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forked from dylanfprice/hutmap

The code that powers


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This is the code that powers


This section describes how to set up and run hutmap as a developer.

I am assuming a working knowledge of Linux, Bash, Python, and Django. You may not know Vagrant, so walk through the tutorial before setting everything up.

You can try this on Mac or Windows but I've only ever used Linux so no guarantees.

Clone the Repo

Get the code, and repos the project depends on:

$ git clone
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Install Dependencies

First, make sure you have Python installed. Any 2.x version should do. Note that this Python installation is only used for running scripts in scripts/utils/, and not for running the code. Vagrant will provision a separate Python install for the development vm that runs the code.

Next install Vagrant. Vagrant requires both Ruby and VirtualBox, I'm not sure if the installer installs these for you or not so you may need to install those first.


After you've installed the dependencies, add the following to your ~/.profile to set the necessary environment variables, or do the equivalent thing for your operating system. Where appropriate, defaults are provided for convenience, however you may change these if you wish and it won't break anything (e.g. you can change the name of the database and vagrant will propagate it correctly to the vm when it builds it). Warning: Don't change the values after you call 'vagrant up' (see next step) or you will have to rebuild the vm by running 'vagrant destroy', then 'vagrant up' again.

export HUTMAP_VERSION='development'
export HUTMAP_DB_NAME='hutmap' 
export HUTMAP_DB_USER='hutmap'
export HUTMAP_DB_PASSWORD='hutmap'
export HUTMAP_DB_HOST='' # Don't set this since we put Apache and MySQL on the same vm
export HUTMAP_DB_PORT='' # Same goes for this
export HUTMAP_SECRET_KEY='6b1c3b50-14b3-11e2-892e-0800200c9a66'
export HUTMAP_DEBUG='true'
export HUTMAP_GOOGLE_API_KEY='your_google_maps_api_key_here'
export HUTMAP_EMAIL_HOST_USER=''     # These two are not relevant for development,
export HUTMAP_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='' # see django docs for usage

Setup Dev Environment

This step will build and provision a development vm for running the hutmap code. In the directory containing this, perform the following:

$ source ~/.profile
$ cd scripts/
$ vagrant box add lucid32
$ vagrant up # This will take a while

Go to http://localhost:8080 in your browser and verify you see the homepage.

Development and Testing

Hutmap uses shovel for utility scripts, testing, building, deploying, etc. By running a shovel server on the development vm, there is no need for you to install or set up anything. Simply run:

$ scripts/utils/ start

Then go to http://localhost:3000/help in your browser to see a list of all available commands.

You may want to build the css, initialize the database, and load in some test data:

You can also run shovel commands directly on the vm like so:

$ cd scripts/
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant/scripts/
$ pythonbrew venv use hutmap
$ shovel help

Developing Python (Django)

The django project is found in src/hutmap/ and the templates are in src/templates/. Be careful editing the templates as both Django and AngularJS use the same {{ variable }} syntax so there are a lot of {% verbatim %} blocks. Edit the files as usual. Run tests at http://localhost:3000/test.hutmappy. To see your changes show up at http://localhost:8080, you may need to reload the server http://localhost:3000/server.reload.

You can run any non-interactive commands through the endpoint http://localhost:3000/django.manage, e.g. http://localhost:3000/django.manage?validate.

If you need to run other commands, or just want 'normal' access to the django project, use the following:

$ cd scripts/
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant/src/hutmap
$ pythonbrew venv use hutmap
$ # now do what you want

Developing Javascript (AngularJS)

Edit the js files in src/js/ and add tests in src/js-test/. Changes will show up when you reload the page.

Run the tests at http://localhost:3000/test.hutmapjs, but this may get tedious, so you can start a karma server to watch the files for changes and automatically re-run tests:

$ cd scripts/
$ vagrant ssh
$ karma start /vagrant/src/js-test/hutmap/config/karma.conf.js

Developing CSS

The css is located at src/css/. It is written in less. This means you need to compile it at http://localhost:3000/build.css for any changes to show up.


The code that powers







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