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Event Sourcing in Python

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A library for event sourcing in Python.


Use pip to install the latest distribution from the Python Package Index.

pip install eventsourcing

If you want to use SQLAlchemy, then please install with 'sqlalchemy'.

pip install eventsourcing[sqlalchemy]

Similarly, if you want to use Cassandra, then please install with 'cassandra'.

pip install eventsourcing[cassandra]

If you want to run the test suite, or try the example below with different backends, then please install with the 'test' optional extra.

pip install eventsourcing[test]

After installing with 'test', the test suite should pass.

python -m unittest discover eventsourcing.tests -v

Please register any issues on GitHub.

There is also a mailing list. And a room on Gitter


What is event sourcing? One definition suggests the state of an event sourced application is determined by a sequence of events. Another definition has event sourcing as a persistence mechanism for domain driven design. In any case, it is common for the state of a software application to be distributed or partitioned across a set of entities or aggregates in a domain model.

Therefore, this library provides mechanisms useful in event sourced applications: a style for coding entity behaviours that emit events; and a way for the events of an entity to be stored and replayed to obtain the entities on demand.

This document provides instructions for installing the package, highlights the main features of the library, includes a detailed example of usage, describes the design of the software, and has some background information about the project.


Event store — appends and retrieves domain events. The event store uses a "sequenced item mapper" and an "active record strategy" to map domain events to a database in ways that can be easily substituted.

Persistence policy — subscribes to receive published domain events. Appends received domain events to an event store whenever a domain event is published. Domain events are typically published by the methods of an entity.

Event player — reconstitutes entities by replaying events, optionally with snapshotting. An event player is used by an entity repository to determine the state of an entity. The event player retrieves domain events from the event store.

Sequenced item mapper — maps between domain events and "sequenced items", the archetype persistence model used by the library to store domain events. The library supports two different kinds of sequenced item: items that are sequenced by a contiguous series of integers; and items that are sequenced in time. They support two different kinds of domain events: events of versioned entities (e.g. an aggregate in domain driven design), and unversioned timestamped events (e.g. entries in a log).

Active record strategy — maps between "sequenced items" and database records (ORM). Support can be added for a new database schema by introducing a new active record strategy.

Snapshotting — avoids replaying an entire event stream to obtain the state of an entity. A snapshot strategy is included which reuses the capabilities of this library by implementing snapshots as time-sequenced domain events. It can easily be substituted with one that uses a dedicated table for snapshots.

Application-level encryption — encrypts and decrypts stored events, using a cipher strategy passed as an option to the sequenced item mapper. Can be used to encrypt some events, or all events, or not applied at all (the default). Included is a cipher strategy which uses a standard AES cipher, by default in CBC mode with 128 bit blocksize and a 16 byte encryption key, and which generates a unique 16 byte initialization vector for each encryption. In this cipher strategy, data is compressed before it is encrypted, which can mean application performance is improved when encryption is enabled.

Optimistic concurrency control — can be used to ensure a distributed or horizontally scaled application doesn't become inconsistent due to concurrent method execution. Leverages any optimistic concurrency controls in the database adapted by the stored event repository. For example with Cassandra, this can accomplish linearly-scalable distributed optimistic concurrency control, guaranteeing sequential consistency of the events of an entity, across concurent application threads. It is also possible to serialize calls to the methods of an entity, but that is currently out of the scope of this package — if you wish to do that, perhaps something like Zookeeper might help.

Abstract base classes — suggest of how to structure an event sourced application. The library has base classes for application objects, domain entities, entity repositories, domain events of various types, mapping strategies, snapshotting strategies, cipher strategies, test cases, etc. They are well factored, relatively simple, and can be easily extended for your own purposes. If you wanted to create a domain model that is entirely stand-alone (recommended by purists for maximum longevity), you might start by copying the library classes.

Synchronous publish-subscribe mechanism — propagates events from publishers to subscribers. Stable and deterministic, with handlers called in the order they are registered, and with which calls to publish events do not return until all event subscribers have returned. In general, subscribers are policies of the application, which may execute further commands whenever a particular kind of event is received. Publishers of domain events are typically methods of domain entities.

Worked examples — a simple worked example application (see below), with example entity class, example event sourced repository, and example factory method.


This section describes how to write a simple event sourced application. To create a working program, you can copy and paste the following code snippets into a single Python file.

This example follows the layered architecture: application, domain, and infrastructure.

The code snippets in this section have been tested. If you installed the library into a Python virtualenv, please check that your virtualenv is activated before running your program. Please feel able to experiment by making variations.

Step 1: Domain model

Let's start with the domain model. Because the state of an event sourced application is determined by a sequence of events, we need to define some events.

Domain events

For the sake of simplicity in this example, let's assume things in our domain can be "created", "changed", and "discarded". With that in mind, let's define some domain event classes.

In the example below, the common attributes of a domain event, such as the entity ID and version, and the timestamp of the event, have been pulled up to a layer supertype called DomainEvent.

import time

class DomainEvent(object):
    """Layer supertype."""

    def __init__(self, entity_id, entity_version, timestamp=None, **kwargs):
        self.entity_id = entity_id
        self.entity_version = entity_version
        self.timestamp = timestamp or time.time()

class Created(DomainEvent):
    """Published when an entity is created."""
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Created, self).__init__(entity_version=0, **kwargs)

class ValueChanged(DomainEvent):
    """Published when an attribute value is changed."""
    def __init__(self, name, value, **kwargs):
        super(ValueChanged, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
        self.value = value

class Discarded(DomainEvent):
    """Published when an entity is discarded."""

Please note, the domain event classes above do not depend on the library. The library does however contain a collection of different kinds of domain event classes that you can use in your models, for example see AggregateEvent. The domain event classes in the library are slightly more sophisticated than the code in this example.

Domain entity

Now, let's use the event classes above to define an "example" entity.

The Example entity class below has an entity ID, a version number, and a timestamp. It also has a property foo, and a discard() method to use when the entity is discarded. The factory method create_new_example() can be used to create new entities.

All the methods follow a similar pattern. They construct an event that represents the result of the operation. They use a "mutator function" function mutate() to apply the event to the entity. And they "publish" the event for the benefit of any subscribers.

When replaying a sequence of events, a "mutator function" is used to apply an event to an initial state. For the sake of simplicity in this example, we'll use an if-else block that can handle the different types of events.

import uuid

from import publish

class Example(object):
    """Example domain entity."""
    def __init__(self, entity_id, entity_version=0, foo='', timestamp=None):
        self._id = entity_id
        self._version = entity_version
        self._is_discarded = False
        self._created_on = timestamp
        self._last_modified_on = timestamp
        self._foo = foo

    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def version(self):
        return self._version

    def is_discarded(self):
        return self._is_discarded

    def created_on(self):
        return self._created_on

    def last_modified_on(self):
        return self._last_modified_on

    def foo(self):
        return self._foo
    def foo(self, value):
        assert not self._is_discarded
        event = ValueChanged(
        mutate(self, event)

    def discard(self):
        assert not self._is_discarded
        event = Discarded(, entity_version=self.version)
        mutate(self, event)

def create_new_example(foo):
    """Factory method for Example entities."""

    # Create an entity ID.
    entity_id = uuid.uuid4()
    # Instantiate a domain event.
    event = Created(entity_id=entity_id, foo=foo)
    # Mutate the event to construct the entity.
    entity = mutate(None, event)
    # Publish the domain event.
    # Return the new entity.
    return entity

def mutate(entity, event):
    """Mutator function for Example entities."""

    # Handle "created" events by instantiating the entity class.
    if isinstance(event, Created):
        entity = Example(**event.__dict__)
        entity._version += 1
        return entity
    # Handle "value changed" events by setting the named value.
    elif isinstance(event, ValueChanged):
        assert not entity.is_discarded
        setattr(entity, '_' +, event.value)
        entity._version += 1
        entity._last_modified_on = event.timestamp
        return entity
    # Handle "discarded" events by returning 'None'.
    elif isinstance(event, Discarded):
        assert not entity.is_discarded
        entity._version += 1
        entity._is_discarded = True
        return None
        raise NotImplementedError(type(event))

Apart from using the library's publish() function, the example entity class does not depend on the library. It doesn't inherit from a "magical" entity base class. It just publishes events that it has applied to itself. The library does however contain domain entity classes that you can use to build your domain model. For example see the Aggregate class, which is also a timestamped, versioned entity. The library classes are slightly more refined than the code in this example.

(Note on entity save() methods: The library does support appending events to the event store in batches, so that you could style your entities to have internal list of pending events: events that are indirectly emitted by the operations, not published immedidately for others but instead are added to a list of pending events within the entity. In this scenario, such pending events could be published altogether as a list when e.g. a save() method is called. If the event store is given a list of events to append, they are written to the database by the active record strategy atomically (e.g. in the same database transaction, or otherwise with an atomic batch operation) so that either all events will be written, or none of them will be written and the save operation will fail. Although there currently isn't an entity class in the library with such a save() method, it would seem to have affinity with the Aggregate class.)

Run the code

With this stand-alone code, we can create a new example entity object. We can update its property foo, and we can discard the entity using the discard() method. Let's firstly subscribe to receive the events that will be published, so we can see what happened.

from import subscribe

# A list of received events.
received_events = []

# Subscribe to receive published events.
subscribe(lambda e: received_events.append(e))

# Create a new entity using the factory.
entity1 = create_new_example(foo='bar1')

# Check the entity has an ID.

# Check the entity has a version number.
assert entity1.version == 1

# Check the received events.
assert len(received_events) == 1, received_events
assert isinstance(received_events[0], Created)
assert received_events[0].entity_id ==
assert received_events[0].entity_version == 0
assert received_events[0].foo == 'bar1'

# Check the value of property 'foo'.
assert == 'bar1'

# Update property 'foo'. = 'bar2'

# Check the new value of 'foo'.
assert == 'bar2'

# Check the version number has increased.
assert entity1.version == 2

# Check the received events.
assert len(received_events) == 2, received_events
assert isinstance(received_events[1], ValueChanged)
assert received_events[1].entity_version == 1
assert received_events[1].name == 'foo'
assert received_events[1].value == 'bar2'

Step 2: Infrastructure

Since the application state is determined by a sequence of events, the events of the entities of the application must somehow be stored.

Database table

Let's start by setting up a database for storing events. For the sake of simplicity in this example, use SQLAlchemy to define a database that stores integer-sequenced items.

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column, Sequence, UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import BigInteger, Integer, String, Text
from sqlalchemy_utils import UUIDType

Base = declarative_base()

class IntegerSequencedItem(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'integer_sequenced_items'

    id = Column(Integer(), Sequence('integer_sequened_item_id_seq'), primary_key=True)

    # Sequence ID (e.g. an entity or aggregate ID).
    sequence_id = Column(UUIDType(), index=True)

    # Position (index) of item in sequence.
    position = Column(BigInteger(), index=True)

    # Topic of the item (e.g. path to domain event class).
    topic = Column(String(255))

    # State of the item (serialized dict, possibly encrypted).
    data = Column(Text())

    # Unique constraint.
    __table_args__ = UniqueConstraint('sequence_id', 'position',

Now create the database and tables. The SQLAlchemy objects are adapted with classes from the library, which provide a common interface for required operations.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.datastore import SQLAlchemySettings, SQLAlchemyDatastore

datastore = SQLAlchemyDatastore(


This example uses an SQLite in memory relational database. You can change uri to any valid connection string. Here are some example connection strings: for an SQLite file; for a PostgreSQL database; and for a MySQL database. See SQLAlchemy's create_engine() documentation for details.




Entity repository

The application wants to deal with entities, not a sequence of events. Since it is common to retrieve entities from a repository, let's define an event sourced repository for the example entity class.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository

class ExampleRepository(EventSourcedRepository):
    domain_class = Example

The event sourced repository uses an event store object to save and retrieve domain events. We can directly use the event store class provided by the library.

However, to support different kinds of sequences, and allow for different schemas, the event store uses a sequenced item mapper to map domain events into sequenced items, and an active record strategy to map between sequenced items and a table in a database. The details have been made explicit so they can be easily replaced.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventstore import EventStore
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.activerecords import SQLAlchemyActiveRecordStrategy
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.transcoding import SequencedItemMapper

active_record_strategy = SQLAlchemyActiveRecordStrategy(

event_store = EventStore(

example_repository = ExampleRepository(

Run the code

Now, let's write the events we received earlier into the event store.

for event in received_events:

stored_events = event_store.get_domain_events(
assert len(stored_events) == 2, (received_events, stored_events)

The entity can now be retrieved from the repository, using its dictionary-like interface.

retrieved_entity = example_repository[]
assert == 'bar2'

To keep things grounded, remember that we can always get the sequenced items directly from the active record strategy. Sequenced items are the domain events, but a serialised representation. In the library, a SequencedItem is a Python tuple with four fields: sequence_id, position, topic, and data. By default, an event's entity_id attribute is mapped to the sequence_id field, and the event's entity_version attribute is mapped to the position field. The topic field of a sequenced item is used to identify the event class, and the data field represents the state of the event (a JSON string).

sequenced_items = event_store.active_record_strategy.get_items(

assert len(sequenced_items) == 2

assert sequenced_items[0].sequence_id ==
assert sequenced_items[0].position == 0
assert 'Created' in sequenced_items[0].topic
assert 'bar1' in sequenced_items[0].data

assert sequenced_items[1].sequence_id ==
assert sequenced_items[1].position == 1
assert 'ValueChanged' in sequenced_items[1].topic
assert 'bar2' in sequenced_items[1].data

Similar to the support for storing events in SQLAlchemy, there are classes in the library for Cassandra. Support for other databases is forthcoming.

Step 3: Application

Although we can do everything at the module level, an application object brings things together.

The application has an event store, and can have entity repositories.

Most importantly, the application has a persistence policy. The persistence policy firstly subscribes to receive events when they are published, and it uses the event store to store all the events that it receives.

As a convenience, it is useful to make the application function as a Python context manager, so that the application can close the persistence policy, unsubscribing itself from receiving further domain events.

from eventsourcing.application.policies import PersistencePolicy

class Application(object):

    def __init__(self, datastore):
        self.event_store = EventStore(
        self.example_repository = ExampleRepository(
        self.persistence_policy = PersistencePolicy(self.event_store)
    def create_example(self, foo):
        return create_new_example(foo=foo)
    def close(self):

    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

After instantiating the application, we can create more example entities and expect they will be immediately available in the repository.

Please note, a discarded entity can not be retrieved from the repository. The repository's dictionary-like interface will raise a Python KeyError exception instead of returning an entity.

with Application(datastore) as app:

    entity2 = app.create_example(foo='bar3')
    assert in app.example_repository
    assert app.example_repository[].foo == 'bar3' = 'bar4'
    assert app.example_repository[].foo == 'bar4'

    # Discard the entity.    
    assert not in app.example_repository
    except KeyError:
        raise Exception('KeyError was not raised')

Congratulations. You have created yourself an event sourced application.

A slightly more developed example application can be found in the library module eventsourcing.example.application.

Step 4: Application-level encryption

To enable encryption, pass in a cipher strategy object when constructing the sequenced item mapper, and set always_encrypt to a True value.

class EncryptedApplication(object):

    def __init__(self, datastore, cipher):
        self.event_store = EventStore(
        self.example_repository = ExampleRepository(
        self.persistence_policy = PersistencePolicy(self.event_store)
    def create_example(self, foo):
        return create_new_example(foo=foo)
    def close(self):

    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

You can use the AES cipher strategy provided by this library. Alternatively, you can craft your own cipher strategy object.

Event attribute values are encrypted inside the application before they are mapped to the database. The values are decrypted before domain events are replayed.

from import AESCipher

aes_key = '0123456789abcdef'

with EncryptedApplication(datastore, cipher=AESCipher(aes_key)) as app:

    entity3 = app.create_example(foo='secret info')

    # Without encryption, application state is visible in the database.
    item1 = app.event_store.active_record_strategy.get_item(, 0)
    assert 'bar1' in
    # With encryption enabled, application state is not visible in the database. 
    item2 = app.event_store.active_record_strategy.get_item(, 0)
    assert 'secret info' not in
    # Events are decrypted inside the application.
    retrieved_entity = app.example_repository[]
    assert 'secret info' in    

Step 5: Optimistic concurrency control

With the application above, because of the unique constraint on the SQLAlchemy table, it isn't possible to branch the evolution of an entity and store two events at the same version.

Hence, if the entity you are working on has been updated elsewhere, an attempt to update your object will raise a concurrency exception.

from eventsourcing.exceptions import ConcurrencyError

with Application(datastore) as app:

    a = app.example_repository[]
    b = app.example_repository[]
    # Update instance 'a'. = 'bar6'
    # Because 'a' has been updated since 'b' was obtained,
    # instance 'b' cannot be updated unless it is refreshed.
    try: = 'bar7'
    except ConcurrencyError:
        raise Exception("Failed to control concurrency of 'b'.")
    # Refresh 'b', it has been updated with the value just given to 'a'.
    b = app.example_repository[]
    assert == 'bar6'

    # Updating instance 'b' now works because 'b' is up-to-date. = 'bar7'    
    assert app.example_repository[].foo == 'bar7'
    # And we cannot update 'a' because it is behind.
    try: = 'bar8'
    except ConcurrencyError:
        raise Exception("Failed to control concurrency of 'a'.")


The design of the library follows the layered architecture: interfaces, application, domain, and infrastructure.

The domain layer contains a model of the supported domain, and services that depend on that model. The infrastructure layer encapsulates the infrastructural services required by the application.

The application is responsible for binding domain and infrastructure, and has policies such as the persistence policy, which stores domain events whenever they are published by the model.

The example application has an example respository, from which example entities can be retrieved. It also has a factory method to register new example entities. Each repository has an event player, which all share an event store with the persistence policy. The persistence policy uses the event store to store domain events, and the event players use the event store to retrieve the stored events. The event players also share with the model the mutator functions that are used to apply domain events to an initial state.

Functionality such as mapping events to a database, or snapshotting, is factored as strategy objects and injected into dependents by constructor parameter. Application level encryption is a mapping option.

The sequenced item persistence model allows domain events to be stored in wide variety of database services, and optionally makes use of any optimistic concurrency controls the database system may afford.

UML Class Diagram


Although the event sourcing patterns are each quite simple, and they can be reproduced in code for each project, they do suggest cohesive mechanisms, for example applying and publishing the events generated within domain entities, storing and retrieving selections of the events in a highly scalable manner, replaying the stored events for a particular entity to obtain the current state, and projecting views of the event stream that are persisted in other models. Quoting from the "Cohesive Mechanism" pages in Eric Evan's Domain Driven Design book:

"Therefore: Partition a conceptually COHESIVE MECHANISM into a separate lightweight framework. Particularly watch for formalisms for well-documented categories of algorithms. Expose the capabilities of the framework with an INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACE. Now the other elements of the domain can focus on expressing the problem ("what"), delegating the intricacies of the solution ("how") to the framework."

The example usage (see above) introduces the "interface". The "intricacies" can be found in the source code.


See also:

Upgrade notes

Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x

Version 2 departs from version 1 by using sequenced items as the persistence model (was stored events in version 1). This makes version 2 incompatible with version 1. However, with a little bit of code it would be possible to rewrite all existing stored events from version 1 into the version 2 sequenced items, since the attribute values are broadly the same. If you need help with this, please get in touch.


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Event sourcing in Python







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