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  • python ~ 3.8 (tested in 3.9)
  • pygame
  • numpy
  • the path names are for windows (not normalized)

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bottom up design approach

  • split up game logic, ui, state, and ai
  • test these units independently
  • merge them together and do integration testing

major game functionality

  • single source of truth state management
  • action based mutation of state
  • ui is redrawn only when the state changes
  • ui is built up using nested components including (image, circle, rectangle) and layout components such as (expanded, row, column)
  • event wrapper for components to imbue them with the ability to trigger actions on hove, click, etc
  • logic such as checking for a win, dropping a piece, and ensuring a move is valid is seperate from ui and tested independently
  • ai looks ahead to first prevent possible wins for opponent then to make the move that gives it the most possible wins (recursively)
  • one of the tests tha the ai my pass is to win 100 out 100 games vs another ai that makes random moves
  • one of the features implemented to make ui testing easier was to write each action to a log file. If some error occurs during the program execution, we can replay the actions to get the program into the state in which it broke so we can debug.

typical game loop

  • initialize state and register action handlers
  • build the component tree with the appropriately bounded event handlers
  • an event such as a button click fires the bound action
  • the action changes the state it a predictable way (immutably)
  • if the new state is different, a redraw is scheduled
  • the game loop consumes events every 20ms

libraries used

  • pygame, black, flask, requests
  • all of the infastructure to enable remote play was implemented but not finalized due to insufficient testing


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