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A python configuration library. Zirkon requires python >= 3.4.

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What is zirkon

Zirkon is a python library to handle configuration data. It behaves like a dictionary, and supports nested sections:

>>> from zirkon.config import Config >>> config = Config() >>> config['num'] = 10 >>> config['mode'] = 'xy' >>> config['sub'] = {'enable': True} >>> config['sub']['x'] = 1.5 >>> config['sub']['y'] = -1.5 >>> config['name'] = 'alpha' >>> config['w'] = 5 >>> config.dump() num = 10 mode = 'xy' [sub] enable = True x = 1.5 y = -1.5 name = 'alpha' w = 5

Multiple serialization protocols

Zirkon currently supports the following serialization protocols:

Protocol text/raw description
zirkon text the native protocol; it implements a nested INI file
configobj raw partially compatible with ConfigObj using the unrepr option see
json text JSON serialization
pickle text pickle serialization

Other serialization protocols can be added.

The serialization methods are

  • to_string, to_stream, to_file: write to string/stream/file
  • from_string, from_stream, from_file (classmethods): build a new Config reading content from sring/stream/file
  • write: equivalent to to_file
  • read: replace an existing Config object with the content read from file
  • dump: a shorthand for to_stream, where by default stream=sys.stdout and protocol="zirkon"


Zirkon supports validation through a Schema object. A Schema is a Config with Validator values:

>>> from zirkon.schema import Schema >>> from zirkon.validator import Int, Str, StrChoice, Float, Bool, FloatList >>> schema = Schema() >>> schema['num'] = Int(min=0) >>> schema['mode'] = StrChoice(choices=("xy", "yx", "xx")) >>> schema['sub'] = {} >>> schema['sub']['enable'] = Bool() >>> schema['sub']['x'] = Float(min=0.0) >>> schema['sub']['y'] = Float(min=0.0) >>> schema['name'] = Str() >>> schema['min_value'] = Int(default=100) >>> schema['coeffs'] = FloatList(min_len=1, default=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) >>> validation = schema.validate(config) >>> validation.dump() w = UnexpectedOptionError('w=5: unexpected option') [sub] y = MinValueError('sub.y=-1.5: value is lower than min 0.0') >>> print(config['min_value']) 100 >>> print(config['coeffs']) [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

Notice that two values have been added to config, due to the defaults defined in the schema.


Zirkon supports macros: new config values can be defined as an expression involving other values:

>>> from zirkon.config import ROOT >>> config = Config() >>> config['x'] = 2 >>> config['y'] = ROOT['x'] * 4 >>> print(config['y']) 8 >>> config['x'] = 10 >>> print(config['y']) 40 >>> config.dump() x = 10 y = ROOT['x'] * 4 >>>

The value of y is tied to x by means of the macro expression ROOT['x'] * 4.

This can be used also in Validators:

>>> schema = Schema() >>> schema['num'] = Int(min=1) >>> schema['coeffs'] = FloatList(min_len=ROOT['num'])

The 'coeffs' validator requires a float list whose length is at least 'num', where 'num' is the value found in the validated config:

>>> config = Config() >>> config['num'] = 2 >>> config['coeffs'] = [] >>> schema.validate(config).dump() coeffs = MinLengthError('coeffs=[]: length 0 is lower than min_len 2') >>> config['num'] = 8 >>> schema.validate(config).dump() coeffs = MinLengthError('coeffs=[]: length 0 is lower than min_len 8')


Configuration library







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