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A SUMO Simulation Driven by Sim2APL Agents and the Matrix


Executing the simulation requires Java, Maven, Zstd, and SUMO. Use your Linux distribution's package manager to install them. The current version of the simulation was tested with OpenJDK (ver 13.0.1), Maven (ver 3.6.3), and SUMO (ver 1.4.0)

It is recommended that you install Matrix within a virtual environment created with conda. To create a new virtual environment with conda, have Anaconda/Miniconda setup on your system. Installation instructions for Miniconda can be found at:

Download and build

Clone the simulation package repository.

$ cd $HOME
$ git clone

Create a conda environment for Matrix, and install Matrix inside it.

$ conda create -n matrix -c conda-forge python=3 rabbitmq-server
$ conda activate matrix
$ pip install -e ~/matrix-sim2apl-sumo/matrix

Install traas:

$ cd ~/matrix-sim2apl-sumo/traas
$ mvn install

Install sim2apl:

$ cd ~/matrix-sim2apl-sumo/sim2apl
$ mvn install

Compile sim2apl-sumo:

$ cd ~/matrix-sim2apl-sumo/sim2apl-sumo
$ mvn compile assembly:single

Decompress the Utrecht maps and routes:

$ cd ~/matrix-sim2apl-sumo
$ unzstd
$ unzstd utrecht-unique-routes.xml.zst

Running the simulation

The following code runs 10 iterations of the simulation on a single compute node (the current one) with 100 cars on the city of Utrecht's map for 10 iterations.

In a new terminal window execute the following commands to start RabbitMQ:

$ conda activate matrix
$ cd ~/matrix-sim2apl-sumo
$ matrix rabbitmq start -c rabbitmq.conf -r . -h localhost

In another new terminal execute the following commands to start the Matrix controller:

$ conda activate matrix
$ cd ~/matrix-sim2apl-sumo
$ matrix controller -c config.yaml -n node0

In a third new terminal execute the following commands to run the simulation agents:

$ cd ~/matrix-sim2apl-sumo
$ ./

Note that loading the Utrecht map and routes can take a while. Consequently the simulation might take some time before it makes progress on the first iteration.

Running the simulation on multiple nodes

To run the simulation using multiple compute nodes, Matrix needs to be setup on all the compute nodes. The RabbitMQ server can run on one node, while the Matrix controller and sim2apl agents need to be started on every compute node. Please refer to the documentation of the Matrix at for details on setting up Matrix on multiple compute nodes.


A SUMO Simulation Driven by Sim2APL Agents and the Matrix






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