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= TracAccountManager =

A user account management plugin for Trac.

== Installation ==
 1. Run: python bdist_egg
 2. If necessary, create a folder called "plugins" in your Trac environment.
 3. Copy the .egg file from the "dist" folder created by step 1
    into the "plugins" directory of your Trac environment.

== Configuration ==
Add one of the following sections to trac.ini to get started.  See even 
more configuration examples for supported backends at
or in the configuraition cookbook page at

=== Htpasswd ===
; use an Apache htpasswd file
htpasswd_hash_type = md5
htpasswd_file = /path/to/trac.htpasswd
password_store = HtPasswdStore

=== Htdigest ===
; use an Apache htdigest file
htdigest_file = /path/to/trac.htdigest
htdigest_realm = TracDigestRealm
password_store = HtDigestStore

=== HttpAuth ===
; use a page that is secured with HTTP Auth
authentication_url = http://hostname/path
password_store = HttpAuthStore

=== Radius ===
force_passwd_change = false
password_store = RadiusAuthStore
persistent_sessions = false
radius_authport = 1812 # per IETF RFC2865, obsolete default: 1645
radius_secret = <secret>
radius_server = <ip-addr>

This back-end supports neither user listing nor password changes.