예제 #1
def assign_jobs(n_workers, jobs):
    result = []

    # create a workers minHeap with all workers available at time == 0
    minHeap = Heap.Min_Heap()
    for i in range(n_workers):
            (0, i))  # insert the tuple (next_available_time, worker)

    # check all jobs, get the first available worker from the Heap and add the new time to the Heap
    for job in jobs:
        time, worker = minHeap.ExtractMin()
        # print('w,t: ', worker, time)
        result.append(AssignedJob(worker, time))
        minHeap.Insert((time + job, worker))

    return result
예제 #2
def main():
    n = int(input())
    data = list(map(int, input().split()))
    assert len(data) == n
    data2 = list(data)

    swaps = build_heap_naive(data)

    for i, j in swaps:
        print(i, j)

    print('building minHeap . . .')
    minHeap = Heap.Min_Heap()
    swaps = minHeap.BuildHeap(data2)

    for i, j in swaps:
        print(i, j)

    with open("output.txt", "w") as f:
        print(len(swaps), file=f)
        for i, j in swaps:
            print(i, j, file=f)