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This set of scripts get AR Lac observation for HRC, and compute gain and pha shifts

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Ar Lac PHA Distribution Trend


environment setting scripts
The main scripts to check whether bew Ar Lac observations are available 
and run other scripts to update data and html pages.

Input: none, but it needs access to:
to check whether there are new data. ion shield scripts must be run before
this script should be run.
    see below
extract hrc evt2 files and fit a normal distribution on pha values.
input: hrc evt2 fits files downloaded from archive.
output: <data_dir>/hrcf<obsid>_pha.dat.gz   --- a pha data for <obsid>
        <data_dir>/fitting_results          --- a list of voigt profile fittings
                                            --- a plot of pha data with fitted profile

This script is used by for more details, please read:
This script creates all trend plots and updates all html pages.
    none, but read from <data_dir> and <web_dir>.

        ---- These web pages has interactive plots.


Output Data
In the directory of <data_dir>:
fitting_results ---- voigt profile fitting results
    * obisid
    * date of observation (in the format of <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<hh>:<mm>:<ss>
    * starting time in seconds from 1998.1.1
    * instrument, either HRC-I or HRC-S
    * pointing RA in deg
    * pointing DEC in deg
    * difference between the source and pointing RA in arcmin
    * difference between the source and pointing DEC in arcmin
    * radial difference in arcmin
    * median pha position
    * voigt estimated center
    * voigt estimated amplification
    * voigt estimated FWHM
    * pointing rolling angle
    * focal length
    * defocus
    * sim x
    * sim y 
    * sim z
    * voigt fitting param alphaD
    * voigt fitting param alphaL
    * voigt fitting param center
    * voigt fitting param I
    * voigt fitting param a_back
    * voigt fitting param b_back

hrcf<obsid>_pha.dat.gz  --- the pha histogram data for <obsid>


'/data/aschrc6/wilton/isobe/Project8/ArLac/'                            : main_dir
'/data/aschrc6/wilton/isobe/Project8/ArLac/Scripts2/'                   : bin_dir
'/data/aschrc6/wilton/isobe/Project8/ArLac/Exc2/'                       : exc_dir
'/data/aschrc6/wilton/isobe/Project8/ArLac/Data2/'                      : data_dir
'/data/aschrc6/wilton/isobe/Project8/ArLac/Scripts2/house_keeping/'     : house_keeping
'/proj/web-cxc-dmz/htdocs/contrib/cxchrc/HRC_trendings/ArLac/'          : web_dir
'/proj/web-cxc-dmz/htdocs/contrib/cxchrc/HRC_trendings/ArLac/Trend_plots/'   : plot_dir
'/data/mta/Script/Python_script2.7/'                                    : mta_dir

in <house_keeping>:
dir_list_py         ---- a list above
hrc_i_list          ---- the last ar lac hrc i calibration observation list
hrc_s_list          ---- the last ar lac hrc s calibration observation list
hrc_trend_top_part  --- a template for the main html page
hrc_trend_bottom    --- a template for the main html page (bottom part)
enegy_fitting_result_top    --- a template for the voigt profile page (top part)
java_script_deposit --- a java script deposit

Environment Setting

you need to be able to access sot ska:

source /proj/sot/ska/bin/ska_envs.csh

The scripts internally use ciao tools, but the setting is not grolbal one.

Web Pages
physical location: /proj/web-cxc-dmz/htdocs/contrib/cxchrc/HRC_trendings/ArLac/

cron job
on ars with isobe:

14 2 4 * * cd //data/aschrc6/wilton/isobe/Project8/ArLac/Exc2/; /data/aschrc6/wilton/isobe/Project8/ArLac/Scripts2/hrc_gain_wrap_script > /home/isobe/Logs/arlac_logs.cron


This set of scripts get AR Lac observation for HRC, and compute gain and pha shifts






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