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PyGame of Life

##Build status Last build in Travis continuous integration
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#Download To execute just run the "run-pygameoflife" executable.
The current releases are:


This game is based in the 'Game of Life' or simply 'Life' proposed by John Conway in a scientific article in 1970. It's a celular automaton wich follows a few rules described more above.

The game uses the dynamicity and practicity of python with pygame and the speed of the C. Most of the game is in python, but the core algorithm, with complexity O(n²), needs a performatic solution, so I've used the force of the C and the performance improved an average of 500 times more! (available in 1.x versions)

###The Rules

  • For a space that is 'populated': * Each cell with one or no neighbors dies, as if by loneliness. * Each cell with four or more neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation. * Each cell with two or three neighbors survives.

  • For a space that is 'empty' or 'unpopulated' * Each cell with three neighbors becomes populated.

##Bug Report Please, report in issues

#Running and build by the source

##Running To run directly just install the dependeces, generates the resources and execute by:

make setup
make resources

##Dependeces Tested in Ubuntu 12.10 LTS 64 wich the following versions

  • python >= 2.6.x
  • gcc >= 3.4.x
  • pygame >= 1.9.x
  • pyqt >= 4.x
  • pyuic4 >= 4.9.x
  • pyrcc4 >= 4.8.x
  • PIL >= 1.1.x
  • zip >= 3.x
  • unzip >= 5.51.x
  • cx-Freeze >= 4.3.x

##Building and Installing If you want to build or/and install, do:
The first command will download and install all dependeces, if you didn't already installed. (Needs apt)
Then, will build and compile the code using cx-Freeze. The build will be stored in release directory with the name where OS is your Operational system and ARCH your processor (or hardware) architeture. (If you just want build stops in this pass)
The last command will: (Note, it will work only in Unix based system)
Install under /usr/share/ the last release
Create a symbolic link into /usr/games
Create a desktop entry into /usr/applications

sudo make setup
sudo make install

to unistall, just run

sudo make unistall


Rubens Pinheiro Gonçalves Cavalcante

##License & Rights Gnu GPLv3 Using GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007


PyGame Of Life - Game based in "Game of life" by John Conway







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