예제 #1
class getStatMod(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that statMod returns the correct values for all stats """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
        self.status = Burn()

    def checkStatMods(self):
        """ Test that stat modifiers are correct for Burn
        .5 for ATK, 1 for the rest """
        for key in self.status.statMods:
            if key == "ATK":
                assert self.status.getStatMod(key) == .5, "ATK should be .5"
                assert self.status.getStatMod(
                    key) == 1, "All stats, except ATK, should be 1"
예제 #2
class getStatMod(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that statMod returns the correct values for all stats """

    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
        self.status = Burn()

    def checkStatMods(self):
        """ Test that stat modifiers are correct for Burn
        .5 for ATK, 1 for the rest """
        for key in self.status.statMods:
            if key == "ATK":
                assert self.status.getStatMod(key) == 0.5, "ATK should be .5"
                assert self.status.getStatMod(key) == 1, "All stats, except ATK, should be 1"
예제 #3
class afterTurn(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that afterTurn works correctly """

    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
        self.status = Burn()
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

    def damage(self):
        """ Test that the damage is done correctly """
        self.pkmn.setStat("HP", 32)
        damage = self.pkmn.getStat("HP") - self.pkmn.getCurrHP()
        assert damage == self.pkmn.getRatioOfHealth(Burn.ratio), "Damage should be Burn Ratio of Health"

    def message(self):
        """ Test that the message is returned correctly """
        messages = self.status.afterTurn(self.pkmn)
        message = self.pkmn.getHeader() + Burn.intermittent
        assert len(messages) == 1, "Should get one message"
        assert messages[0] == message, "Message should be that the Pkmn was damaged by the Burn"
예제 #4
class immune(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that immune returns correctly """

    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
        self.status = Burn()

    def immune(self):
        """ Test if it can correctly identify when the target is immune """
        types = ["FIRE"]
        other = "ELECTRIC"
        assert self.status.immune(types, other), "Should be immune if FIRE"

        types = ["GROUND", "FIRE"]
        other = "ELECTRIC"
        assert self.status.immune(types, other), "Should be immune if FIRE regardless of other type"

    def notImmune(self):
        """ Test if it can correctly identify when the target is immune """
        types = ["ELECTRIC"]
        other = "FIRE"
        assert not self.status.immune(types, other), "Should not be immune if not FIRE"
예제 #5
class immune(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that immune returns correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
        self.status = Burn()

    def immune(self):
        """ Test if it can correctly identify when the target is immune """
        types = ["FIRE"]
        other = "ELECTRIC"
        assert self.status.immune(types, other), "Should be immune if FIRE"

        types = ["GROUND", "FIRE"]
        other = "ELECTRIC"
        assert self.status.immune(
            types, other), "Should be immune if FIRE regardless of other type"

    def notImmune(self):
        """ Test if it can correctly identify when the target is immune """
        types = ["ELECTRIC"]
        other = "FIRE"
        assert not self.status.immune(
            types, other), "Should not be immune if not FIRE"
예제 #6
class afterTurn(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that afterTurn works correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
        self.status = Burn()
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

    def damage(self):
        """ Test that the damage is done correctly """
        self.pkmn.setStat("HP", 32)
        damage = self.pkmn.getStat("HP") - self.pkmn.getCurrHP()
        assert damage == self.pkmn.getRatioOfHealth(
            Burn.ratio), "Damage should be Burn Ratio of Health"

    def message(self):
        """ Test that the message is returned correctly """
        messages = self.status.afterTurn(self.pkmn)
        message = self.pkmn.getHeader() + Burn.intermittent
        assert len(messages) == 1, "Should get one message"
        assert messages[
            0] == message, "Message should be that the Pkmn was damaged by the Burn"
예제 #7
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
     self.status = Burn()
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
예제 #8
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
     self.status = Burn()
예제 #9
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
     self.status = Burn()
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
예제 #10
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the Paralysis status"""
     self.status = Burn()
예제 #11
    def status(self):
        """ Test that damage is double the core when the target has a status """
        damage = self.delegate.coreDamage(self.user, self.target)

        assert damage == 2 * self.core, "Damage should double when target has a status"