예제 #1
    def timerStart(self, TopStockList, TheNumberOfStocksPurchase, codeList, account):

        self.TopStockList = TopStockList
        self.TheNumberOfStocksPurchase = TheNumberOfStocksPurchase
        self.codeList = codeList
        self.account = account
        self.receiveRealDataHistory = []
        sqlite3.connect("TradingProject.db")          #Connect 'TradingProject.db' database which stores the stock's data
        now = time.localtime()
        today = CalculationTool.calculateTodayFormat(now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday)
        kospiData = xingAPIClassModule.XAQuery("t1511", today)
        #Set initial index of KOSPI 
        self.initialKospiValue = kospiData[0][4]
        #Make a string of code list to request the information of stock as multiple request. PLZ see a xing API manual ex)00593000596000010.............
        codeString = ""
        for stockName in TopStockList:
            codeString = codeString + codeList[stockName]
        self.requestCodeList = codeString
        #This code is for calculating the time! now!
        now = time.localtime()
        today = CalculationTool.calculateTodayFormat(now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday)
        ### Algorithm 1 start ###
        DBconnect = sqlite3.connect("TradingProject.db")
        dataBaseCursor = DBconnect.cursor()                       #Connect database cursor! 
        ### Today's algroithm1 portfolio list updating ###
        for stockName in self.TopStockList:
            purchaseAmount = self.TheNumberOfStocksPurchase[stockName]
            #purchaseAmount = self.TheNumberOfStocksPurchase[stockName][0] 
            valueString = "(" +  "'" + stockName + "'" +  "," + "'" + str(purchaseAmount)  + "'" + "," + "'" + today + "'" + ")"
            dataBaseCursor.execute("INSERT INTO Algorithm1_TradingInfo VALUES" + valueString)
        print("Today's algorithm1 portfolio list updated")
예제 #2
    def algorithm1Timer_purchase(self):

        print("Algorithm1(purchase) START!!")
        today, buyDay = CalculationTool.calculateTimetoExecute(9,0)
        delta_t= buyDay - today
        secs = delta_t.seconds
        #Each thread will start after given 'secs' time
        purchaseTimer = Timer(secs, self.stockPurchase)
        receiveRealTimer = Timer(secs, self.realDataProcessing)
예제 #3
    def calculatingAverageValue(self,stockNameList, returnValue, WindowSize):
        averageValue = {}

        for name in stockNameList:             ##Calculating average value that represents (return value(as many as WindowSize)) / WindowSize
            averageList = [] 
            windowForCalculation = returnValue[name][0:WindowSize]
            average2 = CalculationTool.average(windowForCalculation)
            averageValue[name] = averageList

        return averageValue
예제 #4
    def calculatingStandardVariation(self,stockNameList, returnValue, WindowSize, criterion):

        standardDeviationValue = {}
        removeList = []

        for name in stockNameList:             ##Calculating standardDeviation that represents thet standard deviation of return value(as many as WindowSize)
            standardDeviationList = [] 
            standardDeviation = CalculationTool.standardDeviation(returnValue[name][0:WindowSize])
            standardDeviationValue[name] = standardDeviationList

            if standardDeviation < criterion:
                standardDeviationValue[name] = standardDeviationList

        return standardDeviationValue, removeList

        #i = 2
        #excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
        ##excel.Visible = True
        #wb = excel.Workbooks.Add()
        #for stockName in stockNameList:
        #    ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        #    ws.Cells(1, i).Value = stockName
        #    i += 1
        #j = 2
        #for day in dayIndex:
        #    ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        #    ws.Cells(j, 1).Value = day
        #    j += 1
        #i = 2
        #j = 2
        #index = 1
        #print("stock's name list number: " + str(len(stockNameList)))
        #for stockName in stockNameList:
        #    length = len(closingPriceData[stockName])
        #    if length <= 490:
        #        continue
        #    ws.Cells(1, j).Value = stockName
        #    #i += 1
        #    print(str(index) + "   " + stockName + "    " + str(length))
        #    closingPriceData[stockName].reverse()
        #    for index in range(length):
        #        ws.Cells(i,j).Value = str(closingPriceData[stockName][index])
        #        i += 1
        #    i = 2
        #    j += 1
        #    closingPriceData[stockName].reverse()
        #excel.Visible = True

        #WindowSize = int(otherWindowClass.investMentWindowSize['Algorithm1'])           #Get the value of window's size from the global variable of 'otherWindowClass.py'
            #deposit = float(self.deposit)                 #Get the value of a deposit 
            #investMentPercentage = float(otherWindowClass.investMentPercentage['Algorithm1'])  #Get the value of total data""
            #investMentSize = int(otherWindowClass.investMentSize['Algorithm1'])
            #closingPriceData = {}                                   #This dictionary stores closing price data
            #openingPriceData = {}
            #stockNameList = []                                      #This list stores the stock's name 
            #dayIndex = []                                           #This list stores day         
            #Remainder = 0                                           #The remainder that made by subtracting the capital which will be used to purchase the stock from the investment
            #codeList = {}                                           #This dictionary stores the code's list
            ##setting 'stockNameList', 'closingPriceData', 'dayIndex' data structures  using 'setClosingData' function
            ##See below the 'AlgorithmPart.py'
            #stockNameList, closingPriceData, openingPriceData, dayIndex, codeList = self.setClosingPriceData_Algo()
            #dayIndex = dayIndex[-WindowSize:]                        #Extract the information of day from 'dayIndex' list as many as the number of 'TotalData'
            #print(DataFrame(openingPriceData, columns = stockNameList))
            ##These data structures is for storing each data which refers in the name of variable itself                       
            #returnValue = {}                                         
            #averageValue = {}
            #standardDeviationValue = {}
            #removeList = []
            #AnValue = {}
            #WnValue = {}
            #TheNumberOfStocksPurchase = {}
            #profitValue = []
            #rVIndex = dayIndex[1:]                 #This code functions as making the index of day to fit DataFrame data structure
            ##Calculating return value that represents (price of tommorrow - today's price)
            #returnValue = self.calculatingReturnValue(stockNameList, closingPriceData, openingPriceData, WindowSize)
            ##Calculating average value that represents (return value(as many as WindowSize)) / WindowSize
            #averageValue = self.calculatingAverageValue(stockNameList, returnValue, WindowSize)
            ##Calculating standardDeviation that represents thet standard deviation of return value(as many as WindowSize)
            ##And Add the stock whose standard variation value is below a certain value 'criterion'
            ##Return standardDeviationValue, removeList
            #criterion = 0.005
            #standardDeviationValue, removeList = self.calculatingStandardVariation(stockNameList, returnValue, WindowSize, criterion)
            ##########################################   4.08 여기까지 함 그 다음에 나머지!! 하셈
            ##Remove the stock which is contained in 'removeList'
            #for removeName in removeList:
            #    stockNameList.remove(removeName)

            #for name in stockNameList:             #Calculating An Value that represents the distribution of the stock's average value 
            #    AnList = [] 
            #    #criteria is that if this stock's average value is less than KOSPI's average value, this stock is excluded from the investment list
            #    if float(standardDeviationValue[name][0]) != 0:
            #            criteria =  (float(averageValue[name][0]) - float(averageValue[stockNameList[0]][0]))/ (float(standardDeviationValue[name][0]))
            #            if  criteria < 0:             #if criteria is less than 0, An = 0
            #                An = 0
            #                AnList.append(An)
            #            else:                         #else An value is criteria 
            #                An = criteria
            #                AnList.append(An)
            #    else:
            #            An = 0
            #            AnList.append(An)
            #    AnValue[name] = AnList            #Store the AnList to AnValue(dictionary)
            #InvestCandidateStock = []
            #for name in stockNameList:
            #    if AnValue[name][0] != 0:
            #        InvestCandidateStock.append(name)
            ##Building Top Stock list which is to be invested
            #TopStockList = []                     
            #for stockName in InvestCandidateStock:
            #    if TopStockList == []:
            #        TopStockList.append(stockName)
            #    else:
            #        listLength = len(TopStockList)
            #        for index in range(200):
            #            if index <= (listLength - 1):
            #                if AnValue[TopStockList[index]][0] < AnValue[stockName][0]:
            #                    TopStockList.insert(index, stockName)
            #                    break
            #            elif index == listLength:
            #                TopStockList.append(stockName)
            #                break
            #TopStockList = TopStockList[0:investMentSize]
            #Temp = AnValue
            #AnValue = {}
            ##Rearrange Anvalue as a list of the stock which will be invested
            #for stockName in TopStockList:
            #    AnValue[stockName] = Temp[stockName]

            #WnIndex = dayIndex[WindowSize:]     #Calculating Wn Value that represents the ratio of a certain stock's An value to total An value
            #SumOfAnArray = []                   #This is the list of the total An value 
            #    for name in TopStockList:      
            #        WnList = []
            #        if name == TopStockList[0]:
            #                SumOfAn = 0
            #                for name2 in TopStockList:
            #                    SumOfAn = SumOfAn + AnValue[name2][0]
            #                SumOfAnArray.append(SumOfAn)
            #                print(SumOfAnArray[0])
            #        if float(SumOfAnArray[0]) != 0:
            #                Wn = float(AnValue[name][0])/float(SumOfAnArray[0])
            #        else:
            #                Wn = float(AnValue[name][0])
            #        WnList.append(Wn)
            #        WnValue[name] = WnList
            #except ZeroDivisionError:
            #    print("Wn ZeroError" + name + "          "+ str(index))
            #investingAmount = investMentPercentage * deposit / 100.0      #Calculate a investment
            ##Initializing data structures that contains each value(the number of stock that have to purchase)
            #for name in TopStockList:
            #    TheNumberOfStocksPurchase[name] = []               
            ##Calculating the start value of the capital
            #for stockName in TopStockList:
            #    #Weight of a stock is not 0, distribute the capital depending on the value of weight of the stock     
            #    if WnValue[name][0] != 0:                     
            #        theCapitalForPurchasingStock = float(WnValue[stockName][0]) * investingAmount
            #        TheNumberOfStock = int(theCapitalForPurchasingStock / float(closingPriceData[stockName][WindowSize-1]))
            #        TheNumberOfStocksPurchase[stockName].append(TheNumberOfStock)
            #    #Weight of a stock is 0(It means it is no use of purchasing), assign 0 value to 'TheNumberOfStocksPurchase'
            #    else:
            #        TheNumberOfStocksPurchase[stockName].append(0)
            ##Print the result of the number of stock whcih have to be bought as a Data Frame structure
            #print("------------------- Stock Number Value -------------------------")
            #frame7 = DataFrame(TheNumberOfStocksPurchase, columns = TopStockList)
            #print("------------------- Stock Number Value -------------------------")
            ##Order the stock which is listed in 'TopSTockList'

        #    def setClosingPriceData_Algo(self):
        #dataConnect = sqlite3.connect("TradingProject.db")   #Connect 'TradingProject.db' database which stores the stock's data
        #dataBaseCursor = dataConnect.cursor()                #Connect database cursor! 

        #stockNameList = []                                      #Store Stock's name
        #closingPriceData = {}                                   #Store closing price
        #openingPriceData = {}                                   #Store opening price
        #dayIndex = []                                           #Store day index      
        #codeList = {}                                           #Store the code list
        #WindowSize = int(otherWindowClass.investMentWindowSize['Algorithm1'])       #This stands for window size

        #selectQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM kospiValues"    #This query is that searching all stock's name without duplication
        #dataBaseCursor.execute(selectQuery)                     #Execute the query 'selectQuery'
        #ret = dataBaseCursor.fetchall()                         #This code is that fetching all of datas which is selected by the query
        #TheNumberOfstockNameList = len(ret)                     #Store the number of datas in a variable 'TheNumberOfstockNameList'
        #for index in range(int(TheNumberOfstockNameList)):      #Construct 'stockNameList'. ret[index][0] means '종목명' 
        #    stockNameList.append(ret[index][0])
        #conditionValue = "'" + stockNameList[0] + "'"           #First, add '종합(KOSPI)' to string object 'condictionValue'
        #for stockName in stockNameList[1:]:                     #Making string object 'conditionValue' to be inserted in 'selectQuery' 
        #    conditionValue = conditionValue + " ,"+ "'" + stockName + "'"
        #whereCondition = "Name IN " + '(' + conditionValue + ')'        #Making string object 'whereCondition' to inject 'selectQuery'
        #selectQuery = "SELECT Name, closingPrice, openingPrice, date FROM kospiValue WHERE " + whereCondition      #This query is that selecting '종가' and '일수'
        #dataBaseCursor.execute(selectQuery)                     #Execute the query 'selectQuery'
        #ret = dataBaseCursor.fetchall()                         #This code is that fetching all of datas which is selected by the query
        #stockName = ret[0][0]                                   #ret[0][0] means '종합(KOSPI)'. This is the first stock that Its closing price data will be stored in 'closingPriceList'
        #closingPriceList = []                                   #This list is for storing closing price data temporarily 
        #openingPriceList = []                                   #This list is for storing opening price data temporarily 
        #index = 0
        ##This for loop is for storing each stock's closing price data in 'closingPriceData'(dictionary)
        ##If algorithm1 is now to execute, play below the 'if' line
        ##else, algorithm2 is now to execute, play below the 'elif' line

        #for stockName in stockNameList:             
        #    while ret[index][0] == stockName:
        #        closingPriceList.append(ret[index][1])
        #        openingPriceList.append(ret[index][2])
        #        index += 1

        #        if len(ret) - 1 == index:
        #            break
        #        closingPriceData[stockName] = closingPriceList
        #    openingPriceData[stockName] = openingPriceList
        #    closingPriceList = []
        #    openingPriceList = []
        #selectQuery = "SELECT date FROM kospiValue WHERE " + "Name IN ('삼성전자')"      #This query is for selecting '일자' attribute to get full data list. why '삼성전자'? I think it never goes bankrupt 
        #dataBaseCursor.execute(selectQuery)                     #Execute the query 'selectQuery'
        #ret = dataBaseCursor.fetchall()                         #This code is that fetching all of datas which is selected by the query
        #for index in range(len(ret)):                           #This code is for storing '일자' data
        #    dayIndex.append(ret[index][0])
        ######## EXTRACT DAILY CLOSING PRICE DATA ######
        ##Extract the necessary data as many as window size (Window size wil be updated at 'otherWindowClass.py' -> 'Algorithm_1_Option')
        #for stockName in stockNameList: 
        #    closingPriceData[stockName] = closingPriceData[stockName][-WindowSize:]
        #    openingPriceData[stockName] = openingPriceData[stockName][-WindowSize:]
        #ListOfRemoveStockList = []                              #Make a list of removing the stock datas
        #for stockName in stockNameList:                         #Remove the stock data which is less than 'otherWindowClass.TheNumberOfTotalData'
        #                                                        #Not handling these datas, It causes a fatal error 'outOfIndex'
        #    TheNumberOfDataOfStock = len(closingPriceData[stockName]) 
        #    if TheNumberOfDataOfStock < WindowSize:
        #        ListOfRemoveStockList.append(stockName)         
        ##Remember 범양건영
        #for stockName in ListOfRemoveStockList:                 #Remove the stock which The number of its closing index is less than 'TheNumberOfTotalData' from 'closingPrice'
        #    del closingPriceData[stockName]
        #    del openingPriceData[stockName]
        #    stockNameList.remove(stockName)
        #selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM kospiCode"      #This query is for selecting '일자' attribute. why '삼성전자'? I think it never goes bankrupt 
        #dataBaseCursor.execute(selectQuery)                     #Execute the query 'selectQuery'
        #ret = dataBaseCursor.fetchall() 
        ##Construct a dictionary which stores the code data
        #for index in range(len(ret)):
        #    codeList[ret[index][1]] = ret[index][0]
        #return stockNameList, closingPriceData, openingPriceData, dayIndex, codeList        #return the constructed data

        ## REAL ALGO ###
        ##removedList = {}
        #f = open("result.txt", 'w')
        #removedList = {}
        #tVolList = []
        #yesterday = "20160722"
        #count = 0
        #for i in range(len(ret)):
        #    if ret[i][7] == yesterday:
        #       stockName = ret[i][0]
        #       #removedList.append(stockName)
        #       tradingVol = ret[i][3]
        #       tradingVal = ret[i][2]
        #       closingVal = ret[i][1]
        #       if tradingVol >= 200000 and tradingVol * tradingVal >= 5000000000  and closingVal >= 1100 and self.isCheatPattern() == False:
        #           stockName = ret[i][0]
        #           count+=1
        #           w = stockName + " : " + str(tradingVol) + "\n"
        #           f.write(w)
예제 #5
    def realDataReceive(self):
        dataConnect = sqlite3.connect("TradingProject.db")   #Connect 'TradingProject.db' database which stores the stock's data
        while 1:
            #After 10 secs, function is executed
            #Disconnected? Login

            now = datetime.datetime.today()
            timeNow = str(now)
            stringCount = len(timeNow)

            #Print current time on command line in place 
            #text = "this time" + str(timeNow) + "\r"
            #print(text, end='')
            print("this time " + str(timeNow))
            #Format current time
            for index in range(stringCount):
                char = timeNow[index]
                if char == '.':
                    #timeNow = str(timeNow[0:index]) + "\r"
                    #print(timeNow, end='')
            #Count the number of stock list
            count = len(self.TopStockList)
            requestList = self.requestCodeList
            ####################################### <- This is needed to be modularization
            inXAQuery = winAPI.DispatchWithEvents("XA_DataSet.XAQuery", XAQueryEvents)
            inXAQuery.ResFileName = "C:\\eBEST\\xingAPI\\Res\\t1511.res"
            inXAQuery.SetFieldData("t1511InBlock", "upcode", 0, '001')

            while True:
                ret = inXAQuery.Request(0)
                #print("result: " + str(ret))
                if ret == -21 or ret == -34 or ret == -23:

            #Wait.... request...
            while XAQueryEvents.query_state == 0:

            #Request is arrived! turn back the flag which represents "Oh, Requested data is arrived!!" ( "0" is not arrived yet(normal), "1" is arrived!!(SIGNAL occurs))
            XAQueryEvents.query_state = 0
            nCount = inXAQuery.GetBlockCount("t1511OutBlock")
            temp = []
            #At first, just get a deposit. I will get a lot of data in the end
            stockName = '종합(KOSPI)'
            #Get current price of KOSPI 
            currentPrice = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t1511OutBlock', 'pricejisu', 0)
            #At first, store the first value of kospi price in "kospiPrice"  array
            #And then, calculate the loss profit of kopsi.

            #the ration of kospi's profit loss
            print("current:" + str(currentPrice))
            currentKospi = float(currentPrice)
            initialKospi = float(self.initialKospiValue)
            kospiLossProfit = ( ( currentKospi - initialKospi ) / initialKospi ) * 100 
            #text = "kospiloss profit : " + str(kospiLossProfit) + "\r"
            #print(text, end='')
            self.indexKospi +=1

            #Execute 'insertQuery'
            dataBaseCursor = dataConnect.cursor()                #Connect database cursor! 
            valueStringOfkospiValue = "("+ "'" + stockName + "'" + "," + "'" + currentPrice + "'" + "," + "'" + timeNow + "'" + ")" 
            insertQuery = "INSERT INTO kospiRealData VALUES" + valueStringOfkospiValue

            #print("ACCOUNT :" + self.account)
            inXAQuery = winAPI.DispatchWithEvents("XA_DataSet.XAQuery", XAQueryEvents)
            inXAQuery.ResFileName = "C:\\eBEST\\xingAPI\\Res\\t0424.res"
            inXAQuery.SetFieldData("t0424InBlock", "accno", 0, self.account)
            inXAQuery.SetFieldData("t0424InBlock", "passwd", 0, "0000")
            inXAQuery.SetFieldData("t0424InBlock", "prcgb", 0, "1")
            inXAQuery.SetFieldData("t0424InBlock", "chegb", 0, "2")
            inXAQuery.SetFieldData("t0424InBlock", "dangb", 0, "0")
            inXAQuery.SetFieldData("t0424InBlock", "charge", 0, "1")
            inXAQuery.SetFieldData("t0424InBlock", "cts_expcode", 0, "")

            while True:
                ret = inXAQuery.Request(0)
                #print("result " + str(ret))
                if ret == -21 or ret == -34:
            #Wait.... request...
            while XAQueryEvents.query_state == 0:
            #Request is arrived! turn back the flag which represents "Oh, Requested data is arrived!!" ( "0" is not arrived yet(normal), "1" is arrived!!(SIGNAL occurs))
            XAQueryEvents.query_state = 0

            nCount = inXAQuery.GetBlockCount("t0424OutBlock")
            #print("----- Current position update -----\r", end='')
            print("----- Current position update -----")
            #dataConnect = sqlite3.connect("TradingProject.db")   #Connect 'TradingProject.db' database which stores the stock's data
            for i in range(nCount):
                expectPosition = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock', 'sunamt', i)      #현재 포지션
                purchasePrice = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock', 'mamt', i)         #매입금액
                estimatedPrice = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock', 'tappamt', i)     #추정자산
                lossProfit = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock', 'tdtsunik', i)        #수익률
                ratioLossProfit = float(lossProfit)/float(purchasePrice) * 100             #UNIT (%)
                #print("----------------------KOSPI---------------------------\r", end='')
                #text="expectPosition:" + str(expectPosition) + " " + "purchasePrice:" + str(purchasePrice) + " " + "estimatedPrice:" + str(estimatedPrice) + " " + "lossProfit:" + str(lossProfit) + " " + "ratioLossProfit:" + str(ratioLossProfit) + "\r"
                #print(text, end='')
                print("expectPosition:" + str(expectPosition) + " " + "purchasePrice:" + str(purchasePrice) + " " + "estimatedPrice:" + str(estimatedPrice) + " " + "lossProfit:" + str(lossProfit) + " " + "ratioLossProfit:" + str(ratioLossProfit))
                #print("------------------------------------------------------\r", end='')
            nCount = inXAQuery.GetBlockCount("t0424OutBlock1")

            dataBaseCursor = dataConnect.cursor()                #Connect database cursor!
            valueStringOfkospiValue = "("+ "'" + str(expectPosition) + "'" + "," + "'" + str(purchasePrice) + "'" + "," + "'" + str(estimatedPrice) + "'" + "," + "'" + str(lossProfit) + "'" + "," + "'" + str(ratioLossProfit) + "'" + "," + "'" + str(timeNow) + "'" + ")" 
            insertQuery = "INSERT INTO realTimeAccount VALUES" + valueStringOfkospiValue
            #Execute 'insertQuery'
            #print("RECEIVE nCount----OUTBLOCK1-------- " + str(nCount))
            self.indexStock += 1
            totalPosition = 0

            #dataConnect = sqlite3.connect("TradingProject.db")   #Connect 'TradingProject.db' database which stores the stock's data
            dataBaseCursor = dataConnect.cursor()                #Connect database cursor!

            for i in range(nCount):

                #At first, just get a deposit. I will get a lot of data in the end
                stockCode = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock1', 'expcode', i)
                stockName = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock1', 'hname', i)
                amountRemain = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock1', 'janqty', i)
                currentPrice = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock1', 'price', i)
                purchasePrice = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock1', 'mamt', i)
                estimatedPrice = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock1', 'appamt', i)
                ratioLossProfit = inXAQuery.GetFieldData('t0424OutBlock1', 'sunikrt', i)

                #print("----------------------" + str(stockCode) + "  " + str(stockName) + "---------------------------\r", end='')
                #print("amountRemain:" + str(amountRemain) + " "+ "currentPrice:" + str(currentPrice) + " " + "purchasePrice:" + str(purchasePrice) + " " + "estimatedPrice:" + str(estimatedPrice) + " " + "ratioLossProfit:" + str(ratioLossProfit) + "\r", end='')
                #print("------------------------------------------------------\r", end='')
                print("----------------------" + str(stockCode) + "  " + str(stockName) + "---------------------------")
                print("amountRemain:" + str(amountRemain) + " "+ "currentPrice:" + str(currentPrice) + " " + "purchasePrice:" + str(purchasePrice) + " " + "estimatedPrice:" + str(estimatedPrice) + " " + "ratioLossProfit:" + str(ratioLossProfit))

                valueStringOfkospiValue = "("+ "'" + stockCode + "'" + "," + "'" + stockName + "'" + "," + "'" + amountRemain + "'" + "," + "'" + currentPrice + "'" + "," + "'" + purchasePrice + "'" + "," + "'" + estimatedPrice + "'" + "," + "'" + ratioLossProfit + "'" + "," + "'" + timeNow + "'" + ")" 
                insertQuery = "INSERT INTO stockRealData VALUES" + valueStringOfkospiValue

            after10Sec = CalculationTool.calculAfter10sec()

            if ( after10Sec.hour == 15 and after10Sec.minute >= 15): 