예제 #1
def PGetPoln(VLtab, imQ, imU, err, RMSsize=100):
    Get polarization info for VL table
    VLtab   input VL table
    imQ     Q pol Image
    imU     U pol Image, same geometry as Q
    err     Obit Err/message object        
    RMSsize halfwidth in pixels of RMS box                                     
    dQ = imQ.Desc
    dU = imU.Desc
    if not ImageDesc.PCheckCompat(dQ, dU):
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error: Q,U images are incompatible")
    nx = dQ.Dict['inaxes'][0]
    ny = dQ.Dict['inaxes'][1]
    size = min(RMSsize, nx / 2, ny / 2)  # Actual RMS box size
    fblank = FArray.fblank
    # Get Q, U images
    pixQ = Image.PReadPlane(imQ, err)
    pixU = Image.PReadPlane(imU, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error Reading Q,U images")
    # Make interpolators
    fiQ = FInterpolate.FInterpolate('Q', pixQ, dQ, 2)
    fiU = FInterpolate.FInterpolate('U', pixU, dU, 2)
    # Open table
    VLtab.Open(Table.READWRITE, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error Opening table")
    nrow = VLtab.Desc.Dict['nrow']
    for irow in range(1, nrow + 1):
        row = VLtab.ReadRow(irow, err)
        pos = [row['RA(2000)'][0], row['DEC(2000)'][0]]
        # pixel
        pixel = ImageDesc.PGetPixel(dQ, pos, err)
        # In image?
        if (pixel[0] < 2.0) or (pixel[1] < 2.0) or (pixel[0] > nx - 2) or (
                pixel[1] > ny - 2):
        # Fluxes
        qval = FInterpolate.PPosition(fiQ, pos, err)
        uval = FInterpolate.PPosition(fiU, pos, err)
        # Valid?
        if (qval == fblank) or (uval == fblank):
        row['Q CENTER'][0] = qval
        row['U CENTER'][0] = uval
        row['P FLUX'][0] = (qval * qval + uval * uval)**0.5
        if err.isErr:
            OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error Interpolating")
        # RMS box
        blc = [int(pixel[0]) - RMSsize, int(pixel[1]) - RMSsize]
        trc = [int(pixel[0]) + RMSsize, int(pixel[1]) + RMSsize]
        if blc[0] < 0:
            blc[0] = 0
            trc[0] = min(2 * size, nx - 1)
        if blc[1] < 0:
            blc[1] = 0
            trc[1] = min(2 * size, ny - 1)
        if trc[0] > nx - 1:
            d = trc[0] - nx
            blc[0] = max(1, blc[0] - d)
            trc[0] = nx - 1
        if trc[1] > ny - 1:
            d = trc[1] - ny
            blc[1] = max(1, blc[1] - d)
            trc[1] = ny - 1
        # RMSes
        box = FArray.PSubArr(pixQ, blc, trc, err)
        rmsQ = box.RMS
        del box
        box = FArray.PSubArr(pixU, blc, trc, err)
        rmsU = box.RMS
        del box
        row['POL RMS'][0] = 0.5 * (rmsQ + rmsU)
        VLtab.WriteRow(irow, row, err)
        if err.isErr:
            OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error Writing table")
    # end loop over table
    del pixQ, pixU, fiQ, fiU
예제 #2
def PImageAdd (in1Image, in2Image, outImage, err, \
               chkPos=False, factor1=1.0, factor2=1.0):
    Adds Pixels in in2Image from in1Image and write to outImage
    Adds scaled pixel values, writes history

    * in1Image = input Obit Python Image 1
    * in2Image = input Obit Python Image 2
    * outImage = output Obit Python Image, must be defined but not instantiated
    * err      = Python Obit Error/message stack
    * chkPos   = If true also check the coordinates on each axis
      Check is if pixels are within 0.01 of a pixel
    * factor1  = Scaling factor for in1Image
    * factor2  = Scaling factor for in2Image
    # Checks
    if not Image.PIsA(in1Image):
        raise TypeError("in1Image MUST be a Python Obit Image")
    if not Image.PIsA(in2Image):
        raise TypeError("in2Image MUST be a Python Obit Image")
    if not Image.PIsA(outImage):
        raise TypeError("outImage MUST be a Python Obit Image")
    if not err.IsA():
        raise TypeError("err MUST be an OErr")
    # Clone output from input 1
    in1Image.Clone(outImage, err)
    # Open images
    Image.POpen(in1Image, Image.READONLY, err)
    Image.POpen(in2Image, Image.READONLY, err)
    Image.POpen(outImage, Image.WRITEONLY, err)
    #  Get input descriptor to see how many planes
    in1Desc = in1Image.Desc
    in2Desc = in2Image.Desc
    # Check compatibility
    ImageDesc.PCheckCompat(in1Desc, in2Desc, chkPos=chkPos)
    inDescDict = in1Desc.Dict
    ndim = inDescDict["naxis"]
    inNaxis = inDescDict["inaxes"]
    # Work buffer
    inImageArray = Image.PGetFArray(in1Image)
    ImageBuffer1 = FArray.PCopy(inImageArray, err)
    ImageBuffer2 = FArray.PCopy(inImageArray, err)

    # list of planes to loop over (0-rel)
    if (ndim > 0) and (inNaxis[2] > 0):
        planes = list(range(inNaxis[2]))
        planes = [0]

    # Loop over planes
    for iPlane in planes:
        doPlane = [iPlane + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        # Get image planes
        Image.PGetPlane(in1Image, ImageBuffer1, doPlane, err)
        Image.PGetPlane(in2Image, ImageBuffer2, doPlane, err)

        # Scale
        FArray.PSMul(ImageBuffer1, factor1)
        FArray.PSMul(ImageBuffer2, factor2)

        # Add
        FArray.PAdd(ImageBuffer1, ImageBuffer2, ImageBuffer2)

        # Write output
        Image.PPutPlane(outImage, ImageBuffer2, doPlane, err)

        # end loop over planes
    # Close
    # Error?
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error subtracting Images")
    # Write history
    in1History = History.History("history", in1Image.List, err)
    in2History = History.History("history", in2Image.List, err)
    outHistory = History.History("history", outImage.List, err)
    # Copy Histories
    outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
    outHistory.TimeStamp(" Start Obit PImageAdd", err)
    outHistory.WriteRec(-1, "/ PImageAdd Input 1 History", err)
    info = in1Image.List.Dict
    # FITS? - copy header
    if ("FileType" in info) and (info["FileType"][2][0] == 0):
        History.PCopyHeader(in1History, outHistory, err)
    #Not needed History.PCopy(in1History, outHistory, err)
    outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
    outHistory.WriteRec(-1, "/      ", err)
    outHistory.WriteRec(-1, "/ ******   PImageAdd Input 2 History", err)
    info = in2Image.List.Dict
    # FITS? - copy header
    if ("FileType" in info) and (info["FileType"][2][0] == 0):
        History.PCopyHeader(in2History, outHistory, err)
    History.PCopy(in2History, outHistory, err)
    # Add this programs history
    outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
    outHistory.TimeStamp(" Start Obit PImageAdd", err)
                        OSystem.PGetPgmName() + " factor1 = " + str(factor1),
                        OSystem.PGetPgmName() + " factor2 = " + str(factor2),