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Quick start

This pacakge requires HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit to be in your local CMSSW area. We follow the release recommendations of the combine developers which can be found here. The CombineHarvester framework is compatible with the CMSSW 7_4_X and 8_1_X series releases.

A new full release area can be set up and compiled in the following steps:

export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc530
scram project CMSSW CMSSW_8_1_0
cd CMSSW_8_1_0/src
git clone HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git clone CombineHarvester
scram b

Now run the limits:

# unroll 2D histos into 1D unrolled histos (input file: "final_nominal.root", output file: "htt_tt.inputs-sm-13TeV-2D.root" used as input for the limits!)
cd CombineHarvester/HTTSM2017/shapes/USCMS/

# now prepare to run the limits:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/CombineHarvester/HTTSM2017/bin
# read in all used histos and uncertainties and make root and txt datacards:
MorphingSM2017 --output_folder="TestJune26" --postfix="-2D" --control_region=0 --manual_rebin=false --real_data=false --mm_fit=false --ttbar_fit=false
# add MC stat uncertainties:
sh  output/TestJune26
cd output/TestJune26
# combine txt cards and make workspace: -M T2W -i {cmb,tt}/* -o workspace.root --parallel 18
cp ../../../scripts/texName.json .
cp ../../../scripts/ .
# run the expected limits:
combine -M MultiDimFit -m 125 --algo grid --points 101 --rMin 0 --rMax 10 cmb/125/workspace.root -n nominal -t -1 --expectSignal=1
combine -M MultiDimFit --algo none --rMin 0 --rMax 10 cmb/125/workspace.root -m 125 -n bestfit --saveWorkspace -t -1 --expectSignal=1
combine -M MultiDimFit --algo grid --points 101 --rMin 0 --rMax 10 -m 125 -n stat higgsCombinebestfit.MultiDimFit.mH125.root --snapshotName MultiDimFit --freezeParameters all --fastScan  -t -1 --expectSignal=1
# make plots:
python ./ --main higgsCombinenominal.MultiDimFit.mH125.root --POI r -o cms_output_freeze_All --others 'higgsCombinestat.MultiDimFit.mH125.root:Freeze all:2' --breakdown syst,stat