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A framework for running WRF and associated programmes, e.g. WPS, NCL etc.

It is designed to be quickly hackable. There are some tools out there which run WRF, but they are not easily modified. This is designed to provide an easy to use framework which is easily customised and modified.

This README file serves as documentation in the (temporary) absence of dedicated documentation. For more detailed docs, try the ./doc folder.


External tools

The following external tools are required. All are findable via your favourite search engine.

  • WRF - obviously
  • WPS - ditto
  • gribmaster - fetches external boundary conditions
  • NCL - for visualisation and time-series extraction
  • NCO - needed for adding metadata and compression (compiled with netCDF4 support)

Python dependecies

Despite trying to reduce the python dependencies to a bare minimimum, there are still some modules which are not included with a standard python installation. These are:

  • pyyaml - needed if yaml is used for config files (recommended)
  • docopt - intelligent parsing of command-line arguments
  • numpy

Quick start

  1. Clone wrftools repository git clone
  2. Create a local working directory
  3. Link into working directory
  4. Copy examples/forecast.yaml into working directory
  5. Edit the new forecast.yaml file
  6. $> python --config=forecast.yaml


Basic usage is:

$> python --config=<config_file>

Any configuration options can also be specified on the command-line, where they will override those in the config file e.g.

$> python --config=<config_file> --log_level=debug

See example/forecast.yaml for an explanation of options


The design is slowly evolving into a more modular structure, but one that allows all of the modules to be run together if so desired. I will call these modules components, to distinguish them from pure python modules. There are currently the following components:

  • fetch - a thin wrapper around gribmaster, fetches boundary conditions
  • prepare - ensures correct files present, does some linking, updates namelist files
  • simulate - runs WPS and WRF
  • post - adds metadata, compresses files
  • visualise - calls NCL with specified scripts. Note the English (i.e. correct ;) spelling
  • extract - extracts time-series of variables at specified locations, relies on NCL
  • finalise - removes files, transfers locally, archive etc.
  • dispatch - send out emails, plots etc

Each component has an associated python module, so everything to do with the fetch component is defined within Each compoenent has an associated boolean option within the config file, so to run the functions associated with the fetch component, set fetch : true in the config file, or use --fetch=true at the command line.


For explanation of configuration options, see example/forecast.yaml.

Some options in the configution. e.g. start time, maximum number of nests, ** will override settings in the namelist.input and namelist.wps files **

Configuration is done via a config file, alhough options can also be overridden at the command line. json and yaml formats are understood. json has the advantage that a parser is included in standard python distributions. However, I prefer YAML since the syntax is clearer, and the files can be commented. JSON will not be supported in future, unless there is a great need for it.

Within a config file, environment variables can be specified accessed using ${var}. Local variables defined elsewhere in tht config file can be specified using %(var). If the variable in ${} or %() is not defined within the current environments, it will not be expanded. This is not part of standard yaml or json!

Additional files can be included using %(file.json) or %(file.yaml). The default behaviour is to read and merge these directly into the parent scope, in a manner similar to an inlcude directive. That is, suppose we have:

option1: value1
option2: value2
option3: %(config2.yaml)

and config2.yaml looks like: config2.yaml option2: value3 option4: value4

Then when config1.yaml is read and expanded, config2 will update the parent, potentially overwriting values:

option1: value1
option2: value3
option4: value4 

For that reason, it is recommended that where required, keys are kept unique using a hierachical naming convention using '.' as seperators.

Times can be specified using the following syntax, %cX, where c can be:

i -- initial time 
v -- valid time 
f -- forecast lead time

And X follows the a subset of python conventions for date and time formatting:

%y -- 2-digit year
%Y -- 4-digit year
%m -- 2 digit month
%d -- 2-digit day
%H -- 2 digit hour
%M -- 2-digit minute
%S -- 2-digit second 


web_dir = %(working_dir)/web/%iHZ

will be expanded to:

web_dir = /path/to/work/dir/web/00Z
web_dir = /path/to/work/dir/web/12Z

depending on the initial time of the forecast.

Some options in the configution. e.g. start time, maximum number of nests, ** will override settings in the namelist.input and namelist.wps files **


Most things happen in directories relative to the working directory, as specified in the config option 'working_dir'. Using the default set of options, the following directories are created and used:

  • working_dir/wps - WPS executables get linked and run here
  • working_dir/wrf - WRF executables get linked and run here
  • working_dir/wrfout - wrfout files are moved here after completion
  • working_dir/tseries - time series get extracted here
  • working_dir/plots - plots placed here

Preparation and finalising

In the prepration and finalisation stages, various cleanup and archive operations can be achived by supplying arguments to the:

  • prepare.create list of directories to create during the prepare phase
  • prepare.remove list of arguments to be passed to consecutive rm commands during prepare phase
  • list of arguments to be passed to consecutive ln commands during prepare phase
  • prepare.copy list of arguments to be passed to consecutive cp commands during prepare phase
  • prepare.move list of arguments to be passed to consecutive mv commands during prepare phase

Similarly, the same options can be specified for the finalise.* options. These will be executed after simulation post processing and visualisation. In this way, file archiving and cleanup can be specified in a very general way. Some of the commands rely on underlying linux system call, and therefore may not work on macs. In future they should be replaced by python equivalents to ensure better compatibility.

Visualisation / interface with NCL

NCL is used as the primary visualisation tool, and also for extacting time-series at locations and heights. Communication with NCL is done through environment variables, as well as attributes within the wrfout netcdf files. The following environment variables are set:

  • FCST_FILE netcdf file to use
  • NCL_OUT_DIR directory to write outputs to, used if multiple files get written, e.g. one plot per hour
  • NCL_OUT_FILE filename to write output to, used if only one output file
  • LOCATIONS_FILE text file with a list of location names, latitudes and longitudes
  • NCL_OPT_FILE NCL options file. This is a fragment of ncl code which can be imported into an ncl script.

Note, this is gradually being replaced with command line arguments, since environment variables are not very robust and tend to dissapear, e.g. when logging into other nodes. Ncl will be executed with the following pseudo command-line arguments:

  • ncl_in_file - the input file to work on
  • ncl_out_dir - directory for output, used if the rest of filename is coded in the ncl script
  • ncl_out_file - file name, used if none of the filename is coded in the ncl script
  • ncl_out_type - workstation type, png, pdf etc
  • ncl_loc_file - location file with names, latitudes, longitudes of points of interest
  • ncl_opt_file - additional options. If defined, NCL will load this using loadscript(ncl_opt_file)
  • ncl_extract_heights - heights to interpolate to

Time series extraction

Author Sam Hawkins

License This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>i


A scripting framework for running the WRF model, mainly designed to support operational forecasts.







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  • Python 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%