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A final challenge for MIT's Robotics: Science and Systems course during Spring 2019. For this final project, our team developed a vision and control system for navigating our miniaturized racecar autonomously through a miniaturized urban environment. Our final video for this project can be found here:…

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6.141 Deep Learning Challenge

This challenge was completed collaboratively as a part of MIT's Robotics: Science and Systems course. The goal of this challenge was to design a vision and control system for autonomous navigation in a miniaturized urban environment.

This codebase was implemented and loaded onto our RACECAR platform, which operates using a Linux-based computer. From here, we executed the following commands to prepare our RACECAR for autonomous navigation.

Overview of System

As mentioned above, our block diagram for this system is divided into vision and control:

Block Diagram

Below is our object detection display using our car's ZED camera and object detection system:

Heads-up Display


For convenience, add this to your VM's ~/.bashrc:

alias sc='sshpass -p racecar@mit ssh' # sudo apt-get install sshpass
alias epc='export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://racecar:11311; export ROS_IP=`hostname -I`'

6 Terminals (3. is in VM. The rest are on the car. Can't run 2. without 1.)

  1. sc --> teleop
  2. sc --> rzz (launches the camera)
  3. epc; rqt_image_view (The original topic is /zed/rgb/image_rect_color/compressed. The visualized topic is /labeled_image/compressed.)
  4. sc --> rdo (YOLO)
  5. sc --> rdv (vision)
  6. sc --> rdc (controller)

Everytime 4 or 5 restarts, rqt_image_view probably needs refreshing (click the refresh button).

Because YOLO rarely works, item 4 might need to be run a few times. 5 and 6 can be run separately. If 4 works, try to not kill it. You can kill 5 and 6 to edit the code and run each of them again. 4 might break even 1 and 2 but those are easy to restart.

To go to the deep_learning directory, run cdeep.

For reference, the following aliases are already on the racecar so you can just run them.

alias rdo='roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch'
alias rdo='roslaunch deep_learning obj.launch'
alias rdv='roslaunch deep_learning vision.launch'
alias rdc='roslaunch deep_learning controller.launch'
alias cdeep='cd ~/racecar_ws/src/deep_learning'

Other notes

  • The TA car mode is being hardcoded. If needed, set self.TA = True in
  • If you want to record a rosbag for video, run rosbag record /labeled_image/compressed. Play it by rosbag play your-bag-file.bag. There's some delay when subscribing to the compressed topic, so the vision and obj nodes subscribe to the non-compressed one instead. It's probably best to just live screen recording if possible.
  • Fix the repo? Somehow the .git directory in deep_learning gets corrupted. You can't just delete the current folder because there are YOLO model weights (ignored by .gitignore). Maybe search in google/stackoverflow. Git clone new one, then replace the new's .git with the old corrupt .git?

Credits and Acknowledgements

This project would not have been possible without my wonderful team members: James Pruegsanusanak, Jordan Docter, Mahi Elango, and Bhavik Nagda. I would also like to thank the Robotics: Science and Systems staff for their support, mentorship, and guidance throughout this project.


A final challenge for MIT's Robotics: Science and Systems course during Spring 2019. For this final project, our team developed a vision and control system for navigating our miniaturized racecar autonomously through a miniaturized urban environment. Our final video for this project can be found here:…






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