예제 #1
    def Update(self):
        Update cycle class with selected HX type
        Update cycle class with Abstract State
        if self.EvapSolver == 'Moving-Boundary':
            if self.EvapType == 'Fin-tube':
                self.Evaporator = EvaporatorClass()
                self.Evaporator.Fins = FinInputs()
            elif self.EvapType == 'Micro-channel':
        elif self.EvapSolver == 'Finite-Element':

        if self.CondSolver == 'Moving-Boundary':
            if self.CondType == 'Fin-tube':
                self.Condenser = CondenserClass()
                self.Condenser.Fins = FinInputs()
            elif self.CondType == 'Micro-channel':
                self.Condenser = MicroCondenserClass()
                self.Condenser.Fins = MicroFinInputs()
        elif self.CondSolver == 'Finite-Element':
        #Abstract State
        self.AS = CP.AbstractState(self.Backend, self.Ref)
예제 #2
파일: PHECycle.py 프로젝트: yuson95/ACHP
    def Update(self):
        Update cycle class with selected HX type
        Update cyle class with Abstract State
        if self.EvapSolver == 'Moving-Boundary':
            if self.EvapType == 'Fin-tube':
                self.Evaporator = EvaporatorClass()
                self.Evaporator.Fins = FinInputs()
            elif self.EvapType == 'Micro-channel':
                self.Evaporator = MicroChannelEvaporatorClass()
                self.Evaporator.Fins = MicroFinInputs()
        elif self.EvapSolver == 'Finite-Element':
            self.Evaporator = DiscretizeEvaporatorClass()

        if self.CondSolver == 'Moving-Boundary':
            if self.CondType == 'Fin-tube':
                self.Condenser = CondenserClass()
                self.Condenser.Fins = FinInputs()
            elif self.CondType == 'Micro-channel':
                self.Condenser = MicroCondenserClass()
                self.Condenser.Fins = MicroFinInputs()
        elif self.CondSolver == 'Finite-Element':
            self.Condenser = DiscretizeCondenserClass()

        #Abstract State
        self.AS = CP.AbstractState(self.Backend, self.Ref)
        if hasattr(self, 'MassFrac'):
        elif hasattr(self, 'VoluFrac'):
        #Abstract State for SecLoopFluid
        self.AS_SLF = CP.AbstractState(self.Backend_SLF, self.SecLoopFluid)
        if hasattr(self, 'MassFrac_SLF'):
        elif hasattr(self, 'VoluFrac_SLF'):
예제 #3
def SampleMicroChannelGasCooler():
    Fins = MicroFinInputs()
    Fins.Tubes.NTubes = 61.354  #Number of tubes (per bank for now!)
    Fins.Tubes.Nbank = 1  #Number of banks (set to 1 for now!)
    Fins.Tubes.Npass = 3  #Number of passes (per bank-averaged)
    Fins.Tubes.Nports = 1  #Number of rectangular ports
    Fins.Tubes.Ltube = 0.30213  #length of a single tube
    Fins.Tubes.Td = 0.0333  #Tube outside width (depth)
    Fins.Tubes.Ht = 0.002  #Tube outside height (major diameter)
    Fins.Tubes.b = 0.00635  #Tube spacing
    Fins.Tubes.tw = 0.0003  #Tube wall thickness
    Fins.Tubes.twp = 0.0003  #Port (channel) wall thickness
    Fins.Tubes.beta = 1  #Port (channel) aspect ratio (=width/height)
    Fins.Tubes.kw = 117  #wall thermal conductivity

    Fins.Fins.FPI = 11.0998  #Fin per inch
    Fins.Fins.Lf = 0.0333  #Fin length
    Fins.Fins.t = 0.000152  #Fin thickness
    Fins.Fins.k_fin = 117  #Fin thermal conductivity

    Fins.Air.Vdot_ha = 0.281  #rated volumetric flowrate (m^3/s)
    Fins.Air.Tmean = 29.4 + 273.15
    Fins.Air.Tdb = 29.4 + 273.15  #Dry Bulb Temperature
    Fins.Air.p = 101325  #Air pressure in Pa
    Fins.Air.RH = 0.5  #Relative Humidity
    Fins.Air.RHmean = 0.5
    Fins.Air.FanPower = 160

    Fins.Louvers.Lalpha = 20  #Louver angle, in degree
    Fins.Louvers.lp = 0.001  #Louver pitch
    Fins.Louvers.Llouv = 0.005737  #Louver cut length

    #Abstract State
    Ref = 'R744'
    Backend = 'HEOS'  #choose between: 'HEOS','TTSE&HEOS','BICUBIC&HEOS','REFPROP','SRK','PR'
    AS = CP.AbstractState(Backend, Ref)

    params = {
        'AS': AS,
        'mdot_r': 0.076,
        'Tin_r': 110.6 + 273.15,
        'psat_r': 11000000,
        'Fins': Fins,
        'FinsType': 'MultiLouveredMicroFins',
        'Verbosity': 0,
        'h_a_tuning': 1,
        'h_r_tuning': 1,
        'DP_tuning': 1,
    GasCool = MicroChannelGasCoolerClass(**params)
    return GasCool
예제 #4
def SampleMicroCondenser(AS, T=95):
    Fins = MicroFinInputs()
    Fins.Tubes.NTubes = 61.354  #Number of tubes (per bank for now!)
    Fins.Tubes.Nbank = 1  #Number of banks (set to 1 for now!)
    Fins.Tubes.Npass = 3  #Number of passes (per bank-averaged)
    Fins.Tubes.Nports = 1  #Number of rectangular ports
    Fins.Tubes.Ltube = 0.30213  #length of a single tube
    Fins.Tubes.Td = 0.0333  #Tube outside width (depth)
    Fins.Tubes.Ht = 0.002  #Tube outside height (major diameter)
    Fins.Tubes.b = 0.00635  #Tube spacing
    Fins.Tubes.tw = 0.0003  #Tube wall thickness
    Fins.Tubes.twp = 0.0003  #Port (channel) wall thickness
    Fins.Tubes.beta = 1  #Port (channel) aspect ratio (=width/height)
    Fins.Tubes.kw = 117  #wall thermal conductivity

    Fins.Fins.FPI = 11.0998  #Fin per inch
    Fins.Fins.Lf = 0.0333  #Fin length
    Fins.Fins.t = 0.000152  #Fin thickness
    Fins.Fins.k_fin = 117  #Fin thermal conductivity

    Fins.Air.Vdot_ha = 1.05  #Air volume flow rate in m^3/s
    Fins.Air.Tmean = 298
    Fins.Air.Tdb = 298  #Air inlet temperature, K
    Fins.Air.p = 100000  #Air pressure in Pa
    Fins.Air.RHmean = 0.5
    Fins.Air.RH = 0.5  #Air inlet relative humidity
    Fins.Air.FanPower = 854.9  #Fan power, Watts

    Fins.Louvers.Lalpha = 20  #Louver angle, in degree
    Fins.Louvers.lp = 0.001  #Louver pitch
    Fins.Louvers.Llouv = 0.005737  #Louver cut length

    params = {
        'AS': AS,
        'mdot_r': 0.0683,
        'Tin_r': T + 273.15,
        'psat_r': 3500000,
        'Fins': Fins,
        'FinsType': 'MultiLouveredMicroFins',
        'Verbosity': 0,
        'h_a_tuning': 1,
        'h_tp_tuning': 1,
        'DP_tuning': 1
    MicroCond = MicroCondenserClass(**params)
    return MicroCond
예제 #5
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import CoolProp as CP
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI
from ACHP.MicroChannelCondenser import MicroCondenserClass
from ACHP.MicroFinCorrelations import MicroFinInputs
from ACHP.convert_units import in2m, mm2m, cfm2cms, F2K, kPa2Pa, C2K

Fins = MicroFinInputs()
Fins.Tubes.NTubes = 30  #Number of tubes (per bank for now!)
Fins.Tubes.Nbank = 2  #Number of banks (set to 1 for now!)
Fins.Tubes.Npass = 2  #Number of passes (per bank) #averaged if not even
Fins.Tubes.Nports = 11  #Number of rectangular ports
Fins.Tubes.Ltube = in2m(18.24)  #length of a single tube
Fins.Tubes.Td = in2m(1)  #Tube outside width (depth)
Fins.Tubes.Ht = in2m(0.072)  #Tube outside height (major diameter)
Fins.Tubes.b = in2m(0.488)  #Tube spacing
Fins.Tubes.tw = in2m(0.015)  #Tube wall thickness
Fins.Tubes.twp = in2m(0.016)  #Port (channel) wall thickness
Fins.Tubes.beta = 1.7675  #Port (channel) aspect ratio (=width/height)
Fins.Tubes.kw = 237  #Wall thermal conductivity

Fins.Fins.FPI = 13  #Fin per inch
Fins.Fins.Lf = in2m(1)  #Fin length = tube outside width in this HX
Fins.Fins.t = in2m(0.0045)  ##measured## #Fin thickness
Fins.Fins.k_fin = 117  #Fin thermal conductivity for pure Aluminum

Fins.Air.Vdot_ha = cfm2cms(1500)  #Air volume flow rate in m^3/s
Fins.Air.Tdb = F2K(125)  #Air inlet temperature, K
Fins.Air.p = 101325  #Air inlet pressure in Pa
Fins.Air.RH = 0.199  #Air inlet relative humidity
Fins.Air.FanPower = 855  #Fan power, Watts
예제 #6
if __name__=='__main__':
    #Example usage for a parametric study
    from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI
    import pylab
    num_points= 101
    T_dews= np.linspace(265,292,num_points)
    TT= np.empty(num_points)
    Q_2p= np.empty(num_points)
    w_2p= np.empty(num_points)
    w_sh= np.empty(num_points)
    Q_tot= np.empty(num_points)
    h_2p= np.empty(num_points)
    h_sh= np.empty(num_points)

    FinsTubes.Tubes.NTubes=61.354           #Number of tubes (per bank for now!)
    FinsTubes.Tubes.Nbank=1                 #Number of banks (set to 1 for now!)
    FinsTubes.Tubes.Npass=3                 #Number of passes (per bank-averaged)
    FinsTubes.Tubes.Nports=1                #Number of rectangular ports
    FinsTubes.Tubes.Ltube=0.30213           #length of a single tube
    FinsTubes.Tubes.Td=0.0333               #Tube outside width (depth)
    FinsTubes.Tubes.Ht= 0.002               #Tube outside height (major diameter)
    FinsTubes.Tubes.b=0.00635               #Tube spacing     
    FinsTubes.Tubes.tw=0.0003               #Tube wall thickness     
    FinsTubes.Tubes.twp=0.0003              #Port (channel) wall thickness     
    FinsTubes.Tubes.beta=1                  #Port (channel) aspect ratio (=width/height)
    FinsTubes.Tubes.kw=117                  #wall thermal conductivity
    FinsTubes.Fins.FPI=11.0998              #Fin per inch