예제 #1
def normalPressure(image, allinfo):
    :param image: ROI image
    :param info: information for this meter
    :return: value
    template = None
    flag = None
    info = None
    if type(allinfo) is list:
        for i in range(len(allinfo)):  # todo 用传入的 多个模板 进行一个个的匹配,有一个匹配到则跳出循环
            info = allinfo[i]

            template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(
                image, info)  # todo flag==0 则是没有匹配到,继续用下一个模板匹配
            if flag == 0:

        template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(image, allinfo)
        info = copy.deepcopy(allinfo)
    if flag == 0:
        print('not find template!!!')

    result = scanPointer(template, info)  # todo 调用 指针 识别函数
    result = int(result * 1000) / 1000
    return [result]
예제 #2
def colorIndicator(ROI, allinfo):
    res = [0]
    template = None
    flag = None
    info = None
    if type(allinfo) is list:

        for i in range(len(allinfo)):
            info = allinfo[i]

            template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(
                ROI, info)  # todo flag==0 则是没有匹配到,继续用下一个模板匹配
            if flag == 0:

        template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(ROI, allinfo)
        info = copy.deepcopy(allinfo)
    if flag == 0:
        print('not find template!!!')
    HSV = cv2.cvtColor(template, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    # color = [np.array([26, 43, 46]), np.array([34, 255, 255])]
    # todo 根据颜色进行识别,结合实际图片
    color = [np.array([11, 43, 46]), np.array([34, 255, 255])]
    Lower = color[0]
    Upper = color[1]
    mask = cv2.inRange(HSV, Lower, Upper)
    upmask = mask[int(0.25 * mask.shape[0]):int(0.5 * mask.shape[0]), :]
    upmask = cv2.bitwise_and(np.ones(upmask.shape, np.uint8), upmask)
    if np.sum(upmask) / upmask.shape[0] * upmask.shape[1] > 0.2:
        res = [1]
    return res
예제 #3
def onoffBattery(image, allinfo):
    :param image:
    :param info:
    template = None
    flag = None
    info = None
    if type(allinfo) is list:

        for i in range(len(allinfo)):
            info = allinfo[i]

            template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info)  #todo  flag==0 则是没有匹配到,继续用下一个模板匹配
            if flag == 0:

        template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(image, allinfo)
        info = copy.deepcopy(allinfo)
    if flag == 0:
        print('not find template!!!')
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(template, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    start = ([info["startPoint"]["x"], info["startPoint"]["y"]])
    end = ([info["endPoint"]["x"], info["endPoint"]["y"]])
    center = ([info["centerPoint"]["x"], info["centerPoint"]["y"]])

    # width = info["rectangle"]["width"]
    # height = info["rectangle"]["height"]

    width = 40
    height = 80

    fourth = (start[0] + end[0] - center[0], start[1] + end[1] - center[1])
    pts1 = np.float32([start, center, end, fourth])
    pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [width, 0], [width, height], [0, height]])
    M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)
    dst = cv2.warpPerspective(gray, M, (width, height))

    # 自适应二值化
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(dst, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    # thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(dst, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 17, 11)

    #todo 比较上下区域的色度和,若上部区域比下部区域小,则说明开关是向上打开
    upRegion = np.mean(thresh[:40])
    downRegion = np.mean(thresh[40:])

    if ifShow:
        imgShow = np.hstack((dst, thresh))
        cv2.imshow("ret", imgShow)
        print(upRegion, downRegion)

    return ["on"] if upRegion < downRegion else ["off"]
예제 #4
def switch(image, allinfo):

    # delete_file.delete_files()
    template = None
    flag = None
    info = None
    if type(allinfo) is list:

        for i in range(len(allinfo)):
            info = allinfo[i]

            template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(
                image, info)  #todo flag==0 则是没有匹配到,继续用下一个模板匹配

            if flag == 0:
        template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(image, allinfo)
        info = copy.deepcopy(allinfo)
    if flag == 0:
        # print('not find template!!!')
    h, w, _ = template.shape
    left = template[:, 0:w // 2].copy()

    # todo   存储数据

    #store_num = len(os.listdir("./store"))

    left = cv2.resize(left, (40, 40))
    left = np.expand_dims(left, 0)  # todo 分为左右两个部分
    right = template[:, w // 2:].copy()

    # # todo   存储数据
    # store_num = len(os.listdir("./store"))
    # cv2.imwrite("./store/right_"+str(store_num)+".jpg",right)

    right = cv2.resize(right, (40, 40))
    right = np.expand_dims(right, 0)
    net = switchNet()  # todo 加载模型
    input = torch.tensor(left, dtype=torch.float32).permute((0, 3, 1, 2))

    out = net(input)
    out = out.detach().numpy()  # 开 是 1    关 是 0
    left_index = np.argmax(out)
    net1 = switchNet()  # todo 加载模型
    input = torch.tensor(right, dtype=torch.float32).permute((0, 3, 1, 2))

    out = net(input)
    out = out.detach().numpy()  # 开 是 1    关 是 0
    right_index = np.argmax(out)
    return [left_index, right_index]
예제 #5
def digitPressure(image, allinfo):

    :param image:   识别的图片
    :param allinfo:   对应的 所有的 json文件
    :return:     返回识别结果
    del_file(CUR_PATH)  # todo 每次调用函数时,需要把上次存的图片删除,才能存储本次要识别的图片
    # delete_file.delete_files()
    template = None
    flag = None
    info = None
    if type(allinfo) is list:  # todo 用传入的 多个模板 进行一个个的匹配,有一个匹配到则跳出循环

        for i in range(len(allinfo)):
            info = allinfo[i]
            # todo template 是根据模板 提取出图片上的区域
            template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(
                image, info)  #todo flag==0 则是没有匹配到,继续用下一个模板匹配

            if flag == 0:

        template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(image, allinfo)
        info = copy.deepcopy(allinfo)
    if flag == 0:
        # print('not find template!!!')

    # todo 这时  要识别的区域和对应的json文件已经准备好,开始进行数字识别
    myRes = rgbRecognize(template, info)

    merge = info["merge"]  # todo 上下两行数字是否进行 合并
    decimal = info["decimal"]  # todo 小数点的位置

    # todo 这个只是对识别结果进行一些格式上的处理
    for i in range(len(myRes)):
        temp = ""
        for j, c in enumerate(myRes[i]):
            if c != "?":
                temp += c
            elif j != 0:
                temp += str(random.randint(0, 9))
        myRes[i] = float(temp) if temp != "" else 0.0
    if merge == 'true':
        a = myRes[0] * 10**decimal[1] + myRes[1]
    return myRes
예제 #6
def springStatus(ROI, info):
    # template = info['template']
    # img = meterFinderByTemplate(ROI, template)
    img = meterFinderBySIFT(ROI, info)
    img = boxRectifier(img, info)
    high, width = img.shape[:2]
    i = 0
    y = 2 * high // 5  # y坐标大约是2/5的高度
    x = 0
    while width - 6 - i > 0:  # 比较相邻像素的三个通道的差值   从右往左比较
        a1, a2 = img[y][width - 5 -
                        i][0].astype(int), img[y][width - 5 - i - 1][0].astype(
                            int)  # 这里的5是为了防止扣取的模板不精确(防止边框抠出来的情况)
        b1, b2 = img[y][width - 5 - i][1].astype(int), img[y][width - 5 - i -
        c1, c2 = img[y][width - 5 - i][2].astype(int), img[y][width - 5 - i -
        if abs(a1 - a2) < 20 and abs(b1 - b2) < 20 and abs(
                c1 - c2) < 20:  # 如果相邻像素值近似,继续循环
            i += 1
        else:  # 不相似,输出当前点的x值
            x = width - 5 - i - 1
    # cv2.circle(img, (x, y), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1)
    # cv2.imshow("ewe", img)
    if x > 2 * width // 3:
        return "on"
        return "off"
예제 #7
def onoffBatteryHardCode(image, info):
    :param image: image
    :param info: information
    meter = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info)
    # print(meter.shape)
    meter = cv2.cvtColor(meter, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    meter = cv2.resize(meter, (200, 200))

    # 截取中心区域
    center = meter[60:120, 85:115]

    # 自适应二值化
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(center, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

    # 比较上下区域的色度和,若上部区域比下部区域小,则说明开关是向上打开
    upRegion = np.sum(meter[:30])
    downRegion = np.sum(meter[30:])

    if ifShow:
        imgShow = np.hstack((center, thresh))
        cv2.imshow("ret", imgShow)
        print(upRegion, downRegion)

    return 1 if upRegion < downRegion else 0
예제 #8
def normalPressure(image, info):
    :param image: ROI image
    :param info: information for this meter
    :return: value
    meter = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info)
    result = scanPointer(meter, info)
    result = int(result * 1000) / 1000
    return [result]
예제 #9
def oilTempreture(image, info):
    :param image: ROI image
    :param info: information for this meter
    :return: value
    start = np.array([info["startPoint"]["x"], info["startPoint"]["y"]])
    end = np.array([info["endPoint"]["x"], info["endPoint"]["y"]])
    center = np.array([info["centerPoint"]["x"], info["centerPoint"]["y"]])

    meter = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info["template"])
    h, w, _ = meter.shape

    fixHeight = 300
    fixWidth = int(meter.shape[1] / meter.shape[0] * fixHeight)
    resizeCoffX = fixWidth / meter.shape[1]
    meter = cv2.resize(meter, (fixWidth, fixHeight))

    start = (start * resizeCoffX).astype(np.int16)
    end = (end * resizeCoffX).astype(np.int16)
    center = (center * resizeCoffX).astype(np.int16)

    meter[int(0.6 * meter.shape[0]):] *= 0

    mask_meter_red = color_detection(meter, red_range)
    point_red = contours_check(mask_meter_red, center)
    degree_red = AngleFactory.calPointerValueByOuterPoint(
        start, end, center, point_red, info["startValue"], info["totalValue"])
    mask_meter_white = color_detection(meter, white_range)
    point_white = contours_check(mask_meter_white, center)
    degree_white = AngleFactory.calPointerValueByOuterPoint(
        start, end, center, point_white, info["startValue"],

    if ifShow:
        print("white degree {:.2f}".format(degree_white))
        print("red degree {:.2f}".format(degree_red))
        cv2.circle(meter, (start[0], start[1]), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)
        cv2.circle(meter, (end[0], end[1]), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)
        cv2.circle(meter, (center[0], center[1]), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)
        cv2.circle(meter, (point_white[0], point_white[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
        cv2.line(meter, (center[0], center[1]),
                 (point_white[0], point_white[1]), (255, 255, 255), 5)
        cv2.line(meter, (center[0], center[1]), (point_red[0], point_red[1]),
                 (0, 0, 255), 5)
        cv2.circle(meter, (point_red[0], point_red[1]), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)
        cv2.imshow("meter", meter)

    return int(degree_red * 100) / 100, int(degree_white * 100) / 100
예제 #10
def colorIndicator(ROI, info):
    res = 0
    image = meterFinderBySIFT(ROI, info)
    HSV = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    # color = [np.array([26, 43, 46]), np.array([34, 255, 255])]
    color = [np.array([11, 43, 46]), np.array([34, 255, 255])]
    Lower = color[0]
    Upper = color[1]
    mask = cv2.inRange(HSV, Lower, Upper)
    upmask = mask[int(0.25 * mask.shape[0]):int(0.5 * mask.shape[0]), :]
    upmask = cv2.bitwise_and(np.ones(upmask.shape, np.uint8), upmask)
    if np.sum(upmask) / upmask.shape[0] * upmask.shape[1] > 0.2:
        res = 1
    return res
예제 #11
def checkFrame(net, image, info):
    :param image:  image
    :param info: info
    :return: 出现次序0.1.2.3
    start = ([info["startPoint"]["x"], info["startPoint"]["y"]])
    end = ([info["endPoint"]["x"], info["endPoint"]["y"]])
    center = ([info["centerPoint"]["x"], info["centerPoint"]["y"]])
    width = info["rectangle"]["width"]
    height = info["rectangle"]["height"]
    widthSplit = info["widthSplit"]
    heightSplit = info["heightSplit"]
    characSplit = info["characSplit"]

    # 计算数字表的矩形外框,并且拉直矫正
    fourth = (start[0] + end[0] - center[0], start[1] + end[1] - center[1])
    pts1 = np.float32([start, center, end, fourth])
    pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [width, 0], [width, height], [0, height]])
    M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)

    template = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info)
    template = cv2.cvtColor(template, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    template = cv2.equalizeHist(template)
    dst = cv2.warpPerspective(template, M, (width, height))

    imgType = dst[characSplit[1][0]:characSplit[1][1],
    imgType = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(imgType, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,
                                    cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 17, 11)
    imgType = cv2.bitwise_not(imgType)

    # orimage = imgType.copy()

    imgType = torch.Tensor(np.array(imgType, dtype=np.float32))
    imgType = torch.unsqueeze(imgType, 0)
    imgType = torch.unsqueeze(imgType, 0)
    type_probe = net.forward(imgType)
    type_probe = type_probe.detach().numpy()
    maxIndex = np.argmax(type_probe)

    # debug
    # cv2.imshow(str(chr(maxIndex+ord('A'))), orimage)
    # type = str(chr(maxIndex+ord('A')))
    # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join("video_result", type+info['name']+'_'+str(type_probe)+'.jpg'), orimage)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)

    return maxIndex
예제 #12
def onoffBattery(image, info):
    :param image:
    :param info:
    meter = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(meter, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    start = ([info["startPoint"]["x"], info["startPoint"]["y"]])
    end = ([info["endPoint"]["x"], info["endPoint"]["y"]])
    center = ([info["centerPoint"]["x"], info["centerPoint"]["y"]])

    # width = info["rectangle"]["width"]
    # height = info["rectangle"]["height"]

    width = 40
    height = 80

    fourth = (start[0] + end[0] - center[0], start[1] + end[1] - center[1])
    pts1 = np.float32([start, center, end, fourth])
    pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [width, 0], [width, height], [0, height]])
    M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)
    dst = cv2.warpPerspective(gray, M, (width, height))

    # 自适应二值化
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(dst, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    # thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(dst, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 17, 11)

    # 比较上下区域的色度和,若上部区域比下部区域小,则说明开关是向上打开
    upRegion = np.mean(thresh[:40])
    downRegion = np.mean(thresh[40:])

    if ifShow:
        imgShow = np.hstack((dst, thresh))
        cv2.imshow("ret", imgShow)
        print(upRegion, downRegion)

    return "on" if upRegion < downRegion else "off"
예제 #13
def digitPressure(image, info):
    template = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info)

    # 存储图片
    if not os.path.exists("storeDigitData"):

    except IOError:

    for i in range(11):
            os.mkdir("storeDigitData/thresh/" + str(i))
            os.mkdir("storeDigitData/rgb/" + str(i))
        except IOError:

    if 'rgb' in info and info['rgb']:  # rgb as input
        myRes = rgbRecognize(template, info)
        myRes = bitRecognize(template, info)

    if info["digitType"] == "KWH":
        myRes[0] = myRes[0][:4] + myRes.pop(1)

    # 去除头部的非数字字符,同时将非头部的字符转为数字
    for i in range(len(myRes)):
        temp = ""
        for j, c in enumerate(myRes[i]):
            if c != "?":
                temp += c
            elif j != 0:
                temp += str(random.randint(0, 9))
        myRes[i] = float(temp) if temp != "" else 0.0

    return myRes
예제 #14
def contactStatus(image, info):
    :param image:whole image
    :param info:开关配置
    :return: True代表O,False代表1
    template = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info)
    template = cv2.GaussianBlur(template, (3, 3), 0)

    # 获取检测区域
    dst = boxRectifier(template, info)

    debug = False
    if debug:
        cv2.imshow("image", image)
        cv2.imshow("template", info['template'])

    # 获取图像灰度矩阵
    image = getMatrix(dst)
    # 边缘检测
    image = cv2.Canny(image, 10, 200)

    return hasCircle(image)
예제 #15
def videoDigit(video, allinfo):
    :param video: VideoCapture Input
    :param info: info
    net = characterNet(is_rgb=True)  # todo 创建并加载 模型
        torch.load("Algorithm/OCR/character/rbg2.pkl", map_location='cpu'))

    pictures = getPictures(video)  # todo 获得视频的帧,有少量重复帧

    def emptyLsit():
        return []

    imagesDict = defaultdict(emptyLsit)
    imagesDict2 = {
        'A': -1,
        'B': -1,
        'C': -1
    }  # todo 防止没有识别出 ABC 三种帧  根据视频观察出 每隔120帧会变换利用这个特点进行第二种方法的编写
    box = None
    newinfo = None
    newchange = None
    saveframe = []

    for i, frame in enumerate(pictures):
        # res = digitPressure(frame, copy.deepcopy(info))
        for j in range(len(allinfo)):

            eachinfo = copy.deepcopy(allinfo[j])
            template, flag = meterFinderBySIFT(
                frame, eachinfo)  # todo flag==0 则是没有匹配到,继续用下一个模板匹配
            if flag == 0:
        if flag == 0:
            # print("not find template!!!")
        info = copy.deepcopy(eachinfo)
        index, charimg = checkFrame(i, net, template,
                                    eachinfo)  # todo 识别当前的帧到底是属于哪一个类别

        if index < 3:
            res = rgbRecognize(template,
                               eachinfo)  # todo 得出 数字的识别结果,存到对应的key值下
            imagesDict[chr(index + ord('A'))] += [res]
            if len(imagesDict['A']) != 0 and imagesDict2['B'] == -1:
                imagesDict2['B'] = (i + 3) % len(pictures)
            if len(imagesDict['B']) != 0 and imagesDict2['C'] == -1:
                imagesDict2['C'] = (i + 3) % len(pictures)
            if len(imagesDict['C']) != 0 and imagesDict2['A'] == -1:
                imagesDict2['A'] = (i + 6) % len(pictures)
    for key, val in imagesDict.items():
        if len(val) == 0:
            res = digitPressure(pictures[imagesDict2[key]], allinfo)
            imagesDict[key] += [res]

    imagesDict = getResult(imagesDict)  #todo  对 结果做一些处理

    return imagesDict
예제 #16
def readyStatus(img, info):
    template = info['template']
    # match_res =meterFinderByTemplate(img, info['template'])
    match_res = meterFinderBySIFT(img, info)
    image = boxRectifier(match_res, info)
    # cv2.imshow('Image', image)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)
    # if image is dark enough, do gamma correction for enhancing dark details
    if isDark(image):
        max = np.max(image)
        image = np.power(image / float(max), 1 / 3) * max
        image = image.astype(np.uint8)
        # cv2.imshow('Gamma', image)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
    t_shape = template.shape[:2]
    # image = meterFinderBySIFT(img, info)
    orig = image.copy()
    # minimum probability required to inspect a region
    min_confidence = 0.5
    # load the input image and grab the image dimensions
    (H, W) = image.shape[:2]
    # path to input EAST text detector
    current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.path.sep
    model_path = os.path.abspath(current_path + "/frozen_east_text_detection.pb")
    # set the new width and height and then determine the ratio in change
    # for both the width and height
    # image width should be multiple of 32, so do height
    newW = (t_shape[0]) // 32 * 32
    newH = (t_shape[1]) // 32 * 32
    rW = W / float(newW)
    rH = H / float(newH)
    # resize the image and grab the new image dimensions
    image = cv2.resize(image, (newW, newH))
    (H, W) = image.shape[:2]
    # define the two output layer names for the EAST detector model that
    # we are interested -- the first is the output probabilities and the
    # second can be used to derive the bounding box coordinates of text
    layerNames = [
    # load the pre-trained EAST text detector
    # print("[INFO] loading EAST text detector...")
    net = cv2.dnn.readNet(model_path)
    # construct a blob from the image and then perform a forward pass of
    # the model to obtain the two output layer sets
    blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1.0, (W, H),
                                 (123.68, 116.78, 103.94), swapRB=True, crop=False)
    start = time.time()
    (scores, geometry) = net.forward(layerNames)
    end = time.time()
    # show timing information on text prediction
    # print("[INFO] text  detection took {:.6f} seconds".format(end - start))
    # grab the number of rows and columns from the scores volume, then
    # initialize our set of bounding box rectangles and corresponding
    # confidence scores
    (numRows, numCols) = scores.shape[2:4]
    rects = []
    confidences = []
    # loop over the number of rows
    for y in range(0, numRows):
        # extract the scores (probabilities), followed by the geometrical
        # data used to derive potential bounding box coordinates that
        # surround text
        scoresData = scores[0, 0, y]
        xData0 = geometry[0, 0, y]
        xData1 = geometry[0, 1, y]
        xData2 = geometry[0, 2, y]
        xData3 = geometry[0, 3, y]
        anglesData = geometry[0, 4, y]

        # loop over the number of columns
        for x in range(0, numCols):
            # if our score does not have sufficient probability, ignore it
            if scoresData[x] < min_confidence:

            # compute the offset factor as our resulting feature maps will
            # be 4x smaller than the input image
            (offsetX, offsetY) = (x * 4.0, y * 4.0)

            # extract the rotation angle for the prediction and then
            # compute the sin and cosine
            angle = anglesData[x]
            cos = np.cos(angle)
            sin = np.sin(angle)

            # use the geometry volume to derive the width and height of
            # the bounding box
            h = xData0[x] + xData2[x]
            w = xData1[x] + xData3[x]

            # compute both the starting and ending (x, y)-coordinates for
            # the text prediction bounding box
            endX = int(offsetX + (cos * xData1[x]) + (sin * xData2[x]))
            endY = int(offsetY - (sin * xData1[x]) + (cos * xData2[x]))
            startX = int(endX - w)
            startY = int(endY - h)

            # add the bounding box coordinates and probability score to
            # our respective lists
            rects.append((startX, startY, endX, endY))
    if len(rects) > 0:
        return "on"
        return "off"
예제 #17
def digitPressure(image, info):
    template = meterFinderBySIFT(image, info)
    template = cv2.GaussianBlur(template, (3, 3), 0)

    # 读取标定信息
    widthSplit = info["widthSplit"]
    heightSplit = info["heightSplit"]

    # 由标定点得到液晶区域
    dst = boxRectifier(template, info)

    # 灰度图
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(dst, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # 针对不同的数字表类型进行不同的增强
    if info["digitType"] != "TTC":
        Blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0)
        Hist = cv2.equalizeHist(Blur)
        thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(Hist, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,
                                       cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 15, 11)
        thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,
                                       cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 55, 11)

    # 存储图片
    if not os.path.exists("storeDigitData"):
    if not os.path.exists("storeDigitData/digits"):
    imgNum = int((len(os.listdir("storeDigitData/")) - 1) / 3)
    cv2.imwrite("storeDigitData/" + str(imgNum) + "_dst.bmp", dst)
    cv2.imwrite("storeDigitData/" + str(imgNum) + "_gray.bmp", gray)
    cv2.imwrite("storeDigitData/" + str(imgNum) + "_thresh.bmp", thresh)

    # 网络初始化
    MyNet = newNet()
    myRes = []

    for i in range(len(heightSplit)):
        split = widthSplit[i]
        myNum = ""
        for j in range(len(split) - 1):
            if "decimal" in info.keys() and j == info["decimal"][i]:
                myNum += "."
            # 得到分割的图片区域
            img = thresh[heightSplit[i][0]:heightSplit[i][1],
                         split[j]:split[j + 1]]

            # 增强
            kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, 2))
            img = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)

            num = MyNet.recognizeNet(img)
            myNum = myNum + num

            # 存储图片
                    imgNum, i, j, num), img)


    if info["digitType"] == "KWH":
        myRes[0] = myRes[0][:4] + myRes.pop(1)

    # 去除头部的非数字字符,同时将非头部的字符转为数字
    for i in range(len(myRes)):
        temp = ""
        for j, c in enumerate(myRes[i]):
            if c != "?":
                temp += c
            elif j != 0:
                temp += str(random.randint(0, 9))
        myRes[i] = float(temp)

    if ifShow:
        cv2.imshow("rec", dst)
        cv2.imshow("image", image)

    return myRes