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Bucketlist API

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a Bucket List is a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying.

Bucketlist API is an online flask API built to help users keep track of their things to do

Installation and Setup

Clone the repo

Navigate to the root folder

cd checkpoint2-Bucketlist

create a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper

mkvirtualenv bucketlist

activate virtualenv by running the following

workon bucketlist

Inside virtualenv open a postactivate file to store a script for exporting App_setting, secret key and database url variables by running the command

subl $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate

In the postactivate file add the following and replace the parenthesis in database_url with appropriate database owner name

export SECRET='akjshdkqiu3ye723y42i34'
export DATABASE_URL="postgres://{}@localhost:5432/bucketlist"
export APP_SETTINGS="development"

Alternatively if you do not want to automate the export of variables using postactivate, a simple export on the command line before running the app will work as follows:

$ export SECRET='akjshdkqiu3ye723y42i34'
$ export DATABASE_URL="postgres://{}@localhost:5432/bucketlist"
$ export APP_SETTINGS="development"

Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a postgres database called bucketlist using PgAdmin, why? its easy

Alternatively create the database from the command line by running the script:

$ createdb bucketlist

Initialize, migrate, upgrade the datatbase

python db init
python db migrate
python db upgrade

Launch the progam


python runserver

Interact with the API, send http requests using Postman

API Endpoints

URL Endpoint HTTP Methods Summary
/auth/register/ POST Register a new user
/auth/login/ POST Login and retrieve token
/bucketlists/ POST Create a new Bucketlist
/bucketlists/ GET Retrieve all bucketlists for user
/bucketlists/?page=1&limit=3/ GET Retrieve three bucketlists per page
/bucketlists/?q=name/ GET searches a bucketlist by the name
/bucketlists/<id>/ GET Retrieve a bucketlist by ID
/bucketlists/<id>/ PUT Update a bucketlist
/bucketlists/<id>/ DELETE Delete a bucketlist
/bucketlists/<id>/items/ POST Create items in a bucketlist
/bucketlists/<id>/items/<item_id>/ DELETE Delete an item in a bucketlist
/bucketlists/<id>/items/<item_id>/ PUT update a bucketlist item details


You can run the tests nosetests --with-coverage


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