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ReOBJ: Description


R(estricted) E(xtended) Objects. Simple, reasonable fast, restricted/extended python objects.

HTML Documentation

HTML documentation of the project is hosted at: ReOBJ-HTML documentation

Or Package Documentation

Main Info

ReOBJ contains different restricted/extended python objects.

  • ReDICTs: Simple, reasonable fast, restricted/extended python dictionary objects.
  • ReLISTs: Simple, reasonable fast, restricted/extended list objects.
  • ReTUPLEs: Simple, reasonable fast, restricted/extended tuple objects.
  • ReMATRIXs: Simple, reasonable fast, restricted/extended list-of-tuples objects.

All `ReBASE classes - subclasses`:


for all ReBASE classes disabled methods

  • any class.copy()

    • e.g.: xy = myrlist.copy()
  • any class.clear()

    • e.g.: myrlist.clear()
  • any __setattr__()
  • any __delattr__()
  • any __add__()
  • can be dumped with json: but will lose any extra data like: key_order (list) or/and any extra_data dict
  • can be pickled
  • additional methods:

    • set_extra_data(), update_extra_data(), replace_extra_data(): Sets/updates key/value to the additional dictionary: extra_data
    • copy_recursively(): recursively copy: Supports recursively intermediate ReDICT, ReLIST, ReTUPLE, dicts, lists and tuples (and their subclasses: depending on there implementation though)

      • this will also copy any ReDICT / ReLIST / ReTUPLE / ReMATRIX extra_data dict and any key_order (list) and any extra_key_order (list)
    • copy_recursively_to_python_native_types(): recursively copy: changing all ReOBJ to native python types.

      • RdictIO, RdictFO, RdictFO2: to python `OrderedDict obj keeping their order (see also argument: use_extra_key_order)
      • all other ReDICT: objects will be replaced by normal python dict objs
      • all ReLIST obj will be replaced by normal python list objs
      • all ReTUPLE obj will be replaced by normal python tuple objs
      • all ReMATRIX obj will be replaced by normal python list of tuple objs


        ReMATRIX tuple items (rows) are not recursively copied so there should be no dict, list ect.. just basic types

      Supports recursively intermediate ReDICT, ReLIST, ReTUPLE, dicts, lists and tuples (and their subclasses: depending on there implementation though)


      any ReOBJ set: extra_data will be lost

    • topickle(): returns a new pickled dumps byte string from the obj
    • tojson(): returns a new json dumps string from the obj
    • tojson_keeporder(): returns a new json dumps string from the obj keeping the order of any RdictIO, RdictFO, RdictFO2

      • this uses first the: copy_recursively_to_python_native_types()


comparisons do not take into consideration any key_order (list) or extra_data dict


Overview Differences

  • Edict is similar to a normal python dict but has some additional (extended) features
  • Rdict and `RdictIO`: can add new items after creation/initialization
  • RdictF and RdictFO, `RdictFO2`: F(ix) can not add new items after creation/initialization
  • Rdict and `RdictF`: do not have any key_order (list) nor any extra_key_order (list)
  • RdictIO and RdictFO, `RdictFO2`: O(rder) do have a key_order (list) plus an extra_key_order (list)

    • `RdictIO`: I(nsertion) O(rder): keeps track of the order new keys where added
    • RdictFO, `RdictFO2`: F(ix) O(rder): keeps track of the order of the keys when it was created/initialized
    • all three have the `extra_key_order (list)`:
      • this is a list which can be optionally set with a user defined key order (can also include just a subset of keys)
    • all three can be converted to OrderedDict: keeping their key_order or optionally the extra_key_order

      • example usage to print an ordered json using the method: tojson_keeporder()
      example_rdictordered = RdictFO([
         ('key1', 'value1'),
         ('key2', 'value2'),
         ('key3', RdictIO([
            ('inner_key1', 'innervalue1'),
            ('inner_key2', 'innervalue2'),
         ], False)),
      ], False)
      json_dumps = example_rdictordered.tojson_keeporder(indent=3)

      Output will be:

         "key1": "value1",
         "key2": "value2",
         "key3": {
            "inner_key1": "innervalue1",
            "inner_key2": "innervalue2"
    • RdictFO vs. `RdictFO2`: RdictFO can change the values. RdictFO2 can after creation not change the values


  • Elist is similar to a normal python list but has some additional (extended) features
  • `Rlist`: can add new items after creation/initialization
  • `RlistF`: F(ix) can not add new items after creation/initialization


  • Etuple is similar to a normal python tuple but has some additional (extended) features


  • Lmatrix is a List-Of-Tuples with some additional (extended) features
  • `LmatrixF`: F(ix) can not add new items (tuple-rows) after creation/initialization

Code Examples

for code examples see the files in 'development source` folders: Examples, Tests, SpeedCheck

Projects using ReOBJ

projects which make use of: ReOBJ


ReOBJ is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license. Consult LICENSE.rst or

(c) 2014, peter1000 All rights reserved.



R(estricted) E(xtended) Objects. Simple, reasonable fast, restricted/extended python objects.







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