예제 #1
    TrkDetFlags.MaterialDatabaseLocalName = 'AtlasLayerMaterial-' + DetDescrVersion + '.db'
    # TrkDetFlags.MaterialDatabaseLocalPath    = ''
    # TrkDetFlags.MaterialDatabaseLocalName    = 'SLHC_LayerMaterial-'+SLHC_Flags.SLHC_Version()+'.db'
TrkDetFlags.MagneticFieldCallbackEnforced = False
# TrkDetFlags.LArUseMaterialEffectsOnTrackProvider  = False
# TrkDetFlags.TileUseMaterialEffectsOnTrackProvider = False

import MagFieldServices.SetupField

# --- do tracking D3PD
if hasattr(runArgs, "outputDESDM_TRACKFile"):

# --- Set output names such that they work with Reco_trf.py
if athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput():
    InDetKeys.OutputESDFileName = athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput()
if athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODOutput():
    InDetKeys.OutputAODFileName = athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODOutput()
# load master joboptions file


# Event related parameters and input files

# Number of events to be processed
theApp.EvtMax = athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax()
예제 #2
#if len(rec.DPDMakerScripts()) > 0 and len(DRAWOutputs) == 0:
if len(rec.DPDMakerScripts()) > 0:
    rec.doDPD = True
include( "RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py" )

if hasattr(runArgs,"inputRDO_TRIGFile") and rec.doFileMetaData():
    ToolSvc += CfgMgr.xAODMaker__TriggerMenuMetaDataTool( "TriggerMenuMetaDataTool",
                              OutputLevel = 3 )
    svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataTools += [ ToolSvc.TriggerMenuMetaDataTool ]

# Use LZIB for compression of temporary outputs of AthenaMP
if hasattr(runArgs, "outputESDFile") and '_000' in runArgs.outputESDFile:
    ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" +  athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput()+ "'; COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = '1'" ]
    ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" +  athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput()+ "'; COMPRESSION_LEVEL = '1'" ]

if hasattr(runArgs, "outputAODFile") and '_000' in runArgs.outputAODFile:
    ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" +  athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODOutput()+ "'; COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = '1'" ]
    ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" +  athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODOutput()+ "'; COMPRESSION_LEVEL = '1'" ]

## Post-include
if hasattr(runArgs,"postInclude"): 
    for fragment in runArgs.postInclude:

## Post-exec
if hasattr(runArgs,"postExec"):
    recoLog.info("transform post-exec")
    for cmd in runArgs.postExec:
예제 #3
# Central topOptions (this is one is a string not a list)
if hasattr(runArgs, "topOptions"): include(runArgs.topOptions)
else: include("RecExCommon/RecExCommon_topOptions.py")

if hasattr(runArgs, "inputRDO_TRIGFile") and rec.doFileMetaData():
    ToolSvc += CfgMgr.xAODMaker__TriggerMenuMetaDataTool(
        "TriggerMenuMetaDataTool", OutputLevel=3)
    svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataTools += [ToolSvc.TriggerMenuMetaDataTool]

# Use LZIB for compression of temporary outputs of AthenaMP
if hasattr(runArgs, "outputESDFile") and '_000' in runArgs.outputESDFile:
    ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
        "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput() +
        "'; COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = '1'"
    ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
        "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput() +
        "'; COMPRESSION_LEVEL = '1'"

## Post-include
if hasattr(runArgs, "postInclude"):
    for fragment in runArgs.postInclude:

## Post-exec
if hasattr(runArgs, "postExec"):
    recoLog.info("transform post-exec")
# Perfmon

from PerfMonComps.PerfMonFlags import jobproperties
jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doMonitoring = True
from PerfMonComps.JobOptCfg import PerfMonSvc
svcMgr += PerfMonSvc()
jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doDetailedMonitoring = True

# Event related parameters
# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
theApp.EvtMax = 10
theApp.EvtSel = "EventSelector"

#Create output StreamESD
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
StreamESD = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamESD",
                                   athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput(), True)
StreamESD.ForceRead = True
# Put MetaData in ESD stream via StreamESD_FH.
StreamESD.MetadataItemList += ["LumiBlockCollection#*"]

StreamESD.ItemList += fullItemList

#David, instruction to get all the info in the DetectorStore
ServiceMgr.DetectorStore.Dump = True
예제 #5
# Output file options
# rather use default athenapool value
if rec.doPersistencyOptimization() and hasattr(svcMgr, 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc'):

    svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "TREE_BRANCH_OFFSETTAB_LEN ='100'" ]
    if rec.doWriteRDO():
        from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags  import athenaCommonFlags
        ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput() + "'; COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = '2'" ]
        ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput() + "'; COMPRESSION_LEVEL = '1'" ]
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput() + "'; ContainerName = 'TTree=CollectionTree'; TREE_AUTO_FLUSH = '1'" ]

    if rec.doWriteESD():
        from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags  import athenaCommonFlags
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput() + "'; COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = '2'" ]
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput() + "'; COMPRESSION_LEVEL = '1'" ]
        # Optimize Basket Sizes to store data for 10 entries/events
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput() + "'; ContainerName = 'TTree=CollectionTree'; TREE_AUTO_FLUSH = '10'" ]

    if rec.doWriteAOD():
        from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags  import athenaCommonFlags
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODOutput() + "'; COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = '2'" ]
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODOutput() + "'; COMPRESSION_LEVEL = '1'" ]
        # Optimize Basket Sizes to store data for 100 entries/events
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [ "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODOutput() + "'; ContainerName = 'TTree=CollectionTree'; TREE_AUTO_FLUSH = '100'"]

        # Base the xAOD branch names just on the SG keys:
        StreamAOD.WritingTool.SubLevelBranchName = "<key>"
