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Project Eideticker

Project Eideticker is an automated test harness that captures and analyzes browser output via HDMI. It currently only supports various browsers (Fennec, Stock) on Android, but support for other platforms is planned. There is experimental support for B2G on the pandaboard.


  • Linux system with zip, ffmpeg, g++, python 2.7 development and virtualenv installed. On Ubuntu, you can get this setup by running:

    sudo apt-get install -y zip ffmpeg g++ python2.7-dev python-virtualenv

  • Blackmagic Design DeckLink HD Extreme 3D card and the appropriate drivers if you want to actually capture video (it is possible to use the Eideticker harness without the video capture step, which can be useful for certain cases: see below).

  • Installed Android SDK with the tools in your path. Please follow the instructions at

  • A supported mobile phone running Android with Orangutan installed in `/system/ Eideticker's tests are specifically tuned for specific screen dimensions. Currently only the LG G2X (running in portrait mode) and the Galaxy Nexus (running in landscape) are supported. Your device must also be rooted and, if using SUTAgent, you must configure the su binary to automatically allow SUTAgent to run commands as root in silent mode (so that notifications don't pop up while running tests). For information on installing Orangutan, see that project's README at


Run in the root directory to set everything up.


Eideticker is meant to be run in a virtualenv, so the first step is to set that up in your shell by running this command within the root directory:

source ./bin/activate

The next step depends on whether you're using ADB or SUTAgent to interface with the device. If the former, just connect your Android device to your computer's USB port. That's it, you should now be set to run tests!

If you're using SUTAgent, you'll want to start the SUTAgent app, note the ip address of your phone, then set the following environment variables:

export DM_TRANS=sut
export TEST_DEVICE=<device ip of phone>

If you are using a B2G pandaboard with adb, then you'll need sudo privileges for adb:

adb kill-server
sudo adb start-server

Console Mode

Console mode is meant for internal profiling. You run a program called with a specific test against an Android apk, and out will pop several results. This is not yet supported for B2G.

./bin/ --use-apks <test> <apk of build 1> [apk of build 2] ...

For example, to run the canvas clock example against Fennec nightly, try this:

./bin/ --use-apks clock nightly.apk

To get a list of tests to run, use the list tests script:


Typically, you want to run Eideticker more than once on a particular test to get a range of results as tests are not 100% deterministic (partly due to the way we run tests, partly due to Android itself). You can do this with the --num-runs option. For example:

./bin/ --use-apks --num-runs 5 clock nightly.apk

Occasionally you may want to run Fennec with a custom preference or two set, you can do this with the "extra prefs" option. Just pass a json dictionary of preferences, and they will be merged into the profile used by fennec:

./bin/ --use-apks \
    --extra-prefs "{gfx.color_management.enablev4: true}" clock \

If you want to know more about the results (where the numbers are coming from) you can open them up inside the Eideticker web interface. To open it, execute:


Then connect to http://localhost:8080. You should see a list of captures, select the one you're interested in to dive into fine grained detail.

In addition to supporting HDMI capture and analysis, it is also possible to run the Eideticker harness in a mode that simply "captures" the performance log of Fennec and outputs results. This has two advantages: first, you don't need any kind of specialized hardware. Second, it's much faster (since there's no video encoding/decoding/analysis step). For this you want to pass in "--no-capture" and "--get-internal-checkerboard-stats", like so:

./bin/ --use-apks --no-capture --get-internal-checkerboard-stats src/tests/ep1/ nightly.apk

Eideticker "dashboard"

Dashboard mode is used to generate a dashboard of eideticker results, like what you see at From a toplevel, it is run from a script called bin/, which can be called standalone. This script then it turn calls another script called bin/ with various arguments corresponding to firefox version, test to run, etc. This is not yet supported for B2G.

Setting up a new instance of the dashboard has two components: setting up one or more "clients" (machines that run the tests) and setting up the server (machines that will serve up the results).

Dashboard Server Setup

  • Install nginx, ssh, and rsync if not installed already.
  • Create an "eideticker" user on the machine (with home directory).
  • As the newly-created eideticker user, create a "www" subdirectory.
  • Create an nginx configuration (on Redhat-based systems, /etc/nginx/conf.d).
  • Restart nginx. You will need to configure the clients before you will see anything on the dashboard.

Here's the nginx configuration we currently use in production:

server {
        listen 80; #or change this to your public IP address eg
        server_name eideticker;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/eideticker.access_log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/eideticker.error_log;

        location / {
                root   /home/eideticker/www;
                index  index.html index.htm;
                add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';

Note the Access-Control-Origin header, which allows us to integrate the SPS profiler to request eideticker resources directly (useful for direct linking to capture analysis).

Dashboard Client Setup

Each eideticker client works by creating its own static copy of the dashboard, then copying the relevant files to the server setup above.

To setup to capture and store results


To setup to synchronize to the eideticker server:

  • Generate an ssh key for the client machine, if it doesn't have one already.

  • On the server, copy/paste the generated public key into /home/eideticker/.ssh/authorized_keys (if you're creating this file / directory for the first time, be sure that the directory has 700 (rwx only for its owner) permissions and the file has 600 (rw only for its owner) permissions.

  • Set up the sync-dashboard script to synchronize the dashboard data to the server on a fixed schedule using cron. Use crontab -e to add an entry like this:

    0 0 * * * /home/mozauto/src/eideticker/bin/

Eideticker "tests"

Eideticker tests are simply static HTML with a bit of JavaScript glue to interface with the harness and some JSON metadata to describe actions that Eideticker should perform while a capture is ongoing. The simplest example of a test would probably be the clock demo, which you can find in src/tests/ep1/clock/index.html (you have to run `./ first to checkout the ep1 submodule before you can find this file).

Writing your own tests is a matter of adding a subdirectory to src/tests, creating/copying an HTML page of your choice, adding the relevant JavaScript code to start/stop the test as appropriate, creating a test manifest and then making an actions.json file with whatever actions you want to simulate during the test.

The JavaScript code is encapsulated in the file: src/tests/js/eideticker.js. Much of the code in there is just used by the harness. From the point of view of an Eideticker test, you really just need to call the "finish" method, which we use to trigger the end of a capture.

Creating actions for use during a test (and making sure they get called) is somewhat more involved, but not much. Alongside the various HTML/JS/Image files that correspond to your page, you also want to create an actions.json file that indicates what you want to happen during the test. Here's an example:

  "default": {
    "LG-P999": [
      ["scroll_down", 4],
      ["sleep", 5]
    "Galaxy Nexus": [
      ["scroll_down", 7, 3],
      ["sleep", "4"]

As you can see, this is basically a dictionary of dictionaries. The top-level is a dictionary of action sets. Normally you just have one, default, but you can add more in case you want to have multiple tests with different types of actions (the New York Times test, in src/tests/ep1/nytimes would be an exmaple of this).

The next level down is a dictionary of actions corresponding to different models of phone (as determined by the ro.product.model property of Android). This is because different types of phones have different input properties (screen sizes, operating system versions, etc.). The set of actions is an array of arrays. Each action array corresponds to a single action performed during a test. As of this writing, there are four possible actions:

sleep [secs]

This action simply sleeps for the corresponding number of seconds (typically used to allow something to complete in the capture before possibly performing other actions)

scroll_down [number of times] [number of steps]

Triggers a scroll down the specified number of times. Optionally pass the number of steps parameter to make the action go slower is faster (lower=faster, default is 10).

scroll_up [number of times] [number of steps]

Triggers a scroll up the specified number of times. Optionally pass the number of steps parameter to make the action go slower is faster (lower=faster, default is 10).

double_tap [x coordinate] [y coordinate]

Triggers two tap events in succession, at the specified x and y coordinates (this is designed to allow zooming into a web page).


Triggering these actions requires posting to the JSON API endpoint on the eideticker desktop machine running the test. This is typically done as follows (using jQuery):

$.post('/api/captures/input', { 'commands': 'default' },
       function() {

Obviously you should replace "default" in the above example with the set of commands that you actually want to run.


The last part of adding a new test is creating a new manifest, so the command line tools can get the testname and we have the correct metadata to add to the dashboard. A manifest is just a simple file like this:

key = clock
shortDesc = Canvas Clock Test
defaultMeasure = fps

The "key" is a short alphanumeric key used to identify the test. The shortDesc and defaultMeasure are for the dashboard: the description is the graph title, the defaultMeasure indicates what metric we should display by default when the user clicks on the entry in the dashboard web UI.

Usually with a manifest, you just create an ini file, then link to it from its parent directory. See "manifest.ini" in the ep1 testset for an example.


Video-analysis test harness






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