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This project allows users to control Switchmate devices via REST.

The supported device for this project is a Raspberry Pi Zero W. Three bluetooth radios are required for each service, described below. The Pi Zero W has bluetooth built in and two USB Bluetooth adapters are added.

Docker is used to create containers that run Flask applications for switching, status, and authentication. The containers are multi architecture, supporting ARM and AMD64 hosts.


From a Raspberry Pi

Install Raspbian Stretch Lite

Run the following commands:

curl -sSL | sh

sudo apt-get install python-pip

sudo apt-get install git

sudo pip install docker-compose

git clone

cd restswitchmate

docker-compose build

docker-compose start

Three services are created in the docker-compose file. StatusServer, AuthServer, and SwitchServer. Each service has it's own bluetooth hardware attached to it. This prevents problems with multiple connections on the same hardware.


is responsible for getting the status of your Switchmate(s). It runs every few seconds and stores the status of all devices to a SQLite3 database.

GET /devices

GET /device/<macaddress>

PUT /device/<macaddress> via proxy (needed for Home-Assistant RESTful Switch When using new firmwares, the syntax in listed in SwitchServer is supported.)

GET /device/<macaddress>/status

StatusServer listens on port 5000. There is also a status page that can be reached at /status.


is responsible for getting the authentication token from the device. A SocketIO Flask application will walk the user through getting the auth token. SocketIO is used because the auth process is async and REST wouldn't fit. If you have stored all auth keys, you can disable auth server. It is not need to run for status and switching. You can start auth by visiting /auth?macaddress=<macaddress> or clicking "Authenticate" from the /status page of the StatusServer. Only one SocketIO client can be connected at a given time. Please close the window when authenticating multiple devices.

AuthServer listens on 5001. A URL is generated from the /status page from the Status Server.


is responsible for handling requests to turn on and off devices. The PUT request takes a JSON payload.

For firmware 2.99 and lower:

PUT /device/<macaddress>

For firmware 2.9.15 and higher:

PUT /device/<macaddress>?newFirmware=true

Payload: {on: false} or {on: true}

SwitchServer server listens on 5002.


Bluetooth range is only 10 meters. If you're having problems reliably switching, consider adding a relay. Setup another RaspberryPi Zero W. Use the install instructions listed above. But stop at docker-compose build. On the "main" Pi, modify docker-compose.yml. Add an environment variable:

<macaddress of the switchmate that should be relayed>=<hostname/ip address of relayed Pi>


    build: ./switchserver
      - "5002:5002"
      - ./db:/db
      - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
      - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
    restart: unless-stopped
      - SYS_ADMIN
    network_mode: "host"
      - SCAN_HCI=1
      - 73B7E11EF9B0=

On the Raspberry Pi Zero W that is closer to the Switchmate run:

cd restswitchmate 
docker-compose -f relay-compose.yml start

When requests are sent to the main Pi, they will be relayed to the closer Pi Zero W.


View the Readme

Using with Home-Assistant

Add the following to your configuration.yaml. This integration is a RESTful Switch. Adding emulated_hue will allow control via Alexa and Google Home.

  - platform: rest
     resource: http://<deviceip>:5000/device/<macaddress>
     method: 'put'
     body_on: '{"on": true}'
     body_off: '{"on": false}'
     is_on_template: '{{value_json.status}}'

BOM (Bill of Materials)

1 Raspberry Pi Zero W

1 USB Hub

2 IOGear Bluetooth Adapters

1 "Fast" MicroSD card


Pull requests are welcomed. :)

The development environment used for this project was a Mac running Ubuntu via VirtualBox.

You need to install BluePy and any prerequisites.

To get the bluetooth adapter(s) running on macOS in VirtualBox you need run the following command in terminal.

sudo nvram bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior="never"

This will tell macOS not to use the adapter(s) and they'll be available to use in VirtualBox. Confirm this by running hcitool dev


A portion of this code is from Many thanks for figuring out the interaction between the Switchmate.