCollegiateAthleticAssociationAthlete
NationalCollegiateAthleticAssociationAthleteApi nationalcollegiateathleticassociationathletes_id_get GET /nationalcollegiateathleticassociationathletes/{id} Get a single NationalCollegiateAthleticAssociationAthlete by its id
NationalFootballLeagueEventApi nationalfootballleagueevents_get GET /nationalfootballleagueevents List all instances of NationalFootballLeagueEvent
NationalFootballLeagueEventApi nationalfootballleagueevents_id_get GET /nationalfootballleagueevents/{id} Get a single NationalFootballLeagueEvent by its id
NationalFootballLeagueSeasonApi nationalfootballleagueseasons_get GET /nationalfootballleagueseasons List all instances of NationalFootballLeagueSeason
NationalFootballLeagueSeasonApi nationalfootballleagueseasons_id_get GET /nationalfootballleagueseasons/{id} Get a single NationalFootballLeagueSeason by its id
NationalSoccerClubApi nationalsoccerclubs_get GET /nationalsoccerclubs List all instances of NationalSoccerClub
NationalSoccerClubApi nationalsoccerclubs_id_get GET /nationalsoccerclubs/{id} Get a single NationalSoccerClub by its id
NaturalEventApi naturalevents_get GET /naturalevents List all instances of NaturalEvent
NaturalEventApi naturalevents_id_get GET /naturalevents/{id} Get a single NaturalEvent by its id
NaturalPlaceApi naturalplaces_get GET /naturalplaces List all instances of NaturalPlace
NaturalPlaceApi naturalplaces_id_get GET /naturalplaces/{id} Get a single NaturalPlace by its id
NaturalRegionApi naturalregions_get GET /naturalregions List all instances of NaturalRegion
NaturalRegionApi naturalregions_id_get GET /naturalregions/{id} Get a single NaturalRegion by its id
NerveApi nerves_get GET /nerves List all instances of Nerve
NerveApi nerves_id_get GET /nerves/{id} Get a single Nerve by its id
NetballPlayerApi netballplayers_get GET /netballplayers List all instances of NetballPlayer
NetballPlayerApi netballplayers_id_get GET /netballplayers/{id} Get a single NetballPlayer by its id
NewspaperApi newspapers_get GET /newspapers List all instances of Newspaper
NewspaperApi newspapers_id_get GET /newspapers/{id} Get a single Newspaper by its id
NobelPrizeApi nobelprizes_get GET /nobelprizes List all instances of NobelPrize
NobelPrizeApi nobelprizes_id_get GET /nobelprizes/{id} Get a single NobelPrize by its id
NobleApi nobles_get GET /nobles List all instances of Noble
NobleApi nobles_id_get GET /nobles/{id} Get a single Noble by its id
NobleFamilyApi noblefamilys_get GET /noblefamilys List all instances of NobleFamily
NobleFamilyApi noblefamilys_id_get GET /noblefamilys/{id} Get a single NobleFamily by its id
NonProfitOrganisationApi non_profitorganisations_get GET /non-profitorganisations List all instances of Non-ProfitOrganisation
NonProfitOrganisationApi non_profitorganisations_id_get GET /non-profitorganisations/{id} Get a single Non-ProfitOrganisation by its id
NorwaySettlementApi norwaysettlements_get GET /norwaysettlements List all instances of NorwaySettlement
NorwaySettlementApi norwaysettlements_id_get GET /norwaysettlements/{id} Get a single NorwaySettlement by its id
NoteworthyPartOfBuildingApi noteworthypartofbuildings_get GET /noteworthypartofbuildings List all instances of NoteworthyPartOfBuilding
NoteworthyPartOfBuildingApi noteworthypartofbuildings_id_get GET /noteworthypartofbuildings/{id} Get a single NoteworthyPartOfBuilding by its id
NovelApi novels_get GET /novels List all instances of Novel
NovelApi novels_id_get GET /novels/{id} Get a single Novel by its id
NuclearPowerStationApi nuclearpowerstations_get GET /nuclearpowerstations List all instances of NuclearPowerStation
NuclearPowerStationApi nuclearpowerstations_id_get GET /nuclearpowerstations/{id} Get a single NuclearPowerStation by its id
OceanApi oceans_get GET /oceans List all instances of Ocean
OceanApi oceans_id_get GET /oceans/{id} Get a single Ocean by its id
OfficeHolderApi officeholders_get GET /officeholders List all instances of OfficeHolder
OfficeHolderApi officeholders_id_get GET /officeholders/{id} Get a single OfficeHolder by its id
OldTerritoryApi oldterritorys_get GET /oldterritorys List all instances of OldTerritory
OldTerritoryApi oldterritorys_id_get GET /oldterritorys/{id} Get a single OldTerritory by its id
OlympicEventApi olympicevents_get GET /olympicevents List all instances of OlympicEvent
OlympicEventApi olympicevents_id_get GET /olympicevents/{id} Get a single OlympicEvent by its id
OlympicResultApi olympicresults_get GET /olympicresults List all instances of OlympicResult
OlympicResultApi olympicresults_id_get GET /olympicresults/{id} Get a single OlympicResult by its id
OlympicsApi olympicss_get GET /olympicss List all instances of Olympics
OlympicsApi olympicss_id_get GET /olympicss/{id} Get a single Olympics by its id
OperaApi operas_get GET /operas List all instances of Opera
OperaApi operas_id_get GET /operas/{id} Get a single Opera by its id
OrganApi organs_get GET /organs List all instances of Organ
OrganApi organs_id_get GET /organs/{id} Get a single Organ by its id
OrganisationApi organisations_get GET /organisations List all instances of Organisation
OrganisationApi organisations_id_get GET /organisations/{id} Get a single Organisation by its id
OrganisationMemberApi organisationmembers_get GET /organisationmembers List all instances of OrganisationMember
OrganisationMemberApi organisationmembers_id_get GET /organisationmembers/{id} Get a single OrganisationMember by its id
OverseasDepartmentApi overseasdepartments_get GET /overseasdepartments List all instances of OverseasDepartment
OverseasDepartmentApi overseasdepartments_id_get GET /overseasdepartments/{id} Get a single OverseasDepartment by its id
PaintballLeagueApi paintballleagues_get GET /paintballleagues List all instances of PaintballLeague
PaintballLeagueApi paintballleagues_id_get GET /paintballleagues/{id} Get a single PaintballLeague by its id
PainterApi painters_get GET /painters List all instances of Painter
PainterApi painters_id_get GET /painters/{id} Get a single Painter by its id
PaintingApi paintings_get GET /paintings List all instances of Painting
PaintingApi paintings_id_get GET /paintings/{id} Get a single Painting by its id
ParishApi parishs_get GET /parishs List all instances of Parish
ParishApi parishs_id_get GET /parishs/{id} Get a single Parish by its id
ParkApi parks_get GET /parks List all instances of Park
ParkApi parks_id_get GET /parks/{id} Get a single Park by its id
ParliamentApi parliaments_get GET /parliaments List all instances of Parliament
ParliamentApi parliaments_id_get GET /parliaments/{id} Get a single Parliament by its id
PenaltyShootOutApi penaltyshootouts_get GET /penaltyshootouts List all instances of PenaltyShootOut
PenaltyShootOutApi penaltyshootouts_id_get GET /penaltyshootouts/{id} Get a single PenaltyShootOut by its id
PeriodOfArtisticStyleApi periodofartisticstyles_get GET /periodofartisticstyles List all instances of PeriodOfArtisticStyle
PeriodOfArtisticStyleApi periodofartisticstyles_id_get GET /periodofartisticstyles/{id} Get a single PeriodOfArtisticStyle by its id
PeriodicalLiteratureApi periodicalliteratures_get GET /periodicalliteratures List all instances of PeriodicalLiterature
PeriodicalLiteratureApi periodicalliteratures_id_get GET /periodicalliteratures/{id} Get a single PeriodicalLiterature by its id
PersonApi persons_get GET /persons List all instances of Person
PersonApi persons_id_get GET /persons/{id} Get a single Person by its id
PersonFunctionApi personfunctions_get GET /personfunctions List all instances of PersonFunction
PersonFunctionApi personfunctions_id_get GET /personfunctions/{id} Get a single PersonFunction by its id
PersonalEventApi personalevents_get GET /personalevents List all instances of PersonalEvent
PersonalEventApi personalevents_id_get GET /personalevents/{id} Get a single PersonalEvent by its id
PhilosopherApi philosophers_get GET /philosophers List all instances of Philosopher
PhilosopherApi philosophers_id_get GET /philosophers/{id} Get a single Philosopher by its id
PhotographerApi photographers_get GET /photographers List all instances of Photographer
PhotographerApi photographers_id_get GET /photographers/{id} Get a single Photographer by its id
PlaceApi places_get GET /places List all instances of Place
PlaceApi places_id_get GET /places/{id} Get a single Place by its id
PlanetApi planets_get GET /planets List all instances of Planet
PlanetApi planets_id_get GET /planets/{id} Get a single Planet by its id
PlantApi plants_get GET /plants List all instances of Plant
PlantApi plants_id_get GET /plants/{id} Get a single Plant by its id
PlayApi plays_get GET /plays List all instances of Play
PlayApi plays_id_get GET /plays/{id} Get a single Play by its id
PlayWrightApi playwrights_get GET /playwrights List all instances of PlayWright
PlayWrightApi playwrights_id_get GET /playwrights/{id} Get a single PlayWright by its id
PlayboyPlaymateApi playboyplaymates_get GET /playboyplaymates List all instances of PlayboyPlaymate
PlayboyPlaymateApi playboyplaymates_id_get GET /playboyplaymates/{id} Get a single PlayboyPlaymate by its id
PoemApi poems_get GET /poems List all instances of Poem
PoemApi poems_id_get GET /poems/{id} Get a single Poem by its id
PoetApi poets_get GET /poets List all instances of Poet
PoetApi poets_id_get GET /poets/{id} Get a single Poet by its id
PokerPlayerApi pokerplayers_get GET /pokerplayers List all instances of PokerPlayer
PokerPlayerApi pokerplayers_id_get GET /pokerplayers/{id} Get a single PokerPlayer by its id
PolishKingApi polishkings_get GET /polishkings List all instances of PolishKing
PolishKingApi polishkings_id_get GET /polishkings/{id} Get a single PolishKing by its id
PoliticalFunctionApi politicalfunctions_get GET /politicalfunctions List all instances of PoliticalFunction
PoliticalFunctionApi politicalfunctions_id_get GET /politicalfunctions/{id} Get a single PoliticalFunction by its id
PoliticalPartyApi politicalpartys_get GET /politicalpartys List all instances of PoliticalParty
PoliticalPartyApi politicalpartys_id_get GET /politicalpartys/{id} Get a single PoliticalParty by its id
PoliticianApi politicians_get GET /politicians List all instances of Politician
PoliticianApi politicians_id_get GET /politicians/{id} Get a single Politician by its id
PoliticianSpouseApi politicianspouses_get GET /politicianspouses List all instances of PoliticianSpouse
PoliticianSpouseApi politicianspouses_id_get GET /politicianspouses/{id} Get a single PoliticianSpouse by its id
PoloLeagueApi pololeagues_get GET /pololeagues List all instances of PoloLeague
PoloLeagueApi pololeagues_id_get GET /pololeagues/{id} Get a single PoloLeague by its id
PolyhedronApi polyhedrons_get GET /polyhedrons List all instances of Polyhedron
PolyhedronApi polyhedrons_id_get GET /polyhedrons/{id} Get a single Polyhedron by its id
PopeApi popes_get GET /popes List all instances of Pope
PopeApi popes_id_get GET /popes/{id} Get a single Pope by its id
PopulatedPlaceApi populatedplaces_get GET /populatedplaces List all instances of PopulatedPlace
PopulatedPlaceApi populatedplaces_id_get GET /populatedplaces/{id} Get a single PopulatedPlace by its id
PopulationApi populations_get GET /populations List all instances of Population
PopulationApi populations_id_get GET /populations/{id} Get a single Population by its id
PortApi ports_get GET /ports List all instances of Port
PortApi ports_id_get GET /ports/{id} Get a single Port by its id
PowerStationApi powerstations_get GET /powerstations List all instances of PowerStation
PowerStationApi powerstations_id_get GET /powerstations/{id} Get a single PowerStation by its id
PrefectureApi prefectures_get GET /prefectures List all instances of Prefecture
PrefectureApi prefectures_id_get GET /prefectures/{id} Get a single Prefecture by its id
PrehistoricalPeriodApi prehistoricalperiods_get GET /prehistoricalperiods List all instances of PrehistoricalPeriod
PrehistoricalPeriodApi prehistoricalperiods_id_get GET /prehistoricalperiods/{id} Get a single PrehistoricalPeriod by its id
PresenterApi presenters_get GET /presenters List all instances of Presenter
PresenterApi presenters_id_get GET /presenters/{id} Get a single Presenter by its id
PresidentApi presidents_get GET /presidents List all instances of President
PresidentApi presidents_id_get GET /presidents/{id} Get a single President by its id
PriestApi priests_get GET /priests List all instances of Priest
PriestApi priests_id_get GET /priests/{id} Get a single Priest by its id
PrimeMinisterApi primeministers_get GET /primeministers List all instances of PrimeMinister
PrimeMinisterApi primeministers_id_get GET /primeministers/{id} Get a single PrimeMinister by its id
PrisonApi prisons_get GET /prisons List all instances of Prison
PrisonApi prisons_id_get GET /prisons/{id} Get a single Prison by its id
ProducerApi producers_get GET /producers List all instances of Producer
ProducerApi producers_id_get GET /producers/{id} Get a single Producer by its id
ProfessionApi professions_get GET /professions List all instances of Profession
ProfessionApi professions_id_get GET /professions/{id} Get a single Profession by its id
ProfessorApi professors_get GET /professors List all instances of Professor
ProfessorApi professors_id_get GET /professors/{id} Get a single Professor by its id
ProgrammingLanguageApi programminglanguages_get GET /programminglanguages List all instances of ProgrammingLanguage
ProgrammingLanguageApi programminglanguages_id_get GET /programminglanguages/{id} Get a single ProgrammingLanguage by its id
ProjectApi projects_get GET /projects List all instances of Project
ProjectApi projects_id_get GET /projects/{id} Get a single Project by its id
ProtectedAreaApi protectedareas_get GET /protectedareas List all instances of ProtectedArea
ProtectedAreaApi protectedareas_id_get GET /protectedareas/{id} Get a single ProtectedArea by its id
ProteinApi proteins_get GET /proteins List all instances of Protein
ProteinApi proteins_id_get GET /proteins/{id} Get a single Protein by its id
ProtohistoricalPeriodApi protohistoricalperiods_get GET /protohistoricalperiods List all instances of ProtohistoricalPeriod
ProtohistoricalPeriodApi protohistoricalperiods_id_get GET /protohistoricalperiods/{id} Get a single ProtohistoricalPeriod by its id
ProvinceApi provinces_get GET /provinces List all instances of Province
ProvinceApi provinces_id_get GET /provinces/{id} Get a single Province by its id
PsychologistApi psychologists_get GET /psychologists List all instances of Psychologist
PsychologistApi psychologists_id_get GET /psychologists/{id} Get a single Psychologist by its id
PublicServiceApi publicservices_get GET /publicservices List all instances of PublicService
PublicServiceApi publicservices_id_get GET /publicservices/{id} Get a single PublicService by its id
PublicServiceInputApi publicserviceinputs_get GET /publicserviceinputs List all instances of PublicServiceInput
PublicServiceInputApi publicserviceinputs_id_get GET /publicserviceinputs/{id} Get a single PublicServiceInput by its id
PublicServiceOutputApi publicserviceoutputs_get GET /publicserviceoutputs List all instances of PublicServiceOutput
PublicServiceOutputApi publicserviceoutputs_id_get GET /publicserviceoutputs/{id} Get a single PublicServiceOutput by its id
PublicTransitSystemApi publictransitsystems_get GET /publictransitsystems List all instances of PublicTransitSystem
PublicTransitSystemApi publictransitsystems_id_get GET /publictransitsystems/{id} Get a single PublicTransitSystem by its id
PublisherApi publishers_get GET /publishers List all instances of Publisher
PublisherApi publishers_id_get GET /publishers/{id} Get a single Publisher by its id
PyramidApi pyramids_get GET /pyramids List all instances of Pyramid
PyramidApi pyramids_id_get GET /pyramids/{id} Get a single Pyramid by its id
RaceApi races_get GET /races List all instances of Race
RaceApi races_id_get GET /races/{id} Get a single Race by its id
RaceHorseApi racehorses_get GET /racehorses List all instances of RaceHorse
RaceHorseApi racehorses_id_get GET /racehorses/{id} Get a single RaceHorse by its id
RaceTrackApi racetracks_get GET /racetracks List all instances of RaceTrack
RaceTrackApi racetracks_id_get GET /racetracks/{id} Get a single RaceTrack by its id
RacecourseApi racecourses_get GET /racecourses List all instances of Racecourse
RacecourseApi racecourses_id_get GET /racecourses/{id} Get a single Racecourse by its id
RacingDriverApi racingdrivers_get GET /racingdrivers List all instances of RacingDriver
RacingDriverApi racingdrivers_id_get GET /racingdrivers/{id} Get a single RacingDriver by its id
RadioControlledRacingLeagueApi radiocontrolledracingleagues_get GET /radiocontrolledracingleagues List all instances of RadioControlledRacingLeague
RadioControlledRacingLeagueApi radiocontrolledracingleagues_id_get GET /radiocontrolledracingleagues/{id} Get a single RadioControlledRacingLeague by its id
RadioHostApi radiohosts_get GET /radiohosts List all instances of RadioHost
RadioHostApi radiohosts_id_get GET /radiohosts/{id} Get a single RadioHost by its id
RadioProgramApi radioprograms_get GET /radioprograms List all instances of RadioProgram
RadioProgramApi radioprograms_id_get GET /radioprograms/{id} Get a single RadioProgram by its id
RadioStationApi radiostations_get GET /radiostations List all instances of RadioStation
RadioStationApi radiostations_id_get GET /radiostations/{id} Get a single RadioStation by its id
RailwayLineApi railwaylines_get GET /railwaylines List all instances of RailwayLine
RailwayLineApi railwaylines_id_get GET /railwaylines/{id} Get a single RailwayLine by its id
RailwayStationApi railwaystations_get GET /railwaystations List all instances of RailwayStation
RailwayStationApi railwaystations_id_get GET /railwaystations/{id} Get a single RailwayStation by its id
RailwayTunnelApi railwaytunnels_get GET /railwaytunnels List all instances of RailwayTunnel
RailwayTunnelApi railwaytunnels_id_get GET /railwaytunnels/{id} Get a single RailwayTunnel by its id
RallyDriverApi rallydrivers_get GET /rallydrivers List all instances of RallyDriver
RallyDriverApi rallydrivers_id_get GET /rallydrivers/{id} Get a single RallyDriver by its id
RecordLabelApi recordlabels_get GET /recordlabels List all instances of RecordLabel
RecordLabelApi recordlabels_id_get GET /recordlabels/{id} Get a single RecordLabel by its id
RecordOfficeApi recordoffices_get GET /recordoffices List all instances of RecordOffice
RecordOfficeApi recordoffices_id_get GET /recordoffices/{id} Get a single RecordOffice by its id
RefereeApi referees_get GET /referees List all instances of Referee
RefereeApi referees_id_get GET /referees/{id} Get a single Referee by its id
ReferenceApi references_get GET /references List all instances of Reference
ReferenceApi references_id_get GET /references/{id} Get a single Reference by its id
RegencyApi regencys_get GET /regencys List all instances of Regency
RegencyApi regencys_id_get GET /regencys/{id} Get a single Regency by its id
RegionApi regions_get GET /regions List all instances of Region
RegionApi regions_id_get GET /regions/{id} Get a single Region by its id
ReligiousApi religiouss_get GET /religiouss List all instances of Religious
ReligiousApi religiouss_id_get GET /religiouss/{id} Get a single Religious by its id
ReligiousBuildingApi religiousbuildings_get GET /religiousbuildings List all instances of ReligiousBuilding
ReligiousBuildingApi religiousbuildings_id_get GET /religiousbuildings/{id} Get a single ReligiousBuilding by its id
ReptileApi reptiles_get GET /reptiles List all instances of Reptile
ReptileApi reptiles_id_get GET /reptiles/{id} Get a single Reptile by its id
ResearchProjectApi researchprojects_get GET /researchprojects List all instances of ResearchProject
ResearchProjectApi researchprojects_id_get GET /researchprojects/{id} Get a single ResearchProject by its id
RestaurantApi restaurants_get GET /restaurants List all instances of Restaurant
RestaurantApi restaurants_id_get GET /restaurants/{id} Get a single Restaurant by its id
ResumeApi resumes_get GET /resumes List all instances of Resume
ResumeApi resumes_id_get GET /resumes/{id} Get a single Resume by its id
RiverApi rivers_get GET /rivers List all instances of River
RiverApi rivers_id_get GET /rivers/{id} Get a single River by its id
RoadApi roads_get GET /roads List all instances of Road
RoadApi roads_id_get GET /roads/{id} Get a single Road by its id
RoadJunctionApi roadjunctions_get GET /roadjunctions List all instances of RoadJunction
RoadJunctionApi roadjunctions_id_get GET /roadjunctions/{id} Get a single RoadJunction by its id
RoadTunnelApi roadtunnels_get GET /roadtunnels List all instances of RoadTunnel
RoadTunnelApi roadtunnels_id_get GET /roadtunnels/{id} Get a single RoadTunnel by its id
RocketApi rockets_get GET /rockets List all instances of Rocket
RocketApi rockets_id_get GET /rockets/{id} Get a single Rocket by its id
RollerCoasterApi rollercoasters_get GET /rollercoasters List all instances of RollerCoaster
RollerCoasterApi rollercoasters_id_get GET /rollercoasters/{id} Get a single RollerCoaster by its id
RomanEmperorApi romanemperors_get GET /romanemperors List all instances of RomanEmperor
RomanEmperorApi romanemperors_id_get GET /romanemperors/{id} Get a single RomanEmperor by its id
RomaniaSettlementApi romaniasettlements_get GET /romaniasettlements List all instances of RomaniaSettlement
RomaniaSettlementApi romaniasettlements_id_get GET /romaniasettlements/{id} Get a single RomaniaSettlement by its id
RouteOfTransportationApi routeoftransportations_get GET /routeoftransportations List all instances of RouteOfTransportation
RouteOfTransportationApi routeoftransportations_id_get GET /routeoftransportations/{id} Get a single RouteOfTransportation by its id
RowerApi rowers_get GET /rowers List all instances of Rower
RowerApi rowers_id_get GET /rowers/{id} Get a single Rower by its id
RoyaltyApi royaltys_get GET /royaltys List all instances of Royalty
RoyaltyApi royaltys_id_get GET /royaltys/{id} Get a single Royalty by its id
RugbyClubApi rugbyclubs_get GET /rugbyclubs List all instances of RugbyClub
RugbyClubApi rugbyclubs_id_get GET /rugbyclubs/{id} Get a single RugbyClub by its id
RugbyLeagueApi rugbyleagues_get GET /rugbyleagues List all instances of RugbyLeague
RugbyLeagueApi rugbyleagues_id_get GET /rugbyleagues/{id} Get a single RugbyLeague by its id
RugbyPlayerApi rugbyplayers_get GET /rugbyplayers List all instances of RugbyPlayer
RugbyPlayerApi rugbyplayers_id_get GET /rugbyplayers/{id} Get a single RugbyPlayer by its id
SaintApi saints_get GET /saints List all instances of Saint
SaintApi saints_id_get GET /saints/{id} Get a single Saint by its id
SalesApi saless_get GET /saless List all instances of Sales
SalesApi saless_id_get GET /saless/{id} Get a single Sales by its id
SambaSchoolApi sambaschools_get GET /sambaschools List all instances of SambaSchool
SambaSchoolApi sambaschools_id_get GET /sambaschools/{id} Get a single SambaSchool by its id
SatelliteApi satellites_get GET /satellites List all instances of Satellite
SatelliteApi satellites_id_get GET /satellites/{id} Get a single Satellite by its id
SchoolApi schools_get GET /schools List all instances of School
SchoolApi schools_id_get GET /schools/{id} Get a single School by its id
ScientistApi scientists_get GET /scientists List all instances of Scientist
ScientistApi scientists_id_get GET /scientists/{id} Get a single Scientist by its id
ScreenWriterApi screenwriters_get GET /screenwriters List all instances of ScreenWriter
ScreenWriterApi screenwriters_id_get GET /screenwriters/{id} Get a single ScreenWriter by its id
SculptorApi sculptors_get GET /sculptors List all instances of Sculptor
SculptorApi sculptors_id_get GET /sculptors/{id} Get a single Sculptor by its id
SculptureApi sculptures_get GET /sculptures List all instances of Sculpture
SculptureApi sculptures_id_get GET /sculptures/{id} Get a single Sculpture by its id
SeaApi seas_get GET /seas List all instances of Sea
SeaApi seas_id_get GET /seas/{id} Get a single Sea by its id
SenatorApi senators_get GET /senators List all instances of Senator
SenatorApi senators_id_get GET /senators/{id} Get a single Senator by its id
SerialKillerApi serialkillers_get GET /serialkillers List all instances of SerialKiller
SerialKillerApi serialkillers_id_get GET /serialkillers/{id} Get a single SerialKiller by its id
SettlementApi settlements_get GET /settlements List all instances of Settlement
SettlementApi settlements_id_get GET /settlements/{id} Get a single Settlement by its id
ShipApi ships_get GET /ships List all instances of Ship
ShipApi ships_id_get GET /ships/{id} Get a single Ship by its id
ShoppingMallApi shoppingmalls_get GET /shoppingmalls List all instances of ShoppingMall
ShoppingMallApi shoppingmalls_id_get GET /shoppingmalls/{id} Get a single ShoppingMall by its id
ShrineApi shrines_get GET /shrines List all instances of Shrine
ShrineApi shrines_id_get GET /shrines/{id} Get a single Shrine by its id
SingerApi singers_get GET /singers List all instances of Singer
SingerApi singers_id_get GET /singers/{id} Get a single Singer by its id
SingleApi singles_get GET /singles List all instances of Single
SingleApi singles_id_get GET /singles/{id} Get a single Single by its id
SiteOfSpecialScientificInterestApi siteofspecialscientificinterests_get GET /siteofspecialscientificinterests List all instances of SiteOfSpecialScientificInterest
SiteOfSpecialScientificInterestApi siteofspecialscientificinterests_id_get GET /siteofspecialscientificinterests/{id} Get a single SiteOfSpecialScientificInterest by its id
SkaterApi skaters_get GET /skaters List all instances of Skater
SkaterApi skaters_id_get GET /skaters/{id} Get a single Skater by its id
SkiAreaApi skiareas_get GET /skiareas List all instances of SkiArea
SkiAreaApi skiareas_id_get GET /skiareas/{id} Get a single SkiArea by its id
SkiResortApi skiresorts_get GET /skiresorts List all instances of SkiResort
SkiResortApi skiresorts_id_get GET /skiresorts/{id} Get a single SkiResort by its id
SkierApi skiers_get GET /skiers List all instances of Skier
SkierApi skiers_id_get GET /skiers/{id} Get a single Skier by its id
SkyscraperApi skyscrapers_get GET /skyscrapers List all instances of Skyscraper
SkyscraperApi skyscrapers_id_get GET /skyscrapers/{id} Get a single Skyscraper by its id
SnookerChampApi snookerchamps_get GET /snookerchamps List all instances of SnookerChamp
SnookerChampApi snookerchamps_id_get GET /snookerchamps/{id} Get a single SnookerChamp by its id
SnookerPlayerApi snookerplayers_get GET /snookerplayers List all instances of SnookerPlayer
SnookerPlayerApi snookerplayers_id_get GET /snookerplayers/{id} Get a single SnookerPlayer by its id
SnookerWorldRankingApi snookerworldrankings_get GET /snookerworldrankings List all instances of SnookerWorldRanking
SnookerWorldRankingApi snookerworldrankings_id_get GET /snookerworldrankings/{id} Get a single SnookerWorldRanking by its id
SoapCharacterApi soapcharacters_get GET /soapcharacters List all instances of SoapCharacter
SoapCharacterApi soapcharacters_id_get GET /soapcharacters/{id} Get a single SoapCharacter by its id
SoccerClubApi soccerclubs_get GET /soccerclubs List all instances of SoccerClub
SoccerClubApi soccerclubs_id_get GET /soccerclubs/{id} Get a single SoccerClub by its id
SoccerClubSeasonApi soccerclubseasons_get GET /soccerclubseasons List all instances of SoccerClubSeason
SoccerClubSeasonApi soccerclubseasons_id_get GET /soccerclubseasons/{id} Get a single SoccerClubSeason by its id
SoccerLeagueApi soccerleagues_get GET /soccerleagues List all instances of SoccerLeague
SoccerLeagueApi soccerleagues_id_get GET /soccerleagues/{id} Get a single SoccerLeague by its id
SoccerLeagueSeasonApi soccerleagueseasons_get GET /soccerleagueseasons List all instances of SoccerLeagueSeason
SoccerLeagueSeasonApi soccerleagueseasons_id_get GET /soccerleagueseasons/{id} Get a single SoccerLeagueSeason by its id
SoccerManagerApi soccermanagers_get GET /soccermanagers List all instances of SoccerManager
SoccerManagerApi soccermanagers_id_get GET /soccermanagers/{id} Get a single SoccerManager by its id
SoccerPlayerApi soccerplayers_get GET /soccerplayers List all instances of SoccerPlayer
SoccerPlayerApi soccerplayers_id_get GET /soccerplayers/{id} Get a single SoccerPlayer by its id
SoccerTournamentApi soccertournaments_get GET /soccertournaments List all instances of SoccerTournament
SoccerTournamentApi soccertournaments_id_get GET /soccertournaments/{id} Get a single SoccerTournament by its id
SocietalEventApi societalevents_get GET /societalevents List all instances of SocietalEvent
SocietalEventApi societalevents_id_get GET /societalevents/{id} Get a single SocietalEvent by its id
SoftballLeagueApi softballleagues_get GET /softballleagues List all instances of SoftballLeague
SoftballLeagueApi softballleagues_id_get GET /softballleagues/{id} Get a single SoftballLeague by its id
SoftwareApi softwares_get GET /softwares List all instances of Software
SoftwareApi softwares_id_get GET /softwares/{id} Get a single Software by its id
SolarEclipseApi solareclipses_get GET /solareclipses List all instances of SolarEclipse
SolarEclipseApi solareclipses_id_get GET /solareclipses/{id} Get a single SolarEclipse by its id
SongApi songs_get GET /songs List all instances of Song
SongApi songs_id_get GET /songs/{id} Get a single Song by its id
SongWriterApi songwriters_get GET /songwriters List all instances of SongWriter
SongWriterApi songwriters_id_get GET /songwriters/{id} Get a single SongWriter by its id
SoundApi sounds_get GET /sounds List all instances of Sound
SoundApi sounds_id_get GET /sounds/{id} Get a single Sound by its id
SpaceMissionApi spacemissions_get GET /spacemissions List all instances of SpaceMission
SpaceMissionApi spacemissions_id_get GET /spacemissions/{id} Get a single SpaceMission by its id
SpaceShuttleApi spaceshuttles_get GET /spaceshuttles List all instances of SpaceShuttle
SpaceShuttleApi spaceshuttles_id_get GET /spaceshuttles/{id} Get a single SpaceShuttle by its id
SpaceStationApi spacestations_get GET /spacestations List all instances of SpaceStation
SpaceStationApi spacestations_id_get GET /spacestations/{id} Get a single SpaceStation by its id
SpacecraftApi spacecrafts_get GET /spacecrafts List all instances of Spacecraft
SpacecraftApi spacecrafts_id_get GET /spacecrafts/{id} Get a single Spacecraft by its id
SpeciesApi speciess_get GET /speciess List all instances of Species
SpeciesApi speciess_id_get GET /speciess/{id} Get a single Species by its id
SpeedwayLeagueApi speedwayleagues_get GET /speedwayleagues List all instances of SpeedwayLeague
SpeedwayLeagueApi speedwayleagues_id_get GET /speedwayleagues/{id} Get a single SpeedwayLeague by its id
SpeedwayRiderApi speedwayriders_get GET /speedwayriders List all instances of SpeedwayRider
SpeedwayRiderApi speedwayriders_id_get GET /speedwayriders/{id} Get a single SpeedwayRider by its id
SpeedwayTeamApi speedwayteams_get GET /speedwayteams List all instances of SpeedwayTeam
SpeedwayTeamApi speedwayteams_id_get GET /speedwayteams/{id} Get a single SpeedwayTeam by its id
SportApi sports_get GET /sports List all instances of Sport
SportApi sports_id_get GET /sports/{id} Get a single Sport by its id
SportCompetitionResultApi sportcompetitionresults_get GET /sportcompetitionresults List all instances of SportCompetitionResult
SportCompetitionResultApi sportcompetitionresults_id_get GET /sportcompetitionresults/{id} Get a single SportCompetitionResult by its id
SportFacilityApi sportfacilitys_get GET /sportfacilitys List all instances of SportFacility
SportFacilityApi sportfacilitys_id_get GET /sportfacilitys/{id} Get a single SportFacility by its id
SportsEventApi sportsevents_get GET /sportsevents List all instances of SportsEvent
SportsEventApi sportsevents_id_get GET /sportsevents/{id} Get a single SportsEvent by its id
SportsLeagueApi sportsleagues_get GET /sportsleagues List all instances of SportsLeague
SportsLeagueApi sportsleagues_id_get GET /sportsleagues/{id} Get a single SportsLeague by its id
SportsManagerApi sportsmanagers_get GET /sportsmanagers List all instances of SportsManager
SportsManagerApi sportsmanagers_id_get GET /sportsmanagers/{id} Get a single SportsManager by its id
SportsSeasonApi sportsseasons_get GET /sportsseasons List all instances of SportsSeason
SportsSeasonApi sportsseasons_id_get GET /sportsseasons/{id} Get a single SportsSeason by its id
SportsTeamApi sportsteams_get GET /sportsteams List all instances of SportsTeam
SportsTeamApi sportsteams_id_get GET /sportsteams/{id} Get a single SportsTeam by its id
SportsTeamMemberApi sportsteammembers_get GET /sportsteammembers List all instances of SportsTeamMember
SportsTeamMemberApi sportsteammembers_id_get GET /sportsteammembers/{id} Get a single SportsTeamMember by its id
SportsTeamSeasonApi sportsteamseasons_get GET /sportsteamseasons List all instances of SportsTeamSeason
SportsTeamSeasonApi sportsteamseasons_id_get GET /sportsteamseasons/{id} Get a single SportsTeamSeason by its id
SquareApi squares_get GET /squares List all instances of Square
SquareApi squares_id_get GET /squares/{id} Get a single Square by its id
SquashPlayerApi squashplayers_get GET /squashplayers List all instances of SquashPlayer
SquashPlayerApi squashplayers_id_get GET /squashplayers/{id} Get a single SquashPlayer by its id
StadiumApi stadiums_get GET /stadiums List all instances of Stadium
StadiumApi stadiums_id_get GET /stadiums/{id} Get a single Stadium by its id
StarApi stars_get GET /stars List all instances of Star
StarApi stars_id_get GET /stars/{id} Get a single Star by its id
StateApi states_get GET /states List all instances of State
StateApi states_id_get GET /states/{id} Get a single State by its id
StatedResolutionApi statedresolutions_get GET /statedresolutions List all instances of StatedResolution
StatedResolutionApi statedresolutions_id_get GET /statedresolutions/{id} Get a single StatedResolution by its id
StationApi stations_get GET /stations List all instances of Station
StationApi stations_id_get GET /stations/{id} Get a single Station by its id
StatisticApi statistics_get GET /statistics List all instances of Statistic
StatisticApi statistics_id_get GET /statistics/{id} Get a single Statistic by its id
StillImageApi stillimages_get GET /stillimages List all instances of StillImage
StillImageApi stillimages_id_get GET /stillimages/{id} Get a single StillImage by its id
StreamApi streams_get GET /streams List all instances of Stream
StreamApi streams_id_get GET /streams/{id} Get a single Stream by its id
StreetApi streets_get GET /streets List all instances of Street
StreetApi streets_id_get GET /streets/{id} Get a single Street by its id
SubMunicipalityApi submunicipalitys_get GET /submunicipalitys List all instances of SubMunicipality
SubMunicipalityApi submunicipalitys_id_get GET /submunicipalitys/{id} Get a single SubMunicipality by its id
SumoWrestlerApi sumowrestlers_get GET /sumowrestlers List all instances of SumoWrestler
SumoWrestlerApi sumowrestlers_id_get GET /sumowrestlers/{id} Get a single SumoWrestler by its id
SupremeCourtOfTheUnitedStatesCaseApi supremecourtoftheunitedstatescases_get GET /supremecourtoftheunitedstatescases List all instances of SupremeCourtOfTheUnitedStatesCase
SupremeCourtOfTheUnitedStatesCaseApi supremecourtoftheunitedstatescases_id_get GET /supremecourtoftheunitedstatescases/{id} Get a single SupremeCourtOfTheUnitedStatesCase by its id
SurferApi surfers_get GET /surfers List all instances of Surfer
SurferApi surfers_id_get GET /surfers/{id} Get a single Surfer by its id
SurnameApi surnames_get GET /surnames List all instances of Surname
SurnameApi surnames_id_get GET /surnames/{id} Get a single Surname by its id
SwarmApi swarms_get GET /swarms List all instances of Swarm
SwarmApi swarms_id_get GET /swarms/{id} Get a single Swarm by its id
SwimmerApi swimmers_get GET /swimmers List all instances of Swimmer
SwimmerApi swimmers_id_get GET /swimmers/{id} Get a single Swimmer by its id
SwitzerlandSettlementApi switzerlandsettlements_get GET /switzerlandsettlements List all instances of SwitzerlandSettlement
SwitzerlandSettlementApi switzerlandsettlements_id_get GET /switzerlandsettlements/{id} Get a single SwitzerlandSettlement by its id
SynagogueApi synagogues_get GET /synagogues List all instances of Synagogue
SynagogueApi synagogues_id_get GET /synagogues/{id} Get a single Synagogue by its id
SystemOfLawApi systemoflaws_get GET /systemoflaws List all instances of SystemOfLaw
SystemOfLawApi systemoflaws_id_get GET /systemoflaws/{id} Get a single SystemOfLaw by its id
TableTennisPlayerApi tabletennisplayers_get GET /tabletennisplayers List all instances of TableTennisPlayer
TableTennisPlayerApi tabletennisplayers_id_get GET /tabletennisplayers/{id} Get a single TableTennisPlayer by its id
TaxApi taxs_get GET /taxs List all instances of Tax
TaxApi taxs_id_get GET /taxs/{id} Get a single Tax by its id
TaxonApi taxons_get GET /taxons List all instances of Taxon
TaxonApi taxons_id_get GET /taxons/{id} Get a single Taxon by its id
TeamMemberApi teammembers_get GET /teammembers List all instances of TeamMember
TeamMemberApi teammembers_id_get GET /teammembers/{id} Get a single TeamMember by its id
TelevisionDirectorApi televisiondirectors_get GET /televisiondirectors List all instances of TelevisionDirector
TelevisionDirectorApi televisiondirectors_id_get GET /televisiondirectors/{id} Get a single TelevisionDirector by its id
TelevisionEpisodeApi televisionepisodes_get GET /televisionepisodes List all instances of TelevisionEpisode
TelevisionEpisodeApi televisionepisodes_id_get GET /televisionepisodes/{id} Get a single TelevisionEpisode by its id
TelevisionHostApi televisionhosts_get GET /televisionhosts List all instances of TelevisionHost
TelevisionHostApi televisionhosts_id_get GET /televisionhosts/{id} Get a single TelevisionHost by its id
TelevisionPersonalityApi televisionpersonalitys_get GET /televisionpersonalitys List all instances of TelevisionPersonality
TelevisionPersonalityApi televisionpersonalitys_id_get GET /televisionpersonalitys/{id} Get a single TelevisionPersonality by its id
TelevisionSeasonApi televisionseasons_get GET /televisionseasons List all instances of TelevisionSeason
TelevisionSeasonApi televisionseasons_id_get GET /televisionseasons/{id} Get a single TelevisionSeason by its id
TelevisionShowApi televisionshows_get GET /televisionshows List all instances of TelevisionShow
TelevisionShowApi televisionshows_id_get GET /televisionshows/{id} Get a single TelevisionShow by its id
TelevisionStationApi televisionstations_get GET /televisionstations List all instances of TelevisionStation
TelevisionStationApi televisionstations_id_get GET /televisionstations/{id} Get a single TelevisionStation by its id
TempleApi temples_get GET /temples List all instances of Temple
TempleApi temples_id_get GET /temples/{id} Get a single Temple by its id
TennisLeagueApi tennisleagues_get GET /tennisleagues List all instances of TennisLeague
TennisLeagueApi tennisleagues_id_get GET /tennisleagues/{id} Get a single TennisLeague by its id
TennisPlayerApi tennisplayers_get GET /tennisplayers List all instances of TennisPlayer
TennisPlayerApi tennisplayers_id_get GET /tennisplayers/{id} Get a single TennisPlayer by its id
TennisTournamentApi tennistournaments_get GET /tennistournaments List all instances of TennisTournament
TennisTournamentApi tennistournaments_id_get GET /tennistournaments/{id} Get a single TennisTournament by its id
TermOfOfficeApi termofoffices_get GET /termofoffices List all instances of TermOfOffice
TermOfOfficeApi termofoffices_id_get GET /termofoffices/{id} Get a single TermOfOffice by its id
TerritoryApi territorys_get GET /territorys List all instances of Territory
TerritoryApi territorys_id_get GET /territorys/{id} Get a single Territory by its id
TheatreApi theatres_get GET /theatres List all instances of Theatre
TheatreApi theatres_id_get GET /theatres/{id} Get a single Theatre by its id
TheatreDirectorApi theatredirectors_get GET /theatredirectors List all instances of TheatreDirector
TheatreDirectorApi theatredirectors_id_get GET /theatredirectors/{id} Get a single TheatreDirector by its id
ThingApi things_get GET /things List all instances of Thing
ThingApi things_id_get GET /things/{id} Get a single Thing by its id
TimePeriodApi timeperiods_get GET /timeperiods List all instances of TimePeriod
TimePeriodApi timeperiods_id_get GET /timeperiods/{id} Get a single TimePeriod by its id
TopicalConceptApi topicalconcepts_get GET /topicalconcepts List all instances of TopicalConcept
TopicalConceptApi topicalconcepts_id_get GET /topicalconcepts/{id} Get a single TopicalConcept by its id
TournamentApi tournaments_get GET /tournaments List all instances of Tournament
TournamentApi tournaments_id_get GET /tournaments/{id} Get a single Tournament by its id
TowerApi towers_get GET /towers List all instances of Tower
TowerApi towers_id_get GET /towers/{id} Get a single Tower by its id
TownApi towns_get GET /towns List all instances of Town
TownApi towns_id_get GET /towns/{id} Get a single Town by its id
TrackListApi tracklists_get GET /tracklists List all instances of TrackList
TrackListApi tracklists_id_get GET /tracklists/{id} Get a single TrackList by its id
TradeUnionApi tradeunions_get GET /tradeunions List all instances of TradeUnion
TradeUnionApi tradeunions_id_get GET /tradeunions/{id} Get a single TradeUnion by its id
TrainApi trains_get GET /trains List all instances of Train
TrainApi trains_id_get GET /trains/{id} Get a single Train by its id
TreadmillApi treadmills_get GET /treadmills List all instances of Treadmill
TreadmillApi treadmills_id_get GET /treadmills/{id} Get a single Treadmill by its id
TunnelApi tunnels_get GET /tunnels List all instances of Tunnel
TunnelApi tunnels_id_get GET /tunnels/{id} Get a single Tunnel by its id
TypeApi types_get GET /types List all instances of Type
TypeApi types_id_get GET /types/{id} Get a single Type by its id
UnitOfWorkApi unitofworks_get GET /unitofworks List all instances of UnitOfWork
UnitOfWorkApi unitofworks_id_get GET /unitofworks/{id} Get a single UnitOfWork by its id
UniversityApi universitys_get GET /universitys List all instances of University
UniversityApi universitys_id_get GET /universitys/{id} Get a single University by its id
UnknownApi unknowns_get GET /unknowns List all instances of Unknown
UnknownApi unknowns_id_get GET /unknowns/{id} Get a single Unknown by its id
ValleyApi valleys_get GET /valleys List all instances of Valley
ValleyApi valleys_id_get GET /valleys/{id} Get a single Valley by its id
VeinApi veins_get GET /veins List all instances of Vein
VeinApi veins_id_get GET /veins/{id} Get a single Vein by its id
VenueApi venues_get GET /venues List all instances of Venue
VenueApi venues_id_get GET /venues/{id} Get a single Venue by its id
VicarApi vicars_get GET /vicars List all instances of Vicar
VicarApi vicars_id_get GET /vicars/{id} Get a single Vicar by its id
VicePresidentApi vicepresidents_get GET /vicepresidents List all instances of VicePresident
VicePresidentApi vicepresidents_id_get GET /vicepresidents/{id} Get a single VicePresident by its id
VicePrimeMinisterApi viceprimeministers_get GET /viceprimeministers List all instances of VicePrimeMinister
VicePrimeMinisterApi viceprimeministers_id_get GET /viceprimeministers/{id} Get a single VicePrimeMinister by its id
VideoGameApi videogames_get GET /videogames List all instances of VideoGame
VideoGameApi videogames_id_get GET /videogames/{id} Get a single VideoGame by its id
VideogamesLeagueApi videogamesleagues_get GET /videogamesleagues List all instances of VideogamesLeague
VideogamesLeagueApi videogamesleagues_id_get GET /videogamesleagues/{id} Get a single VideogamesLeague by its id
VillageApi villages_get GET /villages List all instances of Village
VillageApi villages_id_get GET /villages/{id} Get a single Village by its id
VoiceActorApi voiceactors_get GET /voiceactors List all instances of VoiceActor
VoiceActorApi voiceactors_id_get GET /voiceactors/{id} Get a single VoiceActor by its id
VolcanoApi volcanos_get GET /volcanos List all instances of Volcano
VolcanoApi volcanos_id_get GET /volcanos/{id} Get a single Volcano by its id
VolleyballCoachApi volleyballcoachs_get GET /volleyballcoachs List all instances of VolleyballCoach
VolleyballCoachApi volleyballcoachs_id_get GET /volleyballcoachs/{id} Get a single VolleyballCoach by its id
VolleyballLeagueApi volleyballleagues_get GET /volleyballleagues List all instances of VolleyballLeague
VolleyballLeagueApi volleyballleagues_id_get GET /volleyballleagues/{id} Get a single VolleyballLeague by its id
VolleyballPlayerApi volleyballplayers_get GET /volleyballplayers List all instances of VolleyballPlayer
VolleyballPlayerApi volleyballplayers_id_get GET /volleyballplayers/{id} Get a single VolleyballPlayer by its id
WaterPoloPlayerApi waterpoloplayers_get GET /waterpoloplayers List all instances of WaterPoloPlayer
WaterPoloPlayerApi waterpoloplayers_id_get GET /waterpoloplayers/{id} Get a single WaterPoloPlayer by its id
WaterRideApi waterrides_get GET /waterrides List all instances of WaterRide
WaterRideApi waterrides_id_get GET /waterrides/{id} Get a single WaterRide by its id
WaterTowerApi watertowers_get GET /watertowers List all instances of WaterTower
WaterTowerApi watertowers_id_get GET /watertowers/{id} Get a single WaterTower by its id
WatermillApi watermills_get GET /watermills List all instances of Watermill
WatermillApi watermills_id_get GET /watermills/{id} Get a single Watermill by its id
WaterwayTunnelApi waterwaytunnels_get GET /waterwaytunnels List all instances of WaterwayTunnel
WaterwayTunnelApi waterwaytunnels_id_get GET /waterwaytunnels/{id} Get a single WaterwayTunnel by its id
WeaponApi weapons_get GET /weapons List all instances of Weapon
WeaponApi weapons_id_get GET /weapons/{id} Get a single Weapon by its id
WebsiteApi websites_get GET /websites List all instances of Website
WebsiteApi websites_id_get GET /websites/{id} Get a single Website by its id
WindMotorApi windmotors_get GET /windmotors List all instances of WindMotor
WindMotorApi windmotors_id_get GET /windmotors/{id} Get a single WindMotor by its id
WindmillApi windmills_get GET /windmills List all instances of Windmill
WindmillApi windmills_id_get GET /windmills/{id} Get a single Windmill by its id
WineApi wines_get GET /wines List all instances of Wine
WineApi wines_id_get GET /wines/{id} Get a single Wine by its id
WineRegionApi wineregions_get GET /wineregions List all instances of WineRegion
WineRegionApi wineregions_id_get GET /wineregions/{id} Get a single WineRegion by its id
WineryApi winerys_get GET /winerys List all instances of Winery
WineryApi winerys_id_get GET /winerys/{id} Get a single Winery by its id
WomensTennisAssociationTournamentApi womenstennisassociationtournaments_get GET /womenstennisassociationtournaments List all instances of WomensTennisAssociationTournament
WomensTennisAssociationTournamentApi womenstennisassociationtournaments_id_get GET /womenstennisassociationtournaments/{id} Get a single WomensTennisAssociationTournament by its id
WorkApi works_get GET /works List all instances of Work
WorkApi works_id_get GET /works/{id} Get a single Work by its id
WorldHeritageSiteApi worldheritagesites_get GET /worldheritagesites List all instances of WorldHeritageSite
WorldHeritageSiteApi worldheritagesites_id_get GET /worldheritagesites/{id} Get a single WorldHeritageSite by its id
WrestlerApi wrestlers_get GET /wrestlers List all instances of Wrestler
WrestlerApi wrestlers_id_get GET /wrestlers/{id} Get a single Wrestler by its id
WrestlingEventApi wrestlingevents_get GET /wrestlingevents List all instances of WrestlingEvent
WrestlingEventApi wrestlingevents_id_get GET /wrestlingevents/{id} Get a single WrestlingEvent by its id
WriterApi writers_get GET /writers List all instances of Writer
WriterApi writers_id_get GET /writers/{id} Get a single Writer by its id
WrittenWorkApi writtenworks_get GET /writtenworks List all instances of WrittenWork
WrittenWorkApi writtenworks_id_get GET /writtenworks/{id} Get a single WrittenWork by its id
YearApi years_get GET /years List all instances of Year
YearApi years_id_get GET /years/{id} Get a single Year by its id
YearInSpaceflightApi yearinspaceflights_get GET /yearinspaceflights List all instances of YearInSpaceflight
YearInSpaceflightApi yearinspaceflights_id_get GET /yearinspaceflights/{id} Get a single YearInSpaceflight by its id
ZooApi zoos_get GET /zoos List all instances of Zoo
ZooApi zoos_id_get GET /zoos/{id} Get a single Zoo by its id
OpenswarmApi openswarms_get GET /openswarms List all instances of openswarm
OpenswarmApi openswarms_id_get GET /openswarms/{id} Get a single openswarm by its id

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)



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