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This is a software library used for training and inference of dense and sparse (3PXNet) binarized neural networks.

For more details about 3PXNet implementation, please refer to the following publication:

3PXNet: Pruned-Permuted-Packed XNOR Networks for Edge Machine Learning

Please consider citing our work if you found it useful for your research:

   title={3PXNet: Pruned-Permuted-Packed XNOR Networks for Edge Machine Learning},
   author={Romaszkan, Wojciech and Li, Tianmu and Gupta, Puneet},
   journal={ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)},
   publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}

Directory Structure

├── 3pxnet-inference        # Inference library
    ├── 3pxnet              # 3PXNet library
        ├── 3pxnet_cn.c/h   # 3PXNet convolutional primitives
        ├── 3pxnet_fc.c/h   # 3PXNet fully-connected primitives
    ├── bwn                 # Binary-weight functions for CNNS
        ├── bwn_dense_cn.c/h# BWN Convolutional Layer implementation
    ├── examples            # Example inference programs
    ├── log                 # Validation logfiles
    ├── scripts             # Misc. scripts (python)
    ├── util                # Support libraries for 3PXNet and XNOR primitives
        ├── datatypes.h     # Datatypes used by XNOR and 3PXNet primitives
        ├── utils.h         # Macros used by XNOR and 3PXNet primitives
        ├── xnor_base.h     # Functions used by XNOR and 3PXNet primitives
    ├── val                 # Validation functions
    ├── xnor                # XNOR library
        ├── xnor_cn.c/h     # 3PXNet convolutional primitives
        ├── xnor_fc.c/h     # 3PXNet fully-connected primitives
    ├── doxygen.cfg         # Doxygen configuration
    ├──          # License information
    ├── Makefile            # Project Makefile
    └──           # Detailed introduction to inference library
├── 3pxnet-training         # Training library
    ├──Makefile             # Project Makefile
    ├──            # Detailed introduction to training library
    ├──         # Train a CNN in 3PXNet style
    ├──        # Train a MLP in 3PXNet style
    ├── # Definition for single binarized layer
    ├──           # Definition for networks able to be trained
    ├──             # Definition for miscellaneous functions
    ├──         # Same as above
├── 3pxnet-compiler         # Compiler for the whole project
    ├──        # The compiler
    ├──             # Testing script for compiler
    ├──            # Needed for an import function in
    ├──        # Same as above


Training and Compiling

python packages: future typing six numpy protobuf onnx torch nnef pandas bokeh

To install them all, go to 3pxnet-training directory and type

make prereq

After that, to install package nnef, please go to and follow the instructions there.

If you want to use your own python executable, please define it as PYTHON_EXECUTABLE. Otherwise, makefile later will use 'python' as default.


Building the library and examples on an X86 machine requires the following:

  • GCC Compiler (tested on version 6.5.0)
  • GNU Make (tested on version 4.1)
  • Python 2/3 for running validation test suite (tested with versions 2.7.12 and 3.5.2)
  • (optional) gzip for generating new MNIST headers for the examples (tested with version 1.6)
  • (optional) Doxygen for generating documentation (tested with version 1.8.11)


To train a neural network in 3PXNet style, go to 3pxnet-training directory and type either

make MNIST=1 train


make CIFAR=1 train

Next, we need to convert the trained network into NNEF format, so please go to, download, and put it in 3pxnet-training directory.

To use this file and compile the NNEF formatted network, go to 3pxnet-training and type

make MNIST=1 convert


make CIFAR=1 convert

The compiled result is in a directory called "autogen" in 3pxnet-compiler.

To test the compiled result, go to 3pxnet-inference and type

make test

If you would like to train a permuted network on your own, then please export the permutation list for each layer and name them as fc_#list.npy for a fully connected layer, and conv#_list.npy for a convolution layer. After this exportation, put them in the NNEF directory which should contain your trained network in NNEF format. Besides that, in case you want to test the compiled code, you should create a file called __Golden.txt, which contains the golden output obtained from training result. This first three lines of this text file should can be anything, the fourth line should have all those golden labels on a single line with one space separating them.

If you want to compile your own version of neural network stored in NNEF format, you can do so by going to 3pxnet-compiler directory and use this command:

python --input=<your directory containing all NNEF formatted neural network, should be named like xxxx.nnef> --dataset=<the dataset you used for training>

Please note that not every neural network in NNEF can be compiled. A network must be binarized and have only padding, pooling, and batch normalization operations besides convolution and matrix multiplication to be compiled. The number of kernels in a convolutional layer must be a multiple of 32 otherwise it is not supported by the inference library.

Also note that the dataset here is used for testing and example inputs. Currently, only MNIST and CIFAR10 is supported, but if you want to use a different one, you can check a function in called write_images, it provides an example telling you for MNIST and CIFAR10, how are the images and labels loaded, and you can modify that to accomodate for your dataset.

To run the executable file, go to 3pxnet-copiler directory and type



3PXNet - Pruned, Permuted, Packed XNOR Neural Network training and inference library.







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