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Measuring trade offs of AIMES and Swift integration. A set of three experiments is planned to compare the time to completion of a set of workloads/workflows when executed via Swift, AIMES, or the integration of the two.

Related paper at:

Experimental Workflow

  1. Prerequisites:
    • Python 2.7; ant; pip; git
    • OSX: brew install pkg-config libffi openssl
  2. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Clone AIMES and Swift software stack:
git clone
git clone
git clone
  1. Install the AIMES software stack:
virtualenv ~/ve/aimes-swift-experiments
. ~/ve/aimes-swift-experiments/bin/activate
cd aimes.emgr; git checkout devel; pip install -U .; cd -
cd aimes.bundle; env LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib" CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" pip install -U .; cd -
pip install pandas
  1. Install the Swift software stack:
cd swift-k/
git checkout release-0.96-swift
ant redist
export PATH=$PWD/dist/swift-svn/bin:$PATH
cd -
  1. Move into the AIMES-Swift directory.
  2. Edit the file bag_of_tasks.swift or write a new Swift script describing the workflow you want to use for the experiment.
  3. Edit the file swift.conf to use the "local:aimes-emanager" jobManager.
  4. Edit the file experiment.json adding or removing unsupported resources:
"bundle": {
  "resources": {
    "unsupported": {
      "": {
        "sched": "pbs",
        "fconf": "conf/xsede.supermic.json"
      "": {
        "sched": "slurm",
        "fconf": "conf/xsede.comet.json"
      "": {
        "sched": "pbs",
        "fconf": "conf/xsede.gordon.json"

If needed, write a file in conf/<name_resource>.json with the configuration options for the chosen resources.

  1. In a dedicated terminal, start the AIMES rest interface:
. ~/ve/aimes-swift-experiments/bin/activate
cd AIMES-Swift/
aimes-emgr-rest experiment.json
  1. In the initial terminal, run the swift script:
swift <experiment_script>.swift
  1. Stop the AIMES rest interface with Ctrl+c.
  2. Download session for the experiment:
aimes-emgr-rest-experiments experiment.json
  1. Upon success of the previous command, create a directory exp-n where n uniquely and incrementally indicates the number of the experiment just run.
  2. Create a file inside exp-n called metadata.json with the following information:
  "n_tasks": <int>,
  "cores": [
    [<int tasks>, <int n_cores>],
    [<int tasks>, <int n_cores>]
  "durations": [
    [<int tasks>, <int duration>],
    [<int tasks>, <int duration>]


  "n_tasks": 128,
  "cores": {
    [128, 1]
  "durations": {
    [128, 15]


  • Durations are in minutes.
  • "cores" and "durations" are used to describe partions of the set of tasks. At the moment, we use just 1 core and 15 minutes duration for each task but we will have to use more complex distributions or cores and durations.
  1. Copy the Swift log file into data:
cp run<nnn>/swift.log data/swift/emgr_sid.<nnnn>.<nnnn>/
  1. Copy the data directory into exp-n.
  2. Pull and push the repository.

Data Analysis Workflow

The analysis workflow is designed to be automated, reusable, and extensible. It can be automated by running the following commands from a 'master' shell script (not provided). The wrokflow incrementally integrates new data to those previously collected. Raw, wrangled, and analysis data are all kept across runs preserving the reproducibility of the analysis and (to a certain extent) the provenance of the data. When needed, new analyses can be added to a single step of the workflow without altering the other steps.

  1. Prerequisites: Bash on Linux. Bask on OSX requires GNU coreutils (brew install coreutils) and to export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

  2. If the file AIMES_Swift_experiments/raw.tar.bz2 exists, from the repository's root directory run:

tar xfj AIMES_Swift_experiments/raw.tar.bz2 -C AIMES_Swift_experiments
  1. Run the data Wrangler. From the repository's root directory run:
. AIMES_Swift_experiments/bin/

The wrangler copies the run directories from the repository's root to AIMES_Swift_experiments/raw. Each run is copied into a directory with the following name convention: run-<size-of-bag>_<type-of-binding>_<run-counter>. The size of the bag and the type of binding are read from the file metadata.json within each run directory. The wrangler checks for previous directories and increments run counters of new directories accordingly. The wrangler copies the Swif.log of each run into AIMES_Swift_experiments/analysis/<type-of-binding>/<size-of-bag>/Swift.<milliseconds-since-epoch>.log.

  1. Extract timestamps for run and tasks from the Swift logs. From the AIMES_Swift_experiments/analysis directory run:
. ../bin/ calls the Swift log parser ````` for each log file. The parser outputs a json file with the following timestamps:

  "Tasks": {
      "R-4-1-1448926016471": {
          "Active": 1448872242, 
          "New": 1448872022, 
          "Completed": 1448873163, 
          "Submitting": 1448872022, 
          "Submitted": 1448872022
  "Run": {
      "Start": 1448872016, 
      "Finish": 1448873163, 
      "ID": "run006"

and backups the oringal log files to <type-of-binding>/<size-of-bot>/swift.<epoch>.bak.

  1. Compute timings from the timestamps of each run. From the AIMES_Swift_experiments/analysis directory run:
. ../bin/ calls the Python script for each timesteps file. A file <name-of-timing>.data is created in each <type-of-binding>/<size-of-bot> directory. Each file contains a list of timings in seconds since EPOCH for every run. When new runs are processed, their new timings are appended to the existing files. The existing files are backed up in place with the .bak extension before being appended. can and should be extended to calculate and output all the timimngs as requested by the experiment analysis.

  1. Aggregate each type of timing into a csv file. From the AIMES_Swift_experiments/analysis directory run:
. ../bin/

A file <name-of-timing>_<type-of-binding>.csv is created in AIMES_Swift_experiments/analysis (e.g., late_TTC.csv). When new runs are added, their new timings are appended to the existing files. The existing files are backed up in place with the .bak extension. The columns of the cvs file are the sizes of the bot; the raw are the recorded timings:

8 32 256 2048
1147 1168 1626 7719
1142 1934 2167
  1. Diverse approaches can be used to produce plots from the csv files.


Measuring trade offs of AIMES and Swift integration







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