예제 #1
class IC_7454:
	This is a 4-wide 2-input AND-OR Invert gate

    #Datasheet here, http://www.unitechelectronics.com/7451-7497data.htm

    def __init__(self):
        self.pins = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, 0, None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.gates = Gates()

    def setIC(self, pin_conf):
		This method takes a dictionary with key:pin_no and value:pin_value
        for i in pin_conf:
            self.pins[i] = pin_conf[i]

    def setPin(self, pin_no, pin_value):
        if pin_no < 1 or pin_no > 14:
            raise Exception("ERROR: there are only 14 pins in this IC")
        self.pins[pin_no] = pin_value

    def run(self):
        output = {}
        temp = []

                self.gates.AND(self.pins[1], self.pins[2]),
                self.gates.AND(self.pins[3], self.pins[4], self.pins[5])))
                self.gates.AND(self.pins[9], self.pins[10], self.pins[11]),
                self.gates.AND(self.pins[12], self.pins[13])))

        output[6] = self.gates.NOR(temp[0], temp[1])

        if self.pins[7] == 0 and self.pins[14] == 1:
            return output
            print "Ground and VCC pins have not been configured correctly."
예제 #2
class MUX:
	This class can be used to create MUX in your circuit. It has a method for each kind of
	MUX, namely, mux_2_1, mux_4_1, mux_8_1 and mux_16_1
	All the methods take 3 parameters(inputs, select lines and strobe). Strobe is high by default
	inputs and select_inputs are lists. First index of input is 'A', second index is 'B' and so on...
	But last index of select_inputs is 'S0', second last index is 'S1' and so on...
	def __init__(self):
		self.gates = Gates()

	def run(self,inputs,select_inputs,strobe=1):
			This method takes 3 parameters [inputs(list),select_inputs(list), optional strobe(int)]
			This method automatically classifies the type of MUX and returns the computed result(int)
		allowed = [2,4,8,16]
		mux_type = len(inputs)
		if mux_type not in allowed:
			sys.exit("ERROR: only 4 types of MUX are supported, namely, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1 and 16:1")
		if 2**len(select_inputs)!=mux_type:
			sys.exit("ERROR: no of select inputs do not comply with no of inputs")
		if mux_type == 2:
			return self.mux_2_1(inputs,select_inputs,strobe)
		elif mux_type == 4:
			return self.mux_4_1(inputs,select_inputs,strobe)
		elif mux_type == 8:
			return self.mux_8_1(inputs,select_inputs,strobe)
		elif mux_type == 16:
			return self.mux_16_1(inputs,select_inputs,strobe)

	def mux_2_1(self,inputs,select_inputs,strobe=1):
		This method implements 2:1 MUX using logic gates
		Input and output is same as run() method
		s = select_inputs[0]
		a = inputs[0]
		b = inputs[1]
		result = self.gates.OR(self.gates.AND(a,self.gates.NOT(s)),self.gates.AND(b,s))
		if strobe==1:
			return result
			return self.gates.NOT(result)

	def mux_4_1(self,inputs,select_inputs,strobe=1):
		This method implements 4:1 MUX using logic gates
		Input and output is same as run() method
		select_inputs = select_inputs[::-1]
		s0 = select_inputs[0]
		s1 = select_inputs[1]
		a,b,c,d = inputs[0],inputs[1],inputs[2],inputs[3]
		term1 = self.gates.AND(a,self.gates.NOT(s0),self.gates.NOT(s1))
		term2 = self.gates.AND(b,s0,self.gates.NOT(s1))
		term3 = self.gates.AND(c,self.gates.NOT(s0),s1)
		term4 = self.gates.AND(d,s0,s1)
		result = self.gates.OR(term1,term2,term3,term4)
		if strobe==1:
			return result
			return self.gates.NOT(result)

	def mux_8_1(self,inputs,select_inputs,strobe=1):
		This method implements 8:1 MUX using logic gates
		Input and output is same as run() method
		select_inputs = select_inputs[::-1]
		s0 = select_inputs[0]
		s1 = select_inputs[1]
		s2 = select_inputs[2]
		a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = inputs[0],inputs[1],inputs[2],inputs[3],inputs[4],inputs[5],inputs[6],inputs[7]
		term1 = self.gates.AND(a,self.gates.NOT(s2),self.gates.NOT(s1),self.gates.NOT(s0))
		term2 = self.gates.AND(b,self.gates.NOT(s2),self.gates.NOT(s1),s0)
		term3 = self.gates.AND(c,self.gates.NOT(s2),s1,self.gates.NOT(s0))
		term4 = self.gates.AND(d,self.gates.NOT(s2),s1,s0)
		term5 = self.gates.AND(e,s2,self.gates.NOT(s1),self.gates.NOT(s0))
		term6 = self.gates.AND(f,s2,self.gates.NOT(s1),s0)
		term7 = self.gates.AND(g,s2,s1,self.gates.NOT(s0))
		term8 = self.gates.AND(h,s2,s1,s0)
		result = self.gates.OR(term1,term2,term3,term4,term5,term6,term7,term8)
		if strobe==1:
			return result
			return self.gates.NOT(result)

	def mux_16_1(self,inputs,select_inputs,strobe=1):
		This method implements 16:1 MUX using two 8:1 MUX and one 2:1 MUX
		Input and output is same as run() method
		select_inputs = select_inputs[::-1]
		s0 = select_inputs[0]
		s1 = select_inputs[1]
		s2 = select_inputs[2]
		s3 = select_inputs[3]
		first_mux_8_1 = self.mux_8_1(inputs[0:8],[s2,s1,s0])
		second_mux_8_1 = self.mux_8_1(inputs[8:],[s2,s1,s0])
		result = self.mux_2_1([first_mux_8_1,second_mux_8_1],[s3])
		if strobe==1:
			return result
			return self.gates.NOT(result)
예제 #3
class Operation:
	This class serves binary addition and subtraction on n-bit numbers
	def __init__(self):
		self.gates = Gates()
	def add_one_bit(self,a,b,c=0):
		This method takes two one bit numbers and returns a dictionary of their sum and carry
		DictKeys: 'sum', 'carry'
		a_xor_b = self.gates.XOR(a,b)
		asum = self.gates.XOR(a_xor_b,c)
		a_and_b = self.gates.AND(a,b)
		a_xor_b_and_c = self.gates.AND(a_xor_b,c)
		carry = self.gates.OR(a_xor_b_and_c, a_and_b) 
		return {'sum':asum, 'carry':carry}

	def add(self,a,b,carry=0):
		This method takes 2 lists of binary numbers with an optional carry
		it uses add_one_bit method to add those numbers
		This method returns a dictionary of a list and an integer
		DictKeys: 'sum', 'carry'
		a = a[::-1]
		b = b[::-1]
		hold = []
		if len(a)!=len(b):
			diff = abs(len(a)-len(b))
			if len(a)>len(b):
				for i in range(diff):
				for i in range(diff):
		for i in xrange(len(a)):
		return {'sum':hold,'carry':carry}
	def subtract(self,a,b,carry=1):
		This method takes 2 lists of binary numbers with an optional carry
		it uses add method to subtract those numbers using 1's complement method
		This method returns a dictionary of a list and an integer
		DictKeys: 'difference', 'carry'
		a = a[::-1]
		b = b[::-1]
		if len(a)!=len(b):
			diff = abs(len(a)-len(b))
			if len(a)>len(b):
				for i in range(diff):
				for i in range(diff):
		for i in range(len(b)):
		temp = self.add(a,b,carry)
		return {'difference':temp['sum'],'carry':temp['carry']}
	def multiply(self,a,b):
		This method takes 2 lists of binary numbers 
		and multiplies those numbers using and add function			
		This method returns a binary number
		a = a[::-1]
		b = b[::-1]
		hold = [[] for i in range(len(b))]
		for i in range(len(b)):
			for j in range(len(a)+len(b)):
		for i in range(len(b)):
			for j in range(i,len(a)+i):
		for i in range(len(hold)):
		last_out = self.add(hold[0],hold[1])['sum']
		for i in range(1,len(hold)-1):
			temp = self.add(hold[i],last_out)
			last_out = temp['sum'].insert(0,temp['carry'])
		return last_out