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Codecoin Catbox

Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Bitcoin Developers Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Litecoin Developers Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Catcoin Developers Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Grantcoin Developers Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Troy Benjegerdes

What is Catoshi?

Catoshi is a cat who sometimes lets me code a coin sometimes called Codecoin, which is a project to build multiple C++ 'Catoshi' clients from the same source tree. Default build is FoodChain. On linux, do this:

cd src
make                         # builds foodchain
make COIN_BRAND=bitcoin      # builds bitcoincoin
make regression # builds & runs regression tests on multiple coins

What is Grantcoin?

Grantcoin (abbreviated GRT) is the first cryptocurrency distributed primarily as Proof-of-Participation grants according to a transparent business plan by a legally incorporated nonprofit organization. Grantcoin is based on Peercoin (PPCoin), the first digital currency using Proof-of-Stake consensus as a security model, which is more energy efficient than Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work mining system. Grantcoin will begin with several months of PoW until the currency is widely circulated, with further evolution determined by the foundation and community.

Note: the foundation rebranded as [Manna] (, so GRT 'Classic' still runs on the same original Catoshi client. Wild Grantcoin seed nodes may yet still run in the 'verse, so treat them with care, and unless someone like you cares a whole aweful lot, it's not going to get better, it's not.

What is FoodChain

Food Chain is a work-in-progress (EXPECT MAJOR FORKAGE) experiment in how farmers can create money and give it to the world so we can actually make a profit selling better food. It currently has substantially the same parameters as Bitcoin:

  • 50 coins per block
  • 10 minutes block targets
  • Subsidy halves in 210k blocks
  • 21 million total coins
  • 1 block difficulty adjustment, with a PID ajustment.

It is currently not particularly usefull except as a catbox for n00b developers. I mean, it's a developer sandbox that's a safe space to try things that would get you flamed on bitcointalk or evicted from your overpriced right or left coast apartment.

###Why the Catbox?

Because, frankly, right now this code stinks. It's a big pile of crap, and I'm taking a bunch of other crapcoin and other stinky bits like segwit and mixing it all up like a big compost pile.

But there's a point here. If your shit stinks, you're composting it wrong. I grow commodities, and if you're a farmer, all the micronutrients and fertilizer in a biomass-based catbox start looking like the most valuable thing in the world.

And this:

Seymour Cray was a friend of my dad's. I asked him what it was like to know the genius who had built the world's first supercomputer company. My dad said, ‘Well, actually, son, he wasn't so much smarter than me. He just made mistakes a hundred times faster.’

~~ Townes Duncan

What do we do with Catoshi better than any other crypto? make mistakes faster And then land on our feet.


Catoshi is released under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3). See COPYRING for more information, or the GNU website at

If you want to give me crap about the license, flame away, or pay me enough to buy a farm and I'll license it however the hell you want. Otherwise some get-rich-quick copycrap startup will accidentally include my AGPLv3 code, and then I will 0wn them. The revolution will not be televised, it will be quietly settled out-of-court.

Development process

The development process is Troy commits stuff when he feels like it. He's not a computer execution unit following a process, he's a guy who happens to like cats, and think cryptographic currencies are a better way to make money.

He also likes rough consensus, running code, and good tests. So if you have all of those, the probability that he'll feel like integrating your change approaches unity over a year or three.

If you have only rough consensus, or only running code, the others can also be achieved with sufficient money for a publicly announced contract and request for proposals. However be warned that it's dangerous to think you can buy a person who writes code that makes money.

[a href=<the original bitcoin/litecoin/catcoin dev process boilerplate>]


Testing is good. Do it. It makes aforementioned consensus easier.


on debian 8.x:

sudo apt-get install mercurial build-essential libboost-dev \
libdb++-dev libssl-dev libminiupnpc-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \
libboost-system-dev libboost-program-options-dev \
libboost-thread-dev libboost-test-dev libleveldb-dev libevent-dev \
cd src; make 

Automated Testing

Developers are strongly encouraged to write unit tests for new code, and to submit new unit tests for old code.

Unit tests for the core code are in src/test/. To compile and run them:

cd src; make test