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install pylinter sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pylint

Shift + Alt + F format code VS code source ~/robko18_ws/devel/setup.bash source devel/setup.bash


sh sh sh

Teleop: roslaunch robko18_navigation robko18_teleop.launch

BUILDING MAP Creating the Map Run the following commands below. Use the teleop to move the robot around to create an accurate and thorough map. Don't forget to source each terminal you open!!!!!!! source ~/robko18_ws/devel/setup.bash In Terminal 1, launch the Gazebo world roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_gazebo/robko18_world.launch In Terminal 2, start map building roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_navigation/gmapping_demo.launch In Terminal 3, launch rviz and set the following parameters: roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_description/robko18_rviz_gmapping.launch In Terminal 4, start teleop roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_navigation/robko18_teleop.launch Saving the Map In Terminal 5, save the map to some file path rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_navigation/maps/choose-a-name_map

USING test_map MAP for Navigation Don't forget to source each terminal you open!!!!!!! source ~/robko18_ws/devel/setup.bash terminal1: roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_gazebo/robko18_world.launch or roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_gazebo/robko18_willowgarage_world.launch roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_gazebo/robko18_kitchen_dining_world.launch terminal2: roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_navigation/amcl_demo.launch or roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_navigation/amcl_willowgarage.launch roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_navigation/amcl_kitchen_dining.launch terminal3: roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_description/robko18_rviz_amcl.launch

Start simulated stansalone crpmover4 arm with ros controll********* Don't forget to source each terminal you open!!!!!!! source ~/robko18_ws/devel/setup.bash launch: ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_gazebo/launch/roslaunch cprmover4_ros_control_test.launch

You can move the arm in the simulation manually by publishing to cprmover4 joint controller command topics --- example: rostopic list: rostopic pub -1 /cprmover4/joint3_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 2"

Start simulated stansalone crpmover4 arm with moveit and gazebo ros controll********* Don't forget to source each terminal you open!!!!!!! source ~/robko18_ws/devel/setup.bash roslaunch ~/robko18_ws/src/robko18_gazebo/launch/cprmover4_sim_for_moveit_bringup.launch

wait for the model and text OMPL in green color to appear below Planning library on Rviz screen and move the robot or plan and execute trajectories

rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph

So you can e.g. use grep to the output of rostopic list to get the list of available actions, e.g. rostopic list | grep -o -P '^.*(?=/feedback)'

show non ASCII symbols in file: grep -P '[^\x20-\x7E]' robko18.xacro find files in subdirs containing string grep -R "put_string_here" . | cut -d ":" -f 1

My Github skydancerbg no disclosure e-mail: or push an existing repository from the command line. in the dir: first set: git config --global "John Doe" git config --global

git init git add . or git add --all git commit -m 'First commit' git remote -v git remote add origin git push -u origin master clone from:

clone a branch from github: git clone -b mybranch --single-branch git://

Zapomnia i ne pita za GithubParola za x sekundi (tuk 30 dni v sekundi) git config --global credential.helper cache git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=2592000' ---test git

git clone -b kinetic --single-branch

Teleop package kinetic sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

EDIT bashrc: nano ~/.bashrc Once you've made any changes, you can get them to take effect in your current shell with: source ~/.bashrc

These are some of the pre-requisites of using directly the script name: Add the sha-bang {#!/bin/bash) line at the very top. Using chmod u+x scriptname make the script executable. Place the script under /usr/local/bin folder. Run the script using just the name of the script. Other solution run like: sh

install ros control*********** sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control

install sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-joint-state-controller sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-position-controllers sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-moveit-simple-controller-manager sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-joint-trajectory-controller

TURTLEBOT instalation !!!!!!!!!!! !!! sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot ros-kinetic-turtlebot-apps ros-kinetic-turtlebot-interactions ros-kinetic-turtlebot-simulator ros-kinetic-kobuki-ftdi ros-kinetic-ar-track-alvar-msgs

So that I can use urdf_to_graphix to get a visual urdf?????

Give execute permission to your script:

chmod +x /path/to/ And to run your script:

/path/to/ Since . refers to the current directory: if is in the current directory, you can simplify this to:



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