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Python Pattern Based Morphometry

pypbm implements a set of tools to study population differences in vasculature using ideas from the field of (pattern-based) brain morphometry.


What problem are we trying to solve ? -------------------------------------

Lets assume we have vascular networks (e.g., intra-cranial vasculature) extracted from a set of patients in a centerline + radius representation. Such data could be obtained for instance from MRA images by means of vessel extraction in a semi-supervised way. In many cases, structural MR images are also available. A freely available dataset of that kind is available here for instance.

Now, given a specific attribute (e.g., age, gender, disease type etc.) we could group all of the images by that attribute and thus obtain multiple populations (e.g., male vs. female). One question of interest could then be to ask if there are differences in the vasculature architecture of both populations (e.g., are vessels missing, are there different connections, etc.).

Traditionally, such questions have been assessed in the context of changes that manifest as changes in the appearance of structural MR images of the brain. This field of research is usually referred to as brain morphometry and a variety of approaches have been proposed in that context with voxel-based morphometry (VBM) being the most prominent one. pypbm implements a collection of tools that can be used to study exactly the problem of population differences for vasculature, so it could be referred to as a toolbox for vascular morphometry.

Requirements ------------

To run all of the code included in pypbm, the following software packages are required:

  1. MATLAB:
  2. KSVD Toolbox (available from R. Rubinstein's webpage)
  3. Nino Shervashidze's graph kernel MATLAB code
  4. SimpleITK (incl. Python wrapping)
  5. OpenCV (incl. Python wrapping, recommended: v2.4.2)
  6. ANTS (for image registration)
  7. TubeTK
  8. numpy
  9. scipy
  10. matplotlib

To test if the Python wrappings for OpenCV and SimpleITK are working, type

import SimpleITK as sitk
import cv2

in a Python console. If no error occurs, you are ready to go. For the KSVD MATLAB toolbox, please follow the instructions contained in the package (i.e., MEX file compilation, etc.). The same holds for SimpleITK, ANTS and OpenCV.

References ----------

For the general idea of pattern-based morphometry (upon which a large part of pypbm is based) please cite:

    author    = {B.~Gaonkar and K.~Pohl and C.~Davatzikos},
    title     = {Pattern based morphometry},
    booktitle = {MICCAI}}
    year      = {2011}}

The idea of encoding intra-cranial vasculature in the form of spatial-graphs was originally proposed in:

  title     = {Spatial graphs for intra-cranial vascular network characterization, generation, and discrimination}
  author    = {S.~Aylward and J.~Jomier and C.~Vivert and V.~LeDigarcher and E.~Bullit},
  booktitle = {MICCAI},
  year      = {2005}}

The concept of using graph-kernel based machine learning to test the hypothesis of global population differences in the architecture of spatial-graphs was recently introduced in:

  title     = {Studying Cerebral Vasculature Using Structure Proximity and Graph Kernels}
  author    = {R.~Kwitt, D.~Pace, M.~Niethammer and S.~Aylward},
  booktitle = {MICCAI},
  year      = {2013}}
Example (Toy Data - Circle of Willis) -------------------------------------

To illustrate the key concepts, we will use a toy example (of an artificial Circle of Willis). pypbm's testdata directory contains three variants of an exemplar Circle of Willis (.pdf and .png) files. Those files were created with IPE and can be modified in case you want to change the topology. We will use the templates to create our population representatives next.

Directory structure for the example

In this example, we assume that all data that is created will be stored under /tmp/ and the base directory of pypbm will be referred to as <Base>. Hence, the data directory with some example image templates can be found under <Base>/data.

Creating population images

We will choose variant-A and variant-C for illustration. Those images serve as templates for the population A and C. In a first step, we will apply random deformations to the images to simulate anatomical variation (or slight registration misalignment). In a real clinical example, we would have to go through several registration steps in order to register the source images (from which the vasculature was extracted) to a common reference image. In our toy example, all images will be already aligned and we only need to simulate slight variations. We use ImageMagick for that and create our own deformations based on a set of control points. To create control points we use

cd <Base>/data
python -W 256 -H 256 -n 5 -r 5 -o /tmp/cp.txt
convert -alpha set -virtual-pixel white -distort Shepards '@/tmp/cp.txt' variant-A.png /tmp/Image-0001.png

This will create a distorted image of the template variant-A.png. Repeating that process multiple times (for variant-A.png and variant-C.png) creates our collection of population images. We assume that the images are stored in the folders /tmp/variant-A and /tmp/variant-C for this example (we create 10 images for each population).

Finally, we will use a MATLAB script to prepare the data for further processing. The script converts all images to binary images and inverts them such that the blood vessels are the foreground objects. First, we need to create a list of all deformed images /tmp/raw.list:


and run (in MATLAB, assuming that you added the <Base>/matlab directory to your MATLAB path):


The newly created images can be identified by the appended -Matlab in the filename, e.g., /tmp/variant-A/Image-0001-Matlab.png.

Establishing a common space

To create a graph representation, we will first need to establish a common space which we can use to define graph nodes. This is done by building a vessel density map for all input images by means of an Euclidean distance transform (EDT). The EDT computes, for all pixel (voxel), the distance to the closest foreground object, i.e., a vessels of the Circle of Willis in our toy example. Inverting these EDM images and averaging all the values over both populations can then be interpreted as a vessel density map, since the values at a specific location are proportional to the occurrence probability (i.e., the density) of observing a vessel at that location. Technically, this is done by running

python -i /tmp/variant-A/Image-0001-Matlab.png -o /tmp/variant-A/image-0001-Matlab-Den.png

on all the images (written by the MATLAB script of the previous step) in /tmp/variant-A and /tmp/variant-C. Building an average vessel density image can then be done by

python -i density.list -o /tmp/atlas.tiff

where density.list contains the absolute filenames of the vessel density images of both populations, e.g.,


Eventually, we partition the average vessel density image atlas.tiff by a centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT). This will create a partitioning of the vessel density space that we can use to define a node in our graph. Technically, we use TubeTK's ImageMath tool to partition the space into 100 cells for instance:

ImageMath /tmp/atlas.tiff -Z 100 1000 1000 atlas-100.cvt -W 1 atlas-100.png

This creates a file atlas-100.cvt of CVT centers and also writes an image atlas-100.png of the actual CVT (each pixel/voxel will have a unique ID that identifies the cell it belongs to).

Creating spatial-graph representations

To create a spatial-graph representation of our Circle of Willis examples, we need to identify if two CVT cells are connected. This is done by simply recording a 1 in a CxC adjacency matrix if there is a vessel connects two CVT cells (and 0 otherwise). Since we do not know the direction of blood flow, we can only a create an adjacency matrix for an undirected graph using this strategy. Technically, all we need to do is to call with the desired CVT image representing the atlas and a particular Circle of Willis skeleton image:

python -i /tmp/variant-A/Image-0001-Matlab.png -c /tmp/atlas-100.png -o /tmp/variant-A/Image-0001-Matlab-atlas-100.mat

Again, running on all images (written by the MATLAB script) creates both populations of graphs (for population A and C) in the form of adjacency matrices (stored in /tmp/variant-A/Image-0001-Matlab-atlas-100.mat for instance).

Identifying population differences through dictionary learning

In the original work on pattern-based morphometry, the authors propose to find the closest K images in population C to a given image from population A and then compute K difference images (by simply subtraction). While, originally, this was done on structural MR images, we use the vessel density images for that purpose. A sparse dictionary with A atoms is then learned to represent the difference images with the intuition that the atoms will capture the most prominent differences.

We differ to the original work in the following way: Instead of vectorizing each vessel density image and computing the Euclidean distance to find the nearest neighbors, we use the spatial-graph representations and a graph-kernel to perform the same task in a more principled way. Once we have the K neighbors to a given graph, we build the difference images using the corresponding vessel density images. In our toy example, we use a Shortest-Path kernel for similarity measurement and K-SVD for dictionary learning.

First, we need to load the adjacency matrices in a format compatible with Nino Shervashidze's implementation of the Shortest-Path kernel using readgraphs.m. This routine expects a list /tmp/adj-100.list of adjacency matrix files (absolute path)


In MATLAB, we load the graphs with

data = readgraphs('/tmp/adj-100.list', 100)

and can then compute the Shortest-Path kernel using

Ksp = spkernel(data,0)

This gives a 2Nx2N kernel matrix that can easily be converted into a distance matrix to find nearest neighbors. Computation of the difference images and execution of the dictionary learning is implemented in klearn.m, Assuming we want to use three neighbors and to learn a dictionary of six atoms (with each difference image represented as a linear combination of two atoms) we use (in MATLAB):

[O,X,D,Gamma] = klearn('/tmp/density.list', Ksp, lab, 3, 2, 6)

D contains the dictionary atoms (as column vectors), sorted by importance, X contains the original difference images (as column vectors) and O contains the original vessel density images (as column vectors). Visualizing the atoms (or maybe the absolute values) should give a pretty good impression of where the most prominent difference between both populations are.

Example (Clinical Data) -----------------------

While our toy example shows the basic steps to do vascular morphometry, there is one important step missing which is required with true clinical data: registration. pypbm contains a set of convenience routines that allow you to run a registration pipeline (using ANTS) in order to align images from different patients with a template/reference image.

In case of the freely available dataset for instance, we have MRA and MRI images for each patient and we need to transform all the vasculature (extracted from the MRA images) into a reference image space. To show how this can be done, we first (rigidly) register the MRA images to the MRI images and then (deformably) register theMRI images to a reference MRI image. The rigid transform and the displacement field are then applied on the extracted vessels to map them into the reference image space for further processing (see our toy example).

First, you need to edit the config.json.example file and set the correct paths to the required binaries in order to run the registration, e.g., replace <Path> for the BRAINSFit binary with the absolute path to Slicer's BRAINSFit binary. Then, for the rigid transformation step (using create two lists of images: one list for the moving images (i.e., the MRA image list mra.list) and one list of fixed images (i.e., the MRI image list mri.list). Two example lists (with only a single image) could be





python -c config.json -l mri.list mra.list /tmp/MRAInMRI.imgs /tmp/RigMRAToMRI.tfms

will register all MRA images to the MRI images and create two files: 1) a Python pickled list /tmp/MRAInMRI.imgs of absolute paths to the MRA images resampled in the space of the MRI images and a Python pickled list /tmp/RigMRAToMRI.tfms of the actual rigid transformations. Internally, uses Slicer's BRAINSFit module to perform the rigid registration.

Next, we need to (deformably) register the MRI images to the reference images. This is implemented in and internally calls ANTS to do the actual registration. Note: In this example, we have a second list of MRI images /tmp/mriNoSkull.list which contains the full path to (skull-stripped) versions of the original MRI images (this is required, since the template is also a skull-stripped MRI image).

py -l /tmp/mriNoSkull.list \
  -c config.json \
  -t /tmp/ref.mha \
  -d /tmp/AffMRIToRef.tfms \
     /tmp/FwdMRIToRef.tfms \
     /tmp/InvMRIToRef.tfms \
  -f 0.5

The parameter -t specifies the template image, the arguments to parameter -d specify 1) the list of generated affine transforms (to pre-align the MRI images), 2) the list of forward displacement fields, 3) the list of inverse displacement fields (to be used on the vascular networks later) and 4) a list of MRI images resampled in the space of the reference image (all those lists will be pickled Python lists). Finally, the parameter -f 0.5 specifies that we want to use 50% of all available CPUs to perform the registration.

As a last step, we take the extracted vasculature and use the rigid + deformable registration results to map the centerline + radius representations into the space of the reference image /tmp/ref.mha. Once, this is done we can continue with the steps discussed in the toy example. The script will perform the mapping task. The first important parameter is the list of vascular network files to process (i.e., the .tre files in our clinical data example), e.g.,



python \
  -c config.json \
  -l /tmp/mriNoSkull.list
  -t /tmp/ref.mha \
  -i /tmp/RigMRAToMRI.tfms \
     /tmp/AffMRIToRef.tfms \
     /tmp/FwdMRAToRef.tfms \

will produce .tre files (for each patient) all of which reside in the reference image space. In summary, we are kind of indirectly registering all the vascular networks w.r.t. a reference image via the corresponding MRA and MRI images.

Using the convenience scripts ... ---------------------------------

pypbm contains a collection of scripts under scripts could help to run important commands on a list of images. Just type ./<ScriptName> -h to get some help on the required input arguments.

Author:    Roland Kwitt
License:   Apache License, Version 2.0


Pattern-based morphometry for vascular analysis.







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  • Python 80.4%
  • MATLAB 11.1%
  • Shell 8.5%