class SevenSegment:
  disp = None
  # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
  digits = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, \
             0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71 ]

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
    "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    if (value > 0xF):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 7))

  def setColon(self, state=True):
    "Enables or disables the colon character"
    # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
    # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
    # if another display type is used
    if (state):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0xFFFF)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)

  def clear(self , position = 99 , update=True):
    'Clears display'
    if position == 99: self.disp.clear(update)
    else: self.disp.setBufferRow(position , 0)

  def getBuffer(self):
    'Returns copy of display buffer'
    return self.disp.getBuffer()
  def setNumber(value):
    if value < 0: self.setColon(True)
    else: self.setColon(False)
    self.writeDigit(0 , (abs(value) / 1000)%10)
    self.writeDigit(1 , (abs(value) / 100)%10)
    self.writeDigit(3 , (abs(value) / 10)%10)
    self.writeDigit(4 , abs(value) % 10)

  def setLetter(value):
    if not 9 < value < 16: return
    self.writeDigit(4 , value)
예제 #2
class Display:
    disp = None

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        if (debug):
            print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    def writeChar(self, charNumber, value):
        global DIGIT_VALUES
        self.setBufferRow(charNumber, DIGIT_VALUES[value])

    def setBufferRow(self, charNumber, value):
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)
예제 #3
class Display:
  disp = None
  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def writeChar(self, charNumber, value):
    global DIGIT_VALUES
    self.setBufferRow(charNumber, DIGIT_VALUES[value])

  def setBufferRow(self, charNumber, value):
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)
예제 #4
class SevenSegment:
    disp = None

    # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
    digits = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, \
               0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71 ]

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        if (debug):
            print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
        "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
        if (charNumber > 7):
        # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

    def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
        "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
        if (charNumber > 7):
        if (value > 0xF):
        # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 7))

    def setColon(self, state=True):
        "Enables or disables the colon character"
        # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
        # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
        # if another display type is used
        if (state):
            self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0xFFFF)
            self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)

    # Enabling/disabling small dots
    def writeDot(self, charNumber, dot):
        if charNumber > 4:

        current = self.disp.getBufferRow(charNumber)
        #if dot:
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, current | (dot << 7))
class SevenSegment:
  disp = None
  # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
  digits = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, \
             0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71 ]

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
    "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    if (value > 0xF):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 7))

  def setColon(self, state=True):
    "Enables or disables the colon character"
    # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
    # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
    # if another display type is used
    if (state):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0xFFFF)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)

  # Enabling/disabling small dots
  def writeDot(self, charNumber, dot):
	  if charNumber > 4:

	  current = self.disp.getBufferRow(charNumber)
	  #if dot:
	  self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, current | (dot << 7))
예제 #6
class SevenSegment:
  disp = None
  # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
  digits = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, \
             0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71 ]

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x72, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)
    # self.disp.setBrightness(1)

  def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
    "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    if (value > 0xF):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 7))

  def setColon(self, state=True):
    "Enables or disables the colon character"
    # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
    # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
    # if another display type is used
    if (state):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0xFFFF)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)

  def setBrightness(self, brightness=15):
    # print "setBrightness called", brightness
    "Sets the display brightness"
    if (self.is_number(brightness) and brightness >= 0 and brightness <= 15):
        # print "Setting brightness to", brightness
  def clear(self, update=True):

  def is_number(self, s):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False
class SevenSegment:
  disp = None
  invert = False

  # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
  digits = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, \
             0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71 ]

  # The same, but upside-down
  idigits = [ 0x3F, 0x30, 0x5B, 0x79, 0x74, 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x38, 0x7F, 0x7D, \
              0x7E, 0x67, 0x0F, 0x73, 0x4F, 0x4E ]

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
    "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    if (value > 0xF):

    # Decide which digit set to use: check self.invert
    d = self.idigits[value] if self.invert else self.digits[value]

    # If inverted, also reverse the character positions
    c = (4-charNumber) if self.invert else charNumber

    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(c, d | (dot << 7))

  def setColon(self, state=True):
    "Enables or disables the colon character"
    # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
    # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
    # if another display type is used
    # This sets all non-digit LEDs.  Change (2,0xFFFF) to (2,2) to just
    # set colon on the 1.2" 7-Segment display.
    if (state):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0xFFFF)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)
예제 #8
class ColorEightByEight(EightByEight):
  disp = None

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def getBufferValue(self, i):
    buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()
    return buffer[i]

  def setPixel(self, x, y, color=1):
    "Sets a single pixel"
    if (x >= 8):
    if (y >= 8):

    x %= 8

    # Set the appropriate pixel
    buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()

    # TODO : Named color constants?
    # ATNN : This code was mostly taken from the arduino code, but with the addition of clearing the other bit when setting red or green.
    #        The arduino code does not do that, and might have the bug where if you draw red or green, then the other color, it actually draws yellow.
    #        The bug doesn't show up in the examples because it's always clearing.

    if (color == 1):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, (buffer[y] | (1 << x)) & ~(1 << (x+8)) )
    elif (color == 2):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, (buffer[y] | 1 << (x+8)) & ~(1 << x) )
    elif (color == 3):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] | (1 << (x+8)) | (1 << x) )
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] & ~(1 << x) & ~(1 << (x+8)) )

  def setBrightness(self, brightness):
    "Sets the brightness level from 0..15"

  def setBlinkRate(self, blinkRate):

  def clear(self):
    "Clears the entire display"
예제 #9
class Bargraph:
  disp = None
  LED_OFF = 0
  LED_RED = 1

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    self.debug = debug

    if self.debug:
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def setLed(self, bar, color):
    if bar > 24:
    if color > 3:

    if bar < 12:
      c = bar / 4
      c = (bar - 12) / 4

    a = bar % 4;
    if bar >= 12:
      a += 4;
    if self.debug:
      print "Ano = %d Cath %d" % (a, c)

    bufRow = self.disp.getBufferRow(c) & ~((1 << a) | (1 << (a+8))) # turn off the LED

    if color == self.LED_RED:
      self.disp.setBufferRow(c, bufRow | (1 << a))
    elif color == self.LED_YELLOW:
      self.disp.setBufferRow(c, bufRow | (1 << a) | (1 << (a+8)))
    elif color == self.LED_GREEN:
      self.disp.setBufferRow(c, bufRow | 1 << (a+8))
class EightByEight:
  disp = None

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def writeRowRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a row of pixels using a raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    # Set the appropriate row
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def clearPixel(self, x, y):
    "A wrapper function to clear pixels (purely cosmetic)"
    self.setPixel(x, y, 0)

  def setPixel(self, x, y, color=1):
    "Sets a single pixel"
    if (x >= 8):
    if (y >= 8):
    x += 7   # ATTN: This might be a bug?  On the color matrix, this causes x=0 to draw on the last line instead of the first.
    x %= 8
    # Set the appropriate pixel
    buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()
    if (color):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] | 1 << x)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] & ~(1 << x))

  def clear(self):
    "Clears the entire display"

  def setBrightness(self, brightness):
    "Sets the brightness level from 0..15"
예제 #11
class EightByEight:
    disp = None

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        if (debug):
            print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    def writeRowRaw(self, charNumber, value):
        "Sets a row of pixels using a raw 16-bit value"
        if (charNumber > 7):
        # Set the appropriate row
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

    def clearPixel(self, x, y):
        "A wrapper function to clear pixels (purely cosmetic)"
        self.setPixel(x, y, 0)

    def setPixel(self, x, y, color=1):
        "Sets a single pixel"
        if (x >= 8):
        if (y >= 8):
        x += 7  # ATTN: This might be a bug?  On the color matrix, this causes x=0 to draw on the last line instead of the first.
        x %= 8
        # Set the appropriate pixel
        buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()
        if (color):
            self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] | 1 << x)
            self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] & ~(1 << x))

    def clear(self):
        "Clears the entire display"
class EightByEight:
  disp = None

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def writeRowRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a row of pixels using a raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    # Set the appropriate row
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def clearPixel(self, x, y):
    "A wrapper function to clear pixels (purely cosmetic)"
    self.setPixel(x, y, 0)

  def setPixel(self, x, y, color=1):
    "Sets a single pixel"
    if (x >= 8):
    if (y >= 8):
    x += 7
    x %= 8
    # Set the appropriate pixel
    buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()
    if (color):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] | 1 << x)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] & ~(1 << x))

  def clear(self):
    "Clears the entire display"
예제 #13
class SevenSegment:
    disp = None

    # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
    digits = [
        0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x7C,
        0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        if (debug):
            print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
        "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
        if (charNumber > 7):
            # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

    def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
        "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
        if (charNumber > 7):
        if (value > 0xF):
            # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 7))

    def setColon(self, state=True):
        "Enables or disables the colon character"
        # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
        # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
        # if another display type is used
        if (state):
            self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0xFFFF)
            self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)

    def writeInt(self, value):
        Write The 'Value' to the display
        if value > 9999:
            #Maxed OUT!
            value = 9999
            value = int(value)

        self.writeDigit(0, (value / 1000) % 10)
        self.writeDigit(1, (value / 100) % 10)
        self.writeDigit(3, (value / 10) % 10)
        self.writeDigit(4, value % 10)

    def writeNum(self, value):
        if value > 999:
        elif value > 99:
            self.writeDigit(0, int(value / 100))
            self.writeDigit(1, (value / 10) % 10)
            self.writeDigit(3, value % 10, True)  #Add Decimal
            self.writeDigit(4, (value * 10) % 10)
        elif value > 9:
            self.writeDigit(0, int(value / 10))
            self.writeDigit(1, value % 10, True)
            self.writeDigit(3, (value * 10) % 10)
            self.writeDigit(4, (value * 100 % 10))
            self.writeDigit(0, int(value * 10), True)
            self.writeDigit(1, (value * 100) % 10)
            self.writeDigit(3, (value * 1000) % 10)
            self.writeDigit(4, (value * 10000) % 10)
class SevenSegment:
  disp = None

  # Some 7Segment-Display have several different colons, e.g. the
  # 1,2" display. To seperately control such different colons
  # use the following values where applicable:
  # 0x00 - nothing
  # 0x02 - center colon
  # 0x04 - left colon - upper dot
  # 0x08 - left colon - lower dot
  # 0x10 - decimal point
  # 0xFFFF - everything (default)
  mask_colons = 0xFFFF
  # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
  DIGITS_NORMAL = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, \
                    0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71 ]
  # inverted table from
  # thx to tomgidden@github for this
  DIGITS_INVERTED = [ 0x3F, 0x30, 0x5B, 0x79, 0x74, 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x38, 0x7F, 0x7D, \
                      0x7E, 0x67, 0x0F, 0x73, 0x4F, 0x4E ]
  digits = DIGITS_NORMAL
  display_inverted = False
  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def invertDisplay(self):
    if (self.display_inverted): # we were inverted, so switch back to normal
      self.digits = self.DIGITS_NORMAL
      self.display_inverted = False
    else:                       # we were displaying normally, so switch to inverted
      self.digits = self.DIGITS_INVERTED
      self.display_inverted = True
  def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    if ((self.display_inverted) & (charNumber < 5)):
      "if inverted we need to use reverse character positioning"
      charNumber = 4 - charNumber
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
    "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    if (value > 0xF):
    if ((self.display_inverted) & (charNumber < 5)):
      "if inverted we need to use reverse character positioning"
      charNumber = 4 - charNumber
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 7))

  def setColon(self, state=True):
    "Enables or disables the colon character"
    # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
    # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
    # if another display type is used
    if (state):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, self.mask_colons)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)
예제 #15
sensor = MAX31855(CLK, CS, DO)

# ===========================================================================
# Clock Example
# ===========================================================================

# Loop printing measurements every second.
while True:
  temp = sensor.readTempC()
  internal = sensor.readInternalC()

  #print 'Thermocouple: {0:0.3F}*C'.format(temp, c_to_f(temp))
  #print 'Internal: {0:0.3F}*C'.format(internal, c_to_f(internal))

  if (temp >= 100):
    segment.writeDigit(0, int(temp / 100))
    backpack.setBufferRow(0, 0)

  segment.writeDigit(1, int(temp / 10))
  segment.writeDigit(3, int(temp) % 10)
  segment.writeDigit(4, 0xC)

  # set deg
  segment.writeDigit(2, 0xf)


class FourteenSegment:
  disp = None
  # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
  digits = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0xDB, 0xCF, 0xE6, 0xED, 0xFD, 0x07, 0xFF, 0xEF, \
             0xF7, 0xFC, 0x39, 0xDE, 0x79, 0x71 ]

  chars = [
0x1,    #
0x2,    #
0x4,    #
0x8,    #
0x10,   #
0x20,   #
0x40,   #
0x80,   #
0x100,  #
0x200,  #
0x400,  #
0x800,  #
0x1000, #
0x2000, #
0x4000, #
0x8000, #
0x0,    #
0x0,    #
0x0,    #
0x0,    #
0x0,    #
0x0,    #
0x0,    #
0x0,    #
0x12c9, #
0x15c0, #
0x12f9, #
0xe3,   #
0x530,  #
0x12c8, #
0x3a00, #
0x1700, #
0x0,    # 
0x6,    # !
0x220,  # "
0x12ce, # #
0x12ed, # $
0xc24,  # %
0x235d, # &
0x400,  # '
0x2400, # (
0x900,  # )
0x3fc0, # *
0x12c0, # +
0x800,  # ,
0xc0,   # -
0x0,    # .
0xc00,  # /
0xc3f,  # 0
0x6,    # 1
0xdb,   # 2
0x8f,   # 3
0xe6,   # 4
0x2069, # 5
0xfd,   # 6
0x7,    # 7
0xff,   # 8
0xef,   # 9
0x1200, # :
0xa00,  # ;
0x2400, # <
0xc8,   # =
0x900,  # >
0x1083, # ?
0x2bb,  # @
0xf7,   # A
0x128f, # B
0x39,   # C
0x120f, # D
0xf9,   # E
0x71,   # F
0xbd,   # G
0xf6,   # H
0x1200, # I
0x1e,   # J
0x2470, # K
0x38,   # L
0x536,  # M
0x2136, # N
0x3f,   # O
0xf3,   # P
0x203f, # Q
0x20f3, # R
0xed,   # S
0x1201, # T
0x3e,   # U
0xc30,  # V
0x2836, # W
0x2d00, # X
0x1500, # Y
0xc09,  # Z
0x39,   # [
0x2100, #
0xf,    # ]
0xc03,  # ^
0x8,    # _
0x100,  # `
0x1058, # a
0x2078, # b
0xd8,   # c
0x88e,  # d
0x858,  # e
0x71,   # f
0x48e,  # g
0x1070, # h
0x1000, # i
0xe,    # j
0x3600, # k
0x30,   # l
0x10d4, # m
0x1050, # n
0xdc,   # o
0x170,  # p
0x486,  # q
0x50,   # r
0x2088, # s
0x78,   # t
0x1c,   # u
0x2004, # v
0x2814, # w
0x28c0, # x
0x200c, # y
0x848,  # z
0x949,  # {
0x1200, # |
0x2489, # }
0x520,  # ~
0x3fff  #

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
    "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    if (value > 0xF):
    # Set the appropriate digit
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 14))

  def writeChar(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
    "Writes an ascii character on the screen"
    if (charNumber > 7):
    # Set the appropriate character
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.chars[ord(value)] | (dot << 14))

  def setColon(self, state=True):
    "Enables or disables the colon character"
    # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
    # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
    # if another display type is used
    if (state):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0x4000)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)
class Alphanumeric(object):
    disp = None
    # Hexadecimal character lookup table
    lut = [
        0b0000000000000000, #
        0b0000000000000110, # !
        0b0000001000100000, # "
        0b0001001011001110, # #
        0b0001001011101101, # $
        0b0000110000100100, # %
        0b0010001101011101, # &
        0b0000010000000000, # '
        0b0010010000000000, # (
        0b0000100100000000, # )
        0b0011111111000000, # *
        0b0001001011000000, # +
        0b0000100000000000, # ,
        0b0000000011000000, # -
        0b0000000000000000, # .
        0b0000110000000000, # /
        0b0000110000111111, # 0
        0b0000000000000110, # 1
        0b0000000011011011, # 2
        0b0000000010001111, # 3
        0b0000000011100110, # 4
        0b0010000001101001, # 5
        0b0000000011111101, # 6
        0b0000000000000111, # 7
        0b0000000011111111, # 8
        0b0000000011101111, # 9
        0b0001001000000000, # :
        0b0000101000000000, # ;
        0b0010010000000000, # <
        0b0000000011001000, # =
        0b0000100100000000, # >
        0b0001000010000011, # ?
        0b0000001010111011, # @
        0b0000000011110111, # A
        0b0001001010001111, # B
        0b0000000000111001, # C
        0b0001001000001111, # D
        0b0000000011111001, # E
        0b0000000001110001, # F
        0b0000000010111101, # G
        0b0000000011110110, # H
        0b0001001000000000, # I
        0b0000000000011110, # J
        0b0010010001110000, # K
        0b0000000000111000, # L
        0b0000010100110110, # M
        0b0010000100110110, # N
        0b0000000000111111, # O
        0b0000000011110011, # P
        0b0010000000111111, # Q
        0b0010000011110011, # R
        0b0000000011101101, # S
        0b0001001000000001, # T
        0b0000000000111110, # U
        0b0000110000110000, # V
        0b0010100000110110, # W
        0b0010110100000000, # X
        0b0001010100000000, # Y
        0b0000110000001001, # Z
        0b0000000000111001, # [
        0b0010000100000000, #
        0b0000000000001111, # ]
        0b0000110000000011, # ^
        0b0000000000001000, # _
        0b0000000100000000, # `
        0b0001000001011000, # a
        0b0010000001111000, # b
        0b0000000011011000, # c
        0b0000100010001110, # d
        0b0000100001011000, # e
        0b0000000001110001, # f
        0b0000010010001110, # g
        0b0001000001110000, # h
        0b0001000000000000, # i
        0b0000000000001110, # j
        0b0011011000000000, # k
        0b0000000000110000, # l
        0b0001000011010100, # m
        0b0001000001010000, # n
        0b0000000011011100, # o
        0b0000000101110000, # p
        0b0000010010000110, # q
        0b0000000001010000, # r
        0b0010000010001000, # s
        0b0000000001111000, # t
        0b0000000000011100, # u
        0b0010000000000100, # v
        0b0010100000010100, # w
        0b0010100011000000, # x
        0b0010000000001100, # y
        0b0000100001001000, # z
        0b0000100101001001, # {
        0b0001001000000000, # |
        0b0010010010001001, # }
        0b0000010100100000, # ~
    special = dict(degree= 0b0000000011100011, cone=0b0010100000001000)
    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    def writeCharRaw(self, charNumber, value):
        "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
        if (charNumber > 4):
        # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

    def writeChar(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
        "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
        if (charNumber > 4):
        if value in self.special:
            value = self.special[value]
            value = self.lut[ord(value)]
        # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value | (dot << 14))
예제 #18
class EightByEight:
  disp = None
  rotation = 0

  # Constructor
  def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
    if (debug):
      print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address

    self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

  def getRotation(self):
    return self.rotation

  def setRotation(self, rot):
    if rot >= 0 and rot <= 3:
      self.rotation = rot

  def writeRowRaw(self, charNumber, value):
    "Sets a row of pixels using a raw 16-bit value"
    if (charNumber > 7):

    # Set the appropriate row
    self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

  def clearPixel(self, x, y):
    "A wrapper function to clear pixels (purely cosmetic)"
    self.setPixel(x, y, 0)

  def setPixel(self, x, y, color=1):
    "Sets a single pixel"

    #	Check for invalid coordinates
    if (x < 0) or (x >= 8) or (y < 0) or (y >= 8):

	#	Check rotation, move pixel around if necessary
    if self.rotation == 1:
      x, y = y, x
      x = 8 - x - 1;
    elif self.rotation == 2:
      x = 8 - x - 1
      y = 8 - y - 1
    elif self.rotation == 3:
      x, y = y, x
      y = 8 - y - 1

#    x += 7   # ATTN: This might be a bug?  On the color matrix, this causes x=0 to draw on the last line instead of the first.
    x %= 8

    # This modification fixes the pixel addressing error
    if (x == 0):
      x = 7
    elif (x > 0):
      x = x - 1
    # End of modification for the pixel addressing error

    # Set the appropriate pixel
    buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()

    if (color):
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] | 1 << x)
      self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] & ~(1 << x))

  def clear(self):
    "Clears the entire display"
예제 #19
class SevenSegment:
    disp = None

    # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
    digits = [0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F,
              0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71]

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        if (debug):
            print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
        "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
        if (charNumber > 7):
            # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

    def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
        "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
        if (charNumber > 7):
        if (value > 0xF):
            # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 7))

    def setColon(self, state=True):
        "Enables or disables the colon character"
        # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
        # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
        # if another display type is used
        if (state):
            self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0xFFFF)
            self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)

    def writeInt(self, value):
        Write The 'Value' to the display
        if value > 9999:
            #Maxed OUT!
            value = 9999
            value = int(value)

        self.writeDigit(0, (value / 1000) % 10)
        self.writeDigit(1, (value / 100) % 10)
        self.writeDigit(3, (value / 10) % 10)
        self.writeDigit(4, value % 10)

    def writeNum(self, value):
        if value > 999:
        elif value > 99:
            self.writeDigit(0, int(value / 100))
            self.writeDigit(1, (value / 10) % 10)
            self.writeDigit(3, value % 10, True) #Add Decimal
            self.writeDigit(4, (value * 10) % 10)
        elif value > 9:
            self.writeDigit(0, int(value / 10))
            self.writeDigit(1, value % 10, True)
            self.writeDigit(3, (value * 10) % 10)
            self.writeDigit(4, (value * 100 % 10))
            self.writeDigit(0, int(value * 10), True)
            self.writeDigit(1, (value * 100) % 10)
            self.writeDigit(3, (value * 1000) % 10)
            self.writeDigit(4, (value * 10000) % 10)
예제 #20
class Alphanumeric(object):
    disp = None

    # Hexadecimal character lookup table
    lut = [
        0b0000000000000000,  #
        0b0000000000000110,  # !
        0b0000001000100000,  # "
        0b0001001011001110,  # #
        0b0001001011101101,  # $
        0b0000110000100100,  # %
        0b0010001101011101,  # &
        0b0000010000000000,  # '
        0b0010010000000000,  # (
        0b0000100100000000,  # )
        0b0011111111000000,  # *
        0b0001001011000000,  # +
        0b0000100000000000,  # ,
        0b0000000011000000,  # -
        0b0000000000000000,  # .
        0b0000110000000000,  # /
        0b0000110000111111,  # 0
        0b0000000000000110,  # 1
        0b0000000011011011,  # 2
        0b0000000010001111,  # 3
        0b0000000011100110,  # 4
        0b0010000001101001,  # 5
        0b0000000011111101,  # 6
        0b0000000000000111,  # 7
        0b0000000011111111,  # 8
        0b0000000011101111,  # 9
        0b0001001000000000,  # :
        0b0000101000000000,  # ;
        0b0010010000000000,  # <
        0b0000000011001000,  # =
        0b0000100100000000,  # >
        0b0001000010000011,  # ?
        0b0000001010111011,  # @
        0b0000000011110111,  # A
        0b0001001010001111,  # B
        0b0000000000111001,  # C
        0b0001001000001111,  # D
        0b0000000011111001,  # E
        0b0000000001110001,  # F
        0b0000000010111101,  # G
        0b0000000011110110,  # H
        0b0001001000000000,  # I
        0b0000000000011110,  # J
        0b0010010001110000,  # K
        0b0000000000111000,  # L
        0b0000010100110110,  # M
        0b0010000100110110,  # N
        0b0000000000111111,  # O
        0b0000000011110011,  # P
        0b0010000000111111,  # Q
        0b0010000011110011,  # R
        0b0000000011101101,  # S
        0b0001001000000001,  # T
        0b0000000000111110,  # U
        0b0000110000110000,  # V
        0b0010100000110110,  # W
        0b0010110100000000,  # X
        0b0001010100000000,  # Y
        0b0000110000001001,  # Z
        0b0000000000111001,  # [
        0b0010000100000000,  #
        0b0000000000001111,  # ]
        0b0000110000000011,  # ^
        0b0000000000001000,  # _
        0b0000000100000000,  # `
        0b0001000001011000,  # a
        0b0010000001111000,  # b
        0b0000000011011000,  # c
        0b0000100010001110,  # d
        0b0000100001011000,  # e
        0b0000000001110001,  # f
        0b0000010010001110,  # g
        0b0001000001110000,  # h
        0b0001000000000000,  # i
        0b0000000000001110,  # j
        0b0011011000000000,  # k
        0b0000000000110000,  # l
        0b0001000011010100,  # m
        0b0001000001010000,  # n
        0b0000000011011100,  # o
        0b0000000101110000,  # p
        0b0000010010000110,  # q
        0b0000000001010000,  # r
        0b0010000010001000,  # s
        0b0000000001111000,  # t
        0b0000000000011100,  # u
        0b0010000000000100,  # v
        0b0010100000010100,  # w
        0b0010100011000000,  # x
        0b0010000000001100,  # y
        0b0000100001001000,  # z
        0b0000100101001001,  # {
        0b0001001000000000,  # |
        0b0010010010001001,  # }
        0b0000010100100000,  # ~

    special = dict(degree=0b0000000011100011, cone=0b0010100000001000)

    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    def writeCharRaw(self, charNumber, value):
        "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
        if (charNumber > 4):
        # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

    def writeChar(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
        "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
        if (charNumber > 4):
        if value in self.special:
            value = self.special[value]
            value = self.lut[ord(value)]
        # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value | (dot << 14))
class EightByEight:
    disp = None

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        if debug:
            print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    # ===========================================================================
    #  A single row operations
    # ===========================================================================

    def writeRowRaw(self, charNumber, value):
        "Sets a row of pixels using a raw 16-bit value"
        if charNumber > 7:
            # Set the appropriate row
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.wrapValue(value))

    def writeMatrix(self, mx, color=1):
        "Sets a 8x8 matrix"
        row = 0
        for value in mx:
            if row > 7:
            self.disp.setBufferRow(row, self.wrapValue(value), False)
            row += 1

    def wrapValue(self, value):
        "A function to mock 8x8 LED bug (offset and flip)"
        valueHI = value & 0xFF00
        valueLO = value & 0x00FF
        valueLO = ((valueLO << 1) & 0xFF) | (valueLO >> 7)
        flip = 0x00
        for i in range(8):
            flip = flip | ((2 ** (7 - i)) if (valueLO & 2 ** i) else 0)
        valueLO = flip & 0x00FF
        return valueHI | valueLO

    # ===========================================================================
    #  A single pixel operations
    # ===========================================================================

    def setPixel(self, x, y):
        "Sets a single pixel"
        if (x > 7) | (y > 7):
        # Set the appropriate pixel
        value = 2 ** x
        buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()
        self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] | self.wrapValue(value))

    def clearPixel(self, x, y):
        "Sets a single pixel"
        if (x > 7) | (y > 7):
            # Set the appropriate pixel
        value = ~(2 ** x) & 0xFF
        buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()
        self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] & self.wrapValue(value))

    def switchPixel(self, x, y):
        "Sets a single pixel"
        if (x > 7) | (y > 7):
            # Set the appropriate pixel
        value = 2 ** x
        buffer = self.disp.getBuffer()
        self.disp.setBufferRow(y, buffer[y] ^ self.wrapValue(value))

    # ===========================================================================
    # ===========================================================================

    def clear(self):
        "Clears the entire display"
class SevenSegment:
    disp = None

    # Some 7Segment-Display have several different colons, e.g. the
    # 1,2" display. To seperately control such different colons
    # use the following values where applicable:
    # 0x00 - nothing
    # 0x02 - center colon
    # 0x04 - left colon - upper dot
    # 0x08 - left colon - lower dot
    # 0x10 - decimal point
    # 0xFFFF - everything (default)
    mask_colons = 0xFFFF

    # Hexadecimal character lookup table (row 1 = 0..9, row 2 = A..F)
    DIGITS_NORMAL = [ 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, \
                      0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71 ]
    # inverted table from
    # thx to tomgidden@github for this
    DIGITS_INVERTED = [ 0x3F, 0x30, 0x5B, 0x79, 0x74, 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x38, 0x7F, 0x7D, \
                        0x7E, 0x67, 0x0F, 0x73, 0x4F, 0x4E ]
    digits = DIGITS_NORMAL
    display_inverted = False

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, address=0x70, debug=False):
        if (debug):
            print "Initializing a new instance of LEDBackpack at 0x%02X" % address
        self.disp = LEDBackpack(address=address, debug=debug)

    def invertDisplay(self):
        if (self.display_inverted
            ):  # we were inverted, so switch back to normal
            self.digits = self.DIGITS_NORMAL
            self.display_inverted = False
        else:  # we were displaying normally, so switch to inverted
            self.digits = self.DIGITS_INVERTED
            self.display_inverted = True

    def writeDigitRaw(self, charNumber, value):
        "Sets a digit using the raw 16-bit value"
        if (charNumber > 7):
        if ((self.display_inverted) & (charNumber < 5)):
            "if inverted we need to use reverse character positioning"
            charNumber = 4 - charNumber
        # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, value)

    def writeDigit(self, charNumber, value, dot=False):
        "Sets a single decimal or hexademical value (0..9 and A..F)"
        if (charNumber > 7):
        if (value > 0xF):
        if ((self.display_inverted) & (charNumber < 5)):
            "if inverted we need to use reverse character positioning"
            charNumber = 4 - charNumber
        # Set the appropriate digit
        self.disp.setBufferRow(charNumber, self.digits[value] | (dot << 7))

    def setColon(self, state=True):
        "Enables or disables the colon character"
        # Warning: This function assumes that the colon is character '2',
        # which is the case on 4 char displays, but may need to be modified
        # if another display type is used

        if (state):
            self.disp.setBufferRow(2, self.mask_colons)
            self.disp.setBufferRow(2, 0)