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Community Almanac

This is the source code that runs Community Almanac:

Installation and Setup

First, install the software:

(You must have Python 2, at least version 2.5.
Note that python 3 is NOT supported!)

 virtualenv env
 mkdir -p env/src
 cd env
 source bin/activate
 pip install -r

* Note that you can most likely get away with just checking
out the source and running `python develop`,
but the almanac-requirements.txt file
represents the known good set of packages that work with the almanac.

Next, set up the database.

The community almanac requires a postgres database to be set up with
postgis spatial extensions. (A typical way to do so would be with
commands like:

  createuser almanac
  createdb -O almanac -T template_postgis almanac

Assuming the database is set up already, there is a development.ini
config file provided for you as a starting point. In particular,
ensure that the database name and username/password are set correctly.
Then run this command:

  cd env/src/communityalmanac
  paster setup-app development.ini

Make note of the "initial admin account" username and password
that is printed at the end; you'll want that to log in to the admin UI.

Run it.

  cd env/src/communityalmanac
  paster serve development.ini

Explore it

  Point your browser at

  For the admin UI, browse to
  ... then at the login form, click "Existing user" and enter
  the admin username and password that was printed when you ran `paster setup-app` above