def main(): for dbname, dbhost_map in db_map.items(): masterNode = dbhost_map.get('master') slaveNode = dbhost_map.get('slave') masterName = masterNode[0] masterPort = masterNode[1] slaveName = slaveNode[0] slavePort = slaveNode[1] masterHostItems = host_map.get(masterName) masterHostIp = masterHostItems[1] slaveHostItems = host_map.get(slaveName) slaveHostIp = slaveHostItems[1] msg = '%s %s 监测%s: master:%s:%s:%d \n slave:%s:%s:%d\n' % (today(), now(), dbname, masterName, masterHostIp, masterPort, slaveName, slaveHostIp, slavePort) #判断主服务同步连接数 if not isSync(masterHostIp, masterPort, slaveHostIp, slavePort): restartSync(slaveHostIp, slavePort, dbname) if not isSync(masterHostIp, masterPort, slaveHostIp, slavePort): sendmail('告警:数据库同步异常', msg) log.error('告警:数据库同步异常:[%s]' % msg) #判断从服务同步连接数 if not isSync(slaveHostIp, slavePort, masterHostIp, masterPort): restartSync(masterHostIp, masterPort, dbname) if not isSync(slaveHostIp, slavePort, masterHostIp, masterPort): sendmail('告警:数据库同步异常', msg) log.error('告警:数据库同步异常:[%s]' % msg)
def reset_password(self): if not self.has_account(): raise Exception("User account is disabled, password cannot be reset") pw = generate_password() self.passwd(pw) addr = self.get_attribute("mail") if addr is None: lwarn("No mail address recorded for user %s (%s), can't send password reset message" % (self.get_attribute("uid"), self.get_attribute("cn"))) else: sendmail("password_reset", to=addr, username=self.uid, password=pw)
def send_new_account_email(self): '''Sends either the "You've Renewed, Netsoc Still Works" email, or the "Please Finish Signing Up and Get And Account" email. Requires that the user is a current member, see mark_member. Users who already have shell accounts are assumed to be renewing''' assert current_session() in self.tcdnetsoc_membership_year st = self.get_state() assert st in ["newmember","shell"] if st == "newmember": # create a url and send it to them url = accountrequests.make_signup_url(self) print "Sending account_creation email for %r to %s" % (self,self.mail) sendmail("account_creation", to=self.mail, url=url) else: # just send an email print "Sending account_renewed email for %r to %s" % (self,self.mail) sendmail("account_renewed", to=self.mail, username=self.uid)
def get_once_media_by_api(): global next_bid json_data = search_by_inm(searchQuery, '201101010000', '201201010000', next=next_bid) for tweet in json_data['results']: print(tweet) exit() global max_id # help( # return new_tweets =, count=100, max_id=max_id) for tweet in new_tweets: item = {} item['tweepy_id'] = tweet.id_str item['text'] = tweet.text item['create_at'] = tweet.created_at if sinceId in str(tweet.created_at): sendmail("*****@*****.**") exit() item['user_id'] = tweet.user.id_str item['retweet_count'] = tweet.retweet_count item['favorite_count'] = tweet.favorite_count try: item['retweeted_id'] = tweet.retweeted_status.id_str item['retweeted'] = 1 except: item['retweeted'] = 0 item['hashtags'] = '' for tag in tweet.entities['hashtags']: item['hashtags'] = item['hashtags'] + '#' + tag['text'] if is_exists(item['tweepy_id']): log('已经存在item:', item) continue log('插入item:', item) global_db.insert('tweepy', item) if item['retweet_count'] > 0: get_this_rt(item['tweepy_id']) max_id = item['tweepy_id']
def main(): cache = redis.StrictRedis('', 6379) cmdpath = '/home/maintainer/monitor' cmd = '"%s/ up_h"' % (cmdpath) host_list = host_map.keys() host_list.sort() for name in host_list: host_set = host_map.get(name) key = 'restart|%s' % (name) if cache.exists(key): up_time = cache.get(key) else: up_time = '0' ip1 = host_set[1] (returncode, out_lines) = sshIpCmd(ip1, cmd) if returncode == 0: value_list = out_lines[0].split('|') curr_up_time = value_list[0] display_up_time = value_list[1] #判断启动时间是否相差60秒 if abs(int(up_time) - int(curr_up_time)) > 30: #提示,并邮件通知 msg = '服务器%s:%s被重启,重启时间:%s,原启动时间:%s, 影响数据库:%s' % ( name, ip1, display_up_time, up_time, '与'.join(getDbFormHost(name))) sendmail('告警:服务器异常重启', msg) # print msg cache.set(key, curr_up_time) else: print "命令执行出错 %d " % (returncode) print out_lines
def signup(): username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] email = request.form['email'] print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) print(username + '\n' + password + '\n' + email) if (mydao.is_registed(int(username)) != False): return '<script>alert("该用户已注册,请不要重复注册!");window.location.href="/"</script>' else: result = get_class(username, password, email) if (result == 1): title = '注册成功' text = '恭喜你已成功注册课表/成绩推送小助手\n\n开学时课表推送功能会自动开启,每天向你推送明天要上的课以及天气\n\n成绩推送功能会在考试周每当你有新成绩出来时向你推送成绩\n\n若要停用某功能,仅需在邮件中回复"退订课表"或者"退订成绩"即可' mail_result = sendmail(email, text, title, username) if (mail_result == 1): f = open('registed.txt', 'a+') f.write('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ':' + username + '注册成功!\n') f.close() print(username + "注册成功!") return '<script>alert("注册成功,已发送一封邮件到你的邮箱,若未收到请检查邮箱是否填写错误");window.location.href="/"</script>' else: f = open('registed.txt', 'a+') f.write('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ':' + username + '注册邮件发送失败!\n') f.close() print(username + "邮箱填写错误!") result = '<script>alert("注册失败,请检查邮箱是否填写错误!\n"' + email + ');window.location.href="/"</script>' return result else: f = open('registed.txt', 'a+') f.write('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ':' + username + '注册失败!\n') f.close() print(username + result) result = '<script>alert("' + result + '");window.location.href="/"</script>' return result
tm = tm2 = 0; lm = lm2 = 0; thenRows = 0 logcount = 0 logcount2 = 0 while True: tnow = offlinetime = datetime.time(22, 0, 0, 0) onlinetime = datetime.time(4, 0, 0, 0) # put time on comnplication 3 timecomp() while tnow > offlinetime or tnow < onlinetime: # checks for offline from file inserted through cron timecomp() if logcount2 == 0: logging.debug(str( + " offline") sendmail("offline", 0, 0, NSN, 5) print str( + " offline" circles(1, red); circles(2, red); circles(3, red) footers(1); footers(2); footers(3) number(1, "offline"); number(2, "offline"); number(3, "offline") complications(1); complications(2) comptext(1, c1t); comptext(2, c2t) compnumber(1, "offline"); compnumber(2, "offline") logcount2 = 1 # EXIT# for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == KEYDOWN: pygame.quit() sys.exit() lcd.blit(background, (0, 0))
def get_scores(username, password, email, sname, total_scores_count, uncomment_scores): while (True): resp = do_login(username, password) soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser') if (soup.title.string.replace( '\n', '').strip() == '三峡大学教务管理系统'): # 提取title的值并剔除其中的换行符和字符串 print('登录成功!') score_resp = session.get(score_url) #跳转到分数表页面 score_soup = BeautifulSoup(score_resp.text, 'html.parser') session.get(logout_url) #退出登录 print('退出成功!') sname = soup.body.find('span', { 'id': 'ctl00_lblSignIn' }).string #爬取姓名 sname = re.sub(r'([\d]+)', '', sname) print(sname) trList = score_soup.body.find( id="ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_GridScore").findAll('tr') flag = 0 newscore_count = 0 new_scores = "" for tr in trList[1:]: tdList = tr.findAll("td") score_year = tdList[0].get_text() score_term = tdList[1].get_text() coursename = tdList[2].get_text() credit = tdList[3].get_text() test_type = tdList[4].get_text() grade = tdList[5].get_text() coursenum = tdList[7].get_text() if (int(score_year) == year and int(score_term) == term): #筛选出当前学期 if (dao.mydao.is_the_new_score(int(username), coursename, year, term)): #判断最新成绩 dao.mydao.insert_score(int(username), year, term, coursename, float(credit), test_type, grade) flag = 1 newscore_count = newscore_count + 1 new_scores = new_scores + coursename + " " + credit + " " + test_type + " " + grade + " " + str( calgpa(grade)) + "\n" else: for uncomment_score in uncomment_scores: if (int(username) == uncomment_score['stu_id'] and coursename == uncomment_score['coursename']): dao.mydao.update_score(int(username), coursename, year, term, grade) if (flag): #如果有新成绩出来 all_scores = "" scores = dao.mydao.select_score(int(username), year, term) #查询数据库中所有成绩 current_scores_count = len(scores) for score in scores: all_scores = all_scores + score['coursename'] + " " + str( score['credit']) + " " + score[ 'test_type'] + " " + score['grade'] + " " + str( score['gpa']) + "\n" text = "滴滴滴,亲爱的" + sname + "同学,你今天有" + str( newscore_count ) + "门新成绩出来啦!\n课程名称 学分 考试类型 成绩 绩点\n" + new_scores + "\n" if (current_scores_count == total_scores_count): #所有成绩都出来了 text = text + "你总共有" + str( total_scores_count ) + "门课,到目前为止所有成绩均已出来,分别是:\n课程名称 学分 考试类型 成绩 绩点\n" + all_scores dao.mydao.shutdown_score(int(username)) #关闭成绩推送 else: text = text + "你总共有" + str( total_scores_count) + "门课,到目前为止已有" + str( current_scores_count ) + "门成绩出来啦!分别是:\n" + all_scores title = "滴滴滴,出新成绩啦!" if (sname == "朱海晴"): sname = "晴姐" result = sendmail(email, text, title, sname) #发送邮件 if result: print("邮件发送成功") else: print("邮件发送失败") break else: #登录失败 error = soup.find_all('span')[0].get_text() #提取错误信息 if (error == '登录失败: 请检查用户名和密码是否输入正确'): return error elif (error == '登录失败: 该用户已经登录系统,不允许重复登录!'): return error elif (error == '登录失败: ' + username + '不合法'): #这三种错误无法进入系统,所以退出循环 return error else: print(error) #验证码不对 继续循环
total_scores_count = user['course_count'] print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) print(user['stu_id'], user['password'], user['email'], user['sname']) print('发送邮件的前一步') get_scores(str(user['stu_id']), user['password'], user['email'], user['sname'], total_scores_count, uncomment_scores) current_score_count = len( mydao.select_score(user['stu_id'], year, term)) print('总课程:%d' % total_scores_count, '当前课程:%d' % current_score_count) if (total_scores_count == current_score_count): mydao.shutdown_score(user['stu_id']) print('发送邮件的后一步') return usercount if __name__ == '__main__': a = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) starttime = time.time() usercount = sendscore() endtime = time.time() costtime = endtime - starttime print('开始时间:', a) print('结束时间:', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) print('用户数量:%d' % usercount, ',耗费总时间(秒):%0.2f' % costtime, ',平均耗时(秒):%0.2f' % (float(costtime / usercount))) text = "开始时间:" + a + "\n结束时间:" + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + "\n用户数量:" + str( usercount) + "\n耗费总时间:%0.2f" % costtime + "\n平均耗时:%0.2f" % float( costtime / usercount) sendmail('*****@*****.**', text, '已发送', '汪俊')
#!/usr/bin/env python from datetime import datetime import settings import logging from sendmail import * store = settings.NSN logging.basicConfig(filename = 'debug.log', level = logging.DEBUG) logging.debug(str( + " rebooting") sendmail("rebooting",0,0,store,5)
from random import * from time import * from sendmail import * import RPi.GPIO as GPIO button_pin = 7 led_pin = 5 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(button_pin, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setwarnings(False) while True: if(GPIO.input(button_pin)==False): print("THE BUTTON WORKS LEL") GPIO.output(led_pin, True); sleep(0.4) sendmail() GPIO.output(led_pin, False);
# mail timers for not spamming notifications initialized for first pass tm = tm2 = datetime(1999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) lm = lm2 = datetime(1999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) onlineFirstRun = True offlineFirstRun = True fromOffline = False while True: # Main Loop contains 1 loop for offline and 1 loop for online while > offlinetime or < onlinetime: timecomp() if offlineFirstRun: logging.debug(str(timenow()) + ' offline') try: sendmail("offline", 0, 0, NSN, 5) except socket.gaierror: logging.debug(str(timenow()) + ' email failed') except SMTPRecipientsRefused: logging.debug(str(timenow()) + ' email failed SMTPRecipientsRefused') print str( + " offline" for i in range(1, 4): circles(i, red) travelList(i) number(i, "offline") complications(i) comptext(i, ct[i - 1]) compnumber(i, "offline") offlineFirstRun = False lcd.blit(background, (0, 0))
tm = tm2 = datetime.datetime(1999,1,1,0,0,0,0) lm = lm2 = datetime.datetime(1999,1,1,0,0,0,0) thenRows = 0 logcount = 0 logcount2 = 0 while True: offlinetime = datetime.time(22, 0, 0, 0) onlinetime = datetime.time(4, 0, 0, 0) timecomp() while > offlinetime or < onlinetime: timecomp() if logcount2 == 0: logging.debug(str( + " offline") sendmail("offline", 0, 0, NSN, 5) print str( + " offline" circles(1, red); circles(2, red); circles(3, red) footers(1); footers(2); footers(3) number(1, "offline"); number(2, "offline"); number(3, "offline") complications(1); complications(2) comptext(1, c1t); comptext(2, c2t) compnumber(1, "offline"); compnumber(2, "offline") logcount2 = 1 # EXIT# for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == KEYDOWN: pygame.quit() sys.exit() lcd.blit(background, (0, 0))
import sys from settings import * import datetime from sendmail import * import os import logging import socket logging.basicConfig(filename='logs/debug2.log', level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug(str( + ' Running Check started') # PID for TPD is logged in pid.txt, checks if running and restarts if not with open('logs/pid.txt', 'r') as qq: qqq = qq.readline() pidpath = "/proc/" + str(qqq) now = msg = str(now) + ' TPD not updating restarting now' msg2 = str(now) + ' TPD is working' if os.path.exists(pidpath) is False: try: sendmail(msg, 0, 0, NSN, 5) except socket.gaierror: logging.debug(str(now) + ' email failed') logging.debug(msg) os.system("sudo shutdown -r now") else: logging.debug(msg2)
def sendmail(self, msg, **kw): ''' Email the given message to this User ''' sendmail(msg, {"To": '"%s" <%s>' % (, self.mail)}, **kw)
from random import * from time import * from sendmail import * import RPi.GPIO as GPIO button_pin = 7 led_pin = 5 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(button_pin, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setwarnings(False) while True: if (GPIO.input(button_pin) == False): print("THE BUTTON WORKS LEL") GPIO.output(led_pin, True) sleep(0.4) sendmail() GPIO.output(led_pin, False)
#!/usr/bin/env python from datetime import datetime import settings import logging from sendmail import * store = settings.NSN logging.basicConfig(filename='debug.log', level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug(str( + " rebooting") sendmail("rebooting", 0, 0, store, 5)
def sendmail(self, msg, **kw): sendmail(msg, {"To": '"%s" <%s>' % (, self.mail)}, **kw)
tm = tm2 = 0 lm = lm2 = 0 thenRows = 0 logcount = 0 logcount2 = 0 while True: tnow = offlinetime = datetime.time(22, 0, 0, 0) onlinetime = datetime.time(4, 0, 0, 0) # put time on comnplication 3 timecomp() while tnow > offlinetime or tnow < onlinetime: # checks for offline from file inserted through cron timecomp() if logcount2 == 0: logging.debug(str( + " offline") sendmail("offline", 0, 0, NSN, 5) print str( + " offline" circles(1, red) circles(2, red) circles(3, red) footers(1) footers(2) footers(3) number(1, "offline") number(2, "offline") number(3, "offline") complications(1) complications(2) comptext(1, c1t) comptext(2, c2t) compnumber(1, "offline")
def main2(): basecmd = 'netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED | egrep' for dbname, dbhost_map in db_map.items(): masterNode = dbhost_map.get('master') slaveNode = dbhost_map.get('slave') masterName = masterNode[0] masterPort = masterNode[1] slaveName = slaveNode[0] slavePort = slaveNode[1] masterHostItems = host_map.get(masterName) masterHostIp = masterHostItems[1] slaveHostItems = host_map.get(slaveName) slaveHostIp = slaveHostItems[1] msg = '%s %s 监测%s: master:%s:%s:%d \n slave:%s:%s:%d\n' % (today(), now(), dbname, masterName, masterHostIp, masterPort, slaveName, slaveHostIp, slavePort) filter_ip = '%s:%s.*%s:|%s:.*%s:%s' % ( masterHostIp, masterPort, slaveHostIp, masterHostIp, slaveHostIp, slavePort) sshcmd = "%s '%s'" % (basecmd, filter_ip) (returncode, master_out_lines) = sshIpCmd(masterHostIp, sshcmd) masterConnectCount = len(master_out_lines) status = True if masterConnectCount < 2: msg += '根据服务器:%s的连接数分析,数据同步出问题,需要服务器:%s重启同步\n' % ( masterHostIp, slaveHostIp) msg += '命令:%s 输入如下:\n' % sshcmd msg += '\n'.join(master_out_lines) cmd = 'ssh root@%s "/home/maintainer/monitor/ resync %d"' % (slaveHostIp, slavePort) (returncode, out_lines) = execute_command(cmd)'已重启%s服务器%d端口%s库的同步服务' % (slaveHostIp, slavePort, dbname)) status = False filter_ip = '%s:%s.*%s:|%s:.*%s:%s' % ( slaveHostIp, slavePort, masterHostIp, slaveHostIp, masterHostIp, masterPort) sshcmd = "%s '%s'" % (basecmd, filter_ip) (returncode, slave_out_lines) = sshIpCmd(slaveHostIp, sshcmd) slaveConnectCount = len(slave_out_lines) if slaveConnectCount < 2: msg += '根据服务器:%s的连接数分析,数据同步出问题,需要服务器:%s重启同步\n' % ( slaveHostIp, masterHostIp) msg += '命令:%s 输入如下:\n' % sshcmd msg += '\n'.join(slave_out_lines) cmd = 'ssh root@%s "/home/maintainer/monitor/ resync %d"' % (masterHostIp, masterPort) (returncode, out_lines) = execute_command(cmd)'已重启%s服务器%d端口%s库的同步服务' % (masterHostIp, masterPort, dbname)) status = False if not status: if dbname != "dd8989": sendmail('告警:数据库同步异常', msg) log.error('告警:数据库同步异常 [%s]' % msg)
lm = lm2 = datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) thenRows = 0 logcount = 0 logcount2 = 0 while True: offlinetime = datetime.time(22, 0, 0, 0) onlinetime = datetime.time(4, 0, 0, 0) timecomp() while ) > offlinetime or < onlinetime: timecomp() if logcount2 == 0: logging.debug(str( + " offline") sendmail("offline", 0, 0, NSN, 5) print str( + " offline" circles(1, red) circles(2, red) circles(3, red) footers(1) footers(2) footers(3) number(1, "offline") number(2, "offline") number(3, "offline") complications(1) complications(2) comptext(1, c1t) comptext(2, c2t) compnumber(1, "offline")