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Coding Test Helper is the tool to help online coding test


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Coding Test Helper

Code Test Helper is the tool to help online coding test. Some sites uses an input file and an output file to evaluate the code. This tool converts that io-type into the function-type.

For example (The sum of input numbers):


# input      # output
5            15
1 2 3 4 5
n = int(input())
numbers = list(map(int, input().split()))


# input                      # output
n = 5                        return 15
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def solution(n, numbers):
    return sum(numbers)

Getting Started

git clone
cd CodingTestHelper


Example problem: CodeUp:4654

Get the skeleton code

python3 {site}:{problem-number}

# Example
python3 codeup:4654

If you want the function-type skeleton code, use "solution" function.

# n: <class 'int'>
# heights: typing.List[int]
# return: typing.List[int]
def solution(n, heights):
    answer = []
    return answer

If you want the io-type skeleton code, use "solution_raw" function.
You should handle the input and the output process as before.

# file: <class '_io.TextIOWrapper'>
# return: <class 'str'>
def solution_raw(file):
    input_lines = file.readlines()
    answer = ""
    return answer

Test the solution code

python3 {site}:{problem-number} -s {solution-file-path}

# Example
python3 codeup:4654 -s solution/

# If you want to save the solution code for submit
python3 codeup:4654 -s solution/ -o

If you pass all the test cases, you can submit the generated submit code.

Add problems

For now, the only supported site is CodeUp
To add more problems, follow steps below.

1. Copy the template folder

Copy data/codeup/template folder to data/codeup/id{problem-num}.
Just copy and paste the folder or use the below command.

cp -r data/codeup/template data/codeup/id{problem-num}

# Example (Problem num: 1234)
cp -r data/codeup/template data/codeup/id1234

2. Modify file

If you want to provide function-type skeleton code, you should modify three functions.
Even if not, users can still use io-type skeleton code.

2.1. Modify read_input function

The read_input function should receive only file as an argument and return arguments for solution function.

def read_input(file: TextIOWrapper) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    # You can use 'input()' to get inputs
    input = lambda: file.readline().rstrip()

    solution_arg1 = int(input())
    solution_arg2 = int(input())
    return solution_arg1, solution_arg2

2.2. Modify solution function

The solution function should receive arguments that read_input returns and return the answer.
You only need to write the skeleton of it.

def solution(arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int:
    # You should provide skeleton code of solution
    answer = 0
    return answer

2.3. Modify print_output function

The print_output function should receive the answer that solution function returns and return the string version of it.

def print_output(output: int) -> str:
    # You should convert output object to string
    return str(output)

3. Add sample cases and test cases

The sample case is that the provided test case for example, and the test case is that the hidden test case for evaluating the score.
If you don't have that cases, just delete the sample folder or the test folder.

The name of the file should follow rules below.

# input

# output

The 0s in front of the number are just placeholders.
You can ignore it.

For example,

# Test case #1
1i.txt = 01i.txt = 001i.txt
1o.txt = 01o.txt = 001o.txt


Coding Test Helper is the tool to help online coding test








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