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Crisis Management System - Giligili

Updated: 18.10.2018 by HaoHao

Setup steps:

  • Install dependencies via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Delete app.db and database.db in root folder if there is any.
  • Delete migrations/ folder if there is any.
  • Run the following to initailize databases:
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
  • Populate the database with some dummy accounts:
  • Run the main application:
  • Open localhost:5000 in your browser to view the login page. And enjoy!

About login

The file creates dummy accounts for login. You can use either one of the following to login (Username, Password, Role):

admin_test              admin_test              Admin
call_operator_test      call_operator_test      Call Operator
government_agency_test  government_agency_test  Government Agency

After successful login, you will be redirected to the dashboard route at localhost:5000/dashboard.

About file organization

For each subsystem, the file structure is organized as below:

    -- templates
    -- static (if any)

Only and its dependencies lie at the root directory.

Minimum code changes are made for docking each subsystem in. Often, the changes are (i) change Flask app into Blueprint and register to main app; (ii) extend dashboard-base.html to each .html template file.

About documentation

Open doc/index.html to check documentations.